by Francis Lee for the Saker blog
As the textbooks would have define it Capitalism should be understood as being essentially a dynamic force, constantly growing and mutating, and it takes no prisoners moreover. It is a social system in which individuals are free to own the means of production, property, and maximize profits and which resource allocation is determined by the price system. Well, that’s the theory in its pristine form going all the way back to John Locke (1632-1704). However, in the fullness of time the system changed and adapted to the requirements of its new environment. The early logicians of the system were mostly to be found in Europe, particularly England, France, and Germany. The English School of theoretical practitioners, including Adam Smith – who in fact was Scottish – (1723-90), (David Ricardo (1722-1823) who was originally Portuguese, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his sidekick (Friedrich Engels – both German (1820-1895) Although much of Engels’ work was journalism rather than economic theory – see for example ‘’The Condition of the working class in England 1844.’’
Such was the golden age of political economy.
Political Economy was, however, about to be eclipsed by a new theory, viz., ‘Economics’. Mathematical Economics has now pretty much insinuated its way into the Political Economy of the dominant school, university, and business curricula. The theory is based upon a system of ‘natural’ laws’ (sic!) which are apparently above dispute and rigidly disciplined by a priesthood of clerics sworn to uphold its religious precepts.
So far, however, any attempt to challenge the teachings of this faith and its defenders will find it tough going. Be that as it may a radical movement among its retractors is building up a head of steam in opposition. Nothing stays the same forever and to be subject to a radical reshaping of the way economics and finance are, and have been, studied and taught. What has gone wrong has long historical roots and will doubtless correct – but correct it must. There has been and increasingly more than dissatisfaction with the current Economics paradigm. Its critics are vehement:
‘’Academic economics has become a disaster and a disgrace. In a particular lecture Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman said that much of the past 30 years of macroeconomics was ‘spectacularly useless at best, and positively harmful at worst.’’’ (1)
Krugman was on this occasion correct. ‘’Not only did most academic economists fail to see the Great Implosion (2008) coming, but they were not even looking in the right direction. And having been surprised by its arrival, they had little to say about its implications – the greatest event to have fallen the capitalist system since the Second World War.’’ (2)
Yet, the herd-like response to the 2008 debacle was not unique. It seems like many other blow-outs inbuilt in popular consciousness. Everything seems to be going along as normal and them – wham, everything collapses. And this is not the first time that this has happened. Much the same was true of the collapse of communism in the early 1990s which broke on an unsuspecting academic community that had written virtually nothing about how a society should move from communism to a market system. The situation was and is hardly unique.
‘’Although there are shining exceptions, most academic economists, whilst clinging to the idea that their subject matter is somehow relevant and of interest to a wider world, in fact practice a modern form of scholasticism – of no use or interest to man or beast. The output of this activity consists of articles entombed in ‘scholarly’ journals usually about questions of startling irrelevance, badly thought out and appallingly badly written, littered with jargon, and liberally dosed with mathematics, destined to be read by no-one outside of a narrow coterie, and increasingly not even by them.’’ (3)
But what happens when civilizations disintegrate as they always do? Well, we would have a case-study – or perhaps I should say case-studies, plural – standing squarely in front of us. During the 1980s and 90s the system enjoyed a period of considerable prosperity. This was occasioned by the fall in the oil price and dominance of the yuppie ideology of leveraged wealth and risk taking. There was also the emergence of China – N.B. Russia was still in the convalescent ward at the time having been ravaged by its own extractive yuppie class oligarchs – China, however, powered ahead as a major supplier of cheap goods and the remarkable advances in technology.
The values of modern financial markets, dominated by the devil-may-care worship of greed, are deeply corrosive of the values which held societies together. They are also corrosive of the values that underpin successful business. Businesses once focused primarily on producing goods and services for which they had a competitive advantage, but today they are more likely to place just as much if not more focused on their share price, their dividends regime, their borrowing, and their bets they have made on exchange rates and interest rates.
What also bears examination was the great sell-off of national assets during the heady years of the Blair/Clinton interlude. Monies which were handed out into the greedy grasp of the oligarch class throughout the US and Europe. Michael Hudson explains:
‘’The West’s former left-wing parties have adopted neo-liberal policies relinquishing political control back to the financial and rentier elites that seemed on the brink of losing them when the 20th century tax and regulatory reforms began to be put in place. Tony Blair’s British Labour Party, and Bill Clinton’s US Democratic Party in the 1990s have been followed by the German Social Democrats SPD and French PS Parti Socialiste in this regression. Not to mention the Greek and Spanish socialist parties.’’ (4)
But we have now moved on to the second leg of the great economic and political reset which was in as sense 2008 on steroids.
The Finance Revolution
The best-known understanding of Finance and Financialization can be delineated as follows: financialization is a global system which involves the increasing role of financial motives, financial markets, financial actors, and financial institutions in the operation of domestic and international economies. (5)
Financialization involves a uniquely new order of wealth extraction – not to be confused with wealth creation (production). In addition, the unchecked growth of finance has given rise to the emergence of a new rentier economy and a rentier class similar to the aristocratic strata of yesteryear; a class against whom the 19th and 20th century proponents of a productive economy toiled in vain. Unfortunately, this social/economic formation has become a growth consuming parasite which has positioned itself astride the national and even global/financial borders of sovereign states. This economic and financial coup against the working class as well as productive capitalism has nurtured a political counter-revolution which has so far been impervious to any change of its social and political position. As Michael Hudson notes.
‘’The distinguishing feature of finance-capitalism is not the real economy of production and consumption, industrial profits, and wages, but the financialization of income and wealth. That is what is imposing austerity, as a result of payments to the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate sector, ‘’crowding out’’ personal and corporate income. This phenomenon is a composite of debt deflation and rent deflation.’’ (6)
Michael Hudson: a note on debt deflation. Below.
‘’Every economy needs credit to finance housing, education, (in the United States) and large consumer durables from automobiles to refrigerators. The problem is that the economy-wide volume of debt grows exponentially by compound interest. The financial expansion of debt (and of ‘’savings’’ on the creditors’ side of the economy’s balance sheet) is extractive, deflating the industrial economy’s circulation of production and consumption spending … Hudson.
David Ricardo (see above) ignored the exponential growth of interest- bearing debt. It was left to Karl Marx to elaborate (In Volumes II and III of Capital) that the financial system of credit and debt is external to industrial capitalism. It grows by purely mathematical laws, and these are independent of the economy’s ability to produce and pay-off the debts. As the rising debt overhead diverts income away from the industrial economy, creditors receiving this exponential growth recycle their interest receipts into yet more lending diverting more and more income to banks and bondholders away from the industrial economy. What doubles is not real growth but the financial burden, leaving less income to be spent on goods and services.
The resulting exponential all-devouring path ‘’assimilates all the surplus value with the exception of the share claimed by the state.’’ see Marx. (7)
The State and Sovereignty
During the post 1945 period it was generally understood that the political institutions of state have always been in a sense neutral. Acting in the public interest the state was responsible for key sectors of the economy which included, health, education, key industries like transportation, public utilities – water, electricity, gas, coal, iron, and steel. Moreover, there were cultural utilities such as music, housing, and theatre drama – and in addition, museums, parks, playing-fields, and lidos which have always been funded by the state. There were a number of things like Circuses for example which remained in the private sector.
But the state no longer oversees most of the above. The only real institutions which now matter are the civil service, the police, and the armed forces, and of course – the media.
First to be targeted were the inhabitants of the global south. The IMF and World Bank were given this particular role. This deadly duo of IMF/WB were provided with a brief to impose the dreaded ‘Structural Adjustment Programmes forced on governments in Latin America Asia and Africa by the IMF/WB duo to pursue export led industrialization, cut welfare spending, lower salaries of civil servants and cut their numbers, rush privatization measures, and above all, enforce private property rights … And the upshot of all this was the creation of crony capitalism which enabled well-connected individuals and companies to take control of key sectors and turn themselves into plutocrats through opportunistic networking and clientelism. Carlos Slim emerged from nowhere and became the richest man in the world by acquiring control of Mexico’s telecom sector on privatization. Predictably other nonentities in the global south emerged as billionaires combining political skills with ruthless commercial acumen.
In the Northern hemisphere what was left was the privatization of much of the above. In Russia this took on the most extreme form and led to a collapse in the Russian state, institutions, culture and religion and the rise of the Oligarch class. Russia was literally gutted by the privatizers and their western backers and took years to recover.
