by Dmitry Lekukh
Original article:
Translated by Timofei
Really, something of the sort was bound to happen sooner or later, if not in Greece or in Spain, then in Portugal, or maybe even in Italy itself, which would be the most tragic option for the “United Europe”.
The inevitability of a systemic crisis was inherent in the very structure of the European Union and the “eurozone”. The important thing is that it occurred before the time it was “due”, as the economies of the “southern Euro” have not been completely obliterated, and their citizens are turning out to have a fairly strong will to resist.
Let us consider this with Greece as our example.
In the beginning, the banks of northern Europe, mainly those of Germany and France, pumped the economy, the banks and the populace of Greece full of easy and poorly secured credit money, which went mainly into fueling an increase in consumption.
After that, about five years ago, the Greek financial system entered a pre-default state, and the “new lender troika” came “to the rescue”: the European Commission, the European Central Bank and – couldn’t do without this “wonder of nature”, now could we – the International Monetary Fund. De-facto, it took over the debt to original banks, transformed the private loans made to Greek entities into Greek state debt and forced Athens to accept an “aid program”.
Over the five years, just as it was intended, the “aid program”, whose money, it has to be noted, mainly went into repaying loans to the very same German and French banks, predictably led to a 25% drop in GDP, a 60% youth unemployment level and a major decrease in Greek quality of life in general.
The debt became essentially impossible to repay.
Meanwhile, the “troika” continues to demand that Greece reach a primary budget surplus exceeding 3% of GDP (!), despite it being clear that these conditions would signify a further contraction of the economy in general and certain death for the last functional sectors of the economy, tourism and agriculture.
In essence, this is premeditated murder, followed by post-mortem debt slavery – there is no other way to describe that.
The funniest thing here is that, in the meanwhile, the remaining economies of Mediterranean Europe – Spain, Portugal and, with some irregularities, Italy – continue their descent into debt slavery via similar, though “softer” schemes.
Through these means, Germany, and partially also France, become the chief supervisors and gauleiters of the USA in Europe because of purely economic reasons. There’s nothing principally new here – it was through approximately similar means that the Moscow princes obtained the right of supremacy from the Khans of the Golden Horde.
But then, something unforeseen happens: the Greeks revolt. First they bring the “non-systemic” SYRIZA and Tsipras into power, then they set up a referendum that fully observes all rules and norms. Only after that they “display readiness for further negotiations”, but what negotiations could be held with these brazen Greeks now?
The problem here is not Greece – God knows, it’s not really significant for the “big European home”. The problem is that no matter what will be decided – it really doesn’t matter, at all! – Greece has created a precedent.
If you write off their debts, Spain and Italy will come for their turn with their trillion-sized debts – what are they, red-headed stepchildren? If you let them declare default and kick them out of the “eurozone”, you’ll show everyone else how to escape, first from the “eurozone”, then from the European Union, and after that, who knows, maybe from NATO itself – after all, if you go, then go all the way. This last bit, however, is unacceptable, not for Germany and the “euro-atlantic” crowd, but rather for their suzerain from the Shining City on the Hill, infinitely distant from the current troubles of Greece.
In short, it ain’t fun.
Thus, all that remains is to look for some sort of “compromise”, some “provisional decision”, which can now be anything but “good” for the new “Northern European vassal hegemons”. At best, it can be not particularly bad.
About the author: Dmitry Lekukh was born in 1965. Graduated from the Gorkiy Institute of Literature. Entrepreneur, journalist, writer. Authored several books on the football fan movement in Russia: “We’ll Come to You”, “Angel Behind the Right Shoulder”, “White Minority Hardcore”, “I’m Russian”. Actively participated in the ultra-right faction among the fans of Moscow FC “Spartak” in the recent past.
I suggest there are 3 elements to consider with Greece:
1. Tsipras is talking about repayment of debt, but destroying the neoliberal, IMF rule of austerity on the poor. Instead, he said yesterday, a sovereign nation should be able to tax whomever it wishes in order to repay debt. This is a huge challenge to the “economic hit man” principle. It voids the Shock Doctrine and neutralizes disaster capitalism if nations refuse to marginalize their poor or to privatize their public assets, and instead choose to tax their elites (as Russia has done), and insist on the primacy of the state in the nation’s power structure.
2. Debt reduction, restructuring and partial or total forgiveness happen all the time. Nothing untoward is being asked for by Syriza in restructuring, and total forgiveness would not be out of line.
3. As professor Steve Keen points out, the Euro itself is an austerity mechanism. But even that aside, the economic recovery of Greece does not depend on debt forgiveness. It depends on stimulating the economy through fiscal measures. This requires a large amount of money on the street. If it can be investment from outside, fine. If it can be Euros without onerous strings attached, fine. But best of all, it would be done in Drachmas – which can only be printed by a sovereign bank that is not part of the Euro.
These are the three elements, and all very valuable to consider. But as far as I can tell, the mandate and promised platform of Syriza and Tsipras are limited to the first element – they promised ONLY to end austerity and remain in the Euro, that’s all. That’s the first element only. Everything else is our wishful thinking.
But consider what a challenge to the jackals this first element is. Imagine Greece remaining in the Euro but destroying the austerity theory of economics – a theory completely unproved and now shown to be unworkable. It’s vampire theft is all, and Greece would show all other nations how to defeat it – if she succeeds. I would call that a massive achievement for this time. The other elements could come later.
Grieved, A most excellent summary. I thank you for it.
I looked up Prof Steve Keen that you mention & am learning from what I find. He offers economic material slightly more technical than– say, Michael Hudson’s articles, so it’s just about what I’m ready for.
Here’s one link for others whom you’ve interested.
btw I wish someone knowledgeable about economics wd comment on my earlier post regarding the EU using its own method of accounting to compute the amount of the Greek debt, while the EC urges EU members to generally use the “accrual method”. I re-post here:
There is a method of reckoning the Greek debt which reduces it by 90%.
