Dear friends,
Clearly the situation in Novorussia is rapidly turning into a full-scale war and, as Juan always reminds us, it will get much worse before it gets better again. In this context, I believe that the “informational war” in which we are all participating is more important than ever. In this context, I have several good news to announce about the future of this blog:
1) The Vineyard of the Saker now available in Russian!!
The “French Team” have done something amazing: they have decided to create a Russian-language version of this blog:
which you can now find at
There is no overestimating the importance of this development and I am immensely grateful to them for their initiative and efforts. They have asked me to post the following appeal:
The Vineyardsaker in Russian !! Call for help !
Looking at the international success of the site, we decided to launch a Russian version of it, giving a wider access to the Russian speaking audience. We need help to translate articles from English and eventually French to Russian. If you can help, please contact us at:
The Vineyardsaker тоже на Русском языке!! Нужна помощь!
Учитывая международный успех сайта, мы решили запустить версию на русском языке, расширяя доступ русскоговорящей аудитории. Мы нуждаемся в помощи для перевода статей с английского и, вероятно, с французского на русский язык. Наши контакты:
I would be most grateful if all those of you who can translate from English and/or French into Russian would directly contact the “Russian Team” at and speak with them. Your skills need to be the one of a specialist. We are not talking about translating Shakespeare or Villion into Russian here. What is important is to convey the information correctly and rapidly. This does not have to be a major commitment, even one short article a month would help. They/Novorussia/we/I need all the help they/Novorussia/we/I can get, so please help!
2) The Vineyard Saker blog soon to move to new servers
Thanks to the generosity of a few wonderful people, I will soon move this blog away from Blogger to much safer (and more flexible) WordPress servers hosted in Iceland. Thanks to the help of some tech-savvy friends, I will also be able to implement a few special security measures which I cannot detail here, but let’s just say that this blog will become very survivable, even if the servers in Iceland come under attack. At a time when ANNA news’ account has been censored on clearly specious grounds of copyright infringement, this kind of protection is clearly a “must”:
![]() |
YouTube shut down ANNA news |
Frankly, it is amazing that the “powers that be” have not shut down this blog for so long and I cannot wait any longer.
I will fill you all out on the details as soon as they are hammered out, but that is a *major* improvement over the current situation.
3) The Saker’s computers in a major upgrade
Again, thanks to the amazing generosity of a few wonderful people, I will soon move from my old and dusty (not to mention halfway dead) desktop to a much more powerful and capable machine.
These news really come at a good time because it really appears that the junta’s war on Novorussia will be a long one and, as several of you have told me, we are not in for a sprint, but for a marathon.
In these outright nasty and ugly times, I am especially encouraged by the help I am getting from good people quite literally all over the world: Juan, Mindfriedo, Gleb Bazov and Auslander, of course, but also less frequent contributors like, recently, XXX in Austria or some of the regular commentators here whose interesting and most informative comments might as well make us call them “contributors”. Then there are those who have offered me to help with translations and who have done a stellar job translating often long and difficult texts literally overnight! As I have mentioned before, I am getting a lot of top-quality technical help form real experts who are offering their time and expertise for free, and who even cover some costs out of their own pocket. As for the “French Team” – they are turning what used to be a one-man-blog into an kind of international franchise, something which totally amazes me. Last but most definitely not least, I have to especially thank the donors who have sent me one time contribution or regular monthly donations and which have made it possible for me to spent the typical 5-8 hours of my (putatively “free”) time each day working on this blog. To all these friends I want to say the following:
Though I am sincerely and immensely personally grateful for your help, I want you to know that I fully understand that this is not about me. This is about our common cause, currently focusing on the events in the Ukraine, but really about the global resistance to empire on all its “fronts” and in all of its aspects. Yes, right now, the Ukraine and Iraq are probably the two most important flashpoints on the planet, but tomorrow this could become Lebanon, or Syria, or Kazakhstan or even France, Spain or Greece. And the resistance to empire is still active in Latin America even if it has received no attention on this blog simply due to my own physical limits. Judging from the constant stream of emails I am getting literally from all over the world (except China, for some reason), I truly know that the global world empire has met an equally global anti-imperial resistance. Thus, I see this blog, and the help it receives, as a tiny but not completely irrelevant contribution to this global effort. I think of it as “crowd-sourcing resistance” or “spontaneously self-organizing resistance” (any idea for a better descriptor?). Truly, as David Rovics put it so beautifully, we are everywhere!
