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The true face of Vucic supporters for all to see :-)

Yesterday a Vucic-troll calling himself П.П.Његош complained about my characterization of Vucic.  I replied this to him.  Today, I found this remarkable comment intercepted by the moderators: A couple of things are particularly interesting here. First, the reference to my “Russian genes” and to my “Asiatic race”.  That is racism at its purest, of course.  It also sounds exactly like what Ukronazis say about Russians (nb: they typically claim that

Burnt alive in Odessa (documentary)

The original video is posted here: but YouTube made it age restricted and impossible to embed.  Amazingly, RuTube ALSO blocked the video. So I used BitChute for the first time.  Here is the video:

The US is not giving up. What’s next?

by Rostislav Ishchenko for Note: this is a machine translation from the original Russian text Predictably, the United States rejected the Russian ultimatum. They couldn’t help but reject it, otherwise the Biden clique simply wouldn’t have stayed in power. The Democrats were pushed there not so that they would merge America, but so that the interests of bankers and stockbrokers would be a priority for the American government, and

European rap about the unsung heroes of the Donbass

Today I was contacted by the author of the video below, Oliviero Martini, who asked me to share it with my contacts.  Since I don’t really have a contact list and since I don’t do social media, I decided to post it here to share it with you all.  My thanks to Oliviero for sharing his work with us! Andrei

To see Putin and die

by Rostislav Ischenko for source: Note: this machine translated text Joseph Biden, the 46th president of the United States, has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for a meeting for the second time in six months. This would not be surprising: in the end, international tensions have reached a limit, and not only the most alarmist of experts, but also the most cautious of politicians have already started talking

Oh the beauty of Ukie nationalism!

Check out one of the hottest posts on the Ukie Telegram: This is the translated text: (red emphasis added) Good morning. This drawing in the hands of a girl is the dream of all Ukrainians. A new generation is growing up, which was not “brainwashed” by the Soviet mindset. This is our future, which we are fighting for! source: By the way, to those who might be tempted to

New Paradigm of US Foreign Policy and Relations with Russia: Valdai Club Analytics US foreign policy is by no means becoming less ideological. Liberal ideology in its newest left-liberal form is turning from a means of expansion into an instrument for consolidating the “collective West”, defining “us and them” and splitting the international community into opposing blocs, writes Valdai Club expert Dmitry Suslov. US foreign policy is undergoing an important transition. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan drew a final and symbolic line under the period of its

Post-American world

Rostislav Ishchenko develops his theme first posted here: Russian World as a global project into global multipolarity and covers why and how the West ran into a dead end, and where the multipolar situation may lead. Please note it is a machine translation with some human assistance, and it is not a perfect document.  It however makes his points clear enough, for the discussion on this massive global change. Today

Typical comment by yet another nutcase

This is just one comment which the moderators intercepted, but which I decided to share with you to illustrate why I speak so often of “nutcases” or “ignorant idiots”.  They are real. This one used “Judge & Executioner” as his handle.  Check him out: QED.

Abortive act of piracy: IRGC Navy foils US attempt to steal Iranian oil in Oman Sea “The naval forces of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have managed to thwart an attempt by the United States to take over a giant oil tanker in the strategic Sea of Oman and moved the vessel to Iranian territorial waters. The US military confiscated the Iranian tanker loaded with crude oil in the Sea of Oman, which connects the Arabian Sea with the Strait of Hormuz, and intended to

Russia to suspend NATO military liaison mission in Moscow in tit-for-tat move

The accreditation of the mission staff will be terminated from November 1 MOSCOW, October 18. /TASS/. Russia will suspend the NATO military liaison mission in Moscow and recall the accreditation of its staff in response to the alliance’s decision to withdraw the accreditation of eight Russian diplomats, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference on Monday. “In response to NATO’s actions, we are suspending the activity

Valdai Club Live: Great Reassembly of the 21st Century: Paths to the Future and Russia’s Stakes

On the Threshold of the Great Reassembly of the 21st Century: Paths to the Future and Russia’s Stakes. A Discussion “Humanity is on the verge of the Great Reassembly – the formation of a new world economic order. This reassembly is largely forced, taking place under the pressure of growing crises in the world’s economic, governance, socio-cultural and scientific spheres. The time has come for the collapse of the old

Russian World as a global project

Most of us at The Saker Blog are involved in either understanding or have fully joined the Russian World as a global project.  In one simplistic sense, we still talk about the splitting of the world into Zone A (hegemonic) and Zone B (resistance and this is on various levels of maturity).  This is a fine new era model to start with but we are beginning to deal with the

Iran – New Member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Peter Koenig and PressTV On 17 September 2021 Iran has become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). It is an extraordinary achievement and new beginning for US and wester sanction-badgered Iran. On the occasion PressTV interviewed me on what this great move might bring for Iran. See the transcript below. PressTV Question: 1.       Iran is finally a member of the SCO. It is said this solidifies a