And the method is internationally recognized and has now been adopted by Greece. And the European Commission has recommended all EU countries adopt it. It values the restructured portion a debt at market value on the day it was restructured, rather than by the face value when it was first issued. The Greek debt was restructured in 2010, 2011 and twice in 2012.
IPSAS [International Public Sector Accounting Standards] is the standard “accrual method” universally used in the commercial/gov world. But the EU uses the Maastricht Standard, which values the debt at original face value.
Until now the auditors have not evaluated the debt– only the politicians. And Greece refuses to allow EU auditors near its books. Apparently something to be hidden there.
I personally don’t understand why computing the debt has anything to do with Greece’s books; I mean both lender and borrower know how much was borrowed, how much was repaid, and have the restructuring documents, no?
There is more at this 2nd link, but not at the first one.
Someone mentioned today’s state of affairs a while back:
They will impose you a huge and unbearable tax, but will not catch up. (Of course something big will happen, like the explosion of the great war. Confirmatory are the two following prophecies).
They will put a tax on chickens and on windows
They will throw to you much money; (Then) they will ask you to take it back, but will not
From The Prophecies of Saint Kosmas the Aetolian ( 1714-1779) the equal to Apostles
When will you guys understand Germany is an occupied country? Its people have been betrayed by its leaders for decades now.
It truly is the Germans that get the shaft from the eurozone: their real interest is to leave the eu and form an alliance with Russia.
I think a large number of Germans understands this, but they are trapped, like the rest of us, in a fake democratic system.
@Anonymous 1.44
There is the revolt everywhere
you are right. Russians left Eastern Germany long ago. what is the US army is doing in Germany? what is German historical experience that makes Americans *best* allies? American financial elite who ruined Germany twice? Do they want third time because third is a charm?
Germany is an occupied country,because,they allow themselves to be one.In today’s World, if Germany was to order those troops out they would leave,Germany isn’t Iraq or Afghanistan.They wouldn’t dare to not,that would be crossing the line.And all the World would wake up.The Empire can’t let that happen.So whining and screaming they would withdraw.But Germany hasn’t done that.You can’t complain about being occupied when you meekly accept it.And your political leaders either allow it,or actively agree with it.Even the Japanese in Okinawa show more spirit over that than the Germans do.I’m tired of hearing that as an excuse for Germany’s spineless kneeling to the Empire,its a false argument.
Alone the same line of false arguments is the one about “Russia can’t move against the junta murderers for fear of NATO “.That is another totally false excuse.With Russia’s nuclear weapons power NATO would never dare to attack Russia over Ukraine,that is just a fact.Another false argument I hear a lot,is the one about,”what would other countries say if Russia intervened”.The countries that matter to Russia are China and India.China couldn’t care less about Russia intervening to save Ukraine.The Chinese government isn’t about to kneel to the Empire because of “pique” at Russia.As they are busy defying the West over the South China Sea.Plus considering invading Taiwan if they declare themselves independent and not a part of China.China wouldn’t scorn Russia for doing what they are doing themselves.While India,the India that annexed Sikkim a few years ago.The same India that holds most of Kashmir against the wishes of the majority population.That India,doesn’t care about Russia crushing fascism in a Russian World country.As for the West,can you say “hypocrisy is us”.Russia should just give them a similar Nuland line, “Fu*k the West”. They are already behaving as Russia’s enemies.They already are stooge’s of the US.Anyone that thinks they are “magically” going to side with Russia, because Russia sits and allows the slaughter of Russians in the former Ukraine.That is someone I’ve got a bridge for them to buy.Those countries are a lost cause, and its a waste of air to bother with their opinions.They married Uncle Sam years ago.And he’s a jealous husband.They aren’t going anywhere.No matter how craven Russia behaves to the EU.These latest,lawsuits,EU Parliament votes,the South and Turkstream problems,NSA spying cases,now the OSCE vote and exclusion from the meeting should clearly show that.If Russia doesn’t see that, its solely because they refuse to.
Germany does not have a peace deal after WW2. Possibly that may be used for economic blackmail. Who knows what secret conditions might exist?
Germany Italy and Japan are declared by the UN sharter to be enemy states and that gives UN states the right to make preemptive strikes agains those countries.
I dont know what this means in practise but there may be more to it than meets the eye.
Sorry but some update of tonight action in Greece and in Brussels/Berlin etc..
It is a TOTAL SURRENDER of Tsipras,it is even worse than a surrender there is no word to explain the situation.
Desperate government agrees to tough austerity measures to stay in the eurozone.
It is a total victory by KO (unfortunately) for the Eurocretins as the Saker call them.Worse for Washington it is one more proof that they keep total control on their vassals(more than ever).Forget Turkstream via Greece.Worse today, CIA agent Merkel went to east Europe to ask Serbia,Albania and Boznia to join the EU asap to escape Moscow power.
Merkel and hollande don’t even defend the interests for their respective countries anymore,no they are fully paid CIA agents,blackmailed by NSA spying.They are even acting against their countries.
Can you imagine that?They must be LOL in DC.
Too easy…
German Government Accepts NSA Spying, Unwilling to React – Lawmaker
Read more:
Merkel Wants to Speed Serbian, Albanian Accession to EU to Counter Russia
Read more:
Merkel is now even more anti RF than maybe Kerry is…
German Opposition Criticizes Merkel for Ignoring NSA Spying
Read more:
etc etc..
But back on Syriza:
Writing to reach EU
The FT have also got hold of the two covering letters from PM Tsipras and his finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos. You can the latter here.
In them, both politicians refer to their desire to remain “integral” members of the eurozone. Significantly, since no mention of the debt relief.
Debt relief only after 2022?
Athens’ proposals have now been posted on the Greek government’s website.
My Greek isn’t great, but Greek journalists are saying the plans include a commitment to debt relief only after 2022(which means..never). Significantly this is the year that Greece begins to start paying back its interest on European rescue loans. The first payment is €5bn for the recapitalisation of the banking system.
It is likely the government will then seek a further extension of maturities past this date.
And in signs that not everyone is happy about the direction Mr Tsipras is going in, it seems that Leftist rebel energy minister Lafazanis, and right-wing defense minister Panos Kammenos have not put their signature to the plans.