This process also took place in ex-post-soviet states and also took years to recover, and had enjoyed a brief renaissance, until a reemergence of the new capitalist order with the usual smorgasbord of structural reforms imposed by the IMF/WB duo was meted out. (8) These destructive policies brought in by a series of privatizations which were a bonanza to the already well-heeled but has become a new burden for the new working class in the West.
(One of the side effects of this global counter-revolution has been the fall in population particularly in the northern hemisphere. The fertility rate for women has been falling and with it the size of the population. I cannot think of one country in the northern hemisphere which manages the minimum 2.1 fertility rate for women. In short, and to the joy of the eugenicists, the world population has been in long-term decline from 1950 onwards.) The Great Game goes on.
This article by Alastair Macleod can be read in full in Goldmoney
Geopolitics: The world is splitting in 2. 18-Aug-2022. By Alasdair Macleod.
While we are being distracted by Ukraine, President Putin has advanced his geopolitical goals materially. Aided and abetted by President Xi, Putin is taking the Asian continent into his control. The mission is well on its way to being achieved. He now awaits the winter months to finally force the EU to reject America’s hegemony. Only then, will the western end of the Eurasian continent be truly free of America.
This brief synopsis explains how he is achieving his strategic goals. It examines the geopolitics of the Asian landmass and the nations tied to it, which are commercially and financially turning their backs on the US-led western alliance.
I look at the politics from President Putin of Russia’s viewpoint, since he is the only national leader who seems to have a clear grasp of this long-term objectives. His active strategy conforms closely with Halford Mackinder’s predictive analysis of nearly 120 years ago. Mackinder is regarded as the founder of geopolitics.
Putin is determined to remove the American threat to his western borders by squeezing the EU to that end. But he is also building political relationships based on control of global fossil fuel supplies – a pathway opened for him by American and European obsessions over climate change. In partnership with China, the consolidation of his power over the Eurasian landmass has progressed rapidly in recent weeks.
For the Western alliance, financially and economically his timing is particularly awkward, coinciding with the end of the 40-year period of declining interest rates, rising consumer price inflation, and a deepening recession driven by contracting bank credit.
It is the continuation of a financial war by other means, and it looks like Putin has an unbeatable hand. He is on course to push our fragile fiat currency based financial system over the edge.
(1) ‘The Trouble with Markets’, Roger Bootle – Saving Capitalism from Itself – Chapter 9 – pp.232-33 – P.Krugman
(2) Bootle – page 233 – Ibid.
(3) Bootle – op. cit.
(4) Michael Hudson – The Destiny of Civilization – p.172
(5) Grace Blakely – Stolen: How to Save The World from Financialization. By Grace Blakeley – page 11.
(6) Michael Hudson – The Destiny of Civilization – p.15
(7) K. Marx – Capital Volume 3, page 699
(8) Meanwhile the Washington Institutions gained a new role in the 1990s as the midwives to capitalist development in the numerous ‘transition’ economies of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe the hastily established European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. (ERBD). They adopted the structural adjustment strategy to these countries in what was euphemistically called ‘shock therapy’. This had calamitous social and economic consequences for which the international financial institutions advising them to bear a great deal of responsibility.
“During the 1980s and 90s the system enjoyed a period of considerable prosperity. This was occasioned by the fall in the oil price and dominance of the yuppie ideology of leveraged wealth and risk taking.”
This propsperity 1980’s was based on outsourcing, offshoring, and deindustrialization at the expense of the working class and the future that we are now experiencing.
God created economists to make weathermen feel better about themselves.
The upcoming financial crisis will cause great unemployment and stagflation. Desperate Elites in the west will have no choice but to conscript them as cannon fodder in the war with Eurasia. They may believe putin not willing to use nukes against them.
“Financialization involves a uniquely new order of wealth extraction – not to be confused with wealth creation (production).”
Extraction, indeed.
Wealth is not destroyed, it is transferred.
Another word that might be used is stolen. As in 2008, the people had their “wealth” transferred to the tune of $5 Trillion.
How much more in 2022?
The financial oligarchy deliberately lead the economics in Academy into bad economics in order to hide how bad the privately owned central bank system is. Now most people who study economics hace no idea they are reading propaganda, .So most law makers have bo clue bout real economics, Western societies go from one “fix” to another,
Something massively important is being left out of this economic analysis. It is as integral to the decline of the west as it is a threat to the continued growth of a multipolar and less usurious balance of economic/political power.
Current growth is built on the enormous energy yield of fossil fuels. But Fossil fuels are a limited resource and the costs and risks of extraction and also the risks of use are evident in the global decline in the virtually every fundamental of ecological health. Clean fresh water is threatened both by drought and contamination. climatic extremes , floods, oceanic rise, acidification and temperature rises along with the decimation of forests are all contributing to massive species extinction. Our very air is contaminated in a dozen ways, most of which trace back to fossil fuels. We are turning the Mother Earth that gave us life within a rich and interdependent natural world into unsustainable collection of plastic crap dependent on oil. It is a civilizational addiction that is comparable to drug addiction, or to financiers and rentier’s addiction to human debt enslavement. To exclude this reality of the natural economy of our living planet is as much a failure of socialist economics as the failure of the ‘greed is good’ absurdities of capitalism.
Very true. But would you want to burn wood again for hot water anymore?
People might say there are alternatives, but all alternatives depend on kick starting industry with fossil fuel or nuclear energy.
Truth is that historic populations flourished close to equators and places with tolerable winters because all people could use was firewood, which is only sufficient for basic cooking and heating, hardly any industry.
Going away from fossil fuel means northern hemisphere (aka Europe and parts of north America) will losing it all in one go.
I submit that you are not ‘wrong’ in your assessment.
I also submit that your assessment is incomplete to the point of being properly defined as wrong by omission.
This racket must end. Humanity has been molested, violated, defiled and in multitudes murdered by this insidious deciet based manipulation of mortal human weakness to the point now that Heaven hears our cries…
Truly and not a fiction, not a narrative…
This isn’t a drill.
Rejoice that your soul has been called to this battle, as others before you have been called.
Accept your role and live eternally.
I know the Bible well, lived in a communal Christian group for many years, have heard most of the Christian faiths, and still draw deep inspiration from the teachings and life practices of Jesus. Currently I’m most connected to Friends(Quaker) faith and practice. Within that faith we distrust all creedal attempts to contain the divine. For us the revelation of truth and the evolution of human relation with the divine is unfolding, ongoing. I also choose not to fear damnation. I love and am loved and am finding truth and grace from many great spiritual teachers. Best wishes in your chosen way.
Quite correct. To assign to Marx an infallibility equivalent to the Pope in Rome is an error. Marx was a man of his time and fully aware of the long line of political economists coming before. So, socialism adopted many of the “taming nature” fallacies of the capitalists in that the leaders of the USSR were quite happy to build a dam for the good of the people (rather than profit) and so on. Socialism remains the best available approach to balance this world and do the work of recovering from our greedy addiction to fossil fuels. I am impressed by the work of Vettesse and Pendergrass shown in ‘Half-Earth Socialism’ where “half-earth” refers to the necessary global rewilding originally proposed by biologist E.O. Wilson but improved on.
Yes I too think that something akin to socialism is the only way to reorient our habits to harmonize with the biological diversity that shaped us and on which we still depend. But we need to find a way to be deeply inclusive not just of a more equitable set of human values, but to include the insects, plants, animals, waters and forests that have been building a self balancing biosphere for millions of years. Whether one thinks of this as the wisdom of God or the wisdom of the stars or the emergent balance of many kinds of mind is less important than facing our current mistakes and building new models of how to live. We need a spirituality that moves toward harmony.
There are builders I knew in Northern Minnesota who 25 years ago were making passive solar houses that could go through very cold winters on sunlight and very small inputs of fuel or electric heat pumps. Permaculture systems are showing how much food can be grown without fossil fuel inputs in a large diversity of climates. We humans are toolmakers, and making good tools with just the metals we have already mined could sustain large populations for decades if truly localized and efficient, but the supply chains are too long and the inefficiencies and greed produce wars for resources ecological rape that bring more destruction, oppression and lies. We may have reached or exceeded the limits of growth but we are far from exhausting our intelligence or the wisdom that informs this beautiful planet.
Someone please write about 1929 great depression motives by banksters.
Which states/regimes were involved, and how US economy could be so much linked to Europe a century ago?
