The video itself is about 35 minutes long and contains an outline of China’s vision for the region.

Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe laid out a solid rebuttal ( to Washington’s hegemonic vision at the Shangri La Dialogue.

A listing of content and notes taken:


  • Believes in multilateralism;
  • Opposes (US) hegemony;
  • Upholds international laws (vs. US “norms/rules”);
  • Will defend its territorial integrity which includes Taiwan;
  • Stands the most to lose if the South China Sea is disrupted by conflict;
  • Knows who created the Ukraine crisis, who wants peace & who adds fuel to the fire;
  • Refuses to be “contained;”

Taiwan – peaceful reunification – Taiwan is China’s Taiwan and is China’s internal affair. Any interference and China will not hesitate to fight!  The pursuit of Taiwan independence is a dead end and stop the delusion!

South China Sea – China has cause to turn the SCC into a sea of peace friendship and cooperation. This is the shared wish of countries in the region.

China/US relations – at a crucial and critical juncture. The US must stop smearing china, containing China, stop interfering in China’s domestic affairs and harming its interests … bilateral relations cannot improve unless the US side can do that. But, if you want to fight, we will fight, resolutely and to the end.

The Ukraine crisis – China regrets and is saddened by current developments. The historical context is clear. The root cause, the mastermind, who loses the most and who stands to gain the most .. who is promoting peace and who is adding fuel to the fire – We all know who it is.

Notes:  the US and its allies repeatedly condemned Russia for its operations in Ukraine, but never once mentioned ongoing US wars and occupations around the globe.