
French magazing to publish “shocking caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed”

Amazing. According to Ha’aretz, A French satirical weekly magazine announced Tuesday it would publish caricatures depicting the Prophet Mohammed, a move that could spark further protests by Muslims already enraged at an internet video insulting Islam.   Stephane Charbonnier, editor of the weekly Charlie Hebdo, told broadcaster iTele that the caricatures to appear Wednesday “would shock those who wanted to be shocked.” He said the decision was aimed at defending freedom

Mitt Romney – the man who makes even Dubya look educated, articulate and smart

Priceless no? Though that cretin pretty much gets everything wrong, I fundamentally agree with at least one of his key points: a two-state solution is neither possible nor morally acceptable. The only solution is ONE state, called Palestine.  As for the “Zionist regime occupying Jerusalem” must, of course, “vanish from the page of time” as Ayatollah Khomeini so accurately put it. God willing, soon. The Saker

The Moslem World’s Rage; Justified or Misplaced?

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich  Media outlets are abuzz with news of the Moslem world’s rage over the release of the provocative film “Innocence of Moslems”. Pundits are quick to condemn the protests across 20 nations, and the gullible and callous citizens of the “West”, mimicking pundits who are paid to mislead and misinform, are placing the blame on the aggrieved Moslem community – they simply don’t understand how “free speech” works

Musings on Pussy Riot , “Sam Bacile” and modern “blasphemers”

Having forced myself to watch the full “performance” of Pussy Riot’s “punk prayer” and “Sam Bacile”‘s short movie “Innocence of Muslims” I want to share with you some thoughts I had on issue of blasphemy. Wikipedia defines blasphemy as “the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for a religious deity or the irreverence towards religious or holy persons or things“. Dictionary.com offers this definition: “impious utterance

A Coptic trail to a “flase flag movie”?

Today the net is full of articles expressing doubts about the fact that the person behind the latest anti-Islamic movie is a US-Israeli Jew.  A Coptic/Egyptian trail is often mentioned.  Various sources also doubt the 5 million dollar figure for the production of the movie. All these rumors can be tracked to one source: a, quote, “Christian activist” named Steve Klein, I kid you not… Does that mean that the

And in the meantime, American Jews are fueling anti-US hatred in the Muslim world.

An American-Israeli Jew, Sam Bacile, gets 100 of his pals to donate 5 million dollars to make an anti-Muslim movie which is aired on YouTube and gets 2 US embassies stormed and 4 US diplomats killed.  True, some “Egyptian Coptic activist” called Morris Sadek also appears to be involved because the movie begins with a scene with Egyptian police beating Coptic Christians.  No doubt, Sam Bacile and his pals really

Why a US attack on Iran is inevitable

Over the past few months there appears to be a dramatic rise in the number of articles, opinions and rumors discussing the likelihood of a US and/or Israeli military attack on Iran.  Even the Israeli press is now regularly reporting various opinions about the desirability, or not, of such an attack while keeping a rolling tally of those officials who favor and oppose, often in very strong terms, such an

Asch experiment at the Democratic Convention or ZOG in action

Thanks to a recent comment by a reader (see here and here)  my attention was draw to this absolutely amazing event described like so by Ali Abunimah on the Electronic Intifada website: An extraordinary thing happened at the Democratic National Convention today. The official party platform for 2012 left out a reference that “Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel” that was in the 2008 version. Under pressure

California passes resolution defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism

By Tom Carter for the World Socialist Website Last month, the California State Assembly passed a resolution urging state educational institutions to more aggressively crack down on criticism of the State of Israel on campuses, which the resolution defines as “anti-Semitism.” The anti-democratic resolution is the latest step in the broader campaign to stifle and suppress dissent on California’s increasingly volatile campuses. The California State Assembly is the lower house

Why the Russians are not coming, not even covertly

In a recent comments thread Carlo has pointed out that there is a campaign to murder non-Wahabi Muslims in Russia to which Lysander added that “perhaps it should be Russian policy to seek the overthrow of the Saudi royal family. Perhaps not openly stated, but maybe the should start a covert program of destabilization against KSA. Surely there are some former KGB officers who remember how to do these things?

ALBA, UNASUR and even OAS – all reaffirm the primacy of international law

Okay, not all of them quite to the same degree.  If ALBA and UNASUR clearly and unconditionally backed Ecuador, the OAS passed only a vague, lukewarm and non-specific resolution.  So what?  Everybody knows that the OAS is Anglo-controlled.  But even though the USA opposed the meeting, it had to agree to the resolution passed on the condition that it made no specific reference to the UK.  Fair enough – that

A very telling masterpiece of hypocrisy: from Pussy Riot to George Soros

 Look what I just got in my email (red color added by me – the Saker): “Facing 2 years in jail for singing a song criticizing President Putin in a church, a member of Pussy Riot gestured to the court and said in her show-trial’s closing statements, “Despite the fact that we are physically here, we are freer than everyone sitting across from us … We can say anything we

The Americas against the Anglosphere

Excellent news! According to SkyNews, The Organisation of American States (OAS) has called a meeting of foreign ministers for August 24 to discuss the stand-off sparked when Ecuador granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Twenty-three countries voted on Friday for the resolution proposed by Ecuador to convene the meeting at its Washington headquarters to discuss Quito’s stand-off with Britain over Assange. The US, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago voted

Ecuador grants asylum to Assange – FULL SPEECH by FM Ricardo Patino

Commentary: Even though I had little doubt that Ecuador would grant asylum to Assange, it was really heart-warming for me to listen to the absolutely beautiful statement of Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño, in particular after learning of the mind-boggling arrogance of the Brits who dared to cross a line very few, if any, governments ever dared cross: threaten to violate the sovereignty of an embassy (the only other example I

Sanctions: Diplomacy’s Weapon of Mass Murder

Note: While I am taking a couple of weeks off, others are working hard and resisting the Empire with every ounce of energy. Today, my friend Soraya has sent me this excellent piece of the real WMD of our times: sanctions. I am most grateful to her for allowing me to publish it and for all her excellent work. The Saker Sanctions: Diplomacy’s Weapon of Mass Murder In 1945, the