It is a total betrayal of the 61 pct of people who voted NO/OXI 4 days ago.
Poor people they must be busy vomiting now in their home,after such a betrayal.
Tsipras and Varoufakis are from Oligarchs families(imagine the sons os Poroshenko or Kolomoisky kind of,without the nazi side).They are very rich,they lived mainly outside Greece.They went to 5 stars Universities.Varoufakis is an aussie citizen,teaching in Austin Texas..what did he say after he resigned?I will be back in Austin to teach in sept…these people are just Soros puppets like the false gringo in Spain fromPodemos(podemos soros it sounds good).
They pretty don’t care a second about Greece and even less about the Greek people.
Tsipras said in Brussels that he organized the referendum….attention yes…to loose it, to have a pretext to resign.Now he is trapped and finished,from 61 to zero in 4 days if he manages to save his head.
Of course there must be honest people inside Syriza,I don’t mean they are all like those two bastards.
It seems that some 70 MP’s would not vote the new austerity package this friday,or even resign.
But it is too late they lost all their credit.
These idiots want to stay in the Euro zone,which is 100 pct impossible if they want to stop austerity.
They know that,though they lied on purpose it is even worse.
They are both eurocretins fanatics(read varoufakis blog or Tsipras articles).
they just lied to their people.
They should be jailed with all the remaining clique from former govts (pasok,ND etc).
40 MP’s from Syriza are former pasok(papandreou another fake left oligarch).
I’m afraid Greece is lost forever now.Because all this new austerity of course will not work,even less than before.Greece is becoming a real third world country(tonight they are talking about humanitarian aid for monday)imagine the shame for an European country,who even invented democracy.
Will creditors want even more austerity?
Chris Sciculna at Daiwa Capital Markets has had a look through the Greek proposals and concludes that the fiscal measures amount to around €12bn-€13bn. He remarks however, that if they add up, they “would be severe and exceed that in the proposal rejected by Sunday’s referendum, principally reflecting the extra year of adjustment.
“But whether that is now sufficient to hit the surplus targets given the recent marked deterioration in economic and fiscal conditions is questionable, and so it remains to be seen whether creditors will want even more austerity.”
Greek journalist Eleni Varvitsiotis notes however that the document is likely to be a basis for further talks should the technical teams from the institutions give it the go-ahead.
The Greek government’s full proposal to the Eurogroup
I never have trusted the commitment of Syriza to the Greek people.Someday if they survive as nations (doubtful) the European states will understand they must rise and overthrow the puppet regimes if they want freedom.If they count on “elections” alone they will remain slaves forever.Hopefully Russians understand that by now.
As a friend of mine likes to say, “If voting could change anything, it would be illegal”.
10 Very Strange Things That Have Happened In Just The Past Few Weeks
Have you noticed that events have begun to accelerate? Over the past few weeks, things have officially started to get very weird. Chinese stocks are crashing, the Greek debt crisis is spiraling out of control, the New York Stock Exchange was down for about four hours on Wednesday thanks to a “technical glitch”, and global politicians have been acting very strangely. After several years of relative calm, could it be possible that the second half of 2015 will usher in a time of chaos and confusion on a worldwide scale? Personally, I have never been more concerned about a period of time as I am about the last six months of 2015. And if I am right, what we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. The following are 10 very strange things that have happened in just the past few weeks…
#1 On Wednesday, the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal were all taken down by unexpected “technical glitches“. Authorities are assuring us that hackers were not responsible for any of this.
#2 In China, a full-blown stock market crash is unfolding. The Shanghai Composite Index has plummeted more than 30 percent in less than a month, and the Chinese version of the NASDAQ has dropped by more than 40 percent. The amount of “paper wealth” that has been lost in China is 15 times greater than the GDP of Greece.
#3 Just the other day, hackers were able to hack into a German surface-to-air missile battery…
Anonymous @1.50 A.M.
Well, watching Brazilian president behaviour at the BRICK’S economic forum / somehow suddenly lost lots of wait / and her inconsistent actions during the session I was surprised what has happened to her, she was always smiling before and now………….looks like there is the reason to be serious all the time
This is definitely getting out of order everywhere till the octopuses head will be removed
@ Timofei,
Thanks for the translation. Another stellar job done.
Dmitry Lekukh,
Lovely essay.
Pyramid schemes on a world scale are doomed to failure. Unfortunately, they cause much suffering before their victims have had enough and manage to resist.
Of course, some peoples have been broken, and large numbers sleep in the streets, such as in Haiti, and New York City. Half of Mexico City (a city of 20 million souls), has no running water, sewage system, or electricity. Bangladesh, Calcutta, Detroit… Senator John McCain and wife own 8 homes.
The Banking Oligarchs refuse to admit that there arrives a point where you can’t get blood from stone. Their poor victims have nothing left to surrender. Unfortunately, the thieves do not respond to moral overtures. Hell, they don’t respond to reason of any kind.
American Founder, and Revolutionary, and revolutionary theorist, and slaveholder, Thomas Jefferson explained his approach to the next generation, and to property, in his letter to James Madison:
“I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self evident, ‘that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living’:”
“Then I say the earth belongs to each of these generations, during it’s course, fully, and in their own right. The 2d. Generation receives it clear of the debts and incumberances of the 1st. The 3d of the 2d. and so on. For if the 1st. Could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not the living generation.”
For the Democratic Republics!
100% Bravo!
p.s. German “Elite” != Germany
Many Germans suffer from the same system.
Some of those don’t manage to grasp what’s happening or draw the completely wrong conclusions, but others do get it.
Watch the frozen loans for decades, rising unemployment (reall numbers) and even skyrocketing number of homeless people.
I have many friends with academic degrees that don’t manage to find any good job in months and years, although really trying hard.
The German elites are not only deadly to poor countries like Greece, but also to the working class of Germany itself.
Many here (including myself) suffer!
Martin from Soviet East Berlin,
Thanks for reminding us that there are many good people in Germany too. It’s the same here in the US that used to be America.
