By Batiushka for the Saker blog
‘To Hell with Washington’
Introduction: The Atlantic and Europe
Judging by its name, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was only ever about the USA and the UK, an agreement between Americans and the half-American Churchill. After all, what relevance does the ‘North Atlantic’ have to Baltic Germany or Mediterranean Italy, let alone to Aegean Greece and Black Sea Turkey? Even Spain and Portugal look towards the Caribbean and the South Atlantic, not to the North Atlantic. NATO is clearly an organisation that descended directly from the Atlantic Charter, made up by Roosevelt and Churchill in a bay off Newfoundland in 1941 (not even in the Atlantic), and then imposed on all the others.
The End of NATO
So, whatever was the North Atlantic doing in the foothills of the Himalayas, in Afghanistan? Apart from the fact that that was its greatest defeat (so far), just what was it doing there? And what is the North Atlantic, or at least parts of it, doing in the South China Sea? Surely there is a clue in the name – China? It belongs to China. Whatever are the US Navy and others doing there?
Surely, even the geographically-challenged Liz Truss, who wanted the whole world to be ruled by NATO, must have been thinking that it was time to rename NATO? Perhaps the Nazi American Tyranny Organisation? Like that you could keep the same initials. As the Saker has pointed out, the first NATO Secretary-General, the Indian-born colonial, General Hastings (1) Ismay, bluntly admitted that the purpose of NATO was ‘to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down’ (2).
And as the Saker has explained: ‘Keep the Germans down’ means crush all Europeans who might be rivals to the Anglosphere’s control of Western Europe, and now control all of Europe, apart from the free Russian Lands. ‘Keep the Americans in’ means crush all European liberation movements, De Gaulle’s or any others. ‘Keep the Soviet Union out’ means destroy Russia, so that it does not liberate Europe from the tyranny of the Anglosphere. The latter is symbolised by the US and British flags that have been omnipresent, even on fashion items, T-shirts and jeans, ever since the 1960s. That is why true Europeans refuse to wear such items.
In reality, it is obvious that NATO should have been packed away on 1 July 1991, the day the Warsaw Pact was packed away. If it had been packed away in 1991, the NATO rout would have been avoided thirty years later in Afghanistan. Indeed, the fact that it was not packed away then is a tragedy which has cost millions of lives, especially all over the tragic Middle East, and today all over the tragic Ukraine.
Interestingly, the answer to the aggression and bullying of NATO (the American elite always bullies), the Warsaw Pact was named after the Capital of Poland. Ironically – and there is nothing so ironic as history – today it is in the Warsaws of the ‘New Europe’, far from the North Atlantic, that you will find the most fanatical latecomer-devotees of NATO. What is the significance of NATO?
The American Republic of Poland
The name ‘Poland’ is cognate with the English word ‘plain’, so ‘Poland’ literally means ‘fields’. In other words, there is no geographical barrier between the German Lands and the Russian Lands, which begin with today’s Belarus and the Ukraine. In other words, there is no geographical barrier between Berlin and Moscow. There is only a purely artificial political barrier. The two peoples, Poles and Russians, are genetic brothers and sisters. Theirs, like the confrontation between the genetic brothers, the Croats and Serbs, is a purely manmade one.
It is part of the Poles’ gigantic inferiority complex (imagine living among a lot of fields between Germany and Russia) to imagine that Russia is interested in conquering Poland. Russia is really not interested in Poland. So, I hear you say, why did Imperial Russia participate in the three late 18th century Prussian and Austrian partitions of Poland? Why did Molotov and Ribbentrop partition it? Why did Stalin occupy it?
The answer is always the same. When you have been invaded by Western Europe as often as Russia has, you need to create a buffer-zone to protect yourself. As geography does not change, the Tsars and the Bolsheviks were forced by the same Western aggression and jealousy into doing the same thing – protecting themselves and that meant Eastern or all of Poland. In this, Tsar Nicholas II was a lot more successful than the Bolsheviks. Thus, in World War I, the Germans and Austrians never got into Russia at all, getting stuck mainly in eastern Poland and Lithuania and causing fewer than 670,000 Russian victims in two and a half years of war. It was a different story in World War II, with the Germans reaching the Volga and forty times more victims, 27 million of them.
