Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard for The Saker Blog


Former employee of the SBU Vasily Prozorov in 2014 assisted the Russian security services

A former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasily Prozorov held a press conference in Moscow. He reported that from April 2014 he rendered assistance to the special services of Russia.

“From April 2014 I absolutely voluntarily, for ideological reasons, assisted the special services of the Russian Federation in obtaining information about the activities of the Ukrainian law enforcement, in particular in the area of the ATO (Kiev’s military operation in the Donbass),” he stressed. According to Prozorov, he decided to do this after the events on “Maidan”.

TASS gives the main points from the story of the former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine.

  • Vasily Prozorov informed Russia about the whereabouts of Russian “Life News” journalists detained in May 2014 by Ukrainian military personnel. He described that back then he worked in the team of the Security Service of Ukraine in one of the villages near Slavyansk, where these journalists were detained. He immediately reported where they were, “because there were many who wanted to introduce your colleagues as military personnel and start their interrogations.”
  • In the area of conducting military operations in Donbass there are secret SBU prisons. One of them is located at the airport of Mariupol. The object is called “the library, and its prisoners are called books”. According to him, it was possible to end up in such a prison for anything, including on suspicion of working for the Russian Federation, DPR, and LPR.
  • The leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics became victims of special operations, and not internal conflicts. “I am not omniscient, but concerning Motorola and Givi I am 100% sure that it was an operation of the special fifth department of the SBU and the special operations forces (SOF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” he specified. According to him, employees of the SOF are constantly trained under the guidance of instructors from the UK and other countries. Their specialties are acts of terrorism and the deployment of a partisan movement.
  • Fascist and Nazi views are widespread in Ukrainian law enforcement structures. Prozorov noted that this concerns not only voluntary battalions, where this phenomenon is rampant, but also about linear units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and National Guard.
  • The “Azov” formation is a non-controlled paramilitary formation that is subordinated only to its leader and the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Prozorov recalled that in May 2017 another truce was concluded between the parties to the conflict. However, on May 9th-10th the artillerists of “Azov” shelled the DPR and Mariupol. The former SBU officer noted that this is how the battalion carried out the orders of their superior, without informing the leadership of the ATO and the National Guard.
  • The Ukrainian side is involved in the destruction of the Malaysian Boeing over Donbass. “My personal belief, and it is being backed up by… information, is that the Ukrainian side is involved in the crash of the Boeing,” he said. According to Prozorov, two people are responsible for it – the present Deputy Head of the Administration of Poroshenko Valery Kondratyuk, and the present Head of the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defence Vasily Burba. He noticed that all attempts to find out the circumstances of the catastrophe, for example, in a conversation with the officers of the General Staff, received the answer: “Do not get into this topic if you do not want trouble.”
  • The Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Vladimir Parasyuk personally participated in shooting during the events on “Maidan” in the center of Kiev in February 2014. Parasyuk told me that helped with the supply of weapons to “Maidan”, and that there is the “blood of many dead” on his hands. According to the former employee of the SBU, Parasyuk also, being intoxicated, expressed his discontent since allegedly he did so much for “Maidan”, but was compelled to fight in the East of Ukraine.
  • The SBU is fully under the control of Poroshenko and prepares rigging in the presidential election. Under his control is also the state automated voting system named “Vybory”, and in every territorial election commission there will be members of the special services. They will guard the final election results and ballots and accompany them to the Central Election Commission. Prozorov said that the SBU and its Chairman Vasily Gritsak are a structure that is absolutely under Poroshenko’s control.
  • The Ukrainian special services created and control the Russian opposition Telegram channel “Stalingulag”, as well as a number of media outlets. Thus, Prozorov said that “InformNapalm” is a media outlet that is controlled by the Ministry of Defence and Main Intelligence Department. He also mentioned “”. “Among the new [media] there is, for example, the Telegram channel “Stalingulag”. According to Prozorov, it was organized, created, and controlled by the Security Service of Ukraine.
  • The SBU could be involved in punishing the opponents of “Maidan” in Odessa on May 2nd 2014, because it knew in advance about the preparation of the attack. Prozorov named “ultras” and nationalist organisations as the driving force behind this crime.
  • British and American intelligence officers help the SBU plan covert operations and train personnel for their execution. Ukrainian law enforcement bodies also have many representatives from foreign non-governmental organizations. Foreigners work as instructors in “volunteer battalions”.
  • The former employee of the SBU noted that what was said by him is a small part of what he would like to report. Prozorov recently finished writing about the events of 2014, the book should be released soon. He summed up by saying that there will be a lot of things that he didn’t manage to speak about yet.