Since it is too early to comment upon the military events of the day, that info comes with delay, I wanted to mention a few things about the politics of it all.
First, from a purely military point of view, the outcome is not in doubt. Initially, about 120-150 thousand soldiers were facing each other along the LOC and the Russian Ukrainian border. According to Russian military experts, the Russians only preempted a Ukie attack by about 24 hours. The original plan was to “push back” without fighting street battles inside the cities, that for obvious humanitarian, political and economic reasons. The original phase of the special operation was set at 10 days, which means that by the next week-end the Russian high command will reevaluate the progress and failures of this operation and then decide how to proceed. To give you an idea of the dimensions of this war, Yurii Podoliaka says that at most there are about 200’000 soldiers on each side and the entire line of contact is up to 3000 km long. Check out his map:
The solid black line is the full line of contact the Ukronazis have to defend, thereby thinning their defenses.
The dotted black lines are two possible moves for the Russian force currently north of Nikolaev and Odessa.
As for the encircled Ukie force, you can see it in blue in the far right of this map, surrounded by Russian forces.
But enough about military developments for right now. I want to make a few other points.
First of all, check out these two headlines from Counterpunch and South Front:
While I never had illusions about CP or Cockburn, the stuff SouthFront have been writing about the war leave me quite speechless. I don’t know if they are really buying into the narrative or if they have been put under pressure by somebody. Maybe they are sincerely clueless civilians who don’t understand maps, I don’t know.
But the fact is that Counterpunch and SouthFront are much more in tune with this:
I feel ashamed for them, but they made their choice. Let them live with this.
In the meantime, some Germans have taught the evil Snow Niggers a good lesson, see for yourself:
Russian store in Germany..
— Geo_monitor (@colonelhomsi) March 2, 2022
But not all is bad. Some countries, and not the most powerful of big ones, have found the courage to speak the truth. Here is a Venezuelan diplomat at the United Nations:
Yes, the Empire is the Empire of Lies, but no matter how powerful that Empire’s may appear to cowards, to those with courage and integrity it is not a threat capable of silencing them. Here is the list:
I note a few interesting things:
- China, India and Iran abstained but did not vote “no”
- Serbia and Hungary voted “yes”
Yes, I get it, while the Empire itself is dead, it has enough momentum and residual power to force that kind of outcomes. But, as the Russian singer and poet Vladimir Vysotskii once wrote “it saddens me that the word “honor” has been forgotten” (“Досадно мне, коль слово “честь” забыто”).
I hope to write up a more military oriented report before the end of the day.
South Front is quite objective. Don’t let some minor Ukr counterattacks hit your morale. These things may happen. The big picture is going well for the RF.
i think it’s a cynical plot to raise some funding, now that the world is flush with crypto and anything positive (true or not) about Ukraine showers you with coins
Is anyone on track with how many last hospitals, and last schools, and last kindergartens, and last dog houses, and mouse holes were already destroyed?
It’s already been on the CBC that Russia is hitting hospitals and schools. Which leads me to recall the story about the “Last Clown of Aleppo” when the Russians were killing the terrorists in Aleppo. “The Last Clown in Kiev” would logically be Ze, but he is hiding in Wolfschanze.
Look at the pictures from Kharkov. Look at all the debris in the street, and puzzle where it came from. The facades of the buildings are clean. Photoshop rubble that looks out of place.
Picture is from 2014 maidan event.
I think we should give south front the benefit of the doubt – they’ve done a good job for many years. I suspect they’re giving an honest explanation as they understand it.
Paul Craig Roberts has also expressed concern about getting bogged down in an Afgan type situation.
As Putin has said Russia is not going to occupy Ukraine, it is a police operation, not a war.
You haven’t seen a real war (yet), this isn’t it. Russian military violence serves their diplomacy, it’s goal is a diplomatic settlement.
PCR is good but, sometimes he goes way off the deep end for my taste. I take some of his stuff with a truck load of salt. Today he was nuts.
The U.S. took 30 days to defeat the already defeated Iraqi army, after a savage air bombardment. It took NATO months to get Gaddafi. It was defeated after a 20-year war against guys wearing bedsheets armed with AK-47s.
It took months, I believe to defeat the Serb military, again, after a no-holes-barred bombardment.
The U.S. succumbed to a well-organized insurgency that brought home thousands of body bags. People must understand that the Ukie army, nationalists have been secretly armed by Isreal, NATO for 8 years now, and there is a sinister plot. But wars are infinitely unpredictable. The Ukie army will snap, its getting closer to that point very soon, you can just get a sense of it. Plus, I am absolutely sure Russia has a second echelon,in Belarus, and on their border just in case.
Russians wrote the book on ground war, maybe they don’t pulverize everything from the air, but give them full credit that many tactical wins, will bring about the ultimate strategic win.
This is a war for Russia’s very survival. Thing, mistakes will be straightened out. Soon, if not already. Have faith people. There are still a few more divisions of Chechens on standby, what we have seen is just the preliminary.