This is an explanation, not a justification. Some of my best friends are Polish: though they belong to the small minority of Poles who know all the above and know that Poland today is merely an American vassal. I think they probably also know that if ever a Pole were to win the Nobel Peace Prize, it would be for one who had led Poland into making peace with Russia, rather than making war. That would be a Pole who pulled the plug on the Americans, chased them out of Poland and declared independence. And he would do the same with the US-run EU, the United States of Europe. Now that is the sort of Polish patriotism (utterly different from Polish nationalism), of which I approve, as it is concerned with asserting Polish national identity, not destroying it.
Sadly, there are those in today’s Polish political elite and military who dream of wiping Russia off the map, like medieval Catholic crusaders. They are just as delusional as those crusaders were. The Poles do not realise that the Americans (and the British) will drop them (and the Ukrainians) like hot bricks, when it comes to crunch. Just as they did in 1945, even though the British claimed that they had gone to war in 1939 only for the sake of defending Poland. That too had been a lie. When will the Poles ever learn who their real friends are? As the Saker has said: ‘The US/NATO do not have the manpower or firepower needed to take on Russia in a conventional combined arms war. Any use of nuclear weapons will result in immediate retaliation’. Today at least 1 in 33 people in Poland are Ukrainian ‘refugees’. A lot of Poles are fed up with that invasion. It is putting a great strain on the country.
The Future
At this very moment NATO is being demilitarised in the Ukraine. Ironically, the Ukraine is officially a Non-NATO country and one that contains some of the most Polish-hating people in the world. The Ukrainians who live on the Polish border (Galicians) even invented a new religion so that they would not be Catholics like the Poles (or Orthodox like the Russians). It is called ‘Greek Catholicism’. A weirder and more artificial mixture than that you will not find. As the Russians say: ‘Neither fish, nor meat’. So what happens when NATO collapses? Let us go back into the history of the last century, so much of which involved Poland, from Nazi-devastated Warsaw to Soviet-liberated Auschwitz, from Wroclaw (Breslau) to Gdansk (Danzig).
By the start of 1917, World War I had lasted for two and a half years and Russia was only a few months away from total victory and liberating Vienna, Berlin and Istanbul. However, the British-organised February Revolution (the then British ambassador, Sir George Buchanan, was the Victoria Nuland of a century later) put paid to it. And the utterly incompetent but Anglophile aristocrats the British had chosen to run Russia opened the floodgates to the October Revolution. Without British meddling, there would have been no Poland which between 1919 and 1920 occupied most of Belarus and Western Ukraine and stayed there until 1939. And if Russian troops had entered Vienna, Berlin and Istanbul, there would have been no Austrian corporal who in 1939 created the second part of World War I. And so no US invasion of Western Europe in 1944. And so no Soviet troops entering Vienna and Berlin in 1945 with violence. And so no war for the liberation of the Ukraine today.
The Austrian intrigues which helped lead to World War I played into the hands of the French and the British and destroyed the Saint Petersburg-Berlin axis. This was tragic because Berlin is the real centre of Western and Central Europe and everything else falls into place behind it, including Paris. (All Germans have to do to ensure their de facto leadership is to flatter the vanity of the French elite and tell them how important they are, that is enough). For harmony between Berlin and Saint Petersburg means harmony all over Western, Central and the northern part of Eastern Europe. Leaving aside Western Europe, there are also whole parts of Eastern and Central Europe which Russia is not interested in, because those Eastern and Central European cultures are alien to the Russian mentality and closer to German history and culture. These include, obviously, ex-Protestant Eastern Germany, as well as ex-Catholic Poland (including a slither of what is for the moment the far western Ukraine), Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and northern Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as atheist Czechia.
Once you remove those countries from the equation, you come to those parts of Eastern Europe which Russia is interested in and feels closer to. These are: Belarus, the (Russian) Ukraine, the Baltics, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, southern Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus. You will be able to see why they belong to the Russian cultural world if you have a look at Samuel Huntingdon’s map of ‘The Eastern Boundary of Western Civilization’ (sic) (3). As the ethnocentric Professor says: ‘Europe ends where Western Christianity ends’. Here Russia will not need to build a wall, put up barbed wire and cement tank traps. It has friends on the other side of the border.
