Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on May 7, 2018, after the legislative elections in Lebanon (won by Hezbollah and its allies).

Translation: unz.com/sayedhasan


[…] We believe that the composition of the new Parliament [following the May 6 elections] is a guarantee and a great force for the protection of this strategic choice [Resistance] and for the protection of the gold equation Army-People-Resistance, which we believe is the only one that, under current conditions, given the situation in the region, the balance of forces and developments, it is so far the only one that can protect the country, especially now that we are going back to the new challenges, the question of oil and gas, the maritime boundary, etc. And according to reports, Israel has threatened to start building the wall on Lebanese territory, on land which we consider Lebanese, even if the United Nations considers it disputed. Ultimately, it is this equation that can protect the country in such circumstances. […]

We now have a new Parliament, and we must elect its Speaker, its Office, the Parliament must start working in order not to fall behind. It should appoint a Head of Government, form the government, and now, discussions about it should start, we must not waste time. It is true that the former Parliament and the former government will still operate for a few days but we must not waste time and we should seize every opportunity (to go forward). Because we do not know (what can happen), and even the situation in the region (is unpredictable).

Recently, we were all busy with the elections, but a number of us, and myself, followed daily Israeli declarations, their threats, promises, against Lebanon, Syria, the problem between Israel and Iran, and what is happening in Palestine, in Gaza in particular, where great things happen, developments in Palestine are very important. So we do not know where the region is heading. This is why in Lebanon, we have no time to lose. We have no right to spend 8 months, a year or more to form the next government. Neither the domestic situation allows it, nor our presence in such turmoil in the regions, and nor the expectations of the Lebanese people. […]