Dear friends,
The tsunami of emails expressing their support and understanding has not abated at all! Many also express sadness, which I very much share. For me the blog was my “baby” which I “raised” for 16 years, and now this child of mine will go away. Of course I feel sad, even if I am now 100% sure that this was the right decision.
This being said, I really hope that we all can stay in touch. So I will, once more, list all the options I can think of now.
Right now I see three options which I can offer to you all:
- I will keep the emails and and I will check them at least once every few days or so. Feel free to contact me for any reason after March 1st.
- To my absolute amazement, after asking my Patreon supporters to cancel their pledges (which, quite reasonably, many did), some readers actually signed-up (when I saw that, my jaw dropped and I could not believe my eyes!). Well, quite obviously, the very least I can do is to remain available on Patreon for questions and other forms of interaction (video Q&As maybe?) on Patreon at until the very last patron cancels his/her pledge. And, frankly, I cannot even begin express my gratitude to those who so kindly extended their help to me and my family in spite of me having to close the blog.
- There is the Saker telegram channel ( which you can join and that, unlike Patreon, will not cost you a penny! I do not personally run that channel (and that is very good, as I don’t have the energy for that right now), but I trust the person who does and we can stay in touch there too!
Finally, if somebody wants to create some other option, say a Discord channel, or any other possible “meeting place” – please let me know and I will announce it here.
Next, on the issue of archiving the blog.
My two awesome IT gurus are working on various options and testing various things. I will announce here what we have come up with when we have more than plans. Please stay tuned.
And, no, I have not forgotten about the Q&A :-) I am still getting questions. I am now thinking of recording it next week.
Love and thanks to all
PS: one more thing, I have now added a PDF version (made by a friend) of my “Christian Vignettes” to the subdirectory you can download all my books from (for free, obviously!):
I already have all the Christian vignettes together with the comments below them! For my convenience, they are in Bulgarian! If anyone is interested, I will upload them somewhere!
In addition to the vignettes, I have –
1 The abomination of desolation stands in a holy place
2 A negative view of Christianity and religion in general
3 Obedience in Christianity an answer to an important question
4 Why Orthodox Churches are still used as pawns in political games
5 Orthodox faith Yvonne Lorenzo interviews hunting
in Bulgarian!
Andrey, thank you!
1 The abomination of desolation stands in a holy place
2 A negative view of Christianity and religion in general
3 Obedience in Christianity an answer to an important question
4 Why Orthodox Churches are still used as pawns in political games
5 Orthodox faith Yvonne Lorenzo interviews hunting
Actually, these are not vignettes, the vignettes are at the very bottom of the homepage, here:
Question, I would love to get PDFs of the 5 articles you listed.
Do you have an English version? If so, could you please send them to me?
I can add them to my free downloads subdirectory!
Kind regards
Andrei Hi! The PDFs have been sent! I’m a little late, but it takes time
God bless you for your work!
sent to!
Celebrate my death, not my birth ( I won’t say who said that). And those are quite the gifts you have bequeathed to us. I can’t imagine the amount of time/research that has gone into your writings that are now available to the world thru your archives and subdirectory.
Your works live on. Congratulations, well done.
I always wanted to say ,to those who believe in celebrating births – numbers mean nothing to me. If you would celebrate, come with me and celebrate my achievements, however small they may be.
It meant nothing to me to celebrate my 21st birthday but everything to celebrate passing my State Exams in Nursing and becoming a fully registered SRN, Yes, many others did that too, but this was me, my celebration.
In this light Saker, you would seem to have much to celebrate, even though the time has come to move on. As it always does.
I first found you on Unz, IIRC nearly a decade back, under The Saker. Same with Martyanov. Then the both of you disappeared from Unz. Year and a half back I found you both, along with Larry Johnson and Sonar21 and Colonel MacGregor. I couldn’t be more grateful. I hope you’ll drop into the various other venues,Andrei, because your 2 cents will always be relevant. And, your work here will never be forgotten. It must be an amazing feeling to have reached millions of people over the years. How many folks can say that? And it makes me wonder where we will find men such as you going forward. God bless, young man!
“Young man”!
I wish….
I will be 60 in November :-(((
But thank you for your kind words!!
I’m not a revolutionary in slightest of ways, but I have grown to value trustworthiness of human beings as highest honor they can possess no matter their position.
I believe that is why readers of your blog stuck to it, and hopefully give you some satisfaction in gloomy days of years to come.
Dear TheSaker,
On Telegram we have:
– The Saker channel (4095 subscribers)
– The Saker Discussion group (1585 members)
However, neither the channel, nor the discussion group allows any comments or discussions. Is this by design?
Personally, I think a Telegram discussion channel would be perfect place for the commentariat :) to be able to continue our discussions after this blog goes inactive.
I am also humbled that you extend yourself to keep in touch with everyone who wants to keep in touch with you.
Thanks, Saker, for many years of education on the ways of the Exceptionally Evil Empire, and for opening my eyes to Russian history, culture, geopolitical stance. Also for introducing me to Russian Orthodox teaching. The seed you planted through your daily labours will grow into huge trees bearing good fruit.
As you take your well-earned leave, the Lord, our God walks with you. He shines His face upon you, finds you pleasing, smiles upon you. He blesses, prospers, multiplies, protects all that you have done, and will continue to do.
Finally, the Lord, our God blesses, prospers, multiplies, protects every single one of your family members in every thing that they do.
God be with you, and family,
from a grateful Saker reader
Dear Saker,
I’m Marco from Italy. I never wrote before but I registered just to thank you for all I could learn in these years thank your blog. I usually don’t write in internet because I don’t have much to add, I prefer read and learn, but in this case I feel the need to write you and the comunity.
I discovered this site in 2016 when I moved some months in Russia to study and it changed my point of view about a lot of things.
I’m happy to have grown up with your analysis in these long years, and thank you for other blogs you suggested.
I wish you and your family the best. Good life! :)
Saker, you should try Reishi medicinal mushroom. Great for adrenal fatigue and stress, resets your immune system:
I didn’t know he had any metabolic issues.
I recommend Chris Kresser’s blog for natural medicine. I heard about this mushroom from that blog first time.
I am very sad to see you end this amazing sight! I have learned a huge amount from you and all the amazing people who write for you and the posters as well.
I have had a great relearning of history, and geography. I have enjoyed learning about Religion as well.
I have been here mostly just absorbing, but it has truly been a lifeline for me as I am surrounded by the feel good fake liberals, who pretend to be anti war?
Thank you so much.
Best to you and your family
@EVERYBODY: I am not feeling well today, but I will reply to comments in the next couple of days.
Hugs and cheers and thanks
I feel very very sad about this shutdown. How can I forget the way we hit 70, 000 views with our coments up right there…
Saker, dont go
Přihlásila jsem se jen, abych vám poslala lásku a přání uzdravení. Dýchám si do dlaní a letí přes lesy a údolí k vám a vaší rodině. Takovou dálku a přesto si myslím, že všechny naše duše jsou spojené neviditelnými pouty. Jen to někteří nevědí a necítí. Díky, díky za vše. Eva
machine translation:
Thank you. Thank you.
I just checked in to send you love and get well wishes. Breathing into my hands and flying through the woods and valleys to you and your family. Such a long distance and yet I think all our souls are connected by invisible bonds. Only some don’t know and don’t feel it. Thank you, thank you for everything. Eva