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Latin America SITREP October 28th, 2015 by Jack

1) Latin American Left: the Pink Tide: 1999-present? Two recent pieces on the status and prospects of the progressive governments, social movements and multilateral institutions collectively known as the ‘Pink Tide’. Raúl Zibechi: Taking stock of ‘Progresismo’ in Latin America [source] Immanuel Wallerstein: The Latin American Left Moves Rightward [source] (NB I have the utmost respect for both these writers, but the optimist in me has to say that it

South East Asia SITREP October 26th, 2015 by Joseph K

The situation in South East Asia these last two weeks has been relatively calm, but things are most certainly simmering away beneath the surface. This SITREP focuses on Vietnam’s “tightrope” diplomacy between the US and China, the situation in Myanmar as the country approaches elections, the ever-present danger of US provocations in the South China Sea, and finally, Russia’s developing relationship with ASEAN. Vietnam is changing… and so is the

Germany EU SITREP October 21st, 2015 by Gepard Schröder

The political conflict over the refugee issue intensifies. There is a growing schism in German society and even within political parties. Local politicians who by the nature of their positions are closer to the concerns of the citizenry are beginning to defect from the dictate of the party leaders. SPD: The mayor of Magdeburg has left the SPD over a dispute with his higher-ups regarding his stance on the refugee

Syria and the Middle East SITREP October 18th, 2015 by John Rambo

It’s been a mediocre week in Syria. Syrian forces have committed to a relentless offensive and have stepped up their assaults with fresh operations in Homs and Aleppo. Operations are being committed against both the Islamic State and the so called rebels supported by the West. Gains have been modest, while territory is being recaptured by the Syrian Arab Army (supported by the Russian air force) the offensives, in the

China, IMF and SDR SITREP October 17th, 2015 by the Serbian Girl

Is China preparing for a “Super SDR” to challenge the US dollar? China has made every effort to bypass the US/EU financial institutions by creating parallel structures such as the AIIB, BRICS bank, launching initiatives such as New Silk Road, OBOR, and CIPs to replace SWIFT. They have also built-up their gold reserves in view of a possible gold-backed Yuan. So why is China so committed to the IMF? The

EU Germany SITREP October 12th, 2015 by Gepard Schröder

So far all established political parties in Germany have supported the influx of migrants to Germany during the ongoing migration crisis. With the notable exception of the CSU which is a more or less independent branch of Merkel’s CDU. The deal between the two parties is that Bavaria is CSU territory, the rest of Germany is CDU territory and on a federal level they work together in one faction of

South East Asia SITREP October 12th, 2015 by Joseph K

Perhaps the biggest news concerning South East Asia this week is the conclusion of talks between trade ministers of the 12 countries participating in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. 12 countries strike Pacific Rim trade accord, 5 October 2015 The Empire’s strategic answer to Eurasian integration, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a “free trade agreement” that excludes China and is a central pillar of the Empire’s pivot to Asia. [source] The “largest global

Syrian SITREP October 10th, 2015 by John Rambo

The Middle East Wars – Syria Syrian SITREP October 10th, 2015 by John Rambo It’s been an active few days to say the least. Russian cruise missiles. Syrian ground offensives. Media blitz. Rebel TOWs. Airspace incursions. The war in Syria has definitely been turned up a notch. It seems just as Russia fired those cruise missiles from the Caspian the West fired back with a media propaganda campaign. “Missiles fell

Syria SITREP October 07th 2015 by John Rambo

It’s been a week since the Russian airstrikes began in Syria. From the Syrian military standpoint this was perfect timing. Morale has been an all-time low amongst the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah forces deployed in Syria. Heavy intermixed regular and irregular fighting for a better part of four and a half years is draining to any military, let alone a small country such as Syria. [Source] Syria is a

Thank you Russia! It’s nice to see what “Mission Accomplished” really means (Scott rant)

Foreword by the Saker: Since I have turned into a dreaming alligator and the blog is taking October maybe not quite “off” but at least in a “minimum service” mode, I have decided that my Director of Research, Scott, should get the opportunity to post a rant once in a while.  Not only that, but since I now post “dreams” in the analysis section, then there is no reason why

The Syrian War, Refugees and Gold SITREP October 3rd, 2015 by Gman, R.B., and Serbian Girl

Military SITREP from the German invasion front by Gman Breaking Germany Since the 1960s Germany was the target of immigration forced by the USA and the industry. Since the 1990s a growing number of asylum seekers added to it. Today of the ~80mil inhabitants of Germany estimated 15mil to 20mil have a so called migration background. As many of those got German citizenship, they do not show in the statistics.