Were these measures related in any way to the events in Soviet.
Was there any reason to contract money supply by a 3rd when considering politics between Soviet, China, Japan and the US at the time?
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
– Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
Spurious quote, although the sentiment is correct. The first recorded use of the term inflation (in the financial sense) is from 1838.
“the fall in population”
and “the world population has been in long-term decline from 1950 onwards”
Absolutely not! It was about 2 bn in 1950, and is about 8 bn now. That is an increase, not a decline.
The world population has quadrupled since 1950.
China has in fact embraced state funded industrial capitalism to great effect, raising most of its population from abject poverty. It has not allowed financial capitalists to take control of its economy as Jack Ma found out. This policy has enabled their largely agrarian economy to transform itself into an industrial powerhouse within the last 35 years by having its government owned central bank create its domestic currency the yuan debt free, the government then uses to put its population to work building infrastructure like high speed rail, power stations, hydro electric dams, highways, healthcare and education up to university level without having to borrow money from private banks at interest.
The only limitations to its still expanding economy are the availability of energy supplies to power its factories and raw materials from which to make consumer durables.
This is why the US has ringed China with missile bases and keeps stirring up trouble using Taiwan. Russia and China have now formed a mutually beneficial close economic relationship to thwart US ambitions of imposing its rule based order of full spectrum domination. The New American Century will now be one of decline unless it breaks free of private banker control, aided and abetted by excessive military spending.
Maybe they set China Up. They gave China industrialization to lure them. And then “they” take it away right at this time. So many things don’t make sense until time passes perhaps.
I have always thought the US deindustrialized and shifted production to China for their entirely pragmatic short term goal of short term profits. Anyone here looking ahead, Ross Perot for instance who garnered 19% of the vote for president, most ever for a 3rd party, could see the hollowing out of the American economy and society and multiple harms to the working class. But it was the big money bankers and corporate elites wallowing in their short term greed, totally deliberate, at the root of the shift. What is happening now with the ascendence of China was entirely foreseeable, but those crooks and scoundrels have their filthy loot all squirreled away and the Western publics are left to die and fend for themselves, which is now in full progress.
Well said!
THUNDER HEARD FROM DOWNUNDER… a view from the Antipodes of an existential war of monumental implications.
While I have been languishing and gagged in Farsebook jail for the majority of the last few months, the globe has been witnessing the Western Hegemon shooting itself multiple times in both feet… to the stage that economically and diplomatically they have now isolated themselves from ~90% of the population of the world.
There is a tidal wave of at least 150 countries that are sick to death of the habits of the old Zone A kleptocrats. In droves, they are queueing up to join the new Zone B group that is based around the huge BRIICS+ collective.
BRIICS = Brazil/Russia/India/Iran/China/South Africa
The “+” equals virtually the entire global south including Africa, Latin America and South America… with the notable absence of NZ and Aus, who suicidally persist in economically aligning themselves with Natostan the vicious global hegemon.
… for an explanation of the other acronyms in this monumental new initiative see the addendum underneath…
This new construct is equal to ~75% of the countries of the world and this number is still growing. In terms of population, it is already a staggering 90% of the globe.
This is a monumental shakeup of the existing and completely outmoded global financial/security/military/trading/currency paradigms and is arguably the biggest socio-economic turning point in the history of our species. This is a massive socio-economic renaissance.
Of course, this development doesn’t even make the LSM news… no surprises there. Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot… why am I the only person in NZ wanting to shout this incredibly liberating news from the rooftops?
A key component of this development includes de-dollarisation which means the beginning of the end of the US dollar as the global reserve and default currency.
By definition, this will mean the end of thieving institutions like the BIS [Bank of International Settlements] the IMF, and the WB, which are all opportunistic, parasitic and predatory arms of the old western based, City of London/Wall Street, Zone A thieves.
Remember too that NZ’s Reserve Bank is a member of the BIS group and by definition is absolutely not independent. The only thing the RBNZ is independent of is working for the common good of the everyday citizens of our country. They are part of the cabal that actually robs us on a daily basis and stifles the development and long-term wealth of this country.
The BIS is a bank formed by German interests in the 1930s leading into WW2. Its overriding function quickly morphed into laundering Nazi loot that was tragically and opportunistically plundered from most of Europe throughout the war.
In reality, the BIS is a tyrannically inspired Nazi construct that has become nothing more than an outrageous opportunistic parasite. NZ is one of the 63 member countries of this group and as such we are being thieved from as well. All of this money goes to a minuscule number of kleptocrats and finances the perpetual global war machine.
Under this privately owned central banking system, where money is created out of thin air as debt, all financial charges are multiples of what they could be using equitable Coop-style sovereign state models, where parasitic banking cabals are not taking a huge cut.
It has been proven time and time again that the current system causes all infrastructural spending to be between 300-400% more costly over a 30-40 year period, simply because of this completely unnecessary interest burden.
NZ now has the chance to completely divorce itself from the Nazi-inspired Western Central baking racket and to reinvent all its banking models from Central bank level right down to localised coops. If this is done properly, NZ could eliminate its external debt and become one of the wealthiest countries in the world, all within a few short years.
We should be joining the new Zone B system and moving into a new non-fiat currency that is commodity-backed and not subject to destructive inflationary influences. History provides examples of the stability of tangibly backed currencies.
One of the most outstanding was the Mexican Peso which was silver backed, hence the nic-name “pieces of eight” which had negligible inflation for 350 years.
The visionary new Zone B sovereign currencies will be backed by multiple commodities, probably around 20, including precious metals, foods such as grain, and industrial metals. The sheer number will give an added layer of stability that will be vastly superior to a single commodity backing like gold or silver which can be so easily manipulated by modern derivative-type/casino speculation.
So we now know why none of this utterly exhilarating and uplifting news makes it into the MSM. Simply put, it is because these lying merchants of misinformation are all part of the Zone A machine that is right now going down the gurgler. If they did inform us of these developments, they would in effect be commentating on their own debt death spiral.
Instead, their strategy is to pretend this is not happening and hope it will go quietly into the night… ain’t gonna happen… that train was long gone from the station when Putin began his SMO in Ukraine.
The war was already raging and in its different guises had been ongoing since 2014. One of these battles was the entire West trying to cripple and loot Russia after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Well, guess what, in spite of the combined efforts of the Western Hegemon, Russia now has the strongest balance sheet of any country on earth as well as far and away the most natural resources.
Putin has the most popular support of any leader in the world at 90% and most of the remaining 10% maintain that position only because they believe that to date he hasn’t been anywhere near hard enough in his negotiations with despotic western imbeciles.
Two of the loudest voices in the western Chorus calling for Putin’s head were the imbecilic UK PM Bojo, and the toadlike thieving bankster PM of Italy ‘Not So Super Mario Draghi’… both of these shill braggarts are gone from office… how many more western “leaders” will join that sorry and pathetic procession?
The “war” in Ukraine is not a local battle. It is a proxy front for the East vs West and financial/military unipolarity vs multipolarity movements. It is an existential battle of these two paradigms and in particular for the survival of Russian civilisation.
Don’t be under any illusions Russia will prevail in Ukraine and will be the winner… UNLESS of course, this turns nuclear, in which case, there will be ZERO winners.
Yesterday Russia decided to mobilise a further 1.2% [yes 1.2%… not a typo!] of their potential 25 million soldiers.
Don’t believe any of the Western presstitute crap about Ukraine making giant strides. This is all complete bollacks designed simply to feed the murderous western military-industrial complex.
The problem is of course that the Western leaders are so moronic that they actually believe their own self-sponsored propaganda. This is what makes the situation so dangerous and will add massively to the death toll of innocent Ukrainian citizens. NZ underwrites this carnage too in our pathetic misrepresentation of the historical facts of this war.
And to think all of this tragedy was completely avoidable… if Ukraine had honoured the Minsk Treaty and not been goaded into this war by the US, NATO and UK, it could have been business as usual… albeit bad business, with a continuation of the western, mafia-like, parasitic and racketeering habits of old.
So in the financial arena what do we have in a nutshell? Realistically the West is committing financial suicide by indulging in such outrageous behaviour that 90% of the world’s population will be isolating itself from what is in effect a parasitic and hegemonic casino.
The new vision is a cooperative model where all state members will have complete individual sovereignty and autonomy but will enjoy the security of an alliance that is so monumental in its scale that these states will be able to get on with the business of trade, and cooperative creation of long term wealth which will benefit all sectors of society… what an extraordinarily novel concept in today’s dog eat dog world.
