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Israel SITREP: The Christ-hating Israelis are at it again

Remember this: or, for that matter, this: Well, our Israeli friends have done it again, check out this article by RT: (just ignore all the explaining away and other cop-outs in the text of the RT article). ———- ‘McJesus’ statue sparks riot at museum in Israel as protesters call for removal of ‘offensive’ art An art exhibit featuring a crucified Ronald McDonald caused chaos in the Israeli city of Haifa

Gilets Jaunes SITREP

Do not expect the French medias, all owned by the French 1%, to be objective when speaking about the Yellow Vests. We shall then look at the Sputnik News France to get a fair vision of the phenomenon. Here is a translation made by Le Saker Francophone after the 8th act, hold on January 5th. By Fabien Buzzanca – January 9th 2019 – Sputnik France The Yellow Vests came back

Looking at the Lugansk People’s Republic November 11th Election

by GH Eliason in Novorussia for The Saker Blog For the November 11th election, I was asked to be a part of the International Election observer team Lugansk People’s Republic. It was an experience I won’t forget. Representatives from over 20 countries participated. Political views were represented across the spectrum from conservative to liberal to socialist to progressive. Although some of us were a little suspicious of others political views,

Novorussian elections SITREP

by Auslander for The Saker Blog International press has pretty much ignored the ongoing civil war between 404 and Novorossiya for the last year. However, for those in Novorossiya, be they far from the lines or near the lines, the war has not stopped and will not stop for another year at least. The casualties on both sides are daily, what was so euphemistically called ‘daily wastage’ in the ‘great

Eastern Mediterranean Naval SITREP

by LeDahu for The Saker Blog The last couple weeks in the Eastern Mediterranean could remind a casual observer of some sort of a military parade, with members of the US-led coalition bringing an ever increasing number of military assets to the region. The number of warships flying various flags being dispatched as a show of force to the Eastern Mediterranean has been increasing on a daily basis. The warships

Syria September 8 and 9 SITREP

SitRep by Scott Humor Russian Ministry of Defense reported that “On September 8, 2019 two F-15 USAF airplanes delivered strikes on Hajin using white phosphorus incendiary munitions. The strikes resulted in severe fires. Casualty toll is being verified. The Protocol to the 1949 Geneva Conventions prohibits use of  white phosphorous containing munitions.” As to the history of the United States use of the prohibited methods of war against civilians see:

East Med Sitrep May – June 2018

by Kakaouskia for The Saker Blog Greetings to the Saker community and readers. Cyprus: Reports in the press show that the Cypriot government has signed an agreement with France for the provision of four SA-342M Gazelle helicopters from the reserves of the French Army. These helicopters are the modernised version of the SA-342-L1 of which Cyprus already operates four since 1988. The upgraded version has night fight capabilities as well

Ramzan Kadyrov personally commands rescue of Orthodox hostages in a church in Gronzy

RT reports: Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the Saturday attack on an Orthodox church in Russia’s Chechen Republic, which left a worshiper and two police officers dead.  The terrorist group took the credit for the attack, issuing a statement through its online mouthpieces, the SITE Intelligence Group reported Sunday. Four terrorists, armed with blades, incendiary devices and guns, stormed the Church of Michael the

Victory Day Parade in Syria

Russian and Syrian troops based in Latakia’s Khmeimim Air Base in held their own Victory Day parade on Wednesday, celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War.       Syrian troops took part in the Victory Day parade. Brigadier General Suheil al-Hassan, the commander of The Tiger forces was present at the Khmeimim Air Base Victory Day parade. In August 2017,

Syria SITREP: How the Russian General Staff is fooling the US and Israel

How the Russian General Staff is fooling the US and Israel Source: Translated by Eugenia The day before yesterday, the world media have published the new of the meeting in Sweden of the Western European UN representatives regarding implementation of the UN general Assembly resolution 377 “Uniting for Peace”. The meeting made clear the strategy of the West to exclude Russia from discussions of all critical political and military

The best media money can buy!

Today the Russian held an extraordinary briefing and press conference at the OPCW, which featured the boy which supposedly was gassed in Douma, his father and other witnesses: Here is the Russian language video of this 2 hour long press conference: and here is the BBC’s front page today: Do I need to say anything more? The Saker

On sanctions

by Scott Humor On Monday April 16, a well-oiled machine of anti-Russian sanctions experienced a major hiccup. This day the US Treasury promised to announce new sanctions against Russia’s companies and persons, if  the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley to be believed. Why would the US Ambassador to the UN do such things as announcing the US Treasury’s plans is everyone’s guess, especially since this Monday, when it

SITREP: A false flag attack on a USN ship next?

by Nick for the Saker blog The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group left the east coast Naval Station Norfolk, VA on 11th April. The aircraft carrier is accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy, the guided-missile destroyers USS Burke, Bulkeley, Forest Sherman and Farragut, and the destroyers USS Jason and The Sullivans. The strike group carries 6,500 sailors and Carrier Air Wing One. Recent announcements about Russia’s hypersonic

Syria SITREP – three useful sources to debunk the nonsense (UPDATED)

Frankly, my blog is aimed at an adult audience with a graduate-level college education or equivalent, capable of critical and logical thought and free from the kind of mental prolefeed the media is serving the zombified masses.  So I would not normally bother posting info debunking the latest nonsensical lies of the AngloZionist propaganda machine.  But since the Hegemony is vociferously insisting that a gas attack did take place in

SITREP: US missile attack on Syria – Russian statistics

The following are the official results of the US missile attacks on Syria as reported by the Russian General Staff on this video: TRANSLATION (all names phonetically translated from Russian, not the original Arabic, by me. The Saker) Target Attacking cruise missiles Defeated cruise missiles Diuvali 4 4 Duimeir airbase 12 12 Blei airbase 18 18 Shairat airbase 12 12 Tifor airbase 2 2 Mezze airbase 9 5 Khoms airbase

Russia’s Defense Ministry briefing on situation in Syria and investigation of Douma hoax

Igor Konashenkov, Russia’s Ministry of Defense spokesman, had a briefing for journalists on situation in Syria and said that MOD has proof of UK’s involvement in Douma chemical incident Russia’s Defense Ministry has found those who took part in filming the rent-a-mob chemical attack in Syria’s Douma. Russia’s defense ministry has evidence proving the United Kingdom’s direct involvement in the organization of the provocation with the alleged chemical attack in

Naval Eastern Med SITREP

by LeDahu for the Saker blog The US and Russia are now closer to a direct collision between their military forces than at any time since the Cold War. The world anxiously waits to see what the US has on the table, in the way of military options. A quick tour of the situation as it stands, using OSINT sources, of what has happened over the last couple of days.