Q&A with a Chinese Friend – a full length discussion of Chinese-Russian relations is out in 3 languages!

Dear friends, It is my immense pleasure to present to you today a booklet entitled “Q&A with a Chinese Friend” – a full length discussion of Chinese-Russian relations authored by Mr Unknown and myself.  Considering the huge importance of the topic, we have decided to release this document in three languages – English, Russian and Chinese to make it possible for English, Russian and Chinese speakers to easily exchange the

Ukraine & China SITREP September 27th, 2015 by Scott and Serbian Girl

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who responded to our call for research assistants. No one can embrace unembraceable, said famous Russian satirical character Kozma Prutkov. Solitary, one can’t; but together we just might. Human Flood in the Land of “We’re always right”: Europe should expect up to 35 million refugees. Apparently, the Ayn Rand Institute, a neo conservative ultra Liberal pro-Israel think

Ukraine SITREP September 17th, 2015 by Scott

1001 Arabian nights of Germany. Merkel, assuming Scheherazade’s pose, has been telling everyone how hospitable and generous Germans are being towards refugees. [source] Poles , on guard to never let Germans look remotely human, shoot from all their mass media artillery accusing Germans in bringing refugees to fix demographic situation, to work to support the aging German population, and to enslave all other European nations using a special Muslim-German army.

Serbia and Balkans SITREP, September 2015

Note: It is my pleasure today to submit to your attention a “Serbia and Balkans” SITREP which will be regularly written for the Saker Blog by Marija.  Since this is a first run, please make sure to share your comments, suggestions and criticisms with us.  I believe that a Serbia-centered SITREP is warranted because while the current regime in power is rather uninspiring, the Serbian nation has not exhausted her

Ukraine SITREP September 10th, 2015 by Scott

Neo-Liberal ideology is a suicide note for Western civilization. [here] and [here] Some Jewish Orthodox sources point out that someone, who should not be named, is organizing the collapse of the US stock market and the US banking system in retaliation for Obama’s regime agreement with Iran, and the EU’s push for a separate Palestinian state, and for the division of Jerusalem. When I wrote about this 6 months ago,

Ukraine SITREP September 2nd, 2015 by Scott

The Russians have been so successful in gathering their country together because they come to other people and ask them about their needs, wants and dreams. Preferably in their own languages. Americans come to other nations and dictate what they want, need, and dream all in the English language. The West is not far behind. Here are the Russian anonymous person’s commentary on the “commentary” of the EU institution, not

SITREP: grenade attack in Kiev – a US PSYOP?

It did not take the Ukrainian security services, which are usually not known for their competence, very long to identify the person who tossed the combat grenade at the security forces guarding the Duma: his name is Igor Gumeniuk. The official version goes like this: Igor Gumeniuk is a member of the Svoboda Party of Oleg Tiagnibok and a solider of the “Sech” death squad. This proud Ukrainian patriot had

Ukraine SITREP August 26th, 2015 by Scott

On Monday night I was up watching in stunned amazement a meltdown of the almighty market the likes of which has not been seen in years. Even if you never held or traded stocks, you couldn’t miss the corporate media talking heads blubbering something incomprehensible, like “it’s a garden verity market adjustment.” I want to share with you two very useful links. These graphics give you a full world markets

Is an Ukronazi attack imminent? Yes! So what else is new?

Novorussian officials have called a press conference today to warn about the high risks of an Ukronazi assault on Novorussia in the very near future.  I have asked our translation team and friends to subtitle the video of this press conference and I hope to get it in the next 24 hours or less. The press conference was unique in that Edward Basurin, the Deputy Defense Minister and spokesman for