This was Stalin’s mistake – to create a Russian buffer zone which included countries whose majority culture was alien to the Russian, as listed above, instead of only those countries towards the south and east, as listed above. As an atheist Stalin had no more time or understanding for religious and cultural distinctions than modern Americans. A pity. South-eastern Europe, the above list of countries, will once more enter into the Russian sphere of influence, but those to the north and west belong elsewhere, the German and so Western European sphere.
Conclusion: After NATO
As NATO continues its collapse, which began in Kabul in August 2021, it will be clear that the US cannot hold on to Europe, just as it cannot hold on to Asia. The NATO wars will soon be over. NATO is being demilitarised and denazified now. In fact, it is being abolished now. Once the Berlin-Moscow axis has been re-established, the rest of Europe will follow, not into a Russian sphere of influence, but into an area which will want to form good relations with Russia, even the ex-American Republics of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and American Britain. This is because behind Moscow, lies Beijing and indeed the whole of Eurasia. And all of Europe needs both Beijing and Moscow, Beijing for manufactured goods, Moscow for energy. Europe is to return to its roots, turning its back on transatlantic irrelevance and meddling. That is soon to be its past. As the good Colonel said: ‘To hell with Washington’.
24 November 2022
1. Naturally, Ismay was named after the greatest defeat in the history of the English people, Hastings. That is, after the greatest victory in the history of the Norman/British Establishment. And naturally, in 1947, General Ismay was given the Norman title of Baron for his service to the same Norman Establishment.
3. The first map in Chapter 7 of his book ‘The Clash of Civilizations’.
Another excellent post Batiuska !
And just for the sake of completeness, we should also ask what was has this supposedly “North Atlantic” Treaty Organization been doing in the very deep South Atlantic (only a few hundreds miles from Antarctica ) in the Southern Cone of the Americas since 1833. Till today, instead of the Malvinas Isles, the Anglo-Saxons have imposed on everyone else the ´Falklands´, its kelpers included. Actually, Ismay also proposed that NATO “must grow until the whole free world gets under one umbrella”
Cordially Jorge
Mi cuñado fue movilizado justo al final de la guerra.
Hasta que un combatiente de la guerra de las Malvinas no sea presidente de Argentina, Argentina no será un país libre.
machine translation:
My brother-in-law was mobilized right at the end of the war.
Until a fighter from the Falklands War is president of Argentina, Argentina will not be a free country.
Batiushka needs to read a few WWI histories like Alan Clarke’s Suicide Of The Empires. By early 1917 the Russian army was exhausted, either thrown away in failed offensives meant to take the heat off the Western Front, or – when successful, as Brusilov was – left to collapse due to a lack of support and reinforcement. Meanwhile the Tsarist regime was utterly corrupt from within and its collapse was only a matter of time. Any Western aid to the February Revolution was only so as to keep Russia fighting, if possible to the last Russian.
For a serious history of WW1’s beginnings, I recommend this book. It is on Kindle. The British and their Jews were deeply implicated – and they still are.
“Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War”
Great article.
Can I please ask not to use the term North for my country Macedonia.
The name was forcibly AND illigally changed against the will of the Macedonian people after the brutal coup in 2015-2017 when the 5th column nazi regime was installed, now fully controlled by albanians. Country now on the verge of breakup to the content of the neighbours excluding Serbia. As designed by the old anglo-austrian beast. We are under occupation.
Thank you for your understanding.
The name Macedonia is purely Hellenic and nothing to do with the Slavs in the Vardar valley for lack of better term . My father was born in Veles by the way and lived in the border town of Gevgeli which had many Greeks at one time . Any use of the name Macedonia in that region is an attack on Greece . Politically the governments of Greece under Mitsotakis had made a grave error in the continue support of Ukraine and it’s almost anti Russian stand. This in the backdrop of overwhelming Greek support in Mariupoli and other regions of NovoRussia. I don’t like to talk against the Orthodox clergy but even the Patrichiate Bartholemew had disparaging words against Kyrill.
Well said Makedon. Macedonia for the Macedonians. The traitors in the current regime will surely face justice.
“Can I please ask not to use the term North for my country Macedonia.”
Strictly speaking, the rightful name of this region is Stara Srbija. Macedonia, as a country & a distinct ethnoculture has never existed. Ever, at any point in history. Hellenic Macedonia is the only Macedonia that has any authentic existence in history.
