Unian reports:

Russia should pay for the restoration of Donetsk and Luhansk, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said on Sunday, according to Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda.

Arseniy Yatseniuk

If I were a rich man…

“As for the reconstruction of the Donbas – I think it is logical to put the question of reparations to the Russian Federation. They destroyed the Donbas, and Russia should pay for the restoration of Donetsk and Luhansk,” Yatseniuk said.

“They [Russia] have destroyed our economy, they carried out a military intervention, a military aggression. And they should be held responsible for that,” he said.

As reported earlier, in December 2014 Yatseniuk said that Ukraine submitted a number of lawsuits against the Russian Federation seeking compensation for damage caused by its military aggression.

Earlier, Yatseniuk said that the amount of damage from the military actions in the east of Ukraine totaled $8 billion.

“Recently, we have assessed the rebuilding of infrastructure as UAH 8 billion. Now the hryvnia can be replaced with a dollar,” Yatseniuk said.


Saker commentary: so “Iats” is saying that it was the Russian Federation which destroyed the Donbass, not the junta’s artillery. Nevermind that while the junta was laying waste to Novorussia the Russian Federation was sending numerous convoys of aid to the Donbass which Kiev (and Uncle Sam) declared an “invasion”. “Iats” also seems believe that Russia ought to rebuilt a Donbass even though he also seems to want the Donbass to remain part of his Banderastan. I hereby nominate Iats for the “chutzpah Nobel prize for 2015”.


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