Thank you to all, and thank you most for being out there!
The Saker
PS: I just wanted to mention here that the absolutely *stellar* work of the “French Team” has resulted in a most flattering in-depth review on the prestigious (French language) website While the credit fully goes to the “French Team”, I am also very honored and grateful.
Well done! Absolutely delighted to hear this great news!
I believe the next one should be in Spanish, German, Portuguese..etc, etc. Give the world a chance to know the truth.
Anna News was a truly valiant news site. What can readers and Youtube viewers do to help to get it reinstated?
Dearest Saker,
Alf Mabrook to moving to Iceland.
God Bless You and Your Entire Family.
Deepest regards,
south stream news:
Hello Saker,
Perhaps you should start branching like Russian gas lines, hence think of opening your branches in Bulgaria, Serbia Austria and sub-branches in Greece and Macedonia.
Alex Sohn wrote:
“Anna News … help to get it reinstated?
You may be referring to getting the entire channel reinstated at YouTube but, in the event you are unaware, it was back up within a day or two at RuTube though, note at Saker’s posting of its 4 July broadcast that the running text at bottom is too small (zoom in with browser controls) and runs too fast:
July 4th Novorossia News Bulletin by the ANNA news agency
I’ve contributed as much as I can by responding to Saker’s requests here for feedback, contributing to the discussions, and promoting the site elsewhere (professionally, by submitting excerpts of posts here, including live links to the posts, that exactly fit the context within the discussion section of Ukraine articles at and many other sites, and utilizing my ‘UKRAINE CAMPAIGN – FOR INNA!’ — prompted by Saker’s posting of “For Inna” [VIDEO – 04:39] here on 9 June — everywhere within the USA I possibly can), but I suspect I speak for many whose finances are in the same state as mine:
Were I able to contribute financially to anything at all, a donation to this site would be my highest priority right now.
SAKER,good to know that your site will be hosted in Iceland.
I SAID IN 2008 THAT Russia foolishly did not fully support and help Icelnad in her bank crisis-it wa a matter of only a few billion dolkars loan for which Russia would have got a good will and foothold in area North to her mortal enemy englad whose destruction is a must for Russia and world to survive.
Rusdia lost billions in not supporting Libya aganist west so did stpid China,
In 2008 Russia shlod have attacked IMF but foolish putin and China were talking of strenghthening IMF
Nations are destroyed because God give their leaders stupid and foolish ideas. RUSSI. A has had a lot of such leaders So does China and India-all would have benefitted from confronting anglos theives together.
Great news! It really was important to have a Russian site up, and reach to people directly there, as well as hopefully, articles in the Russian translated for the rest of us here.
So, good luck and all the best in your new websites, Saker. You know you can embed a translator widget in them? So if someone from Bulgaria, or China, logs on, the page gets translated automatically to the language of the country they are coming from.
great to hear about this news, when you switch servers, will there be notice here or a link to your new site. I try and mirror as much as your site as possible, but I am a rookie at this. Keep up the good effort sir, your passion is much appreciated in this house.peace
Congratulation Saker, we are growing around the world thanks to you!
The baby tree you have planted is already has nice and sturdy roots. We are going to water this precious tree till will become nice,strong and mature.
God bless you and your family.Good health and lots of love to you and to your family
I reach NewsAnna through Search Annanews.
