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Ramzan Kadyrov on Takfiri terrorism

Listen to Ramzan Kadyrov, the Muslim leader at the forefront of the struggle against the Takfiri terrorists: Ramzan Kadyrov on fighting terrorism from Oceania Saker on Vimeo. Question: is this Muslim to blame for what happened in Paris? Or is his Islamic faith? Who has done more to fight Takfiri terrorism – Kadyrov or Hollande?

Not BUK-M1: new video proof

Check out this excellent report by Dutch journalist Max Vanderwerff who debunks the reports allegedly showing a  video of a Buk-M1 launch: There is no doubt my mind that MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian SU-25, possibly one of several Su-25s patrolling the skies that day to intercept a civilian airliner the downing of which was to become the “surprise” Poroshenko promised and which Kolomoiskii probably organized.The Saker

New testimony about the shooting down of MH17

Interesting news this morning: the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaia Pravda has interviewed a man who claims to have been a witness to the take-off of three aircraft one of which allegedly shot down MH17.  Thanks to the incredible work done by Kazzura the full video with English subtitles is already available today.  Check it out: I will notice that there are several mutually contradictory versions circulating out there.  For example, one

Karma or God’s punishment – justice in Donetsk

Listen to this Ukrainian Nazi, speaking in Russian with his fellow Ukrainians, explaining that there are no peaceful civilians in Donetsk but only collaborators of the enemy.  As soon as he is done spewing his hatred he gets hit by an artillery shell.  Call it ‘karma’ or remember the words of the 3rd Psalm “thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly” but this guy sure got what he deserved. 

A most interesting series of lectures and a real treat for all

Dear friends,Having had a few questions about the topic of imperialism, I have decided to re-post here a fantastic series of lectures by Prof. John Marciano entitled “Empire as a way of life“.  IT focuses on a crucial aspect of imperialism: its cultural and civilizational dimensions.  These are crucial for a full understanding of imperialism.Please check out my first post in 2010 about this here: see this original post

The future of the Nazi Ukraine in 90 seconds

Check the sad and, frankly, pathetic footage recently taken at the Ukrainain-Polish border: these poor people are trying to storm the Polish checkpoint every day to try to sell or barter something, or to find a job.  This has been happening every day.  The saddest thing about that is that this is only a timid beginning for a phenomenon which will inexorably grow.  The poor Ukies can sing “Ще не

The Scotsman who took a shrapnel wound for Russia

Yup, I managed to get two mistakes into one title yesterday:  Graham Phillips is not English, but Scottish, and his would was caused not by a bullet, but by shrapnel.  The good news is that he is doing well, here he is making a short statement from the hospital.  And, yes, for those who might wonder, he is speaking in Russian, not English, even if his Russians does sound very,

The Englishman who took a bullet for Russia

I have been aware of the numerous reports by Graham Phillips from Novorussia and I knew that he had been kidnapped by Ukrainian goons not once, but twice.  What always touched me in his reports was the visible fondness of the Novorussians for Graham, and in this video below you will see them calling him “Gremchik”.Not even Graham (terrible!) British accent could be an obstacle for the respect and affection
