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‘We won’t reveal our response, let Israel speculate’: Hezbollah’s No. 2

Original link: Description: In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Naaim Qassem said that his group has decided that at this moment, the Lebanese group will not reveal what it will do exactly in response to the killing of one of its men in an Israeli airstrike on Damascus in recent days. ‘The Israelis can (understand) and calculate from (this stance) what they wish’, Qaasem

Interview: Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari on 25-year historic agreement with China.

Interview with the Al-Alam News channel, Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari, revealed his thoughts and important details about the comprehensive 25-year historic agreement currently being finalised between Iran and China. From: Description: In an in-depth interview with the Al-Alam News channel, Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari, revealed his thoughts and important details about the comprehensive 25-year historic agreement currently being finalised between Iran and China.

Iraqi PMF leader: Operations on US forces to escalate day by day

Original link: Description: Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement, a faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), says that ‘resistance operations against U.S. occupation forces in Iraq will escalate day by day’. In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Nasr al-Shimmari added that the country’s ‘resistance forces’ had previously given time for dialogue in order for American forces to leave Iraq, however, it was clear that the ‘US only

(Photos): Russian delegation presents Iraqi PMF’s al-Muhandis with medal of honour

From Middle East Observer Description: During a political analysis show marking three years since the liberation of the Iraqi city of Mosul, a city which Daesh (ISIS) had made the capital of its caliphate, the instrumental role of Iran’s General Qasim Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were highlighted. More specifically, Al Mayadeen’s Baghdad Bureau Chief, Abdullah al-Badran, presented what he called ‘never-before-seen’ photographs of a Russian military delegation presenting

US should know ‘Resistance’ now controls all of West Asia: Naqqash

from Middle East Observer Description: Senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash says that the United States should know that the ‘Resistance Axis’ is the one that now controls the entire West Asia region, and that Washington is in no position to impose conditions on Lebanon (such as closing the Lebanese-Syrian border) in return for easing its economic pressure on the country. Naqqash, who is closely-linked to Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, is

Iraqi Hezbollah: Iraq’s PM sought to prove US loyalty by raiding our HQ

From Middle East Observer Description: The military spokesman of the Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Brigades), Ja’far al-Husseini, said in a recent interview that Iraq’s prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi unmasked his real intentions by raiding one of the group’s logistical headquarters in Baghdad. Al-Husseini said that the Iraqi prime minister’s real intention is to confront the Hezbollah Brigades and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) as a whole, and to protect the presence of

USA – Most Aggressive Military Power in the World. Those Who Have Friends Like That Don’t Need Enemies (Sahra Wagenknecht)

Translated by Dagmar and subtitled by Leo. Original German description in English: Trump had “threatened” for a long time and now actually wants to withdraw 10,000 US soldiers from Germany. German armaments spending is too low, the US president rumbles, the United States is no longer willing to “provide our security”. The German defense minister, Kramp-Karrenbauer, pleads guilty that it would be a lot of effort to upgrade. Unfortunately, that’s

Everything Is Gone – Emo-Marxists Took the Baton from Russian Liberals (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo. Have you noticed that since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic the “Putin Dumped the Kuril Islands” topic quietly died out? Not only this but many similar topics disappeared from the opposition publications as if they never existed. Now the liberals scribble, while the authorities ‘conceal’ it, in support of the Western discourse of supposedly existing in Russia understating the COVID-19 death rate.

Medicine as religion

original Italian text by by Giorgio Agamben translated for The Saker Blog by Gulab Bara posted by permission of the author original article here: It is now plainly evident that science has become the religion of our times, the one that humans believe they believe in. In the modern west, three great systems of faith have coexisted, and to some extent continue to coexist—Christianity, capitalism, and science. In the

American Mercenaries Soiled Themselves In Failed Venezuela Coup (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. For anybody wondering why there are two links, we are trying to get into the habit of posting videos on both YouTube and Dailymotion. Since the subtitle process is different on Dailymotion than on YouTube, it may take a while to perfect it. Over 1,200,000 infected, 70,000 dead by COVID-19, food shortage – the US has serious problems. But the democracy peddlers from

Dangerous Virus (COVID-19) | Russian Documentary by Nailya Asker-Zadeh [ENG SUB]

This documentary was published by Nailya Asker-Zadeh. She is the original owner of it, not us. This is just an English subtitled reupload. All rights reserved. April 5, 2020 – The riddle of Wuhan. How many people get infected by a Coronavirus carrier? Which viruses are worse than COVID-19? What awaits us: an optimistic or pessimistic scenario? Why are the governments taking such measures? How does the most closed laboratory

The USA Screwed Up the F-35 “Fifth-Generation Fighter Jet”

Translated by Nikolai and captioned by Leo. The fifth-generation fighter jet, as the American imitators continue to stubbornly call the F-35 Lightning II, turned out to be incapable to go supersonic. The Pentagon was forced to officially admit the problem and recommend to the pilots to fly at subsonic speeds. However, all this does nothing to prevent Washington to flog the fifth-generation jet to its vassals at three times the

The US has declared a new energy war against Russia.

source: Translated by Eugenia for The Saker Blog The US acknowledged that it is far behind Russia, and even China, in nuclear energy. But America wishes to restore its leadership in this area. This means that the fight between Russia and the US in energy won’t be limited to North Stream. Where is Russia ahead of the US and why the Americans are so scared of the Chinese nuclear

New York Times: “Putin has destroyed the US science and medicine” (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and subtitled by Eugenia Gurevich. Translator’s notes: Translator’s notes: (1) “liberoid” opposition – Ruslan mockingly refers to the Russian liberal opposition, which is anything but liberal; (2) “Sumerians” – this is a mocking reference to the Ukrainians; some Ukrainian “historians” claim that the Ukrainian “civilization” is as ancient as the Sumerian; (3) Shaman coming to chase off Putin – a reference to a bizarre situation last year when a

A view from Russia – Well-coordinated teamwork always gives the best results

translated by VG and edited by EG for the Saker blog By way of foreword, I want to point out how much attention the Deputy Prime Minister pays to the issues of coherence and mutual understanding of all employees of the state agencies working towards a single goal – the prosperity of the people of Russia. Despite the devastation that the collapse of the Soviet Union brought, despite the unjustified

Russian filmmaker speaks the (often obfuscated) truth about the USSR during WWII

An excerpt form the popular Russian talk show “An evening with Vladimir Solovyov”. Translated and subtitled by Eugenia. A well-known Russian filmmaker Karen Shakhnazarov discusses the meaning of the WWII memory for the Russian society and the Russian people. The context of the discussion was the proposed constitutional amendments. Translator’s notes: (1) The Soviet division consisted of 10,000 soldiers. (2) The British light cruiser Edinburgh carrying 5.5 tons of the

Ukraine and Georgia publicly humiliated at the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott In addition to the impotence of the European Union and the crash of western unity, the coronavirus pandemic also clearly showed that the United Nations long ago became a hostage of political games. After the USA, Britain, the EU and their lackeys blocked the declaration that Russia had proposed, our Permanent Delegation in the UN publicly expressed their contempt to those

Interview with Professor Didier Raoult in the Parisien newspaper 22 March 2020

Professor Raoult is a leading expert on infectious diseases. He is confident he has a cure for Covid 19, which he is using in his Marseille hospital. He is having trouble getting the French health authorities to take him seriously. Despite his international renown he does not get on too well with the Parisian medical establishment. And he has long hair. Oh dear… Read on: — [Translation Robert Harneis –
