The “brutal” Russians created humanitarian corridors around Aleppo. They also negotiated a withdrawal of Daesh forces (with the help of Turkey). And, as soon as the Daesh crazies left, the poured immense amounts of aid, food, meds, etc. along with mine-clearing crews into Aleppo which now is back to being the city bustling with life it once used to be. That is because Russia is a dictatorship and Putin a cold-hearted ex-KGB thug. Here is how the ‘indispensable nation’ and her allies do it in Mosul:
Kudos for RT for exposing these atrocities.
Yes,but while I’m happy they have. You can almost bet you won’t see any of that come out in the Western MSM. So for the hundreds of millions not watching RT in the West,it “didn’t happen”.
Actually that clip is from Nightline, a program aired on the ABC network which is part of the MSM.
I think this one hot dumped on them, and they didnt want to pass on it, only for RT to air it first.
What you must look for is for the lack of reaction to it from the sheeple.
What you’ll find is that; the poor, confused fools have used up all their energies chasing Russian hackers manufactured by the MSM, so when something as outrageous as this gets exposed they dont have any energy/will to respond appropiately.
This is just shocking.
They actually showed this torture on TV in USanistan?
But the white phosphorus is only used during nighttime to make night look like day, and never against places where there can be civilians, such as in the middle of a city?? Right?
Well, they used to tell us that IDF only used white phosphorus during the night to light up the sky, or only on the battlefield where the were no civilians and only to create smoke…
Now the US use white phosphorus in the middle of the day when the sun is up to create smoke to block out the sun and hide their crimes?
The US killed 100+ civilians in Mosul in March alone. And they use white phsophorus in urban settings. How very Zionist of them.
Looking at these soldiers and comparing them to others we have seen in the news in that part of the world, these guys are not at all like the amateurish and ill trained apparent majority. For all the world, they look and act like US troops in combat areas. Their movements, their professional discipline, the manner in which they hold their weapons, even their body language screams western military training.I don’t doubt for a moment that they have received extensive and long term training from western military. And my guess would be that the military in question is the US mil.
One thing that particularly struck me was the shock horror of the report on the use of torture and unlawful killing. You could be forgiven for thinking that the US never did any such things in the same country, Iraq. Nauseating.