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A Call to Divine Unity: Letter of Imam Khomeini to President Mikhail Gorbachev

Introduction by the Saker: a Muslim friend of mine sent me the document below and when I read it, I decided to share it with you.  Why?  Because I happen to think that Putin actually did follow much of the advice given by Imam Khomeini.  Not to the letter, of course (Putin has not converted to Islam, but chose to embrace Christian Orthodoxy), and not necessarily because he was aware

A very good discussion of the Kenosha shooting

Friends, I want to share what I consider a very good and useful video discussing what happened during the now famous shootout in Kenosha.  I just want to add two things: First, in my opinion, the single most important advice this video gives is this: don’t go somewhere you would not go without a gun with a gun.  Or don’t ever do what you would not do without a gun

America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent

by Ilana Mercer, published with the authorization of the author Racism is a lot of things. One thing it is not: A white child, aged five, executed by a black man with a shot to the head, as the tyke rode his bike. Ask the cultural cognoscenti. They’ll tell you: That’s never racism. Otherwise, almost anything involving the perpetually aggrieved black community counts as racism. Students hoist a “thin blue

Systemic racism or systemic rubbish

By Ilana Mercer, posted with permission of the author The “systemic racism” refrain is a meaningless abstraction. Operationalize the nebulous abstraction that is “systemic racism,” or get out of my face! To concretize a variable, it must be cast in empirical, measurable terms, the opaque “racism” abstraction being one variable (to use statistical nomenclature). Until you have meticulously applied research methodology to statistically operationalize this inchoate thing called “racism”—systemic or

Germany likely to benefit from US troop withdrawal, says Russian envoy

US President Donald Trump announced on June 15 that Washington would reduce the number of US troops in Germany from 34,500 to 25,000 unless Berlin agreed to pay for their deployment and raise defense spending in accordance with NATO agreements. Trump has repeatedly demanded that all NATO countries spend at least two percent of their gross domestic products on defense. The envoy noted that the US administration’s decision on relocating

Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism

by Ilana Mercer, posted with the author’s authorization America circa 2020 continues to erupt in riots, spurred by the death-by-cop of George Floyd. The violence is qualitatively different to the violence that roiled the U.S. during the race riots of 1964. Whether you thought those riots right or wrong, back in 1964, state police officers were a forceful presence for law-and-order. They did damage to rioters as deliberately as they

Israeli strikes in Syria: why a Hezbollah retaliation is inevitable

A Hezbollah combatant was killed in the Israeli attack on Damascus. Israel expects a response. Sources: Al-Mayadeen Web, July 21, 2020, and Al-Mayadeen TV, July 22, 2020 Translation: Video : After Hezbollah announced the death of one of its fighters in the Israeli attack on Damascus on Monday evening, Israeli media reported “fear and vigilance in Israel” over Hezbollah’s expected response at the Lebanese-Palestinian border. On Tuesday, July

Guess Which Surrender Monkey Won the Battle Of The Monuments?

by Ilana mercer posted by permission for the Saker Blog Steve Hilton is a Briton who anchors a current-affairs show on Fox News. Mr. Hilton made the following feeble, snowflake’s case for the removal of the nation’s historically offensive statues: It’s offensive to our Africa-American neighbors to maintain statues in public places that cause not only offense, but real distress. And it is disrespectful to our native-American neighbors to glorify

The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes from the Sacking of America

by Ilana Mercer for the Unz Review, republished with the author’s authorization On June 9, I tweeted out the following: “Seattle’s East Precinct has fallen, as Police Chief Carmen Best orders Seattle Police to evacuate. The occupiers, aka the ‘peaceful protesters,’ declare victory. ‘They’ve given us the precinct,’ they boast. Not even in South Africa.” A mere day on, and the City of Seattle is de facto occupied territory, fallen

Education Is Offensive and Racist and so is America

By Paul Craig Roberts Years of teaching blacks to have grievances against white people for things that happened centuries ago have come to fruition. Rioting and looting are not enough, the violent thugs and ignorant woke creatures are pulling down historic monuments in public parks and defacing public buildings while police and public authorities stand down. In Richmond, Virginia, a statue eight feet tall of Christopher Columbus in a

Valdai Discussion Club – Staying Sane in a Crumbling World

The Valdai Discussion Club released the report Staying Sane in a Crumbling world.  This was a followup from their report of 2 years ago titled  “Living in a Crumbling  World” In the Living in a Crumbling wold report, they suggested that multilateral cooperation is on the decline and crisis of international institutions leads to increasing anarchy with each state left to rely on itself to solve the problems of survival. 

An interesting comparison of the US F-22 and the Russian MiG-31BSM

Note by the Saker: I usually don’t like direct comparisons between weapons systems, mostly because I find them highly misleading and because their conclusions are totally dependent on the assumptions you make.  Furthermore, comparing the F-22 to the MiG-31 is really talking about apples and oranges.  However, sometimes, it *does* make sense to compare apples and oranges (depending on what you want to cook).  In this case, I see this

Ex-Green Beret led failed attempt to oust Venezuela’s Maduro

source: Ex-Green Beret led failed attempt to oust Venezuela’s Maduro By JOSHUA GOODMAN FILE – In this Aug. 4, 2018 file photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, security guards surround Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with protective gear as an unidentified drone interrupts his speech in Caracas, Venezuela. An exiled Venezuelan national guardsman accused of partaking in this drone attack on Maduro is among voluntary combatants in three safe