Anna news functions in northern eu
As I recall, a recent law was enacted in Russia which requires that Russian-language blogs, intended to be read by Russians, be “factually based” (which yours is), and to have the name of the blogger publicly revealed. If not, the blog is subject to being blocked by Russian authorities. Do you think this might be a problem for you?
@family_man: Do you think this might be a problem for you?
No. The Russian law will require that any service storing date of *Russian citizens* be hosted on *servers* located in Russia. Domain names (like can have a .ru extension and be hosted anywhere on the planet. And, I don’t store date on Russian citizens, or anybody else for that matter, so, again, this is not a problem.
The Saker
Yeah! Beautiful song and encouraging news!
We are eveywhere!
We don´t forget!
The future is ours!
Dear Saker, for some reason I can not email you personally, so I am afraid I have to put it out here:-(
any way I can help? I can give you at least 3-4 hours a day, as I am a Vet recovering from surgery and have plenty of time on my hands, and this Sir is a truly worthwhile cause.
The media blackout in UK is turning my stomach and the total Orwellian reporting by the US MSM needs to be combated even if it is just in the ‘alternative media’ the facts and other side needs to be shown and at least put out there.
My sincere best regards and again any way I can assist, please email.
Yours JP
Thank you Saker for allowing us all to help in large and small ways! For WE ARE ALL THE RESENTENCE!
Games on folks, Blessings!
An article pertinent to your blog in Russian:
As we’ve reported, Russia has been steadily trying to bring the Internet under control with ever-more stringent measures. After tackling general Web sites through powers that allow them to be blocked more easily, it now seems to be the turn of the bloggers, as this report from the ITAR-TASS News Agency on a recently-approved law explains:
The law introduces a new term: “Internet user called blogger.” Bloggers will be obliged to declare their family name and initials and e-mail address. Those authors whose personal website or page in social networks has 3,000 visitors or more a day must have themselves registered on a special list and abide by restrictions applicable to the mass media. In other words, registration requires the blogger should check the authenticity of published information and also mention age restrictions for users. Also, bloggers will have to follow mass media laws concerning electioneering, resistance to extremism and the publication of information about people’s private lives. An abuse of these requirements will be punishable with a fine of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles (roughly $300 to $1,000) for individuals and 300,000 rubles ($10,000) for legal entities. A second violation will be punishable with the website’s suspension for one month.
Clearly those onerous conditions are designed to make any blogger think twice or three times before publishing anything at all controversial or embarrassing for the authorities. The article notes that the new law may be challenged before Russia’s Constitutional Court, and that there’s a huge loophole in the form of blogs located overseas, which are not covered by the legislation. The fear has to be that the Russian government will now move on to blocking them too.
Looks like you’re OK for now.
You mentioned that you hadn’t received any emails from China. Don’t take it personally. When I lived in China it was not possible to reach foreign blogs on the internet. Anything with “blogger” in the URL, or “Blogspot” for example. I think it might be possible to get a Weibo blog or QQ space, but it might need to be registered by a Chinese national. I will look into it, and some options for translating the main material into Chinese.
Because of the courageous people like you and all others who read this blog, world has a hope.
Hello Saker, Hello Contributors,
The energy, the synergy, and the sense of enlightenment of this site is rare, perhaps unique on the internet. Linking us almost directly, to the front lines gives it a special history-in-the-making significance. I am grateful for that. It would be absolutely wonderful for this site if Polk. Strelkov finds precious few minutes (that he does not have) to answer few questions from us. Please Saker, select a number and quality of the questions that should come from as many contributors/countries as possible. I suggest two:
1. What should, in his opinion, be the treatment of prisoners of war and politicians, specially when they come from the ultra right parties?
2. Once current Ukraine government collapses, as is likely, what would he like to see as the future political system in Ukraine, given such multiple and wide disagreements among its population.
Thank you.
A suggestion.
Why not use a tag line for all of the blogs sites.
“Important enough to be monitored and trolled”