by MJ
On New Year’s Eve, a true story of “babes in the woods” appeared in the news: two sweet, innocent-looking, and very young Italian women, had disappeared into Darkest Syria, and had reappeared, as prisoners of the al-Nusra Front, humbled, eyes turned to the ground, wrapped-up in black shrouds.
It all started when Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, 20 and 21-year-old university students, discovered Syria’s humanitarian crisis. They become involved in the plight of Syria’s children. They did all the right things, according to progressive standards: they signed petitions, they went to demonstrations, they added their little voices to those of the Free World press, crying out for “something” to be done.
Anybody who’s anybody agreed: “something” had to be done, and that “something” was for NATO to turn into the Free Syrian Army’s air force. The young ladies were interviewed, passionately wrapped in the FSA flag—three stars denotes “Free Syria”, as opposed to the cheaper Assad model, deserving only two stars.
Italy of course is where Syrians hope to land, after their families sell their homes to pay smugglers to send a son to Europe. A son, who should—insha’Allah—get as close as possible to Italy, before the smugglers push him overboard or before the unseaworthy boat sinks. Then, he might be able to send some money home and keep the entire family from starving. So, many Syrians come to Italy.
Greta and Vanessa marched; they spoke; they agitated; they were interviewed. They met Syrians with terrorist connections, they met Italians with connections to NATO and the Italian services. They were photographed at a demonstration, holding a sign praising a Syrian Islamist group. In another photo, an Ukrainian flag was seen in the background—the war on Russia has many fronts.
Vanessa, in June 2014, posted in praise of the military success of “Jabhat a-Nusra”. A trip to Syria was planned; it was arranged that the two activists would cross into Syria from Turkey, with a reporter, Daniele Raineri.
Daniele Raineri, a reporter with access to Syria
On April 20, 2014, President François Hollande declared that Syria was still using chemical weapons: “We have a few elements of information but I do not have the proof.”
The Economist observed: “The use of chlorine gas is hard to prove. It is not banned under the CWC [Chemical Weapons Convention] and it does not linger, making the extraction of evidence from soil samples almost impossible.”
Nevertheless, on April 29, The Telegraph had a piece under the title “Syria chemical weapons: the proof that Assad regime [is] launching chlorine attacks on children.” The article explained that “chemical tests conducted with The Telegraph now confirm that chlorine gas and ammonia have been used in Idlib, and that the toxins came from barrels that were dropped from helicopters.”
That was an odd conclusion to reach, from some dirt in plastic baggies that an agent had brought to Turkey. How could the chemist tell whether that any unlikely eventual trace of chlorine in the baggies came from chlorine gas in Assad’s bombs, or from chlorine tablets stolen from Assad’s swimming pool?
Clearly, the international community needed a daring agent to travel on location. That was Daniele Raineri, who for years had reported from the Middle East, for the conservative business daily Il Foglio. Conversant with Islamist affairs, he tweets @DanieleRaineri. On May 11, 2014, he had a piece in The Telegraph, with the photograph of the chlorine bombs that President Hollande had been musing about. So, as far as the Free World press goes, the case was closed.
The Telegraph was pleased to report that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had confirmed that “Bashar al-Assad’s regime made systematic use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.” Apparently, The Telegraph’s reporter had not read the one-page OPCW report in its entirety; what it said was that “a toxic chemical has been used repeatedly as a weapon in Syria.” However, the OPCW said that it “attempted to visit Kafr Zeta to gather on-site evidence in the aftermath of an alleged use there but was prevented from doing so when the convoy was attacked. The FFM [Fact Finding Mission] then decided to carry out witness interviews in a safe location outside of Syria.”
The OPCW report shows remarkable parallels with another intentionally non-conclusive report, on the MH-17 case, by the Dutch Safety Board (DSB): both DSB and the OPCW investigators said they were attacked, both seemed uninterested in finding out who had attacked them, both decided to go investigate the crime far from the scene of the crime, and both have not been heard from ever since.
The OPCW had been in the news in 2002, when its Director General, the Brasilian Jose Bustani, had been removed; he was negotiating an inspection regime in Iraq, a policy at odds with John Bolton’s plans for Iraq. The OPCW is now chaired by Turkey’s former ambassador to NATO.
The Foreign Office in London was pleased to offer the positive conclusions that had escaped the OPCW: “The systematic and repeated use of chlorine in northern Syria and the consistent reports from witnesses of the presence of helicopters at the times of the attacks leave little doubt as to the Assad regime’s culpability.”