I like this Polish minority you speak of. I have always had more admiration for Jaruzelski who avoided the worst for his country than for Wałęsa who built churches and left hospitals in ruins. I was a foreign student in Poland between 1978 and 1983 and I remember.
I also remember all those Poles whose family was buried in the Lwów cemetery and who could not go to their graves.
You are absolutely right to focus on the Greek Catholicism of the Ukrainians of Galicia. I will simply add that Bandera was the son of the local Greek Catholic parish priest Andriy Bandera and his wife Myroslava née Głodzińska, daughter of a Greek Catholic priest.
I currently live in Romania where the Greco-Catholic churches have unfortunately re-emerged after the fall of Ceauşescu, once again spreading a nationalist discourse while deafening the people with their bells which exceed all others in decibels but not in spirituality.
Batiuska, we can always learn from you and be uplifted.
” Even Spain and Portugal look towards the Caribbean and the South Atlantic”
Portugal is a founding member of nato because of azores. Portuguese eez covers a huge part of nothern atlantic, from, by heart, the continental territory from about 38° to 42° and the maritime zone even more, because it reaches from north of azores to south of madeira.
Not that it will make great difference to your reasoning, but for sure portugal is as much north atlantic as it gets!
Blagodaram Batiushka. Spasibo.
In reply to Stepan, I have read a lot of World War I histories, as well as talking to elderly participants still alive when I was young. Western histories like Clark’s completely distort reality. They are pure lies. If you know Russian, I recommend Multatuli, but almost anything in Russia and then you will realise that you are the victim of Western propaganda. It was France and Britain that were losing in the bloodbath on the Western Front. Even Churchill stated that Russia was on the point of victory, when the February ‘Revolution’, a palace revolt and betrayal, took place. The Americans moved in as soon as the Russians were taken out. And the Americans brought ‘Spanish’ flu with them, another consequence of the British-orchestrated ‘Revolution’. Read and you will discover the truth!
Yes, Jorge, the Malvinas and NATO too!
And Macedonia, I agree, Makedon. Another Western trick!
Today the ´Rule Britannia´ party needs to turn its ongoing defeat into Truss´s Global Britain for a Global NATO.
“Hastings… the greatest victory in the history of the Norman/British Establishment.”
Exactly !!
But too few realise that the Norman victory at Hastings created the liberal hell we live in today.
Nice work.
Among Spanish Traditional Catholics (please do not confuse with conservatives) we are very close to the Orthodox.
I think Russia should take this into account because there is much more in common than it thinks there is in southwestern Europe.
We are few, unfortunately, but the Lord does not care about that, but spiritually we feel close to orthodoxy. Please don’t look down on us.
I’m afraid we will see the Anglo-Saxon globalist world terrorizing Europe for a long time with hybrid attacks in an attempt to maintain its control before disappearing forever into the dustbin of history.
I have long followed the use of Anglo-Saxon as a pejorative term on these fora. It is indeed true that my pagan Saxon ancestors, invited by the Christian Roman-Celts to assist in protecting them from the Picts and others, took advantage of the invitation and murdered the civilized Celts of what would later become England, some fleeing to Wales and to Brittany in what is today France; however, within a 100 years, those Saxons had become Christians and had developed a culture somewhat different from that of their Saxon cousins on the continent, although they could read the same paraphrased New Testament called the Heliand. The Saxons, like most peoples, had a hierarchy, but it was one with different levels of echelons of subsidiarity. A Saxon king was never an absolute rule in any sense of the word. The Normans, who were Vikings who had been Franconized (Norman French) and Romanized came with a quite different notion of hierarchy, a hierarchy without any real subsidiarity. The Normans have been ruling over us -U.S., UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand ever since. I do not counsel that the pejorative Anglo-Saxon be changed to Norman, but I needed to echo what the author brought to our attention.
” A Saxon king was never an absolute rule in any sense of the word.”
Quite so Robert.
The English Saxons had an advanced system of local government, which was overturned by the Normans and replaced by centralised control. Just one of the features of Normanism that have corrupted modern life.
Concur. Anglo-Saxon as a pejorative misleads historically and is especially useless with respect to contemporary and near-past tyrannical activities against regular citizens of the nations. Oligarchs would be a more useful term. One could even specify one ethnicity of oligarch, maybe two, but Oligarch does nicely in place of Anglo-Saxon, IMO.