Something to cheer you up:
Regards, Penelope
Thank you, Penelope. For the first time today I can finally cry, exactly as I need to do.
US Elder Woman,
I learned of David Rovic from the Saker.
I’m central coast CA; where are you?
We of course remember when US was America.
Connect up with people in your city who feel as you do, don’t sweat the small stuff, like t.v licences , let go of the negative bullshit, it’ll never let go of you, not in this life anyway.
.Berlin has many great initiatives – I know, I lived there – do some charity or volunteer work for people who are desperate, it’ll make you you’ll feel good, keep searching and don’t give up.
Hello Anonymous,
I never said I’m doing nothing.
Rather the opposite: I work a lot but get no payment:
Furthermore with the few pennies that I sometimes have (donations or family support) I help people in Romania and Ukraine (people that I know).
For the rest:
I wanted to join the DKP (German Communist Party), but the first thing they wanted was money.
Also you cannot talk about anything with them (Zionism for example).
There is no real communist party in germany, only pseudo stuff to neutralize the true communists by gluing 10% to 20% of votes to some controlled entity.
In also don’t want to drive into the city centre.
I lived there from 1977 to 2012, but everything has changed. This is not my city anymore, and not my country.
I go out only during the night here in DE.
As for GEZ: I’ll never ever pay that in my life. And as long as the BRD cannot even prove at least to me that it is a souvereign nation, I never need to.
According to the german government the German Empire did not cease to exist on May 9th 1945, but continues to exist. And is identical to modern day so called “Federal Republic of Germany”.
GEZ? NEIN DANKE! 7 – Grundrechtsverzicht
I consider myself a citizen of Soviet GDR, but for the sake of getting rid of GEZ I need to argue in this way (German Empire versus BRD/FRG).
Trolling is not allowed here.
This has the potential of a David and Goliath story. Or better, the Judith / Deborah stories of cutting off the wicked king’s head. The movie 300 is another heroic tale of a suicide mission with a treacherous ending; but the Spartans gained time for greater Greece. Take your pick. I like the Judith version as a metaphor for Holofernes or patriarchy slain non-violently by womam’s values. A real man supports womem and children, and the earth for that matter. Abraham bargained God down to sparing Sodom if 10 good men could be found; apparently not, for Sodom was destroyed. I doubt whether ten good men can be found today, so we know what follows. Among other qualities, a good man does not practice usury. I guess now we’re down to five good men. Justice will not be mocked. We’re approaching the Sodom Earth event. Unless the Greeks have ten good men up their sleeve. They once pulled it off with a Trojan horse. They need something similar now to start bringing the Empire of Pain to its knees.The author supports Spartak of Moscow; is there some connection here to Spartan. It’s a privilege to see the big game in real time unfolding here at the vineyard. Lenin is reported to have said on his deathbed that if he had ten St. Francis’s he could have saved Russia. That supposes Francis was a good man which I suppose is debatable for Orthodoxy. One thing is sure: Francis did not practice usury.
Dennis Leary for
In Germany every household plus every (every!, even a grave yard) business needs to pay 17 EUR per person per month for NATO-Propaganda TV, no matter if you have a TV set or not, no matter if you would want to watch that shit or refuse to.,_ZDF_und_Deutschlandradio
If you refuse to pay for this dirt (like myself), you end up like Greece on a daily very personal level.
It was a huge mistake that Russia kept us alone since 1994 by having withdrawn all troops.
East-Germany got plundered like Greece and Ukraine.
It is necessary to be more fine-grained with such bold generalizations like “The Germans” etc.
Martin, We are talking about the govt, of course– about Merkel, etc.
The small and medium-sized business people just want to be allowed to produce & enjoy the benefits of their work.
We know that.
Hi, well.
There are in fact a lot of these zombified freaks. here like everywhere.
And believe me one thing: I hate them.
But that’s how they are: What never came on TV doesn’t exist. And whatever they said in Tagesschau is 100% true.
It’s not only the uneducated ones, but goes up through all classes.
Yes – we can compare it to the situation in the US.
Martin, In the US it used to be that if you talked to blue-collar people about the NWO you got immediate agreement, but the more middle class wd change the subject.
Now more middle class are beginning to get it, and at least everyone knows that something’s wrong, even if they haven’t figured out what it is.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, an event is worth a million– if we can just spread the correct interpretation; that’s our job.
I wonder if it will be necessary and sufficient for Putin to say “I divorce three” three times? If so, here is one time, and the US should heed it.
Partners No More? It’s Official – Putin Calls West ‘Opponents’
July 9th, 2015
By: Joaquin Flores
From the July 3rd public publication of the notes of Putin’s Russian Security Council meeting, it is clear in the transcript – reprinted below – that Putin has changed the use of language.
But it happened, Putin now calls the west ‘geopolitical opponents’. It will remain to be seen if the term ‘partners’ will still be used, as in ‘trade partners’ – certainly one can be a trade partner and a geopolitical opponent at the same time. The history of international relations informs us of as much.
We have to keep in mind a few things. The first is that the Russians use their words very carefully. They never engage in saber rattling, and they do not make threats. They have policies, and they make promises. Russia, strangely – at least for those of us in the west – makes use of its double-speak in a highly consistent way. They aren’t all over the place with it, and they are almost never reactive.
Very important point. The change from ‘our friends in the west’ and ‘our western partners’ to ‘our geopolital opponents’ marks a paradigm shift. First heard of this from Stephen Cohen.
Stephen Cohen on the John Batchelor Show (after 20min):
direct download link:
Here just a single example of those (admittedly few) Germans who are awake and on the good side:
US-Atombomber über Europa
Kiew will den totalen Krieg in der Ost-Ukraine
But Germany is a de-facto media-dictatorship.
The entire population is being lied to by the AngloZionist empire, DE is nothing more than a US colonly.
And WW2 was never oficially terminated, simply frozen.
But nobody informs the germans about this.
I want back to Communist times!
Everything was still good and in order.
And we were friends with the Soviet Union.
Don’t hate _all_ Germans.
