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US in panic to obtain the Coronavirus vaccine. Updated

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Subtitled by Leo   Under the Coronavirus pressure, the myth of superiority of the Western hi-tech and bio-tech is disintegrating. In Russia, liberal creakles had faith in existence, somewhere in California, of a magic “fountain of youth” pill. No doubts, ever, existed in the American ability to manufacture a vaccine against Coronavirus. In reality, the US is in panic mode and trying to pull

How to treat Coronavirus infection COVID-19

Interview with the member of the Russian Academy of Science Alexander Chuchalin Translated by Scott Humor Source   If a situation with the CAVID-19 coronavirus infection follows the same scenario as the SARS epidemic, then by April- May the problem will be less acute. In his interview to the RT the academic Alexander Chuchalin, the Head of Department of Hospital therapy of the Russian National Research Medical Pirogov University. In

Four Myths About Bulgaria During the Second World War

A special note from the translator: As a Bulgarian, I have translated in good faith and on a goodwill basis from Russian to English the following brief article, as a small example on the topic of Bulgarian-Russian friendship underlined by the complex events in our mutual history. Let this also serve as a warning to all those external and internal forces and opportunist elements who might try to sully our

Poles Got Upset by Putin’s Words, Accusing Russia of Anti-Semitism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo.   Not only the Russian president’s speech at the Holocaust Memorial in Israel caused bad pain in the hinds of the Euro-Ukros and our native liberal wish washers, it also offended the Poles when Putin reminded the world of their nationalists’ inhuman policies. The Russian leader’s visit to Israel has now ended a few days ago but the behinds in

“The Eye of Moscow”: Russia’s new RDR equipment tracks NATO’s “stealth” vehicles

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Captioned by Scott and Leo   You know these secret USA satellites, those that still haven’t presented the west with a single image of the moskal hordes in the Donbass? What do you mean you don’t know about the secret satellites and the total dominance of the advanced Pentagon over backward Russia? You are probably just cursed vatniks that do not pay due attention

The West Will Try Again to Blow Up Russia From Within – Year Results

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Sasha Captioned by Leo   The home front is the most complicated for Russia if only because it was by sabotage that our implacable partners destroyed the USSR in the previous century. This is why taking stock for 2019 on the home front is the most complicated. During the holidays our channel (PolitRussia) subscribers were able to see a series of episodes dedicated to the

Merkel trod on holy Ukrainian toes

Rostislav Ishenko, 13 Jan 2020 Translated by Nikolai The visit by the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel to Russia and her negotiations with Vladimir Putin were full of negative signals for Ukraine. Merkel busily carved on the crossroad milestone: – go right – lose your head; – go left – lose your life; – go straight – be forever lost; – stay in place – death will reach you;

Putin Steps on the Polish Elite’s Toes

by Ruslan Ostashko translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo.   The head of Russia treaded on Poland’s favorite toe, when he called a Warsaw official “a bastard” and “an anti-Semitic pig.” We was talking about Poles during the time of the Third Reich, about a historical character, but the assessment was made within a framework which is painful for Warsaw even now. “Pay and repent” – this notorious phrase

Why Did Russia’s Central Bank Change Their Eagle Emblem?

Mikhail Sovetsky Translated by Valentina and captioned by Leo. If you take take a look at a Soviet money banknote and look closely, then you can see that the bill was issued by the State Bank that is clearly written on it. Yet, what is written on the current Russian money banknote is simply “Bank of Russia”. Also, on Soviet banknotes it was written that the bill is backed by

Important Statement by Putin on Russia’s Super Weapons

Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo. Source: Vesti – Агрессор будет УНИЧТОЖЕН! Срочное Заявление Путина о СУПЕРОРУЖИИ России! Последние новости   December 24, 2019 – “Russia will continue to develop its nuclear forces until the world starts working on a new agreement on nuclear weapons control.” That was promised today by Vladimir Putin. The president chaired a session of the extended Collegium of the Ministry of Defence today. One