Srpska vojska nije porazena od strane NATO armije.Nato vojska na terenu koju su cinili siptarski teroristi i regularna vojska Albanije,plus Atlanska brigada u cijem su sastavu bili placenici iz evropskih zemalja i amerike,nije uspela da zauzme Kosovo i Metohiju,a cilj im je bio da okupiraju celu Srbiju.Srbija,a narocito Kosovo i Metohija su bez prekida bombardovani 78 dana, Nato avioni su bacali tepih bombe na Pastriku na srpsku vojsku,pa opet nato pesadija nije uspela da zauzme ni pedalj srpske teritorije na KOSMETU,izuzev kasarne na Kosarama koja je napustena od strane srpske vojske iz taktickih razloga.Srpska vojska i policija je pruzila herojski otpor i neprijatelju nije dozvolila da zauzme ni pedalj srpske teritorije na Kosmetu.Osim teskih borbi na granici sa Albanijom,srpska vojska i policija su se borile protiv siptara na celoj teritoriji Kosmeta i nanela im teske gubitke.Ruski izaslanik Cernomirdin je na pregovorima u Beogradu u junu 1999 godine,pretio Slobodanu Milosevicu da ako ne pristane da se srpska vojska povuce sa Kosmeta,da ce NATO avijacija poceti sa tepih bombardovanjem srpskih gradova,narocito Beograda i Nisa, i da Rusija nece Srbiji dati nikakvu podrsku,a tu podrsku i pre toga Srbija nije dobila od Rusije.S obzirom da nam zvanicna Rusija i Kina te 1999 godine nisu pruzile nikakvu vojnu i ekonomsku podrsku,tu ne racunam ruske i ukrajinske dobrovoljce koji su se borili na strani Srba za vreme Nato agresije, srpska vlasti je donela tesku odluku da se srpska vojska,ionako neporazena na terenu,povuce sa teritorije KOSOVA i METOHIJE,da bi se izbeglo razaranje i dalje unistavanje srpskih gradova i infrastrukture od strane NATO avijacije. I da podsetim,SRBIJU je bombardovalo 19 clanica NATO-a sa ciljem da zastiti siptarske terotiste,koji su od pocetka 1997 poceli sa teroristickim akcijama protiv srpske vojske i policije,u tim akcijama poginulo je dosta pripadnice policije RS i vojske Srbije,odnosno SR Jugoslavije.Srbija nije napala nijednu zemlju clanicu NATO-a, a navodno je NATO odbrambena organizacija.Ako je NATO odbrambena organizacija,zasto je 1999 godine 78 dana besomucno bombardovao Srbiju,koja ponavljam nije napala nijednu zemlju clanicu NATO-a,zar Srbija nije imala pravo da se obracuna i eliminise siptarske teroriste koji su od 1997 poceli sa ubistvima policajaca i vojnika Srbije i SR Jugoslavije.Glupo je porediti Srbiju sa Rusijom.Srbija je mala zemlja,Rusija je najveca zemlja na svetu,zemlja koja navodno ima najveci broj nuklearnih bombi i druge vrste mocnog naoruzanja,koje Srbija nema niti je imala 1999 godine.Srbija je jedina zemlja na svetu koja se sama,bez icije pomoci,suprostavila Nato agresorima 1999.Ponavljam srpska vojska i policija na nisu porazene,a da je zvanicna Rusija tada 1999 godine bila na nasoj,srpskoj strani,verovatno nas NATO ne bi ni napao i KOSOVO i METOHIJA danas ne bi bile okupirane od strane NATO-A. Nenad Srbija
Everyone here who do not understand Serbian should google-translate this for there is so much disinformation about Russian policies re Serbian people during the war in the Balkans.
Lets just say, he doesn’t like playing chess
As Andrei Martyanov says about so many pundits, Roberts is not a military man. In that sphere, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. At least Alexander Mercouris is meticulous about specifying that he knows nothing about the military but relies on people who do as do I, which is why I appreciate our Andrei’s posts.
Southfront put multiple pieces of fake news in their articles, such as the supposed Russian major general that was killed according to social media (it turned out his friend’s social media accounts were hacked). They have not bothered to correct it.
They have also used pictures and footage from the 2014 war in some of their posts saying it is downed aircraft from the past week. They also reported Ukraine’s fake numbers about killed Russian troops. The hell is up with that?
Southfront is really dropping the ball. They’ve turned very sensationalist and pessimistic in their reporting of the Russian offensive. Not to say some pessimism is not justified, but they over-do it to the point where it really makes one wonder. Unfortunately the Saker is right about them. They lost the plot.
I’ve always been skeptical of these organised resistance outfits that seem to work for one side and make “White Helmet” claims while begging for funds etc.
Often their real longert-term value to the power centers is displayed when some strategic crunch time comes.
Then social capital draws the faithful into a desired worldview perspective and they cash-out the experimental exercise. Which three-letter agency pays the bank the 30-pieces of silver behind the curtain is of little interest.
Rinse and repeat.
Pump and dump.
It’s cynical social capitalism at work.
I’m not saying SouthFront are such — rather, what I am saying is they have never met my full confidence as some other sites/persons do. The Saker site being one of the few that do.
SF have always had that “controlled oposition” hollow feeling about them — the “Hey, hey, we are the Monkeys” rock band thing.
I am an Indian immigrant and naturalized American of 25 years standing who has been following politics for decades and my sad conclusion is that in the West major alternative outlets of every political persuasion are all gate keepers of one kind or other, some more or less by coercion or necessity, others actively cooperating with or actually run by intelligence. The CIA plants agents at the important print news desks but on the internet too it is always creating new voices to mislead the public with half truths and distractions. If a website is churning out huge amounts of material, beyond the capacity of any one person to research and write in that time, it is often an indication of team work from intelligence. Zerohedge falls into that category and carries many very obvious pieces of disinformation mingled in with very useful stuff. Then there are the sites that aspire to respectability which self censor so that they don’t fall afoul of their publishers and donors. You cannot get too honest about Zionism or Jewish influence, for instance, without running into serious trouble, which was my fate, although by now I am quite reconciled to it. Even among frankly revisionist sites, there are a number that spew extreme vituperation, the point of which is to tar by association all those of us who are simply trying to be truthful and not pushing a racial or other agenda.
Good luck to you ! V V Anand from MUmbai
One bridge blown by the “Victorious” Ukronazi army with a supposed Russian tank doesn´t affect or prove anything, the wh*ring out that their stance implies could be illuminating as to their moral fiber though.
Most Westerners react like the dogs of Pavlov to visual stimuli when they are told how to interpret those stimuli, sad, but true. I´m a Westerner so I have first-hand experience with how 80% always “goes with the flow”.
It is russian tank, but is like only damaged to some degree. It will be recovered and put to back in service. Of course there are losses here and there, but that’s inevitable. What matters is that in general Russian army is doing well and it is about to decimate majority of Ukranian forces trapped in cauldron.
