A Look Forward to 2035 by Batiushka for The Saker blog
Following the 2034 collapse of Britain and the popular overthrow of its millennial Establishment after nearly two decades of political turmoil, England moves ahead. Last week international arrest warrants were issued by the new People’s Government for the detention of the elderly war criminals Blair (Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq), Cameron (Libya, Syria and the Yemen) and Johnson (the Ukraine), who are all believed to be in hiding, cowering from justice somewhere in Florida, where they are now being hunted down.
As regards internal changes to the English Capital, just today the following changes have been announced by the People’s Government in London, the Capital of England, part of its programme of ‘Re-Englanding England’, also known as ‘Debritainisation’.
England Square
Today, exactly two hundred years after ‘Trafalgar Square’ in London was given the name of an Arabic-named Cape in Spain, the Square is to be renamed ‘England Square’. The statue of Nelson on its column is to be replaced by a statue of the effective founder of England, King Alfred the Great, known as ‘England’s Darling’, ‘The Truthteller’ and ‘The Lawgiver’. It will then be known as ‘Alfred’s Column’. A spokesman for the People’s Government said that it in no way wished to denigrate Nelson, whose tactical genius and personal bravery are undoubted, but Demilitarisation is an inherent part of Debritainisation. The statue will be removed to the English Museum, formerly called ‘The British Museum’. This has plenty of empty space, since so many of its artefacts, looted from around the world by British imperialists mainly since the eighteenth-century, have been returned to their countries of origin.
At the same time the four lions around the base of Alfred’s Column will also be sent to the English Museum as part of the policy of Demilitarisation, that is, as part of the policy of the removal of aggressive symbols of imperialist militarism. They will be replaced by four female figures, personifying Motherhood, Peace, Justice and Freedom. The four plinths for statues on England Square, at present occupied by three statues (the fourth plinth is empty) of the German King George IV and the imperialist militarists, Napier and Havelock, are also to be sent to the English Museum. They will be replaced by statues of literary and social geniuses of English history, known as ‘The Four Williams’: William Langland (1332-1386), William Shakespeare (1564-1616), William Blake (1757-1827) and William Cobbett (1763-1835).
As readers may know, Langland wrote a visionary English-language poem and allegory called ‘Piers Plowman’, in which he denounced the corruption of the medieval Catholic Church and praised the simple faith of the people. As for Shakespeare, he was the most brilliant poet of the English language and a very perceptive psychologist, who described in detail the good and bad in human nature and their motivations. Blake was the visionary poet and artist who opposed the appalling exploitation of his age and wrote the new English National Anthem, ‘Jerusalem’, in which he denounced the ‘dark, satanic mills’ of the so-called ‘Industrial Revolution’, that is, of the mass exploitation of industrial workers. Cobbett was a politician who struggled for social justice and wrote against the collectivisation, or privatisation, that is, just plain theft, of the common land in England, euphemistically called the ‘Enclosures’. He constantly campaigned against corruption and poverty and in favour of rural prosperity and freedom.
As for the busts of the three imperialist Admirals, Jellicoe, Beatty and Cunningham, in England Square, they are also to be sent to the English Museum and be replaced by busts of three well-known poets: a soldier (Wilfred Owen), a merchant sailor (John Masefield) and an airman, John Gillespie Magee (author of ‘High Flight’). They are in memory of the sacrifices of ordinary men, ‘the lions led by donkeys’, in the imperialist wars of the British past. The statue of Charles I on the south side of England Square, usurped and then beheaded by a clique of grasping merchants, will be retained. However, the statues in front of the National Gallery, of the Scottish King James II and of the slave-owning colonist George Washington, will be sent to the English Museum and be replaced by statues of the two Patronal Saints of England, St George and St Edmund.
The Square of the Peoples
Meanwhile, there will also be changes to the statues outside ‘Parliament’, renamed ‘The House of the People’ since the abolition of the House of Lords, to that in the Guildhall, and to the twelve statues in Parliament Square, now renamed ‘The Square of the Peoples’. Outside the House of the People, the statue of Cromwell is to be replaced by a statue of an Irish peasant, at least 200,000 (10% of the population) of whom the brutal thug Cromwell had massacred. In the Guildhall the statue of Thatcher is to be replaced by the statue of a Yorkshire coal-miner. Both old statues are to be taken to the English Museum to protect them from vandalism.
