by Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Bismi Rabbi al-Husayn (S)
Assalaamu3alaykum wr wb.
The Qurʾān says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا۟ كُونُوا۟ قَوَّامِينَ بِالۡقِسۡطِ شُهَدَاء لِلّهِ وَلَوۡ عَلَي أَنفُسِكُمۡ أَوِ الۡوَالِدَيۡنِ وَالأَقۡرَبِينَ إِن يَكُنۡ غَنِيًّا أَوۡ فَقَيرًا فَاللّهُ أَوۡلَي بِهِمَا فَلاَ تَتَّبِعُوا۟ الۡهَوَي أَن تَعۡدِلُوا۟ وَإِن تَلۡوُوا۟ أَوۡ تُعۡرِضُوا۟ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ خَبِيرًا
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا۟ كُونُوا۟ قَوَّامِينَ لِلّهِ شُهَدَاء بِالۡقِسۡطِ وَلاَ يَجۡرِمَنَّكُمۡ شَنَآنُ قَوۡمٍ عَلَي أَلاَّ تَعۡدِلُوا۟ اعۡدِلُوا۟ هُوَ أَقۡرَبُ لِلتَّقۡوَي وَاتَّقُوا۟ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ
O you who have dynamically believed! Be those who stand for manifest justice, witnesses to Allāh, even if it be against your yourselves, your parents, or those who are close to you; even if it be against someone poor or rich, for Allāh has more walayah [than anyone else] with both of them. And do not follow your personal whims and desires and let them prevent you from being just. And if you deviate or turn away from justice, then surely Allāh is well-informed of all that you do. [Nisāʾ: 135]
O you who have dynamically believed! Be those who stand for Allāh, witnesses to manifest justice. And do not allow some hatred of a people to afflict you so that you do not act justly. Be just! It is closer to awareness. And be aware of Allāh! Surely Allāh is well-informed of all that you do. [Māʾidah: 9]
Apparently Colonel Muʿammar Qaddhafi is dead: ʿalayhi maa ʿalayhi! (Upon him be what is upon him!) He will meet his Cherisher-Lord and answer for his actions in this life, one of which was either the likely murder or the cover-up of the murder of Imam Sayyid Musa Sadr and his companions. For this he has received the opprobrium and even hatred of the Shīʿah around the world and most especially in Lebanon. Assuming his guilt, this was arguably the biggest mistake of his career, for it was the vote of Lebanon at the UN Security Council that tipped the balance against him so NATO could begin its onslaught against Qaddhafi and the Libyan people.
Yet the Qurʾān demands that we be just, even against a people who have incurred our opprobrium or hatred. Within his own country Qaddhafi’s record is mixed as a ruler: He was a dictator yet he followed his own ideological path independent of the Euro-American script. His initial popularity in Libya is unquestionable, but the exact degree of popular support he enjoyed or did not enjoy in recent times is harder to quantify.
There can be little doubt that he was as sincere in his original visionary and revolutionary spirit as a Lenin, Mao, or Castro. As an Arab nationalist he was more Nasserite than Nasser himself. And there can be little doubt that he truly believed in Islām. But without a righteous Imām (S) to guide him he went astray in his Islām and in his ideology — a curious mixture of Islam, socialism, and political anarchism rooted in the free bedouin spirit from which he sprang. Finally he fell victim to his own hubris and pride which, in perfect harmony with that famous law of life, was at its greatest just before his fall.
In the first half or so of his rule there can be little doubt as to how much he did to develop Libya as an independent nation. He gave Libyans the best standard of living in Africa. Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, poverty had nothing to do with his overthrow — indeed, many of Libya’s most poor fought the hardest for him. He threw out the multinationals, wrested Libyan oil — the best in the world — from greedy Western hands, and used the money to build Libya and to stick finger after finger into the interests of the Euro-American Empire.