How incredibly idiotic is the behaviour of the West… and all based on century-old rabid Russiaphobia and Yellow-man bad syndrome. And what has this achieved? Well, quite clearly the bringing together of all these contrived and imagined foes. They have now been forced into combining their resources into powerful alliances that will make the influence of the old western hegemonic block nothing more than an unpleasant memory.
Which wagon has NZ hitched itself to?
No surprises there… “our” completely idiotic Govt has expressed solidarity and support for the US-installed maniacal Ukrainian Neo-Nazis led by an ex-comedian creature with an IQ that would barely reach room temperature, even on a mild day, and whose favourite hobby is dancing in black tights and women’s stilettos.
NZ is supporting the complete destruction of Ukraine and by extension the impending impoverishment of most of Europe. Absolutely no surprises there, as the Labour Govt is itself a genocidal Nazi-inspired tyrannical regime anyway. Of course, they are inspired by the idiotically dangerous President Ze and the resulting latest global 404 state.
Sergey Lavrov the Russian FM who has more between his ears than all the idiotic western FMs combined mapped it all out just in the last few days when he said… quoted from this link…
“Question: The mutual distrust that has emerged since the conflict began has led many to consider that the previous level of economic integration between Russia and the West may not be achieved for some time, if ever, even if the conflict were to be resolved. Is Russia prepared for this scenario in the long term and if so, what does that mean for Russia’s economic and geopolitical future? Might we see more investment in alternative frameworks such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
Sergey Lavrov: The frenzied response of the United States and its allies to Russia’s special military operation has basically drawn the line under a whole era of interaction between our country and the West. Those whom we believed to be trustworthy economic partners have chosen illegitimate sanctions and a unilateral break-off of business ties.
Russia is not happy about it: what had been built by decades of hard work was destroyed virtually overnight. Well, we will draw our own conclusions from the behaviour of our Western colleagues – I do not think that in the foreseeable future they will be able to restore their credibility as business counterparts.
We will continue working with those partners who are ready for equal, mutually beneficial cooperation, who have not been affected by anti-Russian hysteria. And they constitute the vast majority of the international community. We see wide interest in the expanded cooperation with us from the countries of Eurasia, Africa, and Latin America, members and participants in the EEU, the CSTO, the CIS, the SCO, BRICS, and many other non-Western countries.
We will continue to adapt to new foreign trade and financial realities, intensify import phase-out. Together with our friends, we will decrease the share of U.S. dollar in mutual trade and use national currencies in mutual settlements. We intend to make use of all available opportunities and instruments to protect our interests. I have no doubts that Russia will withstand any sanctions pressure.
Question: Russia and China have strengthened their comprehensive strategic partnership for years and both sides say they will continue to do so even amid the conflict in Ukraine, during which some major Chinese companies and institutions have been cautious not to trigger U.S. sanctions by dealing with Russian markets. What do the events since February 24 mean for the relationship between Moscow and Beijing and the multipolar international order both governments have sought to promote?
Sergey Lavrov: Strategic partnership with China remains an absolute foreign policy priority for Russia. It is sustainable, long-term, and does not depend on the volatility of the international environment. The relationship between Russia and China is characterized by deep mutual trust, mutual support in the protection of each other’s fundamental national interests, and willingness to expand mutually beneficial ties.
Intensive and trust-based dialogue between the leaders – President Putin and President Xi – plays a key role. This February, the Russian leader visited Beijing, and on 15 September top-level negotiations were held in Samarkand on the margins of the Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO.
In the context of heightened international tensions, the responsible approach adopted by Russia and China – permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – towards pressing issues is becoming increasingly relevant. Together with our Chinese friends, we will keep working on improving the world situation, facilitate the creation of a just multi-polar system based on the UN Charter, and, first of all, on the fundamental principle of the sovereign equality of states.”
… unquote…
So there we have it. This month will be the major millennial turning point and the perfect storm that will capsize the boat that all the Western Kleptocrats sail in… good riddance.
Here’s part of a very long list of ingredients for this impending hurricane…
#1 The monumentally powerful alliance of Zone B countries that are breaking free from the old construct and are in the process of de-dollarisation. This will render western financial institutions increasingly irrelevant.
#2 The ripple effects of the Ukraine war will cripple the economies of the EU, and the UK, leading to a global systemic domino-type meltdown of banks. The new international Cyprus-inspired bail-in laws will mean that millions of depositors all over the world could lose their funds almost overnight.
#3 The fact that the Vatican sent out a global directive that it wanted all its liquid assets back in its local bank by the end of Sept [just 7 days away]… a sure signal that a major economic event is pending.
#4 Collective global debt is 350% of global GDP, which means the global economy is effectively insolvent… NB, this figure doesn’t even include a mountain of unfunded liabilities!
#5 The US mid-terms where the Demons are set to lose both houses… in effect, they cannot go ahead with these November elections… they need a major war, a financial catastrophe, or a false flag of some sort so that they don’t have to front up at the ballot box. The gap is so wide that even cheating with their programmable electronic Dominion devices won’t get it done this time around.
#6 Remember that in the so-called great depression the US stock market lost 90% of its value and yet the underlying fundamental causes were relatively minor and localised within the US banking system. The destructive fundamentals this time around are global and exponentially worse than 1929… lesson… no paper assets will be safe this time around.
And last of all some good news. The old system is broken. Any fiat monetary system is a self-destructive certainty anyway. The fact that the Zone B system, which is the polar opposite, is already in place means that much of the world can now go forward with confidence.
It is a fantastic scenario that this parallel system has evolved whilst the West self-mutilates into insolvency. This means only a portion of the world economy will crash and burn.
The huge losers will be the Natostan group who stay on the financial Titanic and refuse to believe that the ship is sinking.
Sadly both NZ and Aus are trapped in this idiocy. Commissar Vaxcinder and her despotic tyrannical comrades are cheering it all on and entirely comfortable with the fact that we as a country are nothing more than a pathetic yapping Natostan lapdog.
The collective so-called opposition in Parliament is likewise despotic and completely clueless as to this monumental global event and the dire future ramifications of our stance.
The Fourth Estate is a complicit pied piper as they lead the Natostan countries over a financial cliff. Meanwhile the RBNZ fiddles with tools that are hopelessly inadequate in dealing with looming stagflation.
The now sidelined Don Brash and John Keys of this world remain paid-up life members of the bankster club. They continue to facilitate this destruction with a blend of willful dissonance and plain old garden variety dishonesty.
Same old, same old… no one in high places in NZ dares to go near this subject… hence our current predicament and the fact, that as a country, we backed a terminally ill horse.
ADDENDUM… an explanation of the many acronyms…
This is music to my ears as the vast number of components of the Zone B financial/trade/security morph into a relentless monumental juggernaut.
The acronyms are so utterly numerous and confusing that it is difficult to comprehend their combined momentum, especially as they begin to align more closely in their common goals and agendas.
The Zone A City of London/Wall Street [AKA Natostan racketeers] are dead meat… all they have to offer is the pathetic Warshington con launched by, of all people, the imbecilic Biden.
This is labelled the IPEF… the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, which they claim is based on… “resilience, sustainability, inclusiveness, economic growth, fairness, and competitiveness for our economies.”
Yeah right… so these pigs are about to fly!… far too little and way too late now for at least 90% of the countries of the globe [by population] to swallow this one, even if they plaster lipstick on this pig with a shovel.
And in stark contrast ZONE B’s offerings…
SCO… The Shanghai Cooperative Organisation [2013], successor to the Shanghai Five, is a permanent intergovernmental international organization, the establishment of which was announced on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People’s Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was preceded by the mechanism of the Shanghai Five.
In June 2002, the Charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was signed at a meeting of the Council of Heads of State in St. Petersburg, and on September 19, 2003, it entered into force. This is a basic statutory document that fixes the goals and principles of the organization, its structure and main activities.
On June 8-9, 2017, Astana hosted a historic meeting of the Council of Heads of States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, during which the status of a member State of the Organization was granted to the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
It now has some 22 countries as members/observers/dialogue partners and ASEAN, CIS, and UN are guest attendees.