The Baltic states are horrified of losing the Russian transit

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott Source The Balts with their typical sluggish thinking have started figuring out the consequences of losing the Russian transit. The horror of the realization forced the head of Latvia’s State Railway Administration to announce that the situation is close to critical. In September, when I posted a video on the Russian policy of removal of the last transit from the Tribaltic

Exceeded expectations: the Turks tested the S-400

Russian S-400s tested in Turkey Translated by Scott Hunor Source: The Turks counted on the high combat qualities of the Russian s-400 anti-aircraft missile system and the complexes exceeded their expectations, despite the fact that their flyby program in its saturation and intensity exceeded similar Russian drills. After the delivery of the first regimental set of anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 Triumph to Turkey, they have already been tested

 Ukrainians Came Up With Plan to Return Crimea in 3 Easy Steps

 by Ruslan Ostashko Translation and captions by Leo Three steps to “return Crimea” was thought up by a gloomy “Sumerian” genius. [Joke of Ukrainian invented ancient roots.] No, they do not imply a swift msrch of an ‘unbeatable’ Ukrainian Armed Forces through Perekop and Chongar. Everything is much funnier. Checkmate Vatniki! [Ed. – Ukrainian slur for Russians.] This expression was born at the start of Ukrainian crisis by couch-warriors obsessed

Donald Trump’s Syrian crossroads: Americans will be driven out by the “dehkan farmers»

Konstantin Sivkov, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences for information policy, Doctor of Military Sciences Translated by Scott Humor   The American withdrawal from Syria is inevitable. It will proceed voluntary with minimal reputational, material, and human losses or it will be forced by the pressure of irregular armed formations. In the latter case, it will be perceived as a shameful military defeat with significant losses in

Russian Defense Ministry publishes evidence of US oil smuggling from Syria

Translated by Leo, bold and italics added for emphasis. Source: Image 1: Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic as of October 26, 2019. MOSCOW, October 26, 2019 – RIA Novosti – The Russian Ministry of Defense has published satellite intelligence images, showing American oil smuggling from Syria. According to the ministry, the photos confirm that “Syrian oil, both before and after the routing defeat of the Islamic State terrorists

CHILE the pure and raw truth

by Ivan Agüin translated by Ana source: Many are surprised with what happened in Chile, how is it possible that this happens in the perfect society of Latin America ?, The Switzerland of America ?, the cradle of Latin American liberalism ?, the capital of Latin American development ?, the closest idea of Eden accessible to the Venezuelan emigrant ?, the surprise has been so great that the mysticism

How the Western Media invented the “mysterious murderers from GRU”

Source: Translated by Scott Humor The New York Times has published another article “to expose the subversive work” of the GRU in Europe. We are talking about nothing less than the activities of an entire military unit, the purpose of which is to conduct “subversion, sabotage and murder.” What does this military unit actually do, and how convincing are the published accusations? In fact, the topic has long grew

The Western propaganda of homosexuality and cannibalism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo     The propaganda of perversions in the West has reached new heights. The British leading sports clubs promote the LGBT “values,” and their scientists drag cannibalism into the category of normal. No matter how much effort is made by the “normal countries” to promote degeneration, it never seems to be enough for them. In the course of pushing the

Why Georgian Authorities Aren’t Admitting Guilt for the 08.08.08 War

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo Georgians are still feel burning in the rear when reminded about their responsibility for the 08.08.08. War. Eleven years have passed and many Tbilisi politicians admitted the truth about those events, but the official “Gabunistan” is still screaming about “Russian aggression.” Why is that? On August 8th, just like every year, our fellow countrymen remind everyone in social media what

Saudi Analyst: ‘Israeli enemy’s presence in Gulf waters is rejected, but Iran is to blame’ – English Subs

Description: Saudi political analyst Dr. Ahmad al-Shahri recently said that while he is opposed to the “enemy state Israel” entering Persian Gulf waters as part of a so-called US-led maritime security mission, it is in fact Iran that is to blame for “summoning” Tel Aviv and the “whole world” to this area. Source: RT Arabic Date: 7 August, 2019 Transcript: Help our work continue by supporting us on Patreon… Subscribe –
