CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored
Jun 20, 2016
Know-nothing American diplomats demand regime change in Syria. Encircling Russia, NATO continues to break its word and international agreements. And how US foreign policy is now a political football.
CrossTalking with Andrei Bystritsky, Stephen Ebert and Alexander Mercouris.
If true that Russia wants a single strong EU “voice” to talk to. Then its a horrible mistake.Because that single voice is now, and probably will always be, the “voice” of a puppet of the US. Not a voice of European interests. The different countries of Europe can speak with many “voices”.Some of them could be (and should be) ones that would be friendly to Russia. The “Brussels’s bunch” are “guaranteed” to be anti-Russian as long as the US rules a “united Europe”. That is just a “fact” and beyond serious dispute. Why Russia would think differently is something I can’t even imagine. They “should” be able to see today,and perceive the future.That they seemingly don’t, is amazing.Unless the US was kicked out of the EU (only a miracle or war could bring that). Russia’s interests are always best served by disunity in the US vassal states.
If Russia were still Russia, then Moscow would secretly be running this single EU government and kick out ZATO and US.
But with modern day Russia they don’t even manage to run a tiny area such as Crna Gora / MonteNegro anymore, nor prevented it from separating Rest-Serbia in the first place, nor (you know the rest, such as Kosovo).
Listening to Putin’s latest speech from the Economics Forum *sounds* impressive, he says a lot of true findings. But back-checking with real developments on the ground makes me even more disappointed.
A small tiny ray of hope came when NATO member Germany’s FM Steinmeier crushed the NATO narrative on Saturday/Sunday, I pointed to that:
“”””” Martin from Soviet East-Berlin on June 19, 2016 · at 12:12 am UTC
Wow! Even though Steinmeier is an old pathetic hypocritical pro-NATO asshole involved in Maidan and one normally should never trust him, this one is better than expected and does surprise me:
“””””Huge Scandal Erupts Inside NATO: Alliance Member Germany Slams NATO “Warmongering” Against Russia
Anyone who thinks you can increase security in the alliance with symbolic parades of tanks near the eastern borders, is mistaken,” Germany’s top diplomat added. “””””“””””
But once again no mod or editor responded nor found it necessary to mention this in the latest SitReps.
I can really stop wasting my time here.
As war comes closer I think there will be more peel off from the US/NATO establishment. Saker was part of it at one stage until his road to Damascus moment.
It seems at this stage there are only two options – what Russia and China is doing now, or mutual assured destruction. Using ethical standards and staying within international law, and working through the UN may look weak, but as the US heads towards mutually assured destruction, a lot of the vassals will start peeling off.
If Russia was to become a hegemon, or put occupying forces in the likes of Ukraine and Syria then there would be no chance of vassals peeling off from the US. Perhaps this will not work, but the only other option is mutually assured destruction.
@ Uncle B:
Precisely right. I said something along similar lines about that very point, oh, I donno now; it was on one the Moveable Cafes, I think.