CHOS… The Council of Heads of State is the top decision-making body in the SCO. This council meets at the SCO summits, which are held each year in one of the member states’ capital cities. Current council…
Xi Jinping (China)
Narendra Modi (India)
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev (Kazakhstan)
Sadyr Japarov (Kyrgyzstan)
Shehbaz Sharif (Pakistan)
Vladimir Putin (Russia)
Emomali Rahmon (Tajikistan)
Shavkat Mirziyoyev (Uzbekistan)
CHOG… The Council of Heads of Government is the second-highest council in the organisation. This council also holds annual summits, at which time members discuss issues of multilateral cooperation. The council also approves the organisation’s budget. The current Council of Heads of Government consists of…
Li Keqiang (China)
Narendra Modi (India)
Alihan Smaiylov (Kazakhstan)
Akylbek Japarov (Kyrgyzstan)
Shehbaz Sharif (Pakistan)
Mikhail Mishustin (Russia)
Qohir Rasulzoda (Tajikistan)
Abdulla Aripov (Uzbekistan]
RICS… Russia China India [AKA Drivers of the Eurasian century]
Conceived by Russian foreign minister Yevgeny Primakov in 1998.
The group was founded on the basis of ending its subservient foreign policy guided by the US, and “renewing old ties with India and fostering the newly discovered friendship with China.”
CSTO… Collective Security Treaty Organisation is an intergovernmental military alliance in Eurasia consisting of six post-Soviet states: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan.
Similar to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, Article 4 of the CSTO establishes that aggression against one signatory would be perceived as aggression against all. The charter reaffirmed the desire of all participating states to abstain from the use or threat of force. Signatories are prohibited from joining other military alliances.
CRRF… Collective Rapid Reaction Force… a joint combined arms task force comprising independent military units from the CSTO member states. CRRF was created in 2009 with the aim to counter limited military aggression against CSTO member states and to fight against terrorism and drug trafficking.
INSTC… Institution of North-South Transport Corridor… a paltry little [7,200-km-long] multi-mode network of ship, rail, and road routes for moving freight between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe.
EAEU… The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international economic union and free trade zone comprising countries located in central and northern Asia and Eastern Europe. The founding member states of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia established the union by treaty in 2014 and officially implemented the agreement beginning on Jan. 1, 2015. It is estimated that nearly 200 million people live within the member states and that EAEU countries have $5 trillion in combined GDP.
RCSA… Russia and China Strategic Alliance… an informal alliance that was cemented when Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Beijing Olympics. In a joint statement, the two said that “friendship between the two states has no limits” and “there are no forbidden areas of cooperation.”
Lots happening!
The infrastructural investments in the new BRI [Belt and Road Initiatives] are already around $3.5 trillion, or equal to around 600 times the annual GDP of NZ.
The aim is to invest at least $40 in these projects in the next couple of decades.
This literally terrifies the Western Hegemon… hence the desire to throw every spanner, that they can lay their filthy hand on, into the works to destroy this massive long-term wealth-creating initiative.
How sad is that?
Case in point… was it Gandhi, who when asked what he thought of Western Civilisation replied… “I think it would be a good idea”?
We hear you Col! Elaborate and/yet succinct.
‘Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and i care not who makes its laws’ – Mayer Amschel Rothschild
as opposed to the widely general quote attributed to him . . . . . Give me control of a nation’s money supply . . . .
There are old 3 countries that remain outside the control of the Rothschild Central Banking scam/Prison – Cuba, DPRK, Iran (no surprise then the decades of Sanctions bestowed/gifted by the Borg upon them).
When will Russia follow suit? They can never be truly free even though we must measure the degree to which individual countries are chained/Debilitated.
I suppose Col you’ve identified who’s Hook, Line & Sinker(ed)!!
You can refer to this voluntary subjugation as The Long Con and the Anglo-Zionists will fight to the last Ukrainian, European, North/South American, African & Asian to rule roughshod over us.
This is Russia’s major crime, leading the sheep away from the Golden Trough, the Bankers’ Holy Grail, Life Support.
Please refrain from using caps (rule #1), Mod.
You asked… “When will Russia follow suit? They can never be truly free even though we must measure the degree to which individual countries are chained/Debilitated.”…
I absolutely believe that Russia already has followed suit and will be the nemesis of the old Venetian/City of London/Wall Street Kleptocrats.
Rising from the ruins of the USSR and the collective West’s maniacal desire to destroy the RF, it was always going to be a frustratingly long drawn-out process of making the country secure, both economically and security-wise, when they were fighting the full destructive might of the combined West.
The purging of deeply embedded 5th columnists would prove to be a long, dangerous, and tedious task if Putin wanted to live to witness the fruits. The last stage is pretty much complete… just look at the ownership and direction of their banking system as proof of this.
The last ties to the BIS are being severed… methinks Nabiullina will have to rethink her role within the RCB now as Glazyev makes it painfully clear that the new Russian CB model will be modelled on the success of the Chinese state-owned systems. This is precisely what has enabled that country’s giant infrastructural investments, and all without causing any harmful inflationary effects.
This is not to ignore the great job that Nabiullina has done in navigating Russia through these monumental challenges. I notice that last week the RCB cut its key rate down to 7.5%… for perspective that’s down from a monumental ~20% earlier this year.
The Russian economy is now in great shape, and they look forward to inflation rates being below 4% in the first half of 2023.
The time has come for Russia to move into a new paradigm of banking models where they can invest at non-predatory financial costs in their real economy and in generational wealth-creating projects… just as the US did under FDR when they deployed this model to recover from the crippling effects of the great depression.
Remember too when countries invest in this manner, without creating crippling long-term debt servicing costs, the effects of this extra M1 money in the marketplace are not in the least bit inflationary.
Also, Russia will no longer be using fiat currency… the ruble will be tangibly backed by around 20 different commodities. With both of these tools at their disposal,l combined with Russia’s self-sufficiency, I fail to see where any inflationary pressures would come from in the future.
Incidentally, under these state-backed banking models, costs of Govt projects over a 30-40 year period are reduced to between one-third and one-quarter of what they would be if the finance came from the private cabal-owned financial sector. Furthermore there are no external principle payments to make, let alone the risk of massive increases in principle liability due to currency shifts.
And yes… what a crime… fancy Russia saving ourselves from… ummmm… well actually ourselves!
“A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.”
― Baltasar Gracian.
Cheers and regards
Thank you Col, those were very informative comments.
Very nice compendium. However, since all that I ever knew about NZ was “The Lord of the Rings” movies, I am disappointed to learn that New Zealand is part of this horrid world order led by the US.
Sad but true Tedder.
NZ is well and truly under the spell of the City of London/Wall Street cabal and of course the multiple giant squid-like arms of entities like Natostan, BIS, and the IMF.
My partner and I sincerely believe that this country is irretrievably damaged and we really don’t want to live here any longer.
Rest assured though, whilst we remain we will still fight tooth and nail for this country’s freedom.
Cheers and regards
where would you move to sir?
Yes precisely, dmanfromCanada… this is the billion-dollar question.
Costa Rico and Bali are both recommended by many people, but this is like walking through minefield… things on the ground can change so quickly.
I too see economic collapse for the empire of war and theft. But If the Eurasian plan is to continue their version of a fossil fuel based civilization, it is destined also to collapse as it fuels ecological problems without preparing for the consequences, as ocean life dies, glaciers melt, rivers dry, forests burn, floods and hurricanes get bigger, and wars for desired resources proliferate everywhere. Meanwhile, greed is not unknown in China, or Russia or India or any other place. I predict that as things get worse the center of positive change will be local communities, local watersheds, local food systems, local economies.
Hi Jonabark… btw, I love your nom de plume!
Colour me far too optimistic, but I see many clean energy options coming of age and available to these countries, especially if the giant hegemonic squid’s global rampage is disabled.
Also re climate change… yesterday I wrote this summary as a response to some locals who want to declare a climate emergency at local council level here in the Far North of NZ
Perhaps these Klaus Slob disciples should pause for a minute or two and quietly reflect on a few simple facts before they declare a climate emergency and also have a good close look at the term…
GIGO = Garbage In Garbage Out…
Some pretty basic facts that both the Swedish brat and David Rabbitburrow choose to ignore…
#1 The assumptions that were fed into the climate models and used to panic us were ALL false.
#2 One of the many false premises was that there are no natural cyclical changes in temperatures = Bollacks
#3 Therefore because of the changes they assigned to being caused by CO2 there is NO additional anomalous climate change.
#4 Greenhouse effects are very minor within the overall parameters of the atmosphere and it is actually clouds which have a much greater effect on climate stability.