On the international front Qaddhafi supported anti-Western liberation struggles around the world, from Nicaragua to Northern Ireland to the Philippines. Analyst Jean-Paul Pougala
explains the important role Qaddhafi has played in creating institutions within Africa — raped and exploited for centuries by European colonialism, imperialism –, institutions meant to provide an alternative to the tyranny of Euro-American financial institutions. See also
In the NATO intervention in Libya note that the African Union was contemptuously ignored in its attempt to play a positive role in the Libyan crisis. The common-sense appeals of Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda, were ignored:
How is it that a Euro-American military alliance was given the right to attack Libya but the African Union, within which Libya occupies its natural geopolitical space, was sidelined? I encourage readers to read both Museveni’s and Pougala’s analyses. And the unfortunate fact is that the African Union has not developed to anywhere near the point where it could play its natural role as a counterweight to the NATO behemoth.
For his struggle and vision, with all the flaws of its ideological basis and practical implementation, to free Africa, Arabs, and other oppressed peoples from the shackles of European colonialism and imperialism; for this he earned the eternal hatred of the Euro-American Empire. Although he often cooperated with the same Empire for reasons of expediency after 9/11 — Libya after all is a small country in terms of human resources to defend against an American or NATO attack — in this particular regard it would be grossly unfair to merely lump Qaddhafi along with quisling rulers such as Mubarak and Ben-Ali, or American-created Frankenstein monsters such as Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
Along with Syria, he continuously supported Iran throughout the Iran-Iraq war and against the rest of the Arab world. This is one reason for which he also earned the eternal hatred of the Saudi tribe that occupies the Arabian Peninsula. The other reason, of course, is that the Colonel emphatically rejected Saudi-sponsored Wahhabism and Salafism in every shape and form. Unfortunately, Qaddhafi’s spiritual and ideological replacement for Wahhabi reactionarism, Sunni traditionalism, and even progressive Sunni Ikhwanism was unable to find a place in the hearts of the jamahiriyyah, of the masses whom he so idealistically wanted to mold into a mirror of his own vision and image of revolutionary socialism and Islam. Hence Wahhabism as well as the two mainstreams of the Sunni tradition turned against him. Between that and the absence of any credible accounting for the Imām Musa Sadr — a figure so dear to both revolutionary and traditionalist Shīʿī Islam — he was left with no natural friends or allies in the Muslim world. This gave an opening for the Euro-American Empire to play the dirtiest card in its deck of dirty tricks: Wahhabi reactionarism.
If there ever any doubt that Wahhabi reactionarism and al-Qaeda are tools of Euro-American policy, the Libyan intervention should put that to rest. Abdelhakim Belhaj, the present ruler of Tripoli, was an al-Qaeda agent once held at an American secret prison in Bangkok:
Another prominent leader of one of rebel factions, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu, was a prisoner in Guantanamo for five years. A true thug, Abu Sufian had served time in prison in the 90’s for drug trafficking and assault, before escaping to eventually join al-Qaeda in Afghanistan:
Each was eventually sent back to Libya by the US, and each was given amnesty by Qaddhafi after a couple of years imprisonment. Now, in a farcical and tragic repetition of history these two al-Qaeda operatives, among many others, are used by the Euro-American Empire to lead an “uprising” against Qaddhafi. So we are in peculiar situation where NATO serves as the air force of its al-Qaeda affiliate in Libya and al-Qaeda serves as the ground troops of NATO (!) — something that does not seem so odd when one studies the symbiotic relationship between Euro-American Empire and Wahhabi reactionarism over the past century and especially the past 30 years in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and now Libya, all bank-rolled by the Saudi regime occupying the Arabian Peninsula.