Some are evil (like in every country), many are just zombified/uninformed/naive/stupid, and an astounding number are even the biggest fans of Putin and Russia.
I’m talking about millions here, no exaggeration.
But as we cannot do much, sadly, most of us stay silent.
We need a revolution.
Damn, 6am here, good night for now.
Regards from East-Berlin.
Hi Martin ! I really liked your comments… I agree ! Germans are great people !! But sadly, there are Germans that are as asleep as the usual TV Americans…the ones that think they are patriotic by watching ‘the news’ every night…dum sh**s….
Ah well, there’s a war going on….Informational 80%….
Hi Ann,
thank you for your encouraging words.
You are right: It is the same as in the USA.
We live in Empires and many hate _us_, although we ourselves are 1000% on their side and completely disagree with pretty much each and every action our unelected “leaders” are doing, or shall we say committing.
Yes, it is a DISinformation war.
And the first thing humanity needed would be to switch them off (all “free” newspapers and TV channels of the western world owned and controlled by 5 or so persons). But the all-believing sheeple will never let this happen.
This is for people looking for non-mainstream/alternative German news:
Beware though, it’s all mixed in there, from left to right and everything in between.
Tnx, didn’t know that one yet.
Looks interesting!
Here are some others, too:
We just have to wait till coming Sunday when the domino effect start to work along the falling hill of this world financial Ponzi scheme
Sitrep USA from the front lines: Actual conversation in the return line at a local Walmart today:
Assistant manager and clerk struggling with several intractable problems including international money order transfer computer glitch.
” Wow, looks like everyone is having some major problems today” says 1st person in line attempting to stifle her impatience with compassion
” At least we aren’t having the ones the Greeks have.” comes a reply from the back.
“Don’t be so sure about that ” says I, fanning the flames of discussion.
“Well , i give them 2 years and we’ll be there” says the person behind me without a moment’s hesitation..
Assit. Manager looking nervous calls out, ” Next!” ending discussion.
The American people know, are cynical as H-ll and on an individual level because that is how the system keeps in power hope to H-ll that somehow they will the one who has enough money for bread .
teranam13, APPLAUSE!!! I cannot guess how many US people have a clue what may happen rapidly, and is happening slowly for a long while… but think I get it overall, thanks to everyone in sight; and many more.
Family & friends don’t understand, but I feel very glad that when I felt entirely burned out, I quit and slept for much of Year One. I’m glad to be old and childless. I’m glad to spend the past few years on basic self-education, just so I’ll know What, a little bit of Who, and how “it” happened when “it” hits the fan at my house. I’d love to see the Fed Reserve banished, EU disband, everyone return to the fully sovereign nation status; instead of the Outlaw Empire imperative. So many outdated & corrupt “institutions” need to go, as well… and well, good luck to everyone. The possibilities are truly overwhelming.
This analysis assumes countries like Germany really have a say in controlling the international banksters, the zio-banksters, that corrupted the Greek colony into this toxic pyramid scheme. They don’t, the fat parasites follow orders and work to implement their superior’s policies, as in any large corporation. This isn’t Germany vs Europe, it’s the ZPC/NWO against the European people using their buggered quislings managing European countries to carry out their enslavement agenda of turning Europe into another completely dumbed down, compliant and docile colony like their American colony.
Grexit or not, the offered solution to EU’s problems will be a more complete economic integration.
They are obviously going for a slow-motion intentional collapse of the US economy. Maybe they will advance their plan to do the same with Europe. Terrifying collapse is the prerequisite to forcing acceptance of the New World Order. They are not ready for that step yet. But I suppose some real or faux major military confrontation could advamce matters.
@вот так: Respect and thumbs up for your comment!
“This isn’t Germany vs Europe, it’s the ZPC/NWO against the European people”
Germany is deliberately exposed in the front window by the “AngloZionists” for that all “Les miserables” in Europe have a scapegoat that takes all the attention …
Three different news reports here that give a very clear picture.
Malaysia at the start were very neutral on MH17, but now it is Malaysia that is pushing for this so called UN tribunal. it seems Malaysia was quickly compromised and is now happy to sacrifice their plane and people.
Malaysia moves on MH17 tribunal plan at U.N., Russia dismisses
Malaysia, a member of the 15-member council, distributed a draft resolution late on Wednesday, which it hoped could be adopted later this month, diplomats said. It is a joint proposal by Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine.
Rights groups urge U.S. to reconsider Malaysia human-trafficking rating
It was unclear why the State Department decided on the upgrade. Last year’s report said Malaysia needed to amend its anti-trafficking law and regulations, do more to protect trafficking victims, better identify victims and strengthen policies and laws with more prosecution and convictions in trafficking cases, among other recommendations.
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – According to Vitaly Churkin, the draft resolution, prepared by the Malaysian delegation, classifies the crash as a threat to international peace and stability, despite the fact that a single incident cannot be classified that way.
At best, it can be not particularly bad.
Of course, Dimitry is completely wrong!
Consider Greece the first quarrying brick in the wall (of either Eurozone, EU or even NATO) – there could be nothing better. Even if the Eurozone or EU would break down completely – there would be no better excuse for Germany.
And don’t forget: the break down of the Euro/EU (or both) is the worst case scenario for what Dimitry called the suzerain. Germany, instead, will return to business – not business as usual, but business. Like always! Like in 880, like in 1648, like in 1813, like in 1918 and of course like in 1945. Exactly that is Germany: returning to business after any kind of break down.
Of course any (any) break down of Germany has been induced by others, any.
Just an example of Germany’s returning to business:
Maybe some of you noticed the 2nd North Stream Pipeline (Mare Suebicum)? Germany yet is already starting to return to business after the upcoming next break down.
After the next break down (of the whole western Europe, including the Baltics, Scandinavia, and the whole Balkan), the AngloSaxon
turd… empire will be history – but Germany will return to business, like it has always done.Raven,
Business is what feeds our bellies, clothes our backs and lets us communicate here today. Don’t denigrate it.
btw EU now has a larger debt than the US:
7/9/15 A reserve Fund of €500b? It is unlikely that this will save the lost Union, the total external debt of which has already overtaken Pindostan’s external debt! Didn’t you know? Hearken! The UK’s external debt is $9,500b; Germany’s is $5,500b; France’s is $5,700b. Those three alone total over $20,000b. Pindostan’s external debt is over $18,000b. For comparison, Russia’s foreign debt is about $700b.–el murid
Thanks for the translation Timofei.
I think the Polish Euro MP’s nazi salute at the EU parliament really says it all. The EU is a fascist dictatorship. Historically the idea for the EU started in Germany….All the power is in the unelected bureaus not the parliament.
He stated:
“In his defense following the scandal Korwin-Mikke told TVN24 that his goal was to show that many of the European Union’s activities and economic policies in particular are of “Nazi origin.”
“A single currency, unifying everything, Hitler even promised to eliminate smoking,” Korwin-Mikke said.”
Funny the outrage by the jelly invertebrates – yet have no problem with the Nazi’s in Ukraine and Baltic states…….
As a European from Denmark, I am sure that the debt that Germany has not paid to the enslaved countries from 4-6 years of WWII, could easily pay all debt established during the European market period, then start from blank wo any blames but lot of forgiveness and forgetness into a new era of peace removing interest rates from any banks or institutions lending money out to economies of countries.
Yes, blackmailing the Germans as eternal Nazis who are guilty of everything and must pay for everyone is the road to future peace and harmony.
Some very interesting articles about Greece, EU and the role of Russia (by Takis Fotopoulos)
1) “Are austerity policies the problem or is it Neoliberal globalization?”
2) “Tsipras wasted a potentially golden opportunity for Greece in Moscow”
3) “Is there a way out of the crisis within EU? The case of Greece”
Vasilis, Thank you so much for these links. This is exactly what I need to advance my kinowledge further. I’ll read them in more depth this afternoon.
I have been insisting that the only way back to non-predatory economies is to get rid of the IMF/Fed system which gives insane priority to exports as the only way to earn dollars or euros. Obtaining dollars is, as you know, the only way in which nations can print their own currencies/create their own credits. Hence they must export, or borrow dollars, or attract investment dollars. Such a terrible distortion of economies which otherwise would still be food self-sufficient, as well as self-reliant in so many other areas.
I note a fragment from your 2d link: “Up to the entry into the EU, Greece had a significant degree of self-reliance, as the protected agricultural and industrial sectors were able to cover a large amount of the local needs, while the receipts from tourism, shipping and remittances from Greek workers in Germany, Australia and elsewhere covered many of the imports needed for foreign goods.. . .
actual cause of the present catastrophe is the full integration of the Greek economy into neoliberal globalization, through its accession into the EU. ”
Thanks again.
BRICS Summit in Ufa: Yoga for Putin, Finance for Crimea, Stability for the World?
Special to The BRICS Post
July 8, 2015, 5:54 pm
The summit meeting of the BRICS countries in Ufa (the capital of the autonomous republic of Bashkortostan in the Russian Federation) is significant for Moscow.
Just a few months after US President Barack Obama declared Russia “isolated” with its economy “in tatters,” President Vladimir Putin is welcoming the heads of state of China, Brazil and South Africa, India – as fellow BRICS members – and Pakistan.
Ufa will also play host to a summit meeting of the prime ministers of India and Pakistan; both of these South Asian giants and arch-rivals will formally be passing the admission procedures for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif are also meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS summit. So much for Russia’s “isolation” by Mr. Obama.
On the eve of the summit. the central banks of the BRICS’ member countries signed an agreement on mutual assistance, creating a common pool of hard currency reserves (in US dollars).
If a BRICS member has problems with financial liquidity, it can benefit from the pool’s reserves, fulfilling an established procedure.
The pool’s capital was established with an amount of $100 billion, with China contributing $41 billion, Russia, Brazil and India will provide $18 billion each, and South Africa will come up with $5 billion. So much for Russia’s economy being in Mr. Obama’s “tatters.”
Interesting how politicians are pooled out from the closet when the war is in the game
Latest developments as reported/interpreted by ZH:
Tsipras Sells Out Referendum ‘No’ Vote Ahead Of Weekend Deadline
Tsipras’ Letter To The Troika: Full Text
Loans,death,wars and misery masters
Germany always ends up destroying everything , from the Roman Empire to The European Unión , wars , heresies , false philosophers ……at least they are good mechanics.
Oh, didn’t you get the memo, we’re not attacking the German people. At least not in this article.
Just kidding.
Not clear at all if he has betrayed Greece or not.
ZH: Someone Pull The Plug Or This Will End In War
“Miguel Urbán plants himself against Draghi and accused him of blackmailing the Greek people”:
Check the arrogance and lack of respect from those who are leading European institutions, placed there by “the markets”, with the legitimate representatives of the nations of southern Europe.
This “lord”, Draghi, is who was in charge of Goldman Sachs (Europe) when accounts of Greece to join the EU were assessed.
As you can see, the citizens of South Europe deserve as much respect as our legitimate representatives. This rabble just want us to bleed to death with debt slavery and ruin our states to become resorts for their retired while our young people to become a reserve of cheap labor.
Under these conditions, such as Russia, who would be interested in being in Europe?
Who would want to belong to a club where one must let them pluck him as he always will be considered second-class citizen?
It would not be better to try to join a group with less arrogant members where everyone is equal with respect for differences?
Definitely no future in Europe with these lounging at head whom nobody has elected. The downside is that they will not so easily abandon their armchairs.
That of “The suzerain from the shining City on the Hill”, it is no longer even an open secret, but the other day, I had to witness on one of the TV chains of reality shows with large audience levels ( the same visited the other day by the “Kings of Spain” for their anniversary; curiously they never visit hospitals on their anniversary, where loose their health, due to workload and stress, the few health workers who remain after the cuts ) the image of the Eurogroup met after the referendum in Greece, along with a parallel image of Obama on the phone. The speaker of the news, in prime time, even did not conceal to convey what Obama, “the boss”, said it had to be done.