#5 Why did these panicking muppets choose the year 1850 as their point of reference? = Because that point was the coldest period in the last 10,000 years and it was a very convenient way to fudge the numbers.
#6 Currently the earth is only 1˚ above the coldest temperature it has been in the last 10,000 years.
#7 The earth is 2˚ cooler than the warmest it has been in 10,000 years.
#8 In the last interglacial period 130,000 years ago, when we weren’t endlessly rocking around the world in jumbo jets [neither was the Swedish brat], the temperature was actually 6˚ warmer and there were hippos and elephants basking [presumably they were farting and belching then too], in the sun on the banks of the river Thames… and blissfully too with hardly a single care in the world.
Cheers and regards
Your list is not at all credible to me, greenhouse gases are doing what they were predicted to do back in the 1800s( Joseph Fourier 1824, Ahrenius 1896, In 1856 Eunice Newton Foote demonstrated that the warming effect of the sun is greater for air with water vapour than for dry air, and the effect is even greater with carbon dioxide. She concluded that “An atmosphere of that gas would give to our earth a high temperature..); predictions made without help from Klaus Slob or the brave Swedish girl. You are completely leaving out the much faster rise of ocean temperatures along with acidification and the steady rise of record breaking global temperatures, along with many other extremely serious problems. Part of what makes no sense in your rather paranoid approach to one of the most intensely studied phenomena of the modern age is the whole idea that the global elite like Schwagenheil or US oil inc would support the research on the fossil fuel while doing absolutely nothing to curb their appetites and oil wars for any other reason than that that fossil fuel driven global warming is impossible to deny( though they did deny it as long as they could despite internal scientific studies). The huge body of science is backed by global experience that everyone can see. And why would scientist lie? It doesn’t improve their lives or make a cheery outlook of endless, scientifically driven modern improvement and comfort for their children. Maybe you think thousands of Swedish led stooges are sneaking up to the arctic every free weekend and melting the Ice with their Schlob funded flame throwers. Maybe the frogs just all decided to end it all when they found out the frog kissing =prince story was a cheap eurofable? Or maybe the new Zealanders who are learning permaculture and calling for change are right and you need to do some serious reading on the topic. I suggest starting with the well written and science rich The End of Ice by Dahr Jamail .
You said… “And why would scientist lie? It doesn’t improve their lives or make a cheery outlook of endless, scientifically driven modern improvement and comfort for their children.”
Good god… how on earth could I even respond to that pearl.
I won’t… I’ll just let that part of your argument speak for itself.
It’s a religion.
The whole Ukraine thing is to preserve the exchange potential of the US Dollar, the supreme power & the executive tool of the “chosen” brotherhood´s hegemony on all the operating/decision-making spots of the West. The latter wants to live at the expense of the rest of humanity, saying: “you produce we consume by providing you the means of exchange”.
Herbalife pyramid scheme. More people need to be in it than exist on the planet for the system to work. We have run out of populations to add into USD. A few or i should say 88% pop are moving away. The outcome is obvious. I guess why else are we shown plan B WEF reset and depopulation of the useless eaters that may grab a pitchfork
In the drinking clubs and snooker halls I frequent we simply call it, ‘3 Card Monte’ and refer to ourselves as Marks.
You know your being screwed 9 ways to Sunday but can’t quite figure out how.
Suppose I’ll have to start looking for a steady job to top up the wife’s salary.
The bad run I’m on at the poker tables, racetracks and casinos has gotta change sooner rather than later, my financial advisor reckons as much, well that 6 weeks ago before he took a long break for exhaustion and acute panic attacks. Say’s the money at the bank and in the financial markets is on a much longer losing streak than I am. That’s good enough for me, he’s got diplomas and stuff and letters after his name.
Got to rush, call my bookmaker, been given a tip from the friend of a friend whose father’s squash partner owns a 10% share in a horse that’s making its debut over fences. At 33/1 I’ll have a decent stake for the poker game on Saturday night at my Dominoes & Blues Club.
Behind its facade of liberty, democracy, or fraudulent brand of “Christianity,” Europe at its core is the fatherland of fascism.
As it was in the past, so shall it be today.
While most people know about Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, they conveniently forget other fascisms that the Europeans spawned as a result of the Great Depression like Francisco Franco in Spain, the Salazar regime in Portugal, the French Popular Party, etc.
Now, with a similar looming economic collapse, Europe will once again dispense with its sham “democracy” and revert back to its fascist instincts.
by Gary North
I call the free market economy (Capitalism), a predictable institutional result of society’s acceptance and enforcement of these principles, all of which are mandated in the Bible: the doctrine of linear time, the doctrine of ethical progress (progressive sanctification), private property, the rule of law, civil laws against theft, taxes below ten percent of income, men’s strict legal responsibility for their actions, the rejection of envy, wealth as a confirmation of the covenant, and men’s commitment to leaving an inheritance to their grandchildren.
“The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7).
The Bible praises thrift and curses debt. It makes it clear that thrift is a moral good. Debt is evidence of a moral weakness: a concern with present consumption at the expense of economic independence.
He who lends is extending the influence of his worldview. He who borrows is subordinating himself to the creditor’s worldview. While both lending and borrowing should be legal, he who pursues consumer debt is clearly a fool.
Whenever the students of world economy touch on matters like the ideas of Adam Smith it is of interest to consider who he was and who he worked for. The Larouche circle have written about that since the 1970s and Mathew Ehret has more recently mentioned how Smith was the secretary of Lord Shelburne and thus a subordinate to the British Imperial machinery. Ehret writes that it was never that empires leaders intention to let any of that (seeming support for a sound market economical) context to be encouraged.
Thus letting Smith write his much cited texts was, as I interpret it, all about marketing liberalism under false premisses.
To facilitate for other nations to fall prey of the british empires looting.
Further a good part of the 19th century saw Lord Palmerstons masonic and youth networks cause havoc all around the world from Europe to China and North america.
Smith and Marx were both subordinates and Marx supported the british imperialism. His ‘excuse’ for supporting it was rationalised by the necessity of first going through a capitalist phase before the proles would be motivated to rise up.
But why would Britain offer Karl Marx the best working conditions of his life unless of course, like was the case with Smith, he was only intended to influence othe nations against their own interest.
As long as leftists, all leftists, completely avoid this topic, I advice everybody else to raise the issue.
Even Oswald Spengler knew western capitalists supported the communist revolution in Russia, and that support just continued playing a significant role for the chinese Cuban and Nicaraguan cases.
Leftists like to quote FDR saying about som latin american dictators that ‘he is a bitch but he is our bitch’.
Nonetheless the communists were all helped to power by the anglosaxon empire.
Anyone who reads Battistas and Somosas account of how Cuba and Nicaragua was taken over by the Castro crowd and respectively the Sandinistas will be able to compare and see parallells with the more recent western media and terrorist assault on Syria.
The state department, the media and the angloamerican establishment – fabians , rhodes scholars, pilgrim society members, were consistently a part of it.
Economists, be they neoliberals or leftists, never touch any of that.
Seems to me everybody is a bit paralysed.
Waiting for a cue from some authority?
@ peter
waiting for a cue from some authority!!!
Woodrow wilson being under the thumb of a Rothschild agent Col. Edward House PHILIP DRU: ADMINISTRATOR: A STORY OF TOMORROW 1920-1935
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.
Wow, imagine digital computerization in the hands of an Adam smith and/or actually Karl Marx?
This narrative leaves out the true background behind the bankers move to form the FED, namely that Edward VII, the worlds Grand Patriarch of freemasonry, gave his subordinate masons, the financiers an ultimatum in 1907.
His wording which was presumably intended for dissemination sounded like it was about Edwards private money. But him being a VIP if there ever was one, and wouldnt need to worry about obtaining some lucrative investment.
The meaning of the ultimatum, saying the Rothschilds wouldnt be welcome unless they fulfilled his demand, in all probability was that they stay lojal to the british empire and thus not make any fair deals with France Germany, Russia and so forth.
And the british beginning under Lord Palmerston, who was Edwards mentor and likewise, during his era, the same top illuminati Grand Patriarch of freemasonry, had began to stimulate an antijewish cult in preparation for turning the continent against the jews.
(To directly prove Palmerston personally was involved is beyond me but there were people like Bulwer Lytton in Pams cirles who was involved in the 1830s and Pams networks had recruited one important figure who came to play a decisive role as Hitlers inspirer)
The obvious rationale was to reduce the options of the bankers to remain faithful to Britain and NOT becoming the international bankers everybody goes on about. Had they been truly international there would be no need for war.
Every economic development project, like the french Hanotaux’s plans for industrialising Africa, like Germany’s plans for the Bagdad railway and expanding trade under peace.
Hanotaux’s plans included caring for the life quality of the african workers.
And there was Russia with the continued industrialisation with Sergei Witte.
All of this opened ample opportunities for investors. If Britain, the sole party which desired war and destruction, hadnt succeeded in the evil scheming, there is a good chance that the development programs could have proceeded peacefully.
All the things people have heard about this is the result of the powerful anglosaxon establishment’s vast control over everything that ever gets published.
Bismarck did not fear the Rothschilds but made a deal in 1858.
This coincided with the first emergence of what looks like a preliminary draft of the protocols of Zion published in book form 6 years later. And in 1858 Palmerston also happened to be out of the Cabinet for a few months.
Maybe a coincidence but the protocols are beleived to have been authored by the masons. The ultimate version was obviously later put together by a russian mason using older fragments, but the version from 1858 has been said to have had a masonic background.
The highest mason, Palmerston, would get the attention of most lodges by just sending them a notice.
His motto was (and I simplify): revolution everywhere except in Britain.
So those stories about the FED and who actually forced its formation leaves out crucial aspects.
The Golden Calf of Banking was to remain in the control of the anglosaxon empire.
The only international aspect was that the anglosaxon empires octopus aspired to rule the world!
@ Peter
thank you very much however, this statement:
The obvious rationale was to reduce the options of the bankers to remain faithful to Britain and NOT becoming the international bankers everybody goes on about. Had they been truly international there would be no need for war.
doesn’t fit right given some words from politicians in America like for example:
Curtis B Dall:
“They are driving toward complete control of the worlds long range monetary policy and principled world markets for their own profit. They foment foreign wars to aid this objective.
War is the best way to indebt entire nations. consider:
“WW2 was the most expensive war in history. It cost the Unites States 250 million for each day of the war.
The war was declared on December 7,1941, and continued until the Japense surrenderedon September 2, 1945. the war lasted 1,364 days. no average mind could comprehend the total cost of the war. multiplying $250 million by 1,364 days, we see that the american people spent 341 billionas their part alone in the WW2. If one sought to pay that figure at the rate of $1000 perday, it would take almost 1,000,000 years of payments.
World War Two brought suddenly and violently into the world an increased money supply, incresing debts, and expanded rationing, which paved the way for the new number system. But still the cost of war would go on.” Cantelon
sorry i didn’t want to post before mentioning something else which bothers me greatly that freemasonry took over from Christianity and how? Consider these statements from an essay by Henry Makow here on The “Jewish” Conspiracy is British Imperialism
As William Guy Carr points out in Pawns in the Game, both Oliver Cromwell and William of Orange were funded by Jewish bankers. The English Revolution (1649) was the first in a series of revolutions designed to give them world hegemony. The establishment of the Bank of England by William in 1694 was the next crucial step. Behind the facade, England has been a “Jewish” state for over 300 years. (pp.20-24)
The Jewish banking families made it a practice to marry their female offspring to spendthrift European aristocrats. In Jewish law, the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is Jewish. (The male heirs marry Jews although the Victor and Jacob Rothschild are exceptions .) For example, in 1878 Hannah Rothschild married Lord Rosebery. who later became Prime Minister. In 1922 Louis Mountbatten, the uncle of Prince Philip and cousin of the Queen married the granddaughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel, one of the wealthiest men in the world. Winston Churchill’s mother, Jenny (Jacobson) Jerome, was Jewish. By the beginning of the 1900s, there were very few English aristocrat families left that hadn’t intermarried with Jews. It was said that, when they visited the Continent, Europeans were surprised to see Jewish looking persons with English titles and accents.
According to L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke’s Peerage , Jews “have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also.” (Tales of the British Aristocracy 1957, p.219.)
If they aren’t Jewish by intermarriage, many European aristocrats consider themselves descendants of Biblical Hebrews. The Hapsburgs are related by marriage to the Merovingians who claim to be descendants of the Tribe of Benjamin.
In addition, many aristocrats belong to the “British Israel” Movement that believes the British sovereign is the head of the Anglo Saxon “Lost Tribes” of Israel and that the Apocalypse will see the full reconstitution of the British Empire. ”
Wow, woe what information is this yes?
If I may one last thing to ponder as well. I was just a mere youth when in a history class i came across a sentence that has forever stuck in the back of my mind and comes up often enough because of essaies like this. the sentence went something like this “why does a Catholic Christian Europe allow its enemies to control its credit or money supply? This goes to usury and how A Catholic Europe was forbidden to be involved in such trade etc? A great sin!? So many alarm bells went off that to this day I think about it often enough. Was this not a huge mistake by the Church of that time period? And we put such power in the hands of the most dangerous enemies of the Christian religion, Rabbinical Jewry? Yikes!?
What bothers more though is what do a people do who are largely not welcome in a Christian society and yet hold all of the money power? Money power that often has to turn political to govern the masses? How do Christian Kings and Queens govern when they in turn are the ones who are often more indebted to hostile elites than their subjects? The more important question is these bankers they must have been faced with quite a conundrum living in a place where they are not welcome? Not loved as fellow brothers and sisters and such and certainly despise the religion of the very people they govern? What does one do? Well one way is to social engineer and create a religion of your own and make it more palatable than the one you are forced to live under and yet despise. Create a religion more to your liking and lo and behold from your own history you have a great example to follow Kings David and Solomon. Freemasonry Judaism for the Gentiles and their goal? Rebuild a Solomon’s Temple?
Catholicism shot themselves in the foot fulfilling the words “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. ” Hosea and more so rejecting the words of a true King; ” behold a greater than Solomon is here!!!!
Its a war against Christianity that we are seeing and they are getting bolder and bolder with their financelization techniques with the ultimate goal being that social credit system or as Dr. Cantelon put it a number system based on what is taught in Revelation 13.
Why we don’t have more experts talking about this especially from places like the Vatican warning the masses of what is about to unfold upon our world is for me the the truly troubling part. Glazyev mentioned it as
‘image of a new world order with a world government at the head, where people are driven into an electronic concentration camp.’
Actually reading about the great reset and its connection to Liberation Theology is frightening. It all sound to me like a coming Robinhood moment where your ultimately going to redistribute stolen wealth equally to the entire world?
Thats Satanic if one didn’t know! Looks like true Catholicism has been usurped by enemy agents from within. Yikes!!
and lastly the physics of it all. I guess they never figured that into the equation? Yes?
William Guy Carr mentions in Pawns in the Game that his father in law was a British spook and took part directly in the authoring of the book.
Consider that often cited work as a piece of British propaganda.
This is in my view associated with the theme that Britain wanted to pit the Germans against the jews. In that connection with his father in law’s involvement it transpired that the emphasis was on casting blame on the germans themselves for antisemitism while in reality one german professor simply mentioned what he observed about jewish involvement in various forms of activism.
The germans could not be expected to be fully aware of the fact that everything was run by Palmerstons networks, thus jewish involvement was of Britain’s making.
But what I wanted to bring to attention was that it was reports from british students in Germany which were employed by that spook and in my view it illustrates how well Britain organised the longterm operation lasting about a century until Hitler became Reichkansler.
Hiding the crucial role of the Brits and quoting presumably innocent observers.
And I assume the british students as well as their german professors were all innocent in that respect.
About intermarriages, Carroll Quigley’s angle is that british liberalism from the 1700s opened up the aristocracy for letting daughters of rich merchants and entrepreneurs marry into the aristocracy. Quigley speaks of letting in fresh blood.
Thus he seems, as I interpret his words, to hold the view that the british aristocracy unlike that of the rivals got smarter in the process. Less inbred not more like some like to have it.
I believe there is an opinion about Victorian Britain that they somehow were more intelligent.
I have seen one author, Peter Frost, claim that Calvinism was part of a rise in intelligence. He argued that their morals would be conducive of successful business practices or something like that.
The Azkenazis are believed to have had the children involved in the business and the more successful they were the more children they had thus enhancing business intelligence.
Thus merchants might contribute certain inheritable strengths.
I would like to add my own thinking about the Azkenazi to be the offspring of intermarried merchants/rich people of different etnicities from earlier times when travel was by camel or horse and you had to stay far away from your tribe and needed to settle anyway.
You mention British Israelism. In my view it fits perfectly into Britains agenda for controlling the jews. Not allowing them to assimilate among Britains rivals.
Since Britain was strengthening zionism under Palmerston including the start of the Israel project, and B’nai B’rit spawned from british freemasonry, Britain also had a motive not to let the jews too far off the hook.
Thus Britain, as I like to put it, colonised even the jewish identity!
The Larouche circles researchers mentioned that this strange idea was still defended by one particular British oligarch in around 1988 or 1990.
I found a webbsite with hundreds of titles about this topic but when I linked to the site all the titles were removed. Perhaps it was a copyright issue.
You write “War is the best way to indebt entire nations”
Sure but their is no need to ‘indebt entire nations’ when peaceful trade under win-win conditions is much less risk-prone and more constructive.
But then the British would not be able to dominate since the continental rivals all posed interesting alternatives with better odds for success!
Note that Edwards ultimatum happened in 1907 and the FED was established after a parliamentary coup of sorts, meaning that until then nobody could be certain about the outcome.
Once it succeeded the british empire turning angloamerican empire (albeit with the British having all the brains like Halfifax later put it) the financiers and that empire could form a strong alliance.
After 1907 and the ultimatum, for that time window, the future of the financiers was less certain in that Britain had been working her rivals against the jews. After Edward became Grandmaster of the motherlodge in Britain in 1874 the shape of that operation appeared in the form of young Houston Steward Chamberlain who initially tried to work the French and then continued in Austria writing his Treatise Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts published in 1899. Moving to Germany where he installed himself in the midst of the Wagner-cult which so enticed Hitler. HSC’s writing eventually became compulsary reading for the nazis and around 1923- early1924 there was an exchange with Hitler which may be seen as HSC’s anointment of the Messiah of the aryans.
Hitlers letters to HSC were left on his desk until the end of WW2 when they conveniently (for Britain!) vanished.
Thus Britain had prepared the ground for discouraging the financiers to digress from Britains fold.
In addition to the internal masonic power structure where the subordinate masonic financiers, breaking with their masonic boss, would risk ending up like Roberto Calvi did much later.
One may also wonder about Edwards death in 1910. He would have enemies everywhere at that time. He had managed to bring together most countries against Germany and was actually attempting to reign in Austria as well.
And the bankers would surely fear him.
Later in 1915 all the financiers became united against Russias Tsar in a conference in Paris. But the subtleties going on in the time window I mentioned contained many other alternatives under peace.
@ Peter
So 2 words exploitation and intrigues, yeah, isn’t that what makes history all so difficult, hard to understand and greed is the fuel though I would add the word lust. During the age of discovery put yourself in the shoes of the men who found the Grand Canyon? Or the gold from South America which Francis Drake stole from the Spanish on the high seas and gave to Queen Elizabeth and was knighted for it. 200,000 thousand in gold that became part of the investment in the East India Trading Company. Can’t begin to imagine the stories in the pubs on the waterfront after Drake arrives or Columbus of the wonders of the world awaiting those who had the courage to venture out. Like salivating Rabid dogs I’d imagine. Poor natives though? wow. Everything winds up in the hands of European monarchies who use every trick in the book? Kingdom against kingdom and nation against nation. They outsmarted the Jews?
I am not sure they outsmarted the jews. They were simply higher up in the hacking order. And so were the Venetians. They used the knights of Malta (who really had their base in Malta in the 1500s) and those knights were, according to one source the higher power above the jewish money lenders and actually used them but Barabbas, the jew who bragged about his ruthless manners in the play didnt realise this. Donald Phao who belonged to the Larouche circle claimed that Christopher Marlowe told his audience this during his play the Jew from Malta maybe in 1592.
Moreover some keen students of Shakespeare believe Shakespeare actually was Marlowe under a new identity when he returned to England in 1604 after 11 years in exile after officially having been killed in a pub-brawl in 1593. Since Shakespeare covered a somewhat related theme in the merchant of Venice I suspect Marlowe, who had experience from Venice might have constituted a danger to powerful parties in England when he needed to be exiled despite being the queens agent.
That is only speculation on my part because in 1604 a bishop died and he was an enemy of Marlowe.
So the explanation could be about blasphemy or something.
These were in any case very interesting times.
You mention Francis Drake.
And he seems to have been involved in bringing back the jews to England for imperial purposes knowing how Portugal and Spain had collaborated with the jews in gaining their respective colonial empires, while Drake himself had resorted to rob them when they returned from voyages.
He went on about London as the new Jerusalem.
Apparently an early instance of British Israelism?
And according to the Larouche circle the Venetian oligarchy was transplanted to England between the 1530s and until 1714. Apparently this meant that the principle of having a Doge instead of the typical autocrat emerged there. William III had said when he earlier in 1688 arrived ‘I dont want to be a doge’ but historians are not very open about how this Venetian aspect was absorbed. Larouche mentions a range of Venetians who brought their gold to England and established banking in the 1500s and that Paolo Sarpi from Venetian Intel apparently introduced freemasonry in England.
Well, if greed is the problem, then politics, economics, and secular culture are unable to reach and solve it. Spiritual culture is able to do that.
– Well, if greed is the problem,
is the marxist view
-‘’Although there are shining exceptions, most academic economists, whilst clinging to the idea that their subject matter is somehow relevant and of interest to a wider world, in fact practice a modern form of scholasticism – of no use or interest to man or beast. The output of this activity consists of articles entombed in ‘scholarly’ journals usually about questions of startling irrelevance, badly thought out and appallingly badly written, littered with jargon, and liberally dosed with mathematics, destined to be read by no-one outside of a narrow coterie, and increasingly not even by them.’’ (3)
Well fomulated. No one understands what is happening 2022
It is not complicated, you just have to sift through the propaganda emanating from Washington.
The expansion of NATO to Russia’s western border was the proximate cause of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The US and EU, on orders from Washington, are fighting a proxy war on Russia first using trade sanctions, and now by supplying military equipment to the Kiev regime to prolong the war in an attempt to weaken Russia.
The effect of which has caused a shortage of oil and gas in Europe increasing prices in the EU that are exacerbated by the fall in the value of the Euro currency by 50% against the US dollar, that will destroy their industry, causing higher unemployment and destitution of their people.
The US is winning, now that commodities priced in US dollars, including oil, have fallen by 30% over the past year, giving some relief to US consumers.
But won’t a spiritual culture ultimately manifest in practical decisions, values, and goals which could be called politics, economics and shared popular culture(music, dancing, drama,stories, conversation, food, architecture, visual arts, craft etc.) Finding shared clarity about what constitutes spiritual values is not easy and is often derailed by ego, greed and violence. The hypocrisy and violence of many claimants to spiritual culture testify that such a culture is still eluding us. As James said in the letter attributed to him, ‘faith without works is dead’.
Still I actually think there are many spiritual cultures and part of how they manifest spirit is in how they deal with basic necessities(economics) while keeping harmony (politics)with all life. These economic and political patterns can in turn help to limit greed and other disruptions of spirit.
– can in turn help to limit greed and other disruptions of spirit.
It also a marxist / ateist / sociological view based on evolutionism = history is random
Example of application:
If a “Lee Harlvy Oswald” bullet” had missed by half a meter history would have been different … JFK would not have been killed anyway
(it was not decided to kill JFK… it was some expression of anger / depression of a lone lunatics… or gods know what Media told us to justify “all is random”)
Why is their a drive to automate trucking and delivery and remove hundreds of thousands of drivers from employment?
Active participation of the population in the economy has to be prioritised over the pursuit of “profit”.
A job for Government.
Alaskan life is about creating a shelter and feeding oneselves. “Making a profit” is derogatory terming.
In the future it will be robots that do all the jobs now requiring human manual labor.
The largest number of robots per capita in now China, strangely enough.
This will give the general population more leisure time, but some way must be found to ensure continuity of prosperity, hopefully for all by instituting a universal basic income, that could easily be done by having sovereign governments create money digitally. The only problem would be the issue of inflation of the currency, but this could easily be solved by having the taxing authority delete a fraction back out of existence as necessary every year.
Pressure in the Nord Stream 2 undersea gas pipeline, which was intended to pump gas from Russia to Germany, dropped from 300 to 7 bars overnight, a spokesperson for the pipeline’s operator said on Monday, as cited by Reuters. The company reportedly does not know the cause of the drop.
Either the Germans stole the gas, or Russia sucked it back out.