Saker Message:
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Saker Message

New Features: Up/Down Voting has been Removed

Saker has decided that up/down voting will be removed. The ‘read more’ will be retained. Thank you all for your feed back. Saker has asked me to place this in the ‘blog, announcements’ for enhanced visability. My apologizes if you have already reviewed this information. I also have added the current reactions to the changes. Please provide your reactions … if changes are not wanted they will be removed. The

Saker message to the community about the blog and appeal for help

Dear friends, I have plenty of things to report to you today, and a few things I would ask you to help me with. Blog news: For the next few days, the blog will go into “minimal” mode and barring some kind of major development, I don’t intend to post much.  For Orthodox Christians this week is Passion Week, Sunday will be Holy Paskha (“Easter” in western parlance) and next

Webmaster, Research Assistants, Survey, Donations

Dear friends, Lots of things to report today. First, we have a new webmaster!  His name is “HSC” and you can write to him directly at: if you have any comments or suggestions. Second, I have selected three outstanding candidates to become by research assistants.  Though we still have to organize it all, and I definitely want their inputs on that, I think that they will work together really

Saker poll: please tell me what *you* think!

Dear friends, I have decided to ask for your opinion about this blog and about its future.  I cannot promise that I will always follow the majority opinion, but I will try to do my best to address the issues raised.  Please take the time to fill this survey and let me know what you think. Many thanks and kind regards, The Saker Click here to take the survey:

I need a French speaker to subtitle a French video into English!

Bonjour les Francophones! J’aurais besoin d’un(e) Francophone pour traduire et sous-titrer cette vidéo d’Alain Soral: Au minimum je désirerais qu’une traduction soit faite des premières 17 minutes, mais une traduction de toute la vidéo serait encore mieux. Si vous pouvez m’aider envoyez-moi un courriel a Merci d’avance et a+ The Saker

Rumors about Putin

I am getting a deluge of email asking me about Putin’s health. Like I am his personal doctor of something :-) Well, of course I am not.  And to the great disappointment to those who think that I am on the Kremlin’s payroll, I am not.  I am not even linked to the Russian security services.  So, alas, I have no special information about Putin. However, I did check a

Blog news: Webmaster resignation

Dear friends, It is with great regret that I have to announce to you that my webmaster Gevorg has decided to resign from his position.  He has asked me to inform you that no more donations should be collected for him and that enough has been sent. I am personally very saddened by his departure and I want to express to him my deepest gratitude for the fantastic job he

A small potpourri of blog related news

Dear friends, I just wanted to share a couple of things with you today. First, I wanted to mention that the folks are Vox Populi Evo have begun to share more videos subtitled in English with us, such as the two recent ones about Mozgovoi and Givi.  Even better, then have agreed to subtitle in English a full-length interview of the famous Ukrainian author Oles Buzina about the history of

I will be gone all day Friday 13th (so enjoy your open thread)

Dear friends, I will be gone all day Friday 13th so enjoy your open thread. As for me, I plan to spend a day deep in the Florida wilderness alone with my wife (my wife and nature are my two addictions which I need to ‘fix’ in order to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms) Open thread below :-) Cheers and hugs, The Saker

Main server back up again!

The main server at is back up. Thanks to the fast intervention of a few specialists of the IT team we also know that this was probably not a DDOS but a combination of problems including that Apache was configured to handle a greater number of connexions that the server can actually handle so it ran near out of memory.  Still, there were some weird connection attempts from certain

Important blog and community news

Dear friends, Many of you have noticed that the blog was loading very slowly or not at all.  This is probably due to what is called a “distributed denial of service” attack but our IT team is also looking into the possibility of some script gone crazy.  In other words, we are trying to be vigilant, but not paranoid (yet).  The problem seems to be fixed but if it starts
