From the website of the US Gauleiter in Kiev, Petro Poroshenko: “We will attack and liberate our land“. And attack they sure did. Below is the report which Juan has just sent me.

The Saker
The situation deteriorated. Kramatorsk is being flattened by intense bombardment. The ukes are using everything they have including gas and multiple Grad and Hurricane salvos.

04:00 Heavy armor moving on Kramatorsk. A full regiment including main battle tanks.

05:00 Sukhoi aircraft attacks started Kramatorsk. Reports one has been shot down, not confirmed.

05:30 Intense fighting has commenced outskirts Kramatorsk. Tactical situations unknown.

06:45 Heavy civilian casualties reported Kramatorsk. Civilian living areas are targeted. One hospital has been hit and is burning. Casualties unknown in hospital. One 7 floor flats building has collapsed. Casualties unknown.

Slavyansk and outlying villages and towns are under heavy bombardment from Karachun Mountain. Civilian living areas targeted. Reports two flats buildings burning. Reports 2 hospitals including children hospital hit multiple times. Heavy casualties reported at hospitals, unconfirmed.

03:20 Counter batter fire from Army Novorossiya has knocked down 110 m high radio/TV tower on Karachun Mountain (second party visual confirmation). Nazis had observation platforms on the tower. Unknown if platforms manned at time of destruction.

Confirmed Air Defense unit A-1402 taken by Army Novorossiya. Condition of air defense missile systems and related targeting and control systems unknown 07:10. Additional ordinance supply for systems unknown in quantity or quality.

Real time communication with Slavyansk and Donetsk City lost 03:20 today.

Donetsk City outlying areas coming under artillery fire. 04:30.

There was no ‘cease fire’. During the slight decrease of hostilities of the last week the Nazis used the time to send massive reinforcements and supplies to Novorossiya and positioned their units for the assaults extant this morning. Strong attempts were made by Nazi units to disrupt humanitarian aid and gifts coming across the Russia/Novorossiya borders.

The preplanned in the event of capture demolition of the military park in Donetsk is destroying a large ammunition, weapon and equipment store destined for the 5th Column right sector units in Donetsk City.
