In April 12th, 2014 in the Black Sea, the Russian Sukhoi Su -24 with the newest jamming complex paralyzed the most modern American combat management system “Aegis” installed on the destroyer “USS Donald Cook.”

April 12, 2015 one-year: Russian fighter Su-24 vs US Destroyer USS Donald Cook (2014)

Published on Apr 10, 2015

Videos (Film Archive Su-24) 1967-1970 1972-2001 years.

Russian fighter jet disables US missile destroyer using electronic warfare weapon.

Russian Sukhoi Su-24 with the newest jamming complex paralyzed in the Black Sea the most modern American combat management system “Aegis” installed on the destroyer “USS Donald Cook”. Pavel Zolotarev, Deputy Director, Institute of USA and Canada, shares details about this version which is being actively discussed in the Russian media and by bloggers.

The Russian Air Force Khibiny is an advanced aircraft-mounted electronic warfare (EW) system capable of jamming state-of-the-art radar-based weapon-systems…


The US military is in shock! Donald Cook and Su 24


The Russian Disabling of the USS Donald Cook Aegis Class Destroyer

Published on Nov 18, 2014

US Navy Aegis Class ships have proven ineffective against Russian electronic jammers so when Putin brought a Flotilla to protect him to the G20 meeting, no American Navy ships were found anywhere in the area.

 On April 12th, 2016

Russian Jets Sukhoi Su-24 Celebrate two year anniversary of paralyzing USS Donald Cook



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