Since  I am on something of a roll on the topic of the technological aspects of what I call “surviving in a world of zombies”, I have decided to post some links to the audio recording of a recent presentation by Richard Stallman (a personal hero of mine) on the issue of Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks.  In this absolutely fascinating talk, Richard (who often is known as “RMS”) begins by a short introduction on the issue of free software, but rapidly switches to his main topic, the history and misuse of the idea of copyright.  RMS discusses the topic of copyright as applied not only to books, but also to music and even art in general.  I strongly recommend that you listen to this most interesting presentation and the Q&A which follows it.  

Click on these links to download/listen to the recordings in ogg format

Click on these links to download/listen to the recordings in mp3 format:
    I really urge you all to take the time to listen to RMS and think through his arguments.  Most of us do instinctively realize that there is something wrong with copyrights, the RIAA, the MPAA, DRMs, the DMCA and all the rest of the corporate imposed world of thought control, but I promise you that listening to RMS will show you how bad things truly are and will show you how to resist.

    The Saker