Most disconcerting is that then, in the street, in shops, in the bus, everyone speaks of the Greeks and their “corralito”, but no one has noticed that, now it’s official, was broadcasted in prime time that we are vassals, of the lowest ilk, those to be exploited to exhaustion, of the USA.
I assure you, it was the most embarrassing thing I had to witness in my life.
Possibly, this has already been mentioned but if not, I’d encourage everyone to view the excerpt from Greg Palast’s longer book, in an article that refers to events of November 1997, specifically about Greece and of course, another 152 countries. The usual culprits appear — Larry Summer, Robert Rubin, Tim Geithner and a few other notorious “ought-to-be criminal” names. Just FYI, at long last I must share. :-)
Great link, Ms. Elder. Thank you!
Palast has the memos showing how the derivatives monster was created by the US – intentionally, with malice aforethought – in order to protect itself against its own toxic assets.
The US laid an ultimatum on 152 WTO ambassadors’ desks: “If a country wanted to trade with the United States, it would have to buy the bankers’ financial “products.””
US Elder Woman,
I think this is the most jaw-dropping thing I’ve ever read. It reads like a crime novel. Absolutely incredible how easy crime is for them. So the WTO will have to go too. I knew that countries were compelled into it which had never signed it– but this, THIS– I didn’t imagine quite how evil.
Thank you for this. It’s a revelation.
Tsipras was an EU double agent
“Tsipras Has Just Destroyed Greece”
The Greek government faces a legitimacy crisis. Given the overwhelming Oxi vote, how can Tsipras sign up for a deal that is even worse? There is a real possibility that young people, particularly in Athens, which has the highest population density of any city outside of Asia, will take to the streets.
And even if there is no outburst of protests, how can any government that signs a creditor-acceptable memo be seen as anything other that a Vichy state?
Syriza has thus managed to deliver to the neoliberals a victory more complete than they could ever have engineered on their own. This has been the basis of our criticism, that Syriza by engaging in an open war against an opponent it could never hope to vanquish, was doing not just itself but also the Greek people and the left, lasting damage.
The Greek negotiations are now being steered in large measure by the French, who are conceivably next in line if there is a Grexit, given Marine Le Pen’s rising star. If Greece and the lenders manage to reach an agreement, it’s hard to think that Greek citizens will see the ruling coalition as anything other that a creditor puppet state. If the two sides can’t agree and Greece falls into a Grexit, the economic devastation will be so large as again to discourage any state save Italy and France, from pursuing a Eurozone exit, and even in those two countries, it is likely to give Euroskeptics considerable pause.
The net effect is to give Germany, its retrograde ordoliberals, and its neoliberal allies freer rein to continue their destructive austerity policies. Despite how counterproductive austerity clearly is, Greece will be used as tangible proof that the cost of Euroexit is vastly higher. And that means that Germany will be able keep pursuing policies destined to destroy the Eurozone going well beyond their sell-by date: running large trade surpluses, refusing to finance its trade partners, and bucking all measures to move to meaningful Federal fiscal spending that might buffer national differences in performance and stealthily recycle some of the German trade surpluses. The end result will be more oppression, more suffering, and a more catastrophic eventual Eurozone breakup.
According to Sputnik Varoufakis is also a double EU agent…
Greece RIP 07/10/2015
I’m deeply sad for the people of Greece,I was one of them I would raid the National Assembly
The Financial Attack on Greece: Where Do We Go From Here?
For our french speaking readers…war is coming if Merkel is not stopped by ANY mean
«Une autodestruction de l’Europe sous direction allemande»
«L’Europe est un continent qui, au XXe siècle, de façon cyclique, se suicide sous direction allemande. Il y a d’abord eu la guerre de 14, puis la deuxième guerre mondiale.» Résultat: «On est en train sans doute d’assister à la troisième autodestruction de l’Europe, et de nouveau sous direction allemande.»
That would all be jolly well, if the Greeks did not have to live to fight another battle.
What you say impIies that Western values, its “democratic principles”, “human rights” — not to mention enlightenment, “je suis charlie” style — have all been exposed as hypocrisy. Up to the Oxi vote, articles 23 to 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights had been breeched. But those articles were marxist stuff, smuggled into the declaration by the “enemies” of liberal capitalism. Now, many other articles, the ones that the “je suis charlie” crowd take as their own manifest, have been breeched. For good!
“The hypocrite’s crime is that he bears false witness against himself. What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.” — Hannah Arendt, On Revolution, 1963
“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.” — André Gide
“Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.” ~François de la Rochefoucault
Tsipras was no “EU double agent”. You almost have to be even more deluded than Syriza’s most naïve sheeple in order to believe that.
Again: Syriza is a very authentic outfit of Social Democracy, solidly committed to the fortunes of Western imperialism all along the line, even at a truly terrifying national expense. Moreover, given the prevalent mood of the Greek masses with their passionate yearning for “belonging to Europe” up to and including the curse of the Euro, Syriza and Tsipras plainly gave them what was possible in the circumstances at hand. As usual, First World delusions turn out to be silly beyond laughable. Blaming Tsipras as an “EU double agent” is, well, not very convincing.
A quote from Plato’s Timaeus. An Egyptian king speaking to Solon about the long history — really so long that Western scholars won’t classify it as history — of the Greeks. Athens, destroyed by many natural disasters, always rose from the ashes, while Atlantis did not survive one. But it looks like modern Atlantis will sink, this time weighted down by its own deadbeatness; and Greece — and the razed and pillaged Mediterranean — will rebuild their torn apart civilization. Again, and again. Well, I have, perhaps, spoke too much… Her goes Plato:
There is at the head of the Egyptian Delta, where the river Nile divides, a city and district called Sais; the city was the birthplace of King Amasis, and is under the protection of the goddess Neith or Athene. The citizens have a friendly feeling towards the Athenians, believing themselves to be related to them. Hither came Solon, and was received with honour; and here he first learnt, by conversing with the Egyptian priests, how ignorant he and his countrymen were of antiquity. Perceiving this, and with the view of eliciting information from them, he told them the tales of Phoroneus and Niobe, and also of Deucalion and Pyrrha, and he endeavoured to count the generations which had since passed. Thereupon an aged priest said to him: ‘O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are ever young, and there is no old man who is a Hellene.’ ‘What do you mean?’ he asked. ‘In mind,’ replied the priest, ‘I mean to say that you are children; there is no opinion or tradition of knowledge among you which is white with age; and I will tell you why. Like the rest of mankind you have suffered from convulsions of nature, which are chiefly brought about by the two great agencies of fire and water. The former is symbolized in the Hellenic tale of young Phaethon who drove his father’s horses the wrong way, and having burnt up the earth was himself burnt up by a thunderbolt. For there occurs at long intervals a derangement of the heavenly bodies, and then the earth is destroyed by fire. At such times, and when fire is the agent, those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore are safer than those who dwell upon high and dry places, who in their turn are safer when the danger is from water. Now the Nile is our saviour from fire, and as there is little rain in Egypt, we are not harmed by water; whereas in other countries, when a deluge comes, the inhabitants are swept by the rivers into the sea. The memorials which your own and other nations once had of the famous actions of mankind perish in the waters at certain periods; and the rude survivors in the mountains begin again, knowing nothing of the world before the flood. But in Egypt the traditions of our own and other lands are by us registered for ever in our temples. The genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals, Solon, are a mere children’s story. For in the first place, you remember one deluge only, and there were many of them, and you know nothing of that fairest and noblest race of which you are a seed or remnant. The memory of them was lost, because there was no written voice among you. For in the times before the great flood Athens was the greatest and best of cities and did the noblest deeds and had the best constitution of any under the face of heaven.’ Solon marvelled, and desired to be informed of the particulars. ‘You are welcome to hear them,’ said the priest, ‘both for your own sake and for that of the city, and above all for the sake of the goddess who is the common foundress of both our cities. Nine thousand years have elapsed since she founded yours, and eight thousand since she founded ours, as our annals record. Many laws exist among us which are the counterpart of yours as they were in the olden time. I will briefly describe them to you, and you shall read the account of them at your leisure in the sacred registers. In the first place, there was a caste of priests among the ancient Athenians, and another of artisans; also castes of shepherds, hunters, and husbandmen, and lastly of warriors, who, like the warriors of Egypt, were separated from the rest, and carried shields and spears, a custom which the goddess first taught you, and then the Asiatics, and we among Asiatics first received from her. Observe again, what care the law took in the pursuit of wisdom, searching out the deep things of the world, and applying them to the use of man. The spot of earth which the goddess chose had the best of climates, and produced the wisest men; in no other was she herself, the philosopher and warrior goddess, so likely to have votaries. And there you dwelt as became the children of the gods, excelling all men in virtue, and many famous actions are recorded of you. The most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of Atlantis
Plato, on Athens vs Atlantis (conclusion):
The most famous of them all was the overthrow of the island of Atlantis. This great island lay over against the Pillars of Heracles, in extent greater than Libya and Asia put together, and was the passage to other islands and to a great ocean of which the Mediterranean sea was only the harbour; and within the Pillars the empire of Atlantis reached in Europe to Tyrrhenia and in Libya to Egypt. This mighty power was arrayed against Egypt and Hellas and all the countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Then your city did bravely, and won renown over the whole earth. For at the peril of her own existence, and when the other Hellenes had deserted her, she repelled the invader, and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the Pillars. A little while afterwards there were great earthquakes and floods, and your warrior race all sank into the earth; and the great island of Atlantis also disappeared in the sea. This is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the Atlantic ocean.
Let me also x-post this comment here, where it belongs most:
The EU was HITLER’S idea and it proves Germany WON the Second World War
(I saw other very detailed sources years ago, it seems to be the truth, however: “Germany” != TheGermans, the normal Germans do not benefit from the EU, the EU is hated here)
Sure, mass immigration and multiculturalism have always been at the core of Hitler’s politics. So when Germany was reduced to rubble they just infiltrated the allies and created the EU to bring about the “fourth reich” where Germans will be a minority in their own country.
Makes total sense.
This opinion is too early it looks like Germany has not lost. Tsipras pretty much caved in. Greeks call him a traitor. And yet the EU is still refusing him. I read an a German article from an alternative media outlet that Schaeuble wants to destroy the Euro zone, to create a one state union.
What the USA IMF representative of the hegemon did was unleash the power of united Germany pre-WW11 under Hitler. The US, who never left Europe after WW11 but where it was ordered and forced to, leave France. The US put Sarkozy in power to make sure France would, first thing, join the US Pentagon representative, NATO, and the Pentagon representation across Europe was complete. The American Colour Revotutions unsettled enough former Russian satellite nations into joining NATO in order to do what they are now doing, attacking Russia after encircling it.
The case of the US grafting Germany to it’s war machine was complex and started right after WW11, as America has been planning to eliminate Russia since WW1, Britain planning to eliminate Russia since 1814. War exhausted Britain in essence gave that commitment to unscathed United States as it transformed it’s military corporations into commercial ones to earn big bucks and corresponding influence from shattered Europe. The Red Scare to demonize Russia was begun by Eisenhower before he took off his brass bound military uniform. Russia was not supposed to have won that war as it did.
The US captured German high commanders were milked the rest of their easy US lives for all information they possessed. American might intended to bring down healing Europe using Nazi tactics magnified a millionfold. This is where we are now. The European Union staffed by those carefully picked by the US CIA to be ‘elected’ EU leaders who actively promote obedience to the US and Germany.
We watch the German/US end run of this once deadly secret collaboration. As of today, Russia will survive, even if nuclear attacks begin, whereas Europe will not. Russia can no longer protect it
as it did previously. America destroys all European individuals and states who are not abjectly obedient to it. Cut off from Russia, as if by itself alone, Europe is prepared for it’s CIA garroting.
The young in Netherlands, brought up on American English as were their parents, fluent, think like Americans, so trapped they can not do anything, even talk of what they know well.