Dieudonne and his wife have made a small music video together which Dieudo put at the end of his latest web appearance.  I want to share this video with you:

Since Gallier2 has kindly translated the lyrics in a recent comment (merci l’ami!), I will also share that here:

A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.
the one that makes the branches of the big trees dance, coming out of the night to awaken our souls.
It is born in the heart of the African forest. Dancing, slipping on the shores of the Congo river.
The wind of change, natural revolution, inspired by the stars or inspired by God.
It is here, I feel it, it wipes out my fears and strengthens my arms, it’s the wind of fight
for the emancipation of the black people and the yellows and the whites, for humanity.
A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.
It opens our eyes and fills our hearts with the light and the faith, it’s the wind of joy.
And the chests are swelling and the fists are closing. Mister President lost his drive.
In the face of the shouting gun, the people gathers. It’s him who advances and the king who retreats.
Everywhere the bullets whistle and death is close but I don’t tremble, I’m here standing still.
It’s over will live, not retreating, you can kill me and kill my family.
You will not be able to stop this wind, it has awaken us, the sun has risen.
It warms our hearts, make our children smile et turns off our fears, fills us with courage.
It’s the end of the lies, the begin of the march, we will not go back in obscurity…
A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.
The evil one clings to the branches of his tree, resists stubbornly until losing his senses
Noone resists to the big wind of the faith, either you bow or die Mister Liars
A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.
Now I’m well, I breathe and I see. I feel and I believe in hope, in life.
The wind is still here, until when? I don’t know. Whatever we will see, it’s here and I believe in it
A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope.
A new wind blows over the planet, wind of renewal, it’s the wind of hope
Lastly, I have also extracted the mp3 music track from the video and uploaded it to Mediafire to share it with you.  You can get that track here:

One more thing for the French speakers here – Alain Soral has recently released an absolutely amazing video about his latest public appearance.  Check it out here:

I will be honest here – I cannot do that myself simply because of a lack of time.  But guys, if somebody could translate and subtitle his speech that would be an ideal way to make Soral better known to the English speaking world.  So if anybody of you could do it, please do and then upload the video somewhere and let me know and, of course, also let the folks at E&R know (email me if you need their email address).

As for me, I will write another post about Dieudo and Soral in the very near future.  Stay tuned.

Kind regards,

The Saker

UPDATE1: a friend just send me this better quality official video from YouTube:
(thanks C.B!)