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Fmr Iraqi PM calls for region-wide armed resistance to retake Syria’s Golan Heights – English Subs

Description: Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called for a region-wide “military resistance” in order to retake Syria’s Golan Heights from Israel. US President Donald Trump recently recognised Israeli sovereignty over this Syrian territory, in defiance of the United Nations and most world states. Al-Maliki, who continues to enjoy considerable influence on Iraq’s political scene, also said that if Israel were to launch a new war on Lebanon, Iran,

Basel 3: A Revolution That Once Again No One Noticed

By Aleksandr Khaldey Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Real revolutions are taking place not on squares, but in the quiet of offices, and that’s why nobody noticed the world revolution that took place on March 29th 2019. Only a small wave passed across the periphery of the information field, and the momentum faded away because the situation was described in terms unclear

Syrian Military Sends Reinforcements To Fight ISIS In Central Desert

Syrian War Report – April 3, 2019: Syrian Military Sends Reinforcements To Fight ISIS In Central Desert Over the past few days, the Syrian military has deployed a new batch of reinforcements to the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert following a recent series of ISIS attacks in the area. ISIS cells operating in the desert in central Syria pose a serious security threat to the government-controlled area conducting attacks on checkpoints of

The New Master of Ukraine

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Ukraine received a new master, irrespective of who will take the presidency. The master is named Igor Valeryevich Kolomoisky. It is he who detailed and implemented the scenario of the first round of voting in such a way that Poroshenko – who progressed to the second round, Tymoshenko – who didn’t progress, Boyko – who took fourth place, and

 Russian Central Election Commission Publicly Roasted Grudinin and the CPRF

Russian Central Election Commission Publicly Roasted Grudinin and the CPRF (Ruslan Ostashko)  Translated by Scott Humor, subtitled by Leo     The Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC) refused all attempts by the Communist Party to bring a former Presidential candidate, Pavel Grudinin, into the Duma. The CEC did this by adhering to the letter of the law they themselves implemented. The Communist Party has long been called the “Commercial

Former SBU employee revealed information about secret prisons in Donbass and Kiev’s involvement in downing MH17

Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard for The Saker Blog Source: Former employee of the SBU Vasily Prozorov in 2014 assisted the Russian security services A former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasily Prozorov held a press conference in Moscow. He reported that from April 2014 he rendered assistance to the special services of Russia. “From April 2014 I absolutely voluntarily, for ideological reasons, assisted

Russian Army and the Free Market: Compatibility Issues

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. The invisible hand of the market, which liberals like to praise so much, was unable to clean up the outsourcing services purchased by the Russian Army. This system has not justified itself, said Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.     One of the innovations that the predecessor of the current head of department, Anatoly Serdyukov, introduced in the Russian Armed Forces was outsourcing.

Hezbollah-linked Analyst on reality of Russia’s alliance with Iran/Hezbollah – English Subs

Here’s our first video translation after YouTube terminated our channel: Description: Senior political analyst Anees Naqqash, who has very close ties to Hezbollah and enjoys an authoritative status on various Lebanese, Syrian and Arab media outlets, was asked in a recent interview on Lebanese television: how can Iran & the ‘Resistance Axis’ be strategically allied to Russia while Moscow’s officials repeatedly announce their commitment to Israel’s security? The ‘Resistance Axis’

Neo-Empire: Russia in the Modern World

Neo-Empire: Russia in the Modern World, by Rostislav Ishchenko  Translation by Scott Humor Source   Various historical epochs have not only seen the different internal structures of Russian state (Pre-Mongol Russia is not identical to the Moscow Kingdom Russia of the XVI-XVII centuries, and in turn, had little in common with Russia of the XVIII-early XX century, or the Russian Empire, which was fundamentally different from the Soviet Union,) but

LGBT Goes on the Attack

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo.   The next award ceremony of the American Film Academy, commonly referred to as the Oscars, once again showed the power of pressure from sexual minorities. And so it coincided that at the same time with the ceremony, this power was manifested in something else.   “Best Film of the Year” – this is the title of the nomination, for which, according

Listen to a Saudi analyst explaining why the KSA and Israel are cozying up to each other

Saudi analyst Abdul Hamid al-Hakeem has defended the appearance of Saudi and Arab leaders alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a recent conference in Warsaw, asserting that Saudi normalisation of ties with Israel was no cause for embarrassment. The two-day US-organised Warsaw conference on “peace and security” in the Middle East was widely seen as another major step by certain Arab and Israeli leaders to achieve a normalisation of

Saudi/Bahraini FM’s dodge reporters after first-ever public meeting with Israeli PM – English subs

The best way to stay up to date with MEO’s content is to subscribe to its website mailing list (see below), and/or to be following as many of its media channels as possible (also below). Support MEO on Patreon: Help their work continue and grow with as little as $1/month: Subscribe – YouTube channel: Subscribe – Website Mailing List: Follow – Daily Motion channel: Like –

Venezuelan Vicepresident Delcy Rodriguez – Press conference Feb 21 2019

translated by MP for The Saker Blog TRANSCRIPT: 0.01 At this time last minute information is coming out and we’ll go to Av Urbaneta, the See of the Executive Vicepresidency of the Republic. Marbelys Fernández will tell us all the details of what’s happening there. Marbe, go ahead, good afternoon. 0.03 Yes, that’s right, the Executive Vicepresident of the Republic at this time provides information of national interest that we

Alert: This would be the plan for next February 23, 2019

by Juan Martorano translated by: Ana source: Today we allow ourselves to alert everyone, through these lines, to alert of the possible actions to expect next Saturday 23rd of February of 2019, aimed at generating a “False Flag” Operation, with the purpose of justifying an eventual armed incursion into Venezuelan territory. This information has been gathered through social intelligence sources, hoping that the organs to which it corresponds will

Donbass – Military-Political Aspects

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source:   Donbass, like any frontline territory with a non-determined status, is periodically covered by waves of rumours – the most improbable and the most absurd rumours, which nevertheless are spread with the speed of a virus. Despite their regular repetitiveness and regular falsifiability, they, appearing again and again, invoke trust again and again. The

Gilets Jaunes, Round 14. Knocked out, the leaders are losing their mind

by Le yéti and translated by Le Saker Francophone The explosion of hysteria that struck the ruling class in the aftermath of Act 14 shows that the Yellow vests are scoring decisive points. Everything, they have tried everything, but none of the scare tactics they used to cast anathema and discredit on their opponents will have worked. The demonization of the Yellow Vests accused in November of being under the

Munich Conference Showed That America Is Losing Ground

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo.   The annual Security Conference, traditionally hosted by Germany in Munich, this time was not attended by neither the leader of Russia nor by the head of the United States. The latter was replaced by Vice President Mike Pence, who tried to convince the audience that America is strong. This came out not very convincing.   It has been 12

Nasrallah on ‘real reason’ why US continues ’40 years of war on Iran’ – English Subs

Note by the Saker: Middle East Observer (MEO) is now also uploading video content on its new channel on the, partly due to YouTube’s increasing intolerance for alternative viewpoints and voices. Below is MEO’s latest video, which can currently only be found on its Daily Motion channel. Description: Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah reveals the ‘real reason’ why the United States has been ‘waging war on Iran for the

The US Made a Stupid Mistake With the INF Treaty

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo.   “Killing the INF Treaty was a gift for Russia,” says the title of the material published last week by the American magazine, The National Interest.  This score is fundamentally different from the triumphant reports that are generated by the mainstream American media.   Who then wrote this headline? And everything that’s under it. Maybe some secret agent of Putin? In all,