Blaming Anglo-Saxons for contemporary troubles of regular citizens is as poor and stupid shooting as MLK’s grandson in MLKs pulpit at MLK’s memorial service condemning WASPS for Blacks’ troubles while VPOTUS (Al Gore) sits just behind him. Hiss as you wish at Al Gore, the shot from young King was never going to find a target of consequence. It was perfunctory, wasted, and risible effort, not a fitting memorial to his grandfather MLK, which drew the assemblage to that place and time.
There are other locutions of no consequence used hereabouts by several writers. Generally I leave them alone and sift for the sound insight or information. Sometimes I remark the lazy uselessness of their presence.
Re-establishing the Moscow-Berlin axis transcends the schism of 1054.
This essay is internally inconsistent. On the one hand, it envisions division of east and west, even enumerating the countries contained in each. On the other hand, it envisions the Northwest salient of Eurasia re-joining their geographical and cultural center, The Heartland.
Which is it? I think it’s the latter. So does the author, considering he ends on re-establishing the Moscow-Berlin axis, which ends the east-west divide, aka schism of 1054.
For grins and giggles, here is a professor — Heather Gregg — at the U.S. Army War College avoiding the fact that the Ukrainian Catholic Church — Liviv-based — is the Bandaristas, Nazis:
Ignorance and ideology at the summit of the US system of education is appalling. I’ve spent since the early 80s trying to help fix that by reintegrating the study of phenomena as a Quintivium comprising Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, and Pedagogy.
Re-establishing the Moscow-Berlin axis transcends the schism of 1054.
You say that as a Latin (aka “Roman Catholic”) or as an Orthodox Christian?
If neither, what qualifies you to make such a sweeping statement?!
Maybe as an expert on Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, and Pedagogy?
Okay, I will bite: where and what kind of theology did you study?
Same question about “military arts”
(the other three I am not competent to have an opinion about).
I look forward to your reply!
Not less than 1/3 part of Croatia belongs to orthodox Srbs. Also, there is a small part of south-west Bosnia&Hercegovina belonging to catholic Croats. Most Croats are Serb-catholics.
Absolutely true!
Alas, the question is this: would any Serbs want to live next to Croat neighbors again?
I think that it is better to give up on the former Krajinas and consolidate the Serbian nation in the Republika Srpska+Serbia (including all of Kosovo, of course).
All internal borders were made up by communists, therefore void.
5 newly minted nazi states are propped up by NATerroristO.
Land is not of the essence, but massive blood to be repaid.
All in Time.
I do not think those ethnically clensed by NATO from Krajina, still living in scrappy refugee accomodation in Serbia would agree.
When talking about NATO and Europe, one need to put it into the perspective of the American Empire.
Europe is the eastern part of the Empire, and a potential rival, that needs to be kept down not to get any ideas of breaking away. NATO membership, is becoming part of Empire.
EU being an administrative part of Empire, can not accept non-NATO members. Exceptions where made for Sweeden and Finland, although their military was integrated with NATO all but in name. Public opinion needed to be massaged for a while.
The problem is viewing NATO as an purely defensive alliance, it’s never was. Talk of expansion of the defensive alliance, is deceptive talk about the expansion of Empire. To be allowed as a member sovereinity most be abandoned, laws rewritten with NATO in mind, vassalage must be widely accepted by the ruling elite.
The above is the main reasons why Russia was never considered a candidate for NATO, even on request by Putin. It would be a to big powerful unit, with an ruling elite not compatible for vassalage. Wrong ideas.
The reason why Serbias application for EU is futile, is because its will likely never become a NATO candidate.
An expansion of the alliance, is an expansion of Empire. And the goal of Empire is total global domination.
Going back to the fall of the wall in ’89 and the formal end of WW2 with a reunified Germany, one can only agree with the Chinese precident consideration of Gorbatsjov at the time : an idiot. At least he got the Nobel Peace price, which sort of validates the previously mentioned evalutation.
I think this is the last Pole who would ever get a “Peace Prize” from the Nobel committee. I think it says enough about the Nobel Peace Prize to point out that Kissinger and Obama have both been awarded one; obviously the NBP is a part of the Western propaganda system and system of control.
The fact that even the author of this article unconsciously associates this prize with striving for the good of the human race is a sign of the pervasiveness of Western propaganda and its success at insinuating its way into the minds of even its stalwart opponents.