In The Square of the Peoples, nine of the present twelve statues are also to be removed. These are, in anti-clockwise order: the statue of Churchill, replaced by that of an English child orphaned by bombing in the Second World War; that of David Lloyd George by an injured World War One Welsh soldier; that of the South African Prime Minister Smuts by a Boer woman from a British concentration camp during the Boer War; that of the British Imperialist Prime Minister Palmerston by that of a Russian peasant-soldier from the British invasion of Russia (the so-called ‘Crimean War’); that of the British Imperialist Prime Minister Smith-Stanley (the Earl of Derby) by that of a Chinese woman suffering in the so-called, British-caused ‘Opium War’ (Genocide of China); that of the British Imperialist Prime Minister Disraeli by that of a Bulgarian peasant-woman, oppressed by the Ottomans whom Disraeli immorally supported; that of the British Imperialist Prime Minister Peel by that of a starving Irishwoman from the Irish Potato Famine; that of the British Imperialist Prime Minister Canning by that of a Scottish crofter, removed by force from his land which was stolen from him in the so-called ‘Highland Clearances’; that of Lincoln by that of a Tasmanian Aborigene, representing the treatment of North, Central and South American Natives, Australian Aborigenes, genocided Tasmanians and Maori, all as a result of British ‘colonisation’ (land-theft). The statues of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Millicent Fawcett will remain as symbols of the striving for freedom of Africans, Indians and of women, who were freed from Victorian oppression and the deprivation of rights.
The new English People’s Government, elected by over 85% of the electorate according to the new proportional democracy, is keen to depose the old tyrants and celebrate the victims of tyranny. It has come to our knowledge that parallel events are about to occur not only in newly-reunited Ireland and newly-independent Scotland and Wales, but also in the newly-freed countries of the former EU. This follows last month’s sacking of the EU headquarters in the Berlaymont building in Brussels. Everywhere in Western Europe the flags of freedom are beginning to flutter defiantly.
In Paris the Arc de Triomphe in Paris is to be renamed ‘L’Arc du Peuple’ (‘The People’s Arch’) and Napoleon’s bloody battles are to be removed from it. Rome, Brussels, Vienna, Berlin, Madrid, Lisbon – all are reviewing names of streets, statues and monuments. As for the English Government, it has already joined the new Confederation of Free European Nations (CFEN), a loose structure which will meet in various European Capitals. It was originally suggested by the paternal Russian government and has been formed to replace the old centralised EU and its unelected bureaucrats and tyrants.
15 August 2035
Breaking News:
It has just been announced that Antony Blair has been captured by the Free American Police after being found hiding in a hole in the ground near a farmhouse outside Miami. Blair was shown in a photograph with a full beard and hair longer than in his familiar appearance. He was described by police officials as being in good health despite his 82 years. The details of his double trial, which is to take place in Belgrade and then in Baghdad, have not yet been determined. The local police call their prisoner ‘Vic’, which stands for ‘Very Important Criminal’. Officials said that Blair whined to them after his arrest: ‘I am innocent, I did not do anything, I was only following orders from the White House’.
Make it 2024 or 25 at the latest!
Governance will be by elected local, district and regional councils, not by parliament.
«Governance will be by elected local, district and regional councils, not by parliament.»
That is called the “Harrogate Agenda” in the UK, and it is designed to ensure that the taxes from areas with a majority of affluent residents are entirely spent in those areas and not partly spent in areas with a majority of poor residents in the name of regional equalisation.
I don’t know when this would take place, but justice of believing men is clear on this; such an event will definitely occur.
Many thanks for such a piece, it refreshes the mind knowing that the evil perpetrated by the satanic incarnates will sooner or later catch up with them.
I only hope I live long enough to see the day Blair gets his comeuppance
If only it was true today. Hopefully it will happen and I’ll live to see it.
