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Saker Community Translations

27 April 1994: the beginning of the sinking of South Africa

Translated from French for the Saker blog by Y In South Africa, on April 27, 1994, 25 years ago, the first multiracial elections were held. Thanks to them, the hell of apartheid was going to be forgotten and heaven on earth was going to happen, since fountains of non-racial democracy were going to flow milk and honey. Hallelujah! Twenty-five years later, the illusions were dispelled and the country sank: –

The Technology War I: why Putin declared it first

By Ivan Danilov Translated by Scott Humor   Vladimir Putin’s speech at SPIEF 2019 is, on the one hand, a sequel to his famous “Munich speech”, and on the other hand, a claim for Russia’s most active participation in reforms (or even a takedown) of the existing international order, at once–in politics, economy, and technology. Also, the Russian leader once again turned out to be the only world politician who

Ukrainian Nazi State Drops Its Mask

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and subtitled by Leo.   In Kharkov far-right extremists knocked down a monument to Marshal Zhukov illustrating a simple fact that the Nazi state of Ukraine no longer needs a mask. The election of an oligarch’s protégé for president marked the transition to an even more open brown dictatorship. Less than a month has passed since the day when the comic hetman Vladimir Zelensky

Alain Soral in jail?!

Translated by Yrreiht M for The Saker   We’ve been informed that some parts of the world cannot see this Alain Soral video, or get entangled in advertising. Solutions: 1) Let the advertising run its course .. it may take up to 1 minute.  If you click on the video to stop or start it, you will be forwarded to an advertising site.  So, let it play through and the

Zelensky Showed That He Doesn’t Care About Donbass Residents

By Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC to turn on English captions. From the translator: “A very important debunker to anybody who still believes Zelensky is trying to stop the war in Donbass.” The disregard for the residents of Donbass was shown by the recently inaugurated president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. During the trip to the line of demarcation, the comic-hetman spoke with the

The 5th anniversary of the bombing of Lugansk

Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: The Ukrainian authorities and media ignored the 5th anniversary of the tragic events in Lugansk, when a UAF warplane carried out an air strike on the building of the Lugansk regional state administration for the purpose of liquidating the leadership of the LPR, as a result of which passers-by suffered. “A Ukrainian Sukhoi, having made several circles over the center of

Hassan Nasrallah: Without Hezbollah, South Lebanon would be Israel’s, Palestinian & Syrian Refugee Crisis must be solved

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 25, 2019, on the 19th anniversary of the Liberation of Lebanon. Translation:   Transcript: […] One of the most important results of this (May 25), 2000 victory, which was confirmed and strengthened over time, is to have shaped the equation of force in Lebanon. In 2000, with the Israeli defeat, it became clear that in Lebanon, a force had

LPR residents no longer believe Zelensky’s promises of peace after yet more Ukrainian shelling

Subtitles by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Two houses sustained damage as a result of shelling on May 29th carried out by the UAF on the settlement of Golubovsky, which is a part of front-line Kirovsk. “All this means that the new leadership of the Operation of Joint Forces (former ATO) headed by General Syrskiy continue the vector established by his predecessor General Nayev towards the extermination of the people

Nasrallah: ‘In Iran war, all US forces/interests to be eradicated, Israel/Saudi to pay price’ – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says that the US government knows very well that a war with Iran will entail the eradication of all its forces and interests in the Middle East, and that Israel, the House of Saud and all those who “colluded and schemed” with the US will “pay the price”. Speaking at a ceremony to mark ‘International Quds Day’, Nasrallah was giving his take on the

‘Secularism is separation of religion from all of life, not only politics’: Kuwaiti Scholar – English Subs

Video link: Description: Prominent Kuwaiti thinker and media personality Dr Abd al-Aziz al-Qattan says that the Western notion of secularism is not the separation of religion from politics, but in fact the separation of religion from all aspects of daily life. Source: (YouTube) Date: May 21, 2019 Transcript: —————————————————————————————————— Help MEO grow with even $1/month on Patreon:… Subscribe – Website Mailing List: Like – Facebook page:… Follow –

Putin Shreds Ukrainian Ultranationalists in a Powerful Press-Conference

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott, subtitled by Leo. During a recent press conference in China, president Vladimir Putin made a statement on the possible simplification of the issuance of Russian citizenship not only to residents of Donbass, but also to all Ukrainians. This news ripped Ukrainian ultranationalists to shreds. Having received a sword as a gift from Kim Jong-un [on April 25th], the President of Russia left the sword

Yemen’s Iran-allied Ansarullah: Our drone attack on Saudi oil facilities “strategic turning point” – Eng Subs

Video link: Description: A spokesman of Yemen’s Iran-allied Ansarullah (Houthi) movement said that the ‘qualitative drone operation’ against vital Saudi oil facilities represents a ‘strategic turning point’ in the Saudi-led war in the impoverished country. This translated video also contains other analytical excerpts from Al-Mayadeen Tv dealing with details and possible ramifications of the major drone operation deep within Saudi territory that was announced by Yemen’s (Ansarullah-led) Armed Forces days

Shia Iraqi Scholar warns US embassy & military bases: ‘Our silence won’t last forever’ – English Subs

Description: Prominent Shia Iraqi scholar Sayyed Hashem al-Haidari has issued a stern warning to the American military bases and embassy in Iraq, which he described as the “den of plots and espionage”. The US embassy in Iraq is said to be the largest one in the world. The Iraqi figure’s comments were made amidst rising tensions between Washington and Tehran. The US is deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike

No Ukronazis amongst the Ukronazis? Look again!

translated and subtitled  by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard,  cross posted with The Stalker Zone: Military officers of the press service of the DPR people’s militia managed to film a Nazi flag flying over the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donetsk. DPR militia correspondent Dmitry Astrakhan said that the Kiev junta transferred the “Azov” regiment to the position of the 24th brigade

How Germany Humiliated Ukraine in the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Humor and subtitled by Leo. Irritated by stormy activities of the Euro-Ukrainians, Germany showed it publicly twice in one month. At the beginning of April ‘Ukraine-is-Europe’ supporters complained that the German delegation crashed them in PACE, now it’s the UN’s turn.     Remember how recently ‘Ukro-deputy’ Bereza, or Blyakher according to his real name, squealed that Germans were very arrogant towards the “fighters

Lukashenko Declares a “Gas War” on Russia After Putin’s Free Loan

Lukashenko Declares a “Gas War” on Russia After Putin’s Free Loan by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. A new turn in difficult Russian-Belarusian relations occurred at the end of last week. Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision) announced a ban on the import of apples and pears from Belarus from April 12. In response, Alexander Lukashenko effectively declared a “gas war” on Russia.     In

Putin Won – Time Magazine Annoyed That He Does More Than Superman

by Angelina Proskurina Translated and captioned by Leo.   Hello friends, with you is Angelina Proskurina, and today I would like to talk about latest issue of the popular American magazine “Time”, on the cover where we can unexpectedly see President Vladimir Putin.   Almost the entire publication is dedicated to the Russian leader. But not even opening the journal can we notice that the Americans were able to make

Will Poroshenko Decide to Cancel the Second Round of Elections?

by Ruslan Ostashko  Translated and captioned by Leo. Don’t forget to press CC for English captions.     An unpleasant surprise was presented to the chocolate führer by Ukrainian voters. Of course, Petro Poroshenko understood that in the first round of elections, the most votes will be gathered by Vladimir Zelensky. But he did not expect that the gap between the candidate-comedian will be so big. The presidential elections appeared

Nasrallah: ‘IRGC strongest force in ME, Resistance Axis will act if US pressure escalates’ – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech yesterday that it was only “natural” for the Trump administration to include Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on its terror list, as the IRGC is the ‘most powerful and influential force’ in the Middle East today, one that supports and backs the “resistance factions and movement” in “every battlefield”. Nasrallah also warned the US that if its measures against

This is *NOT* a joke: the Ukronazis just voted on “using their brain” (REALLY!)

Dear friends, This is NOT, repeat, NOT a joke.  Ollie and Angelina correctly translated this article.  And yes, in the Rada, the Ukronazis had a vote on “using their brain” and only 21 delegates voted to support this. See for yourself below. The Saker ——- Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Voted on the Proposal to “Switch on Brains” On