Looks like the tank fell through a bridge.
I believe the info-war is beginning to Turn.
Western Investors and the general western population is beginning to realize that the Sanctions against Russia are hitting themselves harder that it will hit Russia.
As Russian capital have been blocked by the US to be transferred via SWIFT, Investors now fear the consequences if Russia is not paying for Services delivered by western companies. The lack of just few payments could start a domino effect of bankruptcies among western Banks, because of the entwined risk management conducted by western Banks. The investor sentiment is that just one western company going into bankruptcy could set off a situation similar to the 2008 financial crisis.
In Sweden people are making runs on the banks to get their cash out.
Never in the history of the US has a president made a worse state of the union address.
The critique of the Biden Administration has reached a fever pitch, and Washington is now bracing with fencing, against the US truckers running a convoy toward DC.
The price of oil has already reached $150 a Barrel, and the gas prices are skyrocketing in the west. At the same time all types of groceries are also skyrocketing. People who depend on gasoline to get to work and have children to feed, or depend on a pension to make ends meet are getting pissed.
Regarding the infowar.
Yesterday a “journalist” during a press conference with Boris Johnson started crying and demanding that NATO joins the war in Ukraine.
However, the new thing is that the “Journalist” was instantly exposed as being an Agent for the WEF, and not a “journalist”.
It has also been exposed that middle Eastern / African men (Al Qaeda or migrants) has been forcing themselves on to Trains in Kiev by threatening women and children with knives in order to get first in line out of Ukraine and into western Nations.
The first 2 attack by “migrants” attacking Danes with knives happened last night in Denmark. Europe is once again bracing for head-choppers getting trained into their nations.
Western alt media are beginning to openly report on the NAZI militias behind the Ukrainian government and the genocides in Eastern Ukraine.
First they exposed that the Building hit by a Russian missile in Kharkiv was used as a NAZI headquarter.
Fria Tider also reported that civilians are taken hostages by the AZOV Battalion and used as human shields in the city of Mariupol.
They reported about the threats send to Russian soldiers of torture and death by the Ukrainian Government. The threat was later removed by the Ukraine Government; however Fria Tider had saved the post and also exposed a video of A Russian prisoner of war being tortured by members of the AZOV battalion.
If you can’t stomach pure evil, don’t look at the Video
Removed. Mod.
The Russian Soldier is crucified and burned at the cross.
The fact that western Governments are bankrupting western Nations by Supporting NAZI war crimes in Ukraine is about to go viral.
Removed? Are we taking about honor here or what? So, please explain yourself. Thank you.
More exposure of the AZOV NAZI Battalion.
I have read SF for a long time. They know better than to print some crap like that. Was not a good move by them.
Their military analyses, labeled as such, generally are detailed and seem thoughtful. Pretty frothing otherwise.
Like Colonel Cassad, whom I wish still had English translations.
The link to Putin’s speech in unreachable at RT (the rest of RT loads fine). He’s been cancelled, I suppose.
OTOH, if one thinks about this as the end of a 500-year history of western domination over the world, the hysterical reaction makes sense. They are losing, but won’t go out without a fight (in pyjamas, from a basement, but still…).
“[I]f one thinks about this as the end of a 500-year history of western domination over the world, the hysterical reaction makes sense.”
Yes, there is some of this element to it — particularly the hysteria aspect now driven by mass media. Originally to keep Hillary Clinton off the front pages (and Trump 2.0 out of 2024) but now things are quickly spinning out of control.
The nuance needed in your statement is that there is no “west” per se. It’s a political metaphor. Useful for general discourse but less so for deeper analysis.
All societies have fallen under the domination of an organised criminal network that is effectively linked by virtue of their gangland values and modes of operation. What you call the “West” is in fact a layered strata with a parasitical criminal-class scab on the taboo class-wound that is best described economically as the results of “moral hazard”.
We (west) have a smirking social worker tapeworm like Obama virtue signalling all the focus group feedback while covertly bailing out the capitalist banks and MIC without a blink (aka 2007 financial crash).
Now his old 2iC, who personally corrupted Ukraine and is in near dementia, front-ends a new bunch of gender-confused hags and eunuchs whose only talent is following some postmodern deconstruction formula and wordsmithing the daily news so they can stay in power and defect blame to others.
What you don’t see, except in small windows soon shut over, is a class war (e.g., truckers in this case) trying to stand up against the corrupted political servant and injust government bureaucracy that feeds off their labors.
More properly framed, it is a war on/with the criminal classes — or western criminal classes if you prefer.
However, the old formula is not likely going to work this time, imo.
Whereas resource-poor Japan (that non-west empire of the mid-20th) was goaded into attacking Hawaii through economic sanctions, the Russian Federation (at peace with China) is almost entirely self-contained with respect to both primary resources and advanced industry.
All this thrashing about is actually the fake Wall St Gang economy collapsing like Building 7.
In a way it is a stunning “Shock and Awe” war campaign every bit as large in social-economic impact as the American invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan based on (contested) 9/11 events from a Saud-Wahhabi-CIA vector.
The only difference is, this time the real world war events are much more measured and precisely targeted surgery at the borderlands. Where the “bomb” has really gone off is in the epistemological (mental model, core assumptions, framing) domain — the lateral imaginary (but not less real in effect) subjective and constructivist worlds distributed between human ears.
Why all the mass hysteria (and trending psychosis) is just the mere fact of the Russians standing up to the global schoolyard bully with the real-world means to dictate events and win planned outcomes. This is, by virtue of the idiotic stragetgies the Americans/Nato have created, actually destroying the picture-frame rather than the picture. So, whether intended, or not, there is a meta-level reframing going on. It hopefully will end hegemonic domination of the world — the unipolar moment — and foster in a return to the multipolar national-civilizational win-win-win (www) model.
A www model in the real world economy between resource wealth and production skill AND a mental model with ecologies of mind (Bateson) within societies and their (servant) representative classes AND within individuals in their head-heart-body constellations.