Wishful thinking, fantasy, dream how things should be, how world should be. Reality is what it is and believe me – Anglo Saxons would never repent. There won’t be up rising, UK will change as much more 3rd world nation, cheap labour and shrinking white ruling class.
Going out on a limb here Earnest, I put you down as a glass half empty realist.
There’s a growing discontent, crime’s through the roof, violent crime, and not just from the usual suspects c/o The Amazonian Plantation of Serfdom & Workers Party, but also from the rapidly diminishing squeezed middle, working deep into the Parasitic Class’s Entitlement Fund.
I see a Police State that will be tested to the limits in No Go Areas of the major cities and gradually spilling over into Leafy Suburbia. I predict January 2023 major disturbances, looting and fire, when the Bills drop through the letterbox.
A New Party will emerge from ashes and seek court with Russia.
1) England is partly Anglo-Saxon, and btw by the time of the Norman Willian the Bastard’s arrival, the Anglo-Saxon elite had created a more or less peaceful, devout Orthodox country. The Norman genociders’s descendents are those that rule today – obsessively forgotten by the European and Anglo aristocracy.
Those they discovered upon arrival (1066) were still speaking Brythonic languages even in parts of eastern England – ie: they were mostly not Anglo-Saxons. A minor point.
2) It’s a nice idea and I don’t see why something of this sort can’t happen. Stuctural rigidity in the body leads to poor health and eventual death; few states have the stuctural rigidity of the UK where acceptable truth, acceptable altrnatives are strictly controlled in all mainstream institutions. (The US is a beacon of free thinking by comparison!) So, something’s got to give.
3) Awareness of the victims of past crimes is vital to preparing a clean slate for the future – I agree. A few statues or public memorials wouldn’t go amiss. But why should a state wear sack-cloth? That will never wash, it will never work.- just look at what’s become of Germany where true cultural heroes, potential sources of growth have been suppressed as national (egoistic) self-flagellation has been promoted.
There are very many heroes worthy of commemoration not mentioned here – a very quick very abridged random list:
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine (yes, English!); Kennedy, Lincoln, Hamilton (not English but representing some past stuggles for freedom in the Anglo World).
In the arts:
Music: David Bowie (one from a very long list of great achievers in the 20th century), John Lennon
Literature: Orwell
John Berger
Bronte sisters
… Alan Moore!
many many more
Painting: Turner
Poetry and drama: Chaucer, yes Shakey, also Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe…Milton!!!
Alexander Pope; Swift (Anglo Irish England and Ireland are neighbours and conflict and crime is not the whole story), Dryden
Blake yes; Shelley, Wordsworth, Southey, Byron
20th century: Ted Hughes, Harold Pinter, many others.
Poetry and drama are the jewels in the crown of the English arts.
Politicians who tried, and won or failed: King Henry VII, Queen Anne, Thomas More (crossover: great statesman and author)
See, pretty random. The point is every one of these, and many more, contributed much to the human story, not just in England, and many fought and suffered for justice and were deeply aware of the malaise that has grown since the days of Henry VIII.
So, awareness, education, revival, celebration, yes. Sack cloth, no.
Henry VIII? Seriously?
Boulogne? Head-chopping innocent wives? Squanderer of zillions on vast palaces and estates?
That Henry VIII?
Apologies, my bad. Read more Is than you wrote.
I’m afraid that the powers-that-be in Britan might not be white English men much longer. They will probably be African, Middle Eastern, or Hindu. The banisters who control the West hate whites, and look forward to miscegenating them out of existence. Looks like they are going to pull it off to. Russia and China don’t want to reformulate a new Tower of Babel, hence the West’s aggression and subterfuge towards them.
Bliar, Bush, Clinton, Obama? They work for these guys..
I want Rockefeller, Rothschild, Prince Charles and all the Committee of 300, British East India Company Phoenician Aristocracy, and Schwab..
It’s really sweet dreams story and I love it all, just yesterday was to late. As another peaceful person I hope that this going to happen asap.
Absolutely. Rothschilds and khazarian mafia (KM).