The bombs
Mr. Eliot Higgins, “an expert on the munitions used in the Syrian war said this new, low-intensity chemical warfare has not been improvised but carefully planned.”
Which brings us to the issue of cui bono? Why put very valuable helicopters and crews at risk, just to deliver “low intensity” ordnance, when rockets and artillery are available? Only a dozen people were killed in the chlorine gas attacks. Why insist on using such an ineffective weapon—after giving up the very effective nerve gas?
Most important, Raineri’s photographs show improvised munitions, of the type that had been used in Iraq, since 2006.*_7_*_/le-prove-degli-attacchi-al-cloro-raccolte-sul-campo-in-siria.htm Such bombs were made by adding a chlorine cylinder to a car bomb.
Yet, the good folks at Human Rights Watch decided they had all the evidence required to condemn Syria; they presented the photos of Raineri, adding that a “video shot on the western edge of Keferzita and uploaded to YouTube on April 11 shows the near vertical descent and detonation of an unidentified munition fully consistent with a barrel bomb dropped by helicopter.” Oddly, I fail to see any falling object in the video. An Islamist website did propose a photo of a helicopter with two barrels hanging from it. , but it was a pretty obvious photoshop project.
HRW also cited witnesses of barrels from the sky. I do not find them sufficiently persuasive, since
a. no videotaped testimonies are presented;
b. in wartime, compliant false witnesses for God and Country are not hard to find;
c. in an area where dissidents are beheaded without trial, testimony loses value.
Yet, one simple “conspiracy theory “ can explain everything: when the stakes are high enough, political leaders are tempted to see their own citizens as expendable subjects. Perhaps “only for the sake of liberty and justice”, rulers may order false-flag operations. In recent history, decisions to value the end above the means have given us the Sarajevo breadline bombing, the Markale Market bombings, the 2013 sarin attacks, and in the 2014 chlorine attacks: all those events were just desperate pleas for the intercession of NATO’s angels.
A kidnapping by the “good guys”?All the good work of Mr. Raineri was placed at risk by NATO leaders’ indecisiveness and by the U.S. military’s resistance. Now NATO’s fiery eye was turning away from Syria, and fixing itself upon Russia, once again.
Still, until the stunning success of ISIL in Iraq, there was some hope, some chance to see the U.S. Air Force in Syria’s sky, and Daniele Raineri was asked to shepherd two young women into the eye of the storm. Upon their return to Italy, the two young ladies would have qualified as an attractive, energetic, vocal FSA-Moderate Islamist propaganda team. They could speak, they wrote well, and their looks and styles made them stand out of the usual crowd at demonstrations; some saw them as the perfect “useful idiots”, ready to do the rounds of TV shows. They crossed the border on July 28.
They were still together on July 31, visiting the chief of the Revolutionary Council of El Ismo, near Aleppo, where the two women were detained; Raineri got away. On the road, they could have fallen into an ambush by chance; however, as guests of a militia leader, it would appear that they were sold, by a leader of the “moderate opposition”. Neither Raineri nor his paper have published details of the event.
As things stand now, we can be sure that we will not have any further information until the appropriate ransom is paid by the Italian government. The Italians will reject any adventurous raid to liberate the ladies. The record of Italy, from years of experience in the Iraq war, is clear: Italian prisoners are not abandoned.
Looks like Israel has not given up its planned conquest of Syria and Lebanon.
Head of Syrian Opposition Refuses to Participate in Moscow Negotiations
And Israel is having its colonies ready the the next batch of “al qaida” terrorists.
US-Trained Syrian Opposition Expected to Fight Assad Regime: State Dept.
The [cough] moderate Syrian opposition that will be trained and equipped by the United States and its allies to fight the Islamic State (IS) may also fight the Syrian military, the US State Department spokesperson said.
“We certainly expect that the moderate opposition may use their training and equipment to continue to fight against the Assad regime,” Jen Psaki said at a press briefing Monday, noting that the main goal of the program is to fight IS.
The United States and its allies plan to train and equip some 5,000 Syrian opposition fighters as part of their efforts to battle the Islamic State. The State Department said final negotiations to base the train and equip program in Turkey are proceeding.
According to the Pentagon, the program could graduate its first group of armed rebels in March of 2016…”
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There it is a similarity, of these 2 Italian women and Russian Night Witches. Most of them barely 20 years old were wild women.