We have a major crash event. However, all real things can be rebuilt in a new construction phase. Just look what China did in 30-40 years. Look at Chechenia now. What will not be so easy to rebuild is the Tower of “Wall St” Babble-on parasitice derivative vectors. Therefore, with the wester-technology gene out of the bottle and the rope sold to the Chinese by the USA 1%, the North-South polarity is flipping.
Those with the raw resources and populations and technoloy (and perhaps honest bankers) will scream ahead in the fast recovery lane. Those without (and good climate) — look to Greece. Those without good climate — start migrating, [… but make sure you have your vaxx-booster shot du jour for the biomedical border (refugee) control system].
Why did China abstain if it already admitted the war is US/Nato’s fault
Chinise foreign policy rests on one China policy regarding Taiwan – They just cant recognise the break away republics as sovereign so cant officially support Russias move.
Most Chinise dont care whats happening as for them its on the other side of the world, for those who have an opinion half (The younger half) support the USA because they have VPN and can see whats “Really happening” in the free press and the other half (The older half) know the USA for what it is.
India of course is what really matters and i have read that they are overwhelmed with anti Russian propaganda yet they abstained. So whats going on with India, is it some kind of trap ?
This isn’t true whatsoever.
Russia support is massive. All the social media there is a aflame with blaming the US and Ukraine for forcing Russias hand
It’s true, the Indian media is parroting Western MSM talking points. However, there’s a contrary view which is gaining ground in the social media. Here’s an analysis presented by a Major General (retd.) of the Indian Army, hero of the Kargil War, Gagan Deep Bakshi, about the situation in Ukraine :
It is incredibly immoral for NATO to train Zelensky to the last Ukrainian for a war with Russia! Who will get hurt? Who is suffering now? Ukraine. Whose armored vehicles and aircraft are being destroyed? Ukraine.
“Sorry, but this is an incredibly immoral act on the part of the United States and the entire West: first to train Ukraine to confront Russia, and then say “we don’t come to the rescue, we will impose sanctions.” Now they are saying “ok, we will send Stingers and Javelins”, but this is a defensive weapon!
They want to fight with Russia to the last Ukrainian, for me it is incredibly immoral. This is an unequal fight. Yes, it’s bold, I’m impressed [by the Ukrainians], but one pretty model posing with an AK will have more of a stage effect, because the AK won’t help against tanks! Please understand this.
Yes, people will fight for themselves and their homeland, but the truth is that fighting is already underway in the capital, Kyiv! It’s just a matter of time. And if you want to delay the end of the conflict, then to what extent? And is this done in the interests of the Ukrainian people? If Russia’s goal is to destroy the military potential of Ukraine, it does it! Don’t listen to the CNN and BBC reports that say Zelensky is winning the war: Russian troops are already in Kyiv! If Indian tanks reached Islamabad, would you think that Pakistan is winning?! We need to be more realistic in understanding the military situation.
We were surprised that so far we have not seen any evidence of massacres, although Russian artillery is working, MLRS is working, massive air raids are going on – but they are just delivering targeted strikes to avoid collateral losses [among the civilian population]. All we see is -“Wow, hit the house!” But if the fighting takes place in residential areas, then where do shells and bullets end up? They get into the house!
I don’t think this will go on for too long. Most likely, we are already at the end. The West is only trying to prolong the agony of Ukraine, inspiring it to fight Russia with the help of billboards with armed beauties. This is unfair, first of all, for the Ukrainian people. It’s not fair to persuade civilians to attack tanks. The Russians deliberately refrain from carnage. But they can organize a brutal assault. Remember World War II, remember Chechnya, even Afghanistan – they can be very harsh!
It is necessary to evacuate the civilian population, but they [Ukrainian authorities] do not let them leave – they persuade the inhabitants to attack the Russian army! Look, this is bravery, yes, I applaud and respect bravery. But from the point of view of the [Ukrainian] leadership, it is highly immoral to deliberately provoke an unequal battle, because it will cause nothing but destruction.
Do you think that Russia does not have the opportunity to behead the leadership of Ukraine? As soon as you open your smartphone, you will be immediately spotted. What prevents Russia from tracking the signal and sending stormtroopers to eliminate Zelensky? But they haven’t done it yet! Why? Because their goal is the complete destruction of the military potential of Ukraine. That’s their main goal! Regime change is possible, but Zelensky can simply be left at the head of the country after the end of the operation! It will be logical for Russia, instead of bringing their man to Kyiv on a tank.”
Hi Sudhi
As I understand it the deep state owns India. Owns its media and therefore owns it politicians and population.
When you own the media you can get slavs to kill slavs and Ukrainians to defend NAZI’s. People have no mind of their own they just conform. Even Bakshi seems to be “impressed” that slavs kill slaves in defence of nazi’s. I would be impressed if the Ukraine military refused to fight.
But I dont get this – do you know why India didnt vote with the USA ?
India , even under the present far-right (with pro-American roots) regime, still seeks to preserve its startegic autonomy. Yes, the western lobby is active and has been instrumental in inflating the issues with China. But India has quickly learnt that US will not stand in front of bullets and instead wishes others to stand in front of the bullets. “Deep State” penetration has its limits. For example, there has never been any possibility of Indian soldiers fighting for the empire. If , after 1965, we had remained with food shortages, then yes, we would have ended up soldiering for the empire. But , once we executed a green revolution, that possibility ended. Within those limits, present Indian Govt and even the previous one remain silent even about illegal occupation of Diego Garcia by UK and USA . (Declared illegal by the Intrntnl Court of Justice in 2019). In a very diverse country with numerous languages, numerous religions and so on, even “ownership of media” does not translate to a total “owning of politicians and population”. Finally and most importantly, India’s relationship with Russia is very well-established and of long duration. After FDR’s demise (which happened even before WW2 concluded), US flipped to supporting European colonialism., So much so, that when India liberated Goa from the Portuguese in 1961, US actually moved in the Sec Council to condemn India. Soviets, thankfully vetoed it. Why did the US under JFK, no less, do that ? Portugal was then ruled by dicatator Salazar who had been ruling ever since 1928. He was pro-German . Portugal and Spain were the only countries which flew the flag at half-mast because Hitler died (when Hitler killed himself and his moll, Eva Braun, as the Red Army was reaching Berlin). In every confrontation between the Soviet-supported side and a western proxy after 1945 and until 1975, invariably, the western side prevailed. (This pattern broke with Vietnam exit of US in 1975). In 1971, India got 90000 Pak armymen to surrender after the war that liberated Bangladesh. This was aided by Soviet Friendship Treaty of Aug 1971 and by Soviet fleet following USS Enterprise Carrier Force which entered Bay of Bengal to intimidate India. A memory that is not erasable, despite some in the western-influenced Indian MSM trying to kill the memory with silence
Allow Indians to have some brains and common sense, eh!