Russia and the Orthodox Church gave been fighting the KM for about 1,100 years. KM comes from the area of Ukraine
Bravo! I’d like to drink to that.
London will be submerged before 2034.
The only thing worth saving is the never built statue of Johnny Mars and his Fender Stratocaster.
England will be remembered as the place where an apple, grown in your neighbours orchard, would travel by truck to a port, taken to Hungary by ship to be washed, waxed and packed, then back to a truck, port, ship, another truck ride and delivered to the supermarket located just a short walk from the orchard she was produced. England will be remembered as the stupidest place in modern world, where mind controlled pinky pigs and pseudo-dogs-of-war once dreamed they were really something other than a whole bunch of imbecile people.
“London will be submerged before 2034.” Good riddance.
Another area that will hopefully be submerged by 2034 is Sandbanks, near to where I live. It’s now one of the most expensive areas on the planet:
Fortunately our famous monument won’t be affected:
The irony of the apples, that’s if you can actually find British apples in the supermarket.
The most important things for the British are:
1) Convenience
2) Taking selfies and putting their mug-shots on social media
3) Watching American crap
4) Squirting Botox in every orifice
If I’m having a conversation with a known Russian hater and they start complaining about their fuel bills, I point out that the consolation is that they are no longer forced to buy cheap Russian energy (irony).
«The most important things for the British are:
1) Convenience
2) Taking selfies and putting their mug-shots on social media
3) Watching American crap
4) Squirting Botox in every orifice»
Those are the most important things for “Middle England” affluent property owners, around 20-40% of the population.
For the rest, the “losers”, the “scroungers”, the most important things are working as many hours as it takes to pay rent and the bills.
«Elfed Wyn ap Elwyn, 24, from Trawsfynydd in Gwynedd, is getting married next year and wants to buy a house, but said prices in the village were “crazy” because of second-home ownership. He added: “I’ve got seven jobs, ranging from gardening to working in a pub. I want to save enough money to buy a house but because prices are so high and people from outside the community have more money, the houses that we could afford are being swooped off the market.»
«Microwork – short digital tasks assigned to workers, who are paid piece wages via online platforms – is now firmly part of UK employment. Almost one in eight workers in the UK “won” the right to perform digital tasks remotely in 2021 by bidding for “jobs” on the web. The TUC says that the proportion of the working population being paid for such digital tasks at least once a week has more than doubled since 2016. Yet almost two in three microworkers – many of whom have a degree – earn less than £4 an hour. This is not only below the minimum wage, but also less than a quarter of the median graduate starting salary.»
«Housing officer Rachel Lewis, 25, has been living in a caravan for a year because it was “impossible” to find anything affordable to rent in her hometown of Solva, Pembrokeshire. “If I can’t do it, who can?” she said. After graduating from university in 2019, Rachel volunteered abroad when the pandemic hit. She returned home to Solva to be near family and friends. But she said she and her partner could not find anything affordable to rent, let alone buy. “It was impossible. My partner and I stayed in a holiday rental for about two months, then briefly rented a flat in Haverfordwest, then they put the rent up by £100 a month so we moved out of there and then into the caravan,” she said. She admitted it has not been easy, particularly working from home because of Covid restrictions. “I’ve been in the caravan for 12 months and I’m paying £400 a month, with bills on top. It’s been cold. I work from home most of the time so that’s been really difficult. Our pipes froze last winter, they burst and flooded the caravan and that took basically a month to dry out whilst we were living in it. It’s been never-ending problems. There’s not a lot of space, especially with the home working. It’s not easy.»
Looking into the future is fun. As a youth I would imagine flying an airplane or helicopter, at times I became a firefighter or policeman. However, I had to leave that world and move into reality. Now I believe the the world won’t last much longer in the direction world leaders have taken us. I believe we’ll see Jesus Christ coming in the cloud’s of heaven with power and great glory about 2030, I hope I’m right.
Wonderful piece to be read every day, in case The Observer Effect is true.
Great read. A nice blend of Hope, Humor and Justice.
For once, a positive article! Funny too.
A few years ago, on one of the polish blogs, I wrote that any change is possible if people in Central and Western Europe run out of food on store shelves and their as….. get cold at home. The Russians probably thought the same, but neither I nor the Russians came up with the fact that the European governments themselves implement this plan.
Dear Batiushka,
thank you very much for this contribution. It is great.
Batiushka, that was brilliant! No, it’s not a fantasy. It is our lofty goal! Thank you!
”Outside the House of the People, the statue of Cromwell is to be replaced by a statue of an Irish peasant, at least 200,000 (10% of the population) of whom the brutal thug Cromwell had massacred.”
That rankled a bit.
Kingly power in the hands of Charles 1 and the Church of Rome led to the revolution and the civil war against the Pope, the King, and a corrupt rentier oligarchy in England. This was an uprising of the common people organized in the shape of the New Model Army, which took on and defeated the King’s Army in two key battles: Marston Moor in 1644 and Naseby in 1645. The Democratic order was established in the House of Commons in 1649, and a democratic spirit in the House of Commons. During this period there was what can only be described as a ‘cultural revolution’ throughout the land. ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ as it was then called. The Parliamentary Army of the Long Parliament overcame Charles 1 and his retinue and his and executed the King for Treason against the people of England in 1649. Although there was popular support for Parliament in the 1649 the long-term consequences of the ‘Revolution’ (for that is what it was) led to a partial restoration, which brought Charles II back from France where he had absconded after the Civil War. A big mistake which effectively stymied the development of any real democracy in the subsequent centuries
But Kingly power had been comprehensively broken, regardless of the counter-revolution. During this revolution many different political and religious cults were established: The Levellers, The Diggers, The Ranters, and various other political/religious movements. This raw democracy took centre stage, with the Putney Debates and the New Model Army led by Sir Thomas Fairfax (interestingly enough whose descendants emigrated and established a suburb in Washington called ‘Fairfax).
Among the population at large there emerged leaders and Soldiers from the New Model Army, one such was Gerrard Winstanley a leader of in the Levellers who argued that: ”The poorest man shall hath as true a title and just right to the land as the richest man … True freedom lies in the free enjoyment of the earth … If the common people have no more freedom in England but only to live among their elder brothers and work for them for hire, what freedom have they in England more than we can have more than Turkey and France.”
I would venture to say that without the English revolution there would have been no subsequent American Revolution. No Thomas Paine to speak up for the common folk.
Another forgotten revolutionary that deserves a statue in England Square is Thomas Spence:
Thomas Spence (1750-1814) is all but forgotten today, but at the time of the French Revolution he was one of the best-known thinkers and activists in the left-wing of the radical democratic movement in England. In Red Round Globe Hot Burning, Peter Linebaugh describes him as “the most consistent among the common communists of the 1790s.” His influence continued after his death: in 1817, Parliament banned political clubs that supported his views, making Spenceanism the only political ideology ever banned by name in England.
In 1775, outraged by the injustice of Parliamentary enclosures in Yorkshire, he began arguing for common ownership of all land and a decentralized government based on parishes. Over time he extended what came to be called Spence’s Plan, most notably by arguing for universal male and female suffrage. The most complete statement was The Constitution of a Perfect Commonwealth (1798), in which he modified the democratic constitution proposed by the Jacobins in 1793 by adding provisions to ensure that “All men … have a continual property in, and right to the earth and its natural productions.”
Always enjoy your pieces, Batiushka on poor, long-suffering, shoot-yourself-in-both-feet and cut-your-own-throat England.
One suggestion: strike St. George (not English, blood-soaked warrior, and no evidence there ever was such a person anyway), retain St. Edmund and add St. Cuthbert.
Don’t knock it, it could very well come true and, in our own lifetime.
A few years ago extensive research was done to find out the difference between champions and other athletes. The only commonality among champions in all sports was that before their victory they had fantasized and imagined themselves as accomplishing championship! Let’s go…
Are there any good world history books? There are too many critical events that I’ve ever seen mentioned before.
John Wesley shouldn’t be forgotten and in our time Malcolm Muggeridge was/is another great Brit. Love, love, LOVE this quote by him!!!
“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over–a weary, battered old brontosaurus–and became extinct.”
― Malcolm Muggeridge, Vintage Muggeridge: Religion and Society
“[Pascal] was the first and perhaps is still the most effective voice to be raised in warning of the consequences of the enthronement of the human ego in contradistinction to the cross, symbolizing the ego’s immolation. How beautiful it all seemed at the time of the Enlightenment, that man triumphant would bring to pass that earthly paradise whose groves of academe would ensure the realization forever of peace, plenty, and beatitude in practice. But what a nightmare of wars, famines, and folly was to result therefrom.”
― Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.” In one lifetime I’ve seen my fellow countrymen ruling over a quarter of the world, and the great majority of them convinced – in the words of what is still a favorite song – that God has made them mighty and will make them mightier yet. I’ve heard a crazed Austrian announce the establishment of a German Reich that was to last for a thousand years; an Italian clown report that the calendar will begin again with his assumption of power; a murderous Georgian brigand in the Kremlin acclaimed by the intellectual elite as wiser than Solomon, more enlightened than Ashoka, more humane than Marcus Aurelius. I’ve seen America wealthier than all the rest of the world put together; and with the superiority of weaponry that would have enabled Americans, had they so wished, to outdo an Alexander or a Julius Caesar in the range and scale of conquest. All in one little lifetime – gone with the wind: England now part of an island off the coast of Europe, threatened with further dismemberment; Hitler and Mussolini seen as buffoons; Stalin a sinister name in the regime he helped to found and dominated totally for three decades; Americans haunted by fears of running out of the precious fluid that keeps their motorways roaring and the smog settling, by memories of a disastrous military campaign in Vietnam, and the windmills of Watergate. Can this really be what life is about – this worldwide soap opera going on from century to century, from era to era, as old discarded sets and props litter the earth? Surely not. Was it to provide a location for so repetitive and ribald a production as this that the universe was created and man, or homo sapiens as he likes to call himself – heaven knows why – came into existence? I can’t believe it. If this were all, then the cynics, the hedonists, and the suicides are right: the most we can hope for from life is amusement, gratification of our senses, and death. But it is not all.”
― Malcolm Muggeridge
“I beg you to believe that life is not a process, it’s a drama”
― Malcolm Muggeridge
O, how I wish I knew the man!!!!!!!!!
Muggeridge was a funny guy with a very interesting life. Two other quotes:
«Thursday, 19 March 1942 Portugal
Here in Lisbon is the last vestige in Europe of our old way of life now precariously existing.* It is like the owner of some ancestral mansion moving when ruined into the lodge with one or two of his pictures, a piece of plate or so, one aged servant in threadbare livery. Here are cafes, neon signs, money haggling, petit dejeuner with fat pats of butter brought in on a tray, jangling trams and taxi cabs and newspapers of all the nations. One deep and significant change may, however, be noted, the pound sterling has lost its magical qualities; rub, rub at the lamp and no all-powerful djinn appears, at best only a reluctant slut who must be coaxed for any service at all.
Malcolm Muggeridge»
«The journalist Malcolm Muggeridge chanced on the nascent Beatles in Hamburg in June 1961, when they were the leather-clad nightly attraction at the Top Ten Club.»
«Wednesday, 7 June 1961 Hamburg
Dropped into a teenage rock-and-roll joint. Ageless children, sexes indistinguishable, tight-trousered, stamping about, only the smell of sweat intimating animality. The band were English, from Liverpool, and recognised me. Long-haired, weird feminine sounds; bashing their instruments and emitting nerveless sounds into microphones. In conversation rather touching in a way, their faces like Renaissance carvings of saints or blessed virgins. One of them asked me ‘Is it true you’re a communist?’ No, | said; just in opposition. He nodded understandingly; in opposition himself in a way. ‘You make money out of it?’ he went on. | admitted that this was so. He, too, made money. He hoped to take back £200 to Liverpool.
Malcolm Muggeridge»
«a murderous Georgian brigand in the Kremlin acclaimed by the intellectual elite as wiser than Solomon, more enlightened than Ashoka, more humane than Marcus Aurelius.»
That mas murderous brigand however was not a total monster and was not stupid, when people in his government wanted the extermination of the germans after WW2 he wrote to forget about it:
«Ioseb dze Jughashvili, “The Order #55 of the National Commissar for the Defense”, 23 February 1942.
Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain.»
He also predicted “yeltsinization”, a pretty easy prediction:
«Ioseb dze Jughashvili, “Speech at The Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the E.C.C.I.”, December 1926.
What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.»
«I’ve seen America wealthier than all the rest of the world put together; and with the superiority of weaponry that would have enabled Americans, had they so wished, to outdo an Alexander or a Julius Caesar in the range and scale of conquest.»
But they did! The plan was the “War and peace studies” (1941-1942) by the Council for Foreign Relations, and it was to have a suzerain empire instead of a colonial one, and it covered all of the Pacific and all of Americas except for Cuba, Japan, all of Western Europe, most of Africa and the Middle East, most of southern Asia.
D. Cannadine, R. Quinault “Winston Churchill in the Twenty First Century”(2004)
«The irony was, of course, that one of the war aims of the Roosevelt administration was the liquidation of the British Empire, and the expansion of American power and influence at the expense of Britain.»
No mention of the Rothschilds and others being arrested in 2035. Blair, Johnson and the others are just errand boys for the Rothschilds and khazarian mafia.
‘Arabic origin’ of Trafalgar piqued my interest.
For completeness, “cape in southwestern Spain, from Arabic taraf-al-garb “end of the west,” or taraf-agarr “end of the column” (in reference to the pillars of Hercules). The British naval victory over the French there was fought Oct. 21, 1805; hence London’s Trafalgar Square, named in commemoration of it.”
I did not know that.
One has to wonder why Western leaders are so intent on serving the US and not their own citizens. There are all kinds of theories that I’ve seen for that. But this is mine.
While there are probably some of them that have ideological reasons for that.Maybe fear of,or hatred of Russia,or both. But I’d argue the main reason so many of them are US stooges are because of blackmail. For years the US has controlled the NATO security services. And has been spying on politicians worldwide. And in that spying they must have gained information on any number of them. Who has an affair that could ruin their careers and family if revealed? Who has committed a criminal act that could end their careers and land them in jail if revealed? Who is a pedophile,gay,or some other sexual sicko? Who regularly takes bribes or “favors” or at least did so in the past? Who is like Zelensky and company, a drug addict? You want to know the answers to those questions,ask the NSA or US CIA,they can tell you.
As an example we might look at this little article about the Finnish Russophobe leader. In the past not notably a Russia hater,but now is. This might be a reason explaining that change.Did the US know about her drug use in the past? Maybe so,and are now using it to get the policies they want from her:
Finnish PM responds to drug allegations
«One has to wonder why Western leaders are so intent on serving the US and not their own citizens. There are all kinds of theories that I’ve seen for that. But this is mine. While there are probably some of them that have ideological reasons for that.Maybe fear of,or hatred of Russia,or both. But I’d argue the main reason so many of them are US stooges are because of blackmail. For years the US has controlled the NATO security services. And has been spying on politicians worldwide.»
Everything helps of course, but the real reasons are quite rational, if they were to be “disobedient”:
* What is worse: complying with USA sanctions or be sanctioned by the USA?
* What is more likely: to be regime-changed by the USA or by someone else?
The USA also “groom” vassal politicians, in the early stages of their careers, with studentships, research grants, consultancy contracts, and then during their political careers with donating large “black” campaign funds. The next technique is even simpler, bribery. Blackmail is most likely used too, but I doubt it is usually necessary.
«the Finnish Russophobe leader. In the past not notably a Russia hater,but now is. This might be a reason explaining that change.»
All these people are too knowledgeable and intelligent to be “russophobes”, they are just aligning themselves with prevailing propaganda and for “home front morale” purposes.
Since there is a (proxy) war on “every nail that sticks out will be hammered”, and the margins for dissent are very narrow. BTW the target is not against Russia, it is against the PRC; the RF is just in the way, a domino, collateral damage, for the USA (but is the main target for the lithuanian, polish, ruthenian fascists).