In September, a Russian private TV channel REN.TV released a documentary that has immediately become a hit in Russia: Попались! Кто хочет развалить страну

REV TV is known for their excellent investigative reporting in geopolitics, Russia’s political movements, and modern warfare.

An investigation by the reporters reveals the truth about the forces that are desperately trying to destroy our beloved Russia. What are those people? Who pays them and what do they try to achieve? These and other questions are answered in this important and timely video report.  On September 18, 2016, Russia will hold a parliamentary elections. These elections are already branded as “rigged” by the Washington paid “opposition.” The US and its allies have been working hard on organizing the Maidan style protests immediately following the election that have already been called a “bloodiest revolution in Russia’s history.”

As you can see, the liberal hysteria is in full swing.

The video has been translated by Tatzhit Mihailovich, discovered, by the way, by the Saker.

Special thanks to Baaz, for scouting the English translation in timely manner.