Very few Indians would know about Slavs, but they do know that Russia is a time-honored friend of India, and has always extended help during times of need.
Many people forget that Russia and India both term this relationship as a “special and privileged strategic partnership”. Traditionally, the Indo-Russian strategic partnership has been built on five major components: politics, defence, civil nuclear energy, anti-terrorism co-operation and space.
China doesn’t want to make a stand until they have to. That way they can cover themselves on both sides. But we know,and they better the hell know.That without a strong Russia supporting them they are at the “tender” mercy of the US.
Drar Bob.
They know! Wait and see.
Even this place, (as all others) . Have turned in to an anthill trambled by something fairly light (dog, fox, elg, or Even a cat).
Relax my friend, we have allready Won the frist part of the spiritual battle, even though it is not confirmed visible yet.
However, there is admittedly a VERY long and bumpy road ahead, obstacles Are abundant , as well infinitive Numbers of obstacles in the maze.
Dear Saker
I’ve been reading your blog for years.
This is my first comment. I dont like to comment
Yesterday, just for curiosity, of those who voted against or abstained, I’ve sumed all their population combined. If i am not mistaken, it nearly surpasses half of the world pop.
Obviously thisba way to twist the interpretation.
Just thought it was curious.
Keep up the good work.
A friend from Portugal
Politicians don’t typically represent their own people.
I doubt that Serbia’s vote reflected the public mood there, or that Biden represents the US.
And I doubt that Zelensky represents or represented the majority Ukie population. And yet officially, he does, and decides their fate. Are we not all in that same boat?
Occasional poster
The Serbian Government was bullied by the US to cast such a vote. I am sure Russia understands.
Serbia … Wow ! The Russians saved their butts in the 1990’s by sending airborne troops and hardware to seize an airfield. Minus that quick response, there might not be a Serbian state today. Their lack of gratitude is awesome. Is it a puppet government, or does it represent the wishes of the Serbian people ?
Exactly which butt saving incident are you referring to? Because my recollection of events is that Russia didn’t lift a finger to help us..for the same reason that we, unfortunately, cannot help them now:
(Btw If it’s Pristina airport you are alluding to…that was handed over to NATO/ KFOR)
We have been under the thumb of the empire ever since the military assault and colour revolution, so not sure why everyone is so surprised…
We might even recognise our own territorial disintegration soon.. I already posted at this site, that the referendum on our constitution was “lost” ie stolen…dark times ahead…
Absolutely correct, unfortunately. I’m going on memory, too, here. Gen. Wesley Clark bombed 78 straight days, that was, and still is, the grandest atrocity in Europe since WWII. He stated the aim to destroy civilian infrastructure. The object was to crush every last vestige of socialism. Primakov, the Russian foreign Minister, was over the Atlantic, heading for the US. When he received news of the bombing they made a u-turn. That’s all Russia could offer. By 1999 life expectancy had dropped 10 yrs (premature adult deaths), currency collapse, pensions wiped out (elders, vets had nothing), Chechnya wars. I live in western US, all we had was impotent rage. Write your congressperson? What a laugher. Irony of ironies (not my idea, I read this), Bernie Sanders, ‘independent socialist’, cheerfully signed on to Clinton’s cruel bombing of an independent, socialist country. Goaded, of course, by hag Hilary.
Dear Cosmo, com on, Serbia was bombarded by NATO more than 3 months! Russia were not able to help us, but Serbian resistance were as always trough history heroic. And no, we newer said Russia did not stop NATO bombs so they are not our brothers, because we understood Russia were not in position to do so. So we waited this moment of liberation same as Russian people since we are sick of western imperialistic globalism. So you have to understand now that Serbia is maybe only country in Europe which did not put sanctions on Russia and were people every day make meetings in Russian support. Many cars trough Belgrade with Z on it already. Our government is not strong, nor it is really patriotic but they succeed not to implement sanctions even they for sure were under huge NATO/US/EU pressure. So, be sure that all Serbs (8M in Balkans) are 99% aware what is going on and gives full support to Russian brothers. Remaining 1% are just traitors and 5th column which we all have in our societies. But we are completely NATO surrounded and we have no military/political nor economic power to do as we want. Please be aware even Russia could’t behave like that for many years, until now, when west left her without choice. Furthermore I am 100% sure that all our decisions Serbian government is coordinating with Russia. This is huge, global, historical endeavor and Russia, China, Belarus, Serbia etc…they are all aligned with big picture. I am sure of that.
“Serbia is maybe only country in Europe which did not put sanctions on Russia”.
But Serbia did put sanctions on Belarus (Lukashenko). Serbia has lost the moral compass.
““It saddens me that the word “honor” has been forgotten” – applies 100% to Serbia:
remember, when Serbia was bombed by NATO, Lukashenko flu to Serbia, risking as there
was “no fly zone”, and supported Serbia 100%. He provided MIG airplanes to Serbia recently as a gift.
Vucic surrounded himself with people of questionable backgrounds, from criminals, to Davos / Schwab / Soros pupils. He will betray Serbia’s Kosovo people – same as Milosevic betrayed Krajina people and only a meger
number of people will be protesting tomorrow.
I am Serb and I agree. But the questioning honor should be applicable to Serbian government, not to Serbian people or state. Serbs are victims of their government which are EU/NATO puppets and servants.
To illustrate the madness of president Vucic, in his shameful public performance to try explain his dismal move, this man was halucinating about the possibility to expel Russia from UN. According to him, potentially, the following step could be to change UN 1244 resolution for Kosovo (forcing China to accept) and then giving Kosovo UN place and joining it to NATO. He was even suggesting the possibility of Serbia to change its direction and join NATO!!
Most of Serbs (I would say 80%) see Russia as a friend and brother nation and support it in this action.
I personally do not understand why he gave the vote. In the worst case he could abstain. We all know that if Russia does not succed in this action, Serbia and Serb Republic in Bosnia would be next on the EU/US/NATO elimination list.
Shameful is also that Bosnia voted for this UN resolution, but you should know that this is done illegaly by Moslems. Such diplomatic actions need to be consented in Bosnian three-member presidency, one of which is a Serb representative. Serb member would block such an action but the problem is that Bosnia is completely disfunctional state on the verge of another civil war, EU colonia. There is not much that Serb representatives in BH institutions can do because we have everyday breaches of the constitution and laws and EU supports that.
If memory serves: you were one of the very vocal commentators on this site, who supported Vucic during the demonstrations in Serbia following his re-election!
You declared that those people demonstrating against him were all colour revolutionaries!
And now you criticise “our lack of gratitude” for something he has done…lmao.
Deeply Puppet government. Same like ukraine government. Serbian people are deeply brainwashed
The serbian ministry of defence is under control of the US Embassy in Belgrade. Imagine the offices in the second floor are all reserved for US military personal………….
Its time the Serbs found the courage of the past when they confronted Nato alone,and took back their Country.
You don’t know what you are talking about. If Russia has done all of that in the way you describe it it would have gone long way both for Russia and Serbia. Russia could have been in the Balkans to this day and most likely wouldn’t have to fight for its very survival in its own historical lands. Russia kept betraying Serbs to the western “partners” for many years and now it is in process of collecting the proceeds. Serbs absolutely can’t trust or depend on Russia and if they are smart they should strictly look after their own interests for they are too in an untenable strategic position. They learned that hard way. It is quite absurd to expect anyone and especially the Serbs to self-destruct, they do not owe anything like that to Russia. However, the Serbs obviously still support Russia, and the Serbian government is doing the maximum it could short of committing suicide. And that is what is called HONOR.
@Occasional poster –
So true! See my post below.
I can guarantee you that over 90% of Serbs support Russia with their whole heart. The remaining 10% are 5 column and they can go to hell.
Serbs have no illusion about the west’s “human rights” intentions ever since war in Croatia started. We know, we remember!
“Politicians don’t typically represent their own people.”
Which means, democracy is dead.
The basis of democracy is that the power resides with the people. In a representative government, the people may elect representatives to express that power, but the power remains with the people.
But, if the world is truly one where ‘Politicians don’t typically represent their own people.’, then what you are saying is that democracy is dead in this world.
Of course, the idea that this war is ‘the democracies’ vs ‘the authoritarians’ is also a lie. As an American, I was fascinated that President Putin had to get legislative approval to use the military outside of his country. I wish America had such a rule! Personally I believe that in a democracy there must be a public vote on war. Not that I don’t believe that most of my fellow citizens are morons, but if we are going to call this a democracy, there should be a vote.
Is Democracy dead? I don’t disagree with that. I think the public execution of democracy in America occurred in Daley Plaza, Dallas Texas on Nov. 23, 1963. It was probably already dead before then, but it became official and public on that day.
There is a joke circulating in Serbia:
“Vucic (president) said that he aged 10 years in 3 days because of his decission to vote Yes in UN.
People are hoping he will make us all happy by the weekend”
I’ve been meaning to point out that SF narrative towards the war has surprised me, to put it mildly. They’ve been reporting huge problems for Russia since the beginning of the operation. Also, if you take a look at their comment section, you will notice it’s flooded by trolls and bots. A semi-serious and credible military analysis site would at least make an effort to weed out the bots and propagandists, the fact they’re not doing it says volumes.
And if they wanted help with maps and what they mean, they could have asked somebody to help them
No, I am afraid that one more information source has just hit the dust.
I am truly saddened by that.
So far, Bernhard at MoA and Andrei at Reminiscence of the Future are pretty much the only good ones left.
That is NOT a good sign for the future.
We are like three little chipmunks fighting against the biggest PSYOPs in history.
Yes, this is frustrating, exhausting and often rather depressing, but it is also a privilege, an honor.
Last, but not least, we won’t be ashamed of ourselves before our children!
So it is worth it.
Courage Saker because there are LOTS of people questioning the narrative on twitter.. I think the Covid pandemic really made people wary of narratives.
Szamuely, Escobar, Laurence Fox, Malic and many others are there, presenting Russia’s perspective..
It’s not easy because the Russian state-funded news Sputnik and RT did not lay any groundwork….I mean there have been several years of atrocities in the Donbass..where were they?
Yes,RT is a total disgrace. They are just a “light” version of the Western media. I hope that Russia very soon will purge them of the 5th column elements before they totally ruin RT.
agree 100%. Someone characterized RT as “British Tabloid”.
I stopped reading RT because it depresses me. Who Margaret Simonyan works for?
West did the favor to RF by banning RT in the West.
Used to read RT & Sputnik daily until RT started censoring non-abusive comments. Kept on with Sputnik but when Simonyan came out and said that everyone should have to be vaxxed that was it for me.
They’re as worthless as any western rag masquerading as a news outlet.
There are as many Americans working for RT as there are Russians these days. As many talk shows focussing solely on the USA as focussing on Russia.
As my compatriot Antonio Escohotado said, rest in peace, a great philosopher,
The truth defends itself, the lie needs the help of the government.
He said it very true, whoever says it.
You’re right. The propaganda right not is through the roof, but it’s all not doom and gloom. I am not a Twitter user but I’ve been able to find a few quite decent sources that are reporting on the conflict. These guys are definitively worth following:
Perhaps they should be extra vigilant to double-check all their sources but most of their posts so far have been spot on.
One more word about SF, as far as I know, their maps of ME conflicts have been quite correct but their map of the current war in Ukraine leaves a lot to be desired. But maybe we shouldn’t be too harsh on them on that account – information from the ground is scant and determining who controls what is very hard.
I have found one map in a Twitter link that looks very good for Russia, but I have no idea whether it reflects reality on the ground:
Kudos to doing a great job Saker,
Stay strong!
South Front did not just assume an anti-Russian pro-Ukro position either accidentally or because they are pretending at objectivity or because they want to appear objective or because they are not well informed – they are damn alt-media, or supposed to be. BUT – SF have been cited by US official statements as a GRU/Kremlin front. So they were identified, & most likely, instead of being hacked/blocked & shut down, they were bought. I am no gambler, but I would bet at least 10 quid that they were bought, the suckers. Oh yeah, for those commenting on the Serbian governments vote at the UN – forget it, they are sell-out traitorous cowards, the Serbian people are not 99% pro-Russian, they are 100% pro-Russian. That is a fact, those that aren’t are traitors, they are not true Serbs.
If I may, you three aren’t the only ones left. From the top of my head, there is still Naked Capitalism, Consortium News, the Grayzone, MintPress and Cailin Johnstone who all mostly (or entirely) condemn America’s role in this war. And at least Consortium News and MintPress are smart enough to ask Scott Ritter for military analyses. Then there is the “Antispiegel”, a German language blog written by Thomas Röper, a former German manager who lives in St. Petersburg. He has a great command of the Russian language, has published among others the only German language book stuffed full of Putin’s uncut speeches and has for years now been fighting an almost lone war against the German branch of the Natostan Psyop.
Granted, you are all still chipmunks against the Zone A propaganda front, but I don’t think you are as lonely in this fight as you think.
Keep up the good work.
Yes, those sites you mention have been very useful for me.
I post a lot of links over at, which, while not perfect, is still covering the Ukraine mess without relying TOO much on MSM sources. Their analysis is occasionally weak, but most of the analysts there do ascribe the fault of this situation to the US and NATO. Worth following them for news.
The rate of increase of desperation suggests that Zone A is losing the narrative.
At some point soon Zone A propaganda will start to be compared to “Baghdad Bob aka Comical Ali”
Yeah, collective punishment is insane and stupid. Sanctioning cats. Steam blocking Russian transactions, the computer gaming service. All of these things are disgraceful and racist. Literally doing things that they preached against. Oh wait, they’re Russian and unprotected race of people. I guarantee you no one will ever forget nor forgive this.
I wonder if many will retract positions after making a news story title over it. Once the impact worn off, the call to make money will return. I think the шайтаны will wake up to a new harsh reality of their own creation however.
Rodney King-Can we all just get along?
I’d say yes, soon as you stop standing on my shoes.
No – No – No, my friend. There is psyops, and then there is different Kinds of psyops with perspectives that is NOT influenced/dependent on whimsy, day to day «flash news». Remember, always your very own sentence «this is not about Ukraine». Stay calm. The anthill syndrom will Get worse Even here in the weeks to come, believe it or not. BUT. We cannot loose this time, to much at stake for our individual souls to let this happen. Not easy, very hard times ahead for each one of us. So be it. We win, IT loses.
Take that to the bank, please.
The best and very import mans in the world today for us, the simple people of de 3° world.
Os melhores e mais importantes homens no mundo de hoje para nós, o simples povo do 3° mundo.
Adelante Russians!
Our governments may have been cowardly, but millions in our countries know the truth. After all, In South America, we have known the US for longer than anyone. We know their tricks, their lies, their forked tongue, their cruelty and their boundless greed and dishonesty. This is a momentouos period that will bring upheavals and tremendous changes. Hiowever, after the storm, comes the calms and with it a new paradigm set by those nations that were true to their beliefs and morals.
You are doing a marvelous job, Andrei.
1. Stand on your Iceland service and keep the information channels open.
2. Don’t let them pin you down like they have done to Julian Assnage.
3. Don’t take it all on personally to the detriment of your health or family wellbeing etc.
I remember when you moved from Blog to Iceland-based — now is the future you were talking about then.
This is bigger than just Russia-Ukraine, or Russia-Nato, or Russia-USA.
It is a global-scale economic-political reset that has been long coming.
Hot-lead non-theory Theory is changing the global paradigm.
Kubler-Ross anticipatory greif theory stages are in progress.
The little ‘Captan Underpants’ tyrant keep the face nappies on the plebs in west-Oz has just had his border control broken by pragmatic world events and now suddenly is directing the “government owned” state superannuation fund to divest of Russian related stocks etc. Pure political/sovereign risk. Worse, the people are almost completely stupified and will-less in even thinking critically. We are heading into “Grapes of Wrath” times it seems.
I don’t like to use the American movie world as metaphor — but sometimes it helps to get a sense of place and time in the script. For me, this is the end of the Terminator (II?) movie where that smooth new liquid metal model is wailing around in the iron smelter furnace and the boy-hero is in the old WW2-era bunker activating the old civil communications systems.
(Or have I jumbled my scripts?, … who cares, I’m sure you get the picture.)
You are not alone, … keep on trucking.
Btw, I highly recommend this (which I saw live via zoom). Imo, there was a clear shut down as the original MC (speaking from a holiday in Mexico) was “locked out” and Q&A tightly managed with a quick shut down. Very senior/influential people were making comments — e.g., Susan Eisenhower.
What looks like a true record is here — although I missed the first 8-10 minutes on the day.
“Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Salon | Ray McGovern, John Mearsheimer
4,161 viewsMar 4, 2022” [1:39:12]
It was advertised at:
The speakers did their thing but it was the Q&A session that I personally found much more insightful into the American brain-zone at the moment. They have: (a) fundamental assumbtions in play; and (b) extreme cognitive difficulty to join the dots due to worldview distortions (imo).
I expressed some initial thoughts on MoA (*) soon after but I’m very happy to have others’ opinions to consider.
(*) – Posted by: imo | Mar 3 2022 6:04 utc | 391 at
Apologies for the typos. Done in haste under time pressures and I skipped the spell-checker step.
In any case, it’s at least readable for meaning.
I’ll add/update my comments after a full review of the recorded youtube session.
1. It seems to be mostly what I saw live on the day.
2. There were some technical hitches (sound failure & unmuted voice over) — but perhaps the new MC filling-in was a natural technical necessity rather than a political “lock out” over-ride.
3. There appear to be a couple of cuts — e.g., where John Mearsheimer was talking about fire-bombing Japanese cities. That was cut.
4. Perhaps my sense of it being a bit more controlled was because in zoom live we could see all the attendees in thumbnails and it seemed to me at the time that several had their hands up to ask/contribute but those selected was deliberate. However, time limits may have been relevant.
Otherwise, I still think is an excellent window into extant USA discourse relevant to their getting their policy/strategy thinking aligned with world peace outcomes. Good luck to all involved with good at heart and sound of mind.
First confirmed U.S. Javelin capture photos by RF forces
The overwhelming vote “yes,” even Serbia!!! shows the success we are all already aware of which the USA and its vassals have extended over so much of the globe by media control in all parts of the Western world ,plus bribery and threats especially to smaller and weaker UN members in need of resources or aid. Removing as effectively as possible any other sources of information from the available media in so many parts of the world, notably the whole EU, ensures that the democratic right to hear different points of view is stifled by those who pretend it is their standard of behaviour.
Yes, I would not want to be Serbian today…
The Saker
I am Serbian, and you can only imagine how I feel. My sincere apologies to Russia, with a hope that it understands Serbia’s predicament, being pressurized by the West. I hope Moscow understands.
What frightens me is that the West might use Ukraine as a good excuse to trigger their proxies in Bosnia and Kosovo. EU and the US have been giving hostile statements for years now, even going as far as calling the Serbian Orthodox Church their main enemy in the Balkans. The US has placed sanctions on Dodik, the President of Serb Republic, Bosnia’s Serbian entity. Also, Borell has said a few days ago he fears Russians may be up to something in Bosnia and they’ll send ‘500 troops’ there. If that’s not a threat I don’t know what is.
Unfortunately, Serbian state and opposition media alike are skewed on presented the situation at best as Russia bogged down.
A friend of mine, former navy/cost guard military, war veteran from the nineties (Croatia and Serbia) born in Bosnia, is almost convinced by the media about Russian difficult position. After just 4 days, he was stating that Russia failed militarily.
He doesn’t speak any foreign language, so his main source of information is Serbian (defeatist) media.
So President Vucic and his scum are not only betraying its own people but even our brothers (Russia) which is basically almost the only issue most of the Serbs agree on (love for the Russia).
They are dividing Serbian people on everything to achieve the goal of “devide et impera”.
O.K & Serbs still want to be Serbs tomorrow. Consider the open wound of Kosovo and Metohija. There, at the moment, a massacre can be perpetrated on the Serbian population in the north at any time with Western acquiescence and participation. Consider also that an abstention or a vote against can be interpreted as Serbia retrospectively endorsing the 1999 NATO war. It was a difficult decision for the government, any of which was not good. If in UN we had a secret ballot, the result would certainly be different. Fundamentally.
Addendum: Incidentally, there is currently talk of quickly bringing Kosovo into NATO. This will put additional pressure on Belgrade.
Dear Saker – you are 100% correct!
When you loose your dignity, it is hard to be a nation.
This explains why Putin had to intervene.
Actually, he should be ashamed for not doing this in 2014 or at least sending a few missiles
to the Ukro-Nazi centers to be destroyed after they burned alive 52 people in Odessa.
Had he waited to see Donbass and Luhansk people being slotered, so to save NS-2, Russians
will have no pride of being Russians.
What happen with Serbia, after they betrayed Serbian people in Krajina to Croatian Nazis, in Bosnia and
in Kosovo, the only point of pride is their tennis player Djokovic.
(had Russia done the same, they can be all following Medvedev and his successes, till Tennis federation
accuses him of dopping, or similar to what they did to this figure skating star Valieva)
There is something called national pride and dignity, very important for a nation to survive and continue to be a nation.
Serbia has lost it.
What happen with Serbia, after they betrayed Serbian people in Krajina to Croatian Nazis, in Bosnia and
in Kosovo, the only point of pride is their tennis player Djokovic.
(had Russia done the same, they can be all following Medvedev and his successes, till Tennis federation
accuses him of dopping, or similar to what they did to this figure skating star Valieva)
There is something called national pride and dignity, very important for a nation to survive and continue to be a nation.
Serbia has lost it.
Yes, even Serbia, where I live. I can assure you that the bulk of the Serbian people are pro-Russian in the current situation. Pressure was applied against the Serbian government, and it voted as it did. I am sure Moscow understands.
I already called out Cosimo, and now you too.
You were supportive of Vucic! You said that all those demonstrating against his dodgy re-election were all 5th columnists/ colour revolutionaries…
He was good guy you insisted and those who oppose him were bad!
So here we are now. You were wrong. You, Cosimo, Fort Russ, Z …and others.
No use crying over spillt milk now, Vucic sycophants.
Serbian girl
Not so fast with your accusations. I did indeed support Vucic during those demonstrations, an obvious attempt at a color revolution, because the West could not fully control Vucic. Don’t forget that he never applied sanctions against Russia.