But there is a big difference between them. Russian Night Witches were fighting and dying ” Za Rodinna”. The 2 Italians women just for a thrill, or money …
NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization
I am curious why Russia doesn’t allow (or do they?) volunteers to fight with Assad’s forces in Syria.A good tough fighting force ,well armed,should be able to destroy the rebel forces in Syria and bring that war to an end.I can’t believe that IS and FSA troops are tough enough to withstand Russian troops.I could be wrong.But I’d say Kadyrov’s forces would make mincemeat of them.
Uncle Bob
First:Il foglio is related to Ferrara an ex communist belonging to the “perpetual victims”religion /cult e.g. he is an ardent zionist and an italian jewish neocon that went to great length in his advocating the american invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Second:beginning of 2012 the Syrian Government lodge an official complain with the UNSC after the pseudo opposition put its hands on the largest factory of the Middle-East in Northern Syria of chlorine production warning the UNSC of the dangerous use the pseudo opposition could find to the huge quantity it put its hands of.
So all the pseudo stories of the Syrian state gassing its people hold from its inceptions a lot of water!
Conclusion:the anglozionist empire must be really desperate to consider using false flags that looks weaker and stupider by the day.
Finally I have no pity at all for these two despicable women in search of notoriety on the back of a country that defends itself with all the strength it can muster against a war unprecedented in History by the shear number of attacking countries.And yet Syria is not only resisting,the people,the army,the president,the state in all its institutions but is advancing everyday a little bit more toward victory!
One day will come where the truth of the use by Russia of Syria without real mercy will be shown but that is a different story.Now that both countries are under attack and both countries are in my prayers it is better to focus on their strategic alliance and the very good side of it..
From the side of the barricades these young people have been cheering from absolutely disorientated. Ideological hegemony-Gramsci was sure right about that these “revolutionaries should have read their fellow nationals work before embarking on this or any other political adventure.
I am anticipating a renewed NATO push into Syria in the coming year. If we assume that the principal purpose of the coup in Ukraine was to drive a wedge between Europe and Russia, then it’s clear that, until they get an alternative source of gas for Europe, there’s not much more Washington can get from the Ukraine situation for now. They’re probably hoping that the Russians are too preoccupied with their own border defense to intervene this time. Washington needs to finish the job in Syria/Iraq, then get started on that Saudi/Qatari pipeline up into Europe; otherwise, Europe will have to consider yet another pipeline from Russia.
Oh, by the way, Saker, thanks for this new ‘MJ’ source. We need more reporting on Syria.
Merry (Orthodox) Christmas!
Ad hominem attacks against these two young ladies are as out of place as attacks on the students who go to witness injustice against Palestinians. Vanessa Marzullo went to Syria for the same reasons why Rachel Corrie went to Palestine. Seeing children getting killed bothered both women, and both of them put their lives at risk to witness injustice. It just so happens that Vanessa got tricked into believing that she was part of a just revolution against a greedy power structure. You can tell that, by reading her posts.
Had Greta and Vanessa been exposed to refugees coming out of Odessa, risking their lives crossing the Black Sea on leaky boats, they would just as easily have taken up the plight of Novorossiya’s children.
There is no question that the two young students took at heart the suffering of the Syrian people; they just fell in with the wrong side.
Now they can be with their idols. They are adults. Their fate and choices are their own. They chose to side with terrorists and murderers. Now they must live with that choice.
Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
I have the impression that these “model babes” are used to attract adolescents to adventure with promise of “Virgins on Earth as well as in Heavens”
Matt Janovic said…06 January, 2015 08:09
Dupes or willing accomplices, the info was readily available for any with open eyes. None of us here bought into the zionazi lying about the “freedom fighters – Syrian division” and there is nothing special or brilliant about us. They either chose to ignore any information contrary to what the zios were saying or they chose to be part of Israel’s psy-war machine. Everything about them that I’ve seen stinks of the latter choice. They look and act thoroughly stage-managed, even down to the clothes they wear. This Israeli psy-war has been infused with with “sweet innocents” and their role in swaying public opinion in the west is pivotal. Remember the “sweet innocent” who sold the Iraq incubator baby scam? Ramelli and Marzullo are the same sort of psy-op, just modernised to reflect psy-war “advances” and more finely tailored to influence a particular age group. I would not be surprised if the kidnapping turns out to be a scam to get money from the Italian regime for the terrorists. Israeli covert ops usually involve money making schemes running parallel.
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Dumb wenches. I hope they enjoy being used as sex slaves by their terrorist heroes. If they’re lucky they make it out with sore ass es.