One feature common to the various strands of Wahhabi reactionarism is a level of barbarism and thuggery that places them outside the pale of civilized behavior. The Taliban’s murder of dozens of Iranian diplomats in Mazar-e Sharif a decade ago and the very recent killing of former President Rabbani in the course of peace negotiations; the savage beheadings and massacres in Iraq; the ongoing massacres of Shīʿīs in Pakistan; the removal and murder of the first head of the rebel forces in Benghazi; these and innumerable more examples all have their roots in a savage Wahhabi anarchism that respects no law or due process for anyone who does not belong to their club or gang. As the dirty card and shock troops of Euro-American-Saudi policy in the Muslim world the damage these few psychopaths have done to the interests of the Muslim world is incalculable. One day they are unleashed to serve Imperial and Saudi interests, the next day their barbarism is used as justification for the largest military budget in the world. One day they are tortured, dehumanized, and further radicalized in secret prisons; the next they are used as the shock troops of NATO in its ambush of Libya.
Which brings us back to Qaddhafi and the Qurʾānic exhortation to justice, even against those who have earned our opprobrium. In their love and grief for the Imām Sadr, many Shīʿīs will cheer the fall and death of Qaddhafi. Many in the progressive Sunni Ikhwan movement will also cheer the death of someone who eradicated that movement from Libya. But that will be very shortsighted. The impact of the short-term — and perhaps even mid-term — victory that the Euro-American Empire has won in recolonizing Libya through Wahhabi reactionarism cannot be overestimated. If, in its legitimate grief and anguish over Imām Sadr, Hizbullah in any way enabled the vote of Lebanon at the UN to go after Qaddhafi — and I do not have knowledge on this score — it was quite a miscalculation. The Mediterranean Sea is now a NATO lake: Full spectrum dominance has been achieved. The richest and most independent country in Africa has been reconquered by the Euro-America. The wealth of Libya is now a Euro-American resource and no longer an African resource, a massive loss to that already impoverished continent. And upwards of 30,000 Libyans, including so many innocent women, children, men, and old people, have been killed as a direct result of Euro-American intervention, in a country of only a few million. Particularly appalling has been the blatant racism shown to the Black community of Libya, and the truly atrocious manner that prisoners of war have been tortured and quite literally slaughtered:
The Qurʾān says that no human being bears the moral or legal burden of another: Our issues with Qaddhafi are no excuse in any way supporting an aggressive militarism that doomed tens of thousands more people to death than would have died if Libya had been left alone. And that’s assuming the initial revolt was not itself an instance of agent-provacateurism (the jury is still out on that; see, for example,
Finally, the death of Qaddhafi himself: After his convoy is bombed by NATO, first they say he was wounded and captured; then they say he died of his wounds; then they say he was found hiding in a ditch … But now we know: He was captured alive, tortured, and brutally killed on live mobile camera moments after being caught, in violation of any and all civilized norms:
I do not accept comparison with Saddam, an utterly unprincipled monster who was at least tried in a civilized manner for his crimes before his well-deserved and ignominious end; nor with Mubarak, a mere quisling who was replaced by his masters in the face of untenable opposition; or Ben-Ali, another mere quisling overthrown with little-to-no outside help by his own people.
Qaddhafi could have got on a flight to Cuba; his friend Hugo Chavez of Venezuela would have been happy to send him a private jet so Qaddhafi could save himself. Instead, he honorably chose to send the women of his family to safety while he stayed with his sons and fought NATO and the Wahhabi gangs. Only Allāh knows the fate of Qaddhafi beyond this world; he will have to answer for his actions to the Supreme arbiter of Cosmic Justice who oppresses no one. However, in the scale of this world: If anything can be said positively of Qaddhafi in his life and death, it is that he died while valiantly fighting in defence of Libya against the combined forces of NATO and Wahhabi reactionarism. That will be his epitaph as Libya begins its second chapter under (neo-)colonial occupation. And that is exactly how Qaddhafi would have wanted it.
Peace to those who seek to follow righteous guidance and justice.
Professor Idris Samawi Hamid is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Shīʿī Studies, Department of Philosophy, Colorado State University
A very well written essay. But If this was aplot by the west from the beggining, then I have to ask why? MQ had long ago given up his pro-independent leanings and started towing the western line years ago. Giving oil contracts to China isn’t a very convincing answer, since in the end, Russia and China both left him to hang.
And it sends a bad (or actually good from my POV) message to other dictators: appeasing the west will not save you.
So I’m still trying to figure out what the goal was.
The Koran is the psych -ops manual of British/US intelligence and the NWO.
The Koran also condones sex slavery and aggression against its non-Muslim neighbours hence Islam’s rapid expansion and conquest into non-Muslim lands.
As always it was your Muslim countries with their NATO/western counterparts just like in every continent of the world that has spearhead this war just like in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and Russia’s other Muslim Republics, Central Asia, Xinjing province, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Macedonia, Indonesia, Philippines, Southern Thailand, Eritrea, Sudan, Burma and others.
@EVERYBODY: I would like to apologize to everybody and, in particular, to my Muslim readers, for posting the illiterate imbecilities of Jack such as the one above. I have as a principle not to ever censor any speech, no matter how vapid, ignorant, hateful or otherwise repulsive it might be. The case of Jack is particularly difficult since his posts are a mix of factually correct statements with absolute idiocies (like his opening sentence). I therefore can hardly treat him as a simple spammer. Yet, he is clearly out there to “pick a fight” with either me or any Muslim readers of this blog. I personally just ignore him, and I would urge you to do the same. Not only is there no point in “feeding the troll”, but I believe that the guy has some serious personality issues, if not outright mental ones (all hate-filled folks pretty much share these traits).
Anyway, I will let the guy continue to pollute the comments section with his crap for as long as I reasonably can. The one good thing about Jack is that at least he does not saturate the blog with this comments. So as long as sane adults can freely discuss various topics and have intelligent conversations, I think that we can put up with one loony.
Don’t you agree?
Again, my apologies for the distasteful and imbecile stuff I had to publish today.
Kind regards,
The Saker
I agree with Lysander. Gadaffi had basically thrown in the towel and conformed to the West after 2004. The Iraq invasion scared him into submission and he wasn’t a problem for the Western powers any more. So why should NATO side with the rebels especially when many rebels are Wahabist.
When it comes to the Middle East, America’s priorities are not its own imperialist interests, but Israel’s. When you grasp this reality, the Empire’s seemingly self-defeating behavior begins to make perfect sense.
Maintaining a stable environment for economic exploitation by fostering heavily-armed and powerful dictators who can keep their people in line but are utterly dependent on the US is what America’s MO has always been.
Now it seems turning the Middle East into a collection of sectarian failed states at war with each other and infested with murderous Wahhabi fanatics is America’s agenda, even if that means American oil companies get left out in the cold, as in Iraq. In this they are catering to Israel demands, as always.
Israel will never be comfortable with a Middle east run by compliant dictators like Mubarak who can be overthrown and replaced by a democratic government hostile to Israel, as any true democracy in the region that reflects the will of its people will necessarily be.
The final solution for Israel is the destruction of neighboring states that have any real or potential power to threaten it. Hence US policy.
On the surface it’s certainly a mystery. One of my profs in grad school — who lived in Israel for some time — told me:
“The Israeli position is this: If you are 100% for them it means you are against them. After 200% they might give you some grudging acceptance”
So extrapolate to the Empire and you get something similar. In the case of Qaddhafi:
1) Given the previous 30-year track record of revolutionary instigation, Qaddhafi could not be trusted even after his capitulation;
2) Although I do not consider myself a conspiracy theorist, all the evidence on the surface suggests that, if al-Qaeda did not exist, the military-industrial complex would have to invent it as a replacement to the USSR to justify to the American masses the ridiculous military budget;
3) Note that, more than ever before, in the last decade the military has become more and more of a capitalist enterprise. So looking for opportunities to test weapons and military strategies has even more incentive, common strategic sense be damned;
4) The role Qaddhafi played in Africa to help the continent independent of Euro-American finance should not be underestimated. Instead of a 500 million dollar per year leasing deal on a Euro telecommunications satellite, Qaddhaffi put up %85 of the capital so that Africa could just purchase and launch its own, with no leasing.
5) The US basically owns Saudi oil, in that it forces the Saudis to invest its profits in American industries, military and non-military. The same could not be said of Libya, where European leaders and American congressmen still had to humiliate themselves by negotiating contracts with Qaddhafi as an equal partner. That was untolerable;
6) Relatedly, the value of Libyan oil and its proximity to Europe increases its strategic value to an Empire which is going bankrupt;
7) A warning to the Arab Spring that the Empire is not going to sit idly by while the Arabs decide their own affairs; this thing is going to pushed to American advantage
8) So the Talibanization of Libya will serve its purpose: scare Muslims in the region against pursuing Islamic solutions; make Muslims look like barbarians — despite the fact that even these “Muslims” are merely mirroring Nato’s barbarism in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere; and finally
9) more justification for America to have to militarily police a region full of dangerous, radical, anti-American folks — never mind that the Empire and the Saudis created them in the first place, either directly or indirectly by blowback from their indiscriminate “collateral damage” throughout the region, something that keeps the cycle moving and the militarists making money.
Disgusting, really.
I never make statement that I can’t back up with facts or references.
It is a simple fact Muslim insurgencies backed by western intelligence, military and Arab/Muslim countries are waging war against non-Muslim and secular Muslim countries around the world and they chose Islam as a vehicle for this precisely for this reason even Brzezinski has stated as much with the Libyan war and Syria conflict by the most recent examples.
In every conflict between involving Muslims and Christians the US always backs the Muslim side.
What is untruthful about my statement?
The Koran does condone violence and sex slavery against non-Muslims which is practiced today with the North Caucasus being the prime example of this.
Some very interesting thoughts, though quite depressing. I console myself by thinking that just because NATO and Saudi Arabia want Salafists in Libya, it doesn’t mean that will happen. I would like to think that Egypt and especially Algeria would have a strong interest in thwarting that end and will try to act accordingly.
For whatever reason, MQ was very unpopular in Egypt and everyone seems happy with his overthrow (don’t know how they feel about his being tortured to death, but they were pro-uprising from the start.
One question I wonder about is how did the west get all those Libyan diplomats to turn back in February. If it were an intel op, how come they have failed to get even one Syrian diplomat to turn so far? Is it because MQ foolishly trusted them and let them get too close, whereas the Syrians know better?
@Lysander:I would like to think that Egypt and especially Algeria would have a strong interest in thwarting that end and will try to act accordingly.
Though your questions is correctly addressed to Ishamid who knows far more than I ever will about this region, I will offer a guess of mine to see what he will reply.
It seems to me that Egypt and Algeria are themselves struggling with the combined efforts of NATO and Wahabis. IN Egypt the recent events have clearly shown on one hand a hardening of the military’s stance combined with a clear activization of the Wahabis as seen by the massacres of Copts. As for Algeria, there seems to be quite a lot of evidence that much of what is putatively called the “GIA” is nothing but a government false flag operation aimed at keeping the FIS from returning to power. And how is behind the Algerian regime? Western colonial powers, of course.
I would say that Egypt and Algeria are also very much hte victims of the combined efforts of NATO countries and Wahabi crazies. How could they be of any help in Libya, when they themselves are being so victimized?
Kind regards,
The Saker
As for Algeria, there seems to be quite a lot of evidence that much of what is putatively called the “GIA” is nothing but a government false flag operation aimed at keeping the FIS from returning to power.
I’m very happy to see Saker make that all-too-important distinction!
@ Lysander:
My speculations on why the West would do something so foolish and self-defeating as openly using al-Qaeda/Wahhabis to attack Libya left out the simplest explanation of all:
10) Payback, plain and simple. Revenge may be a self-destructive motive at times, but its power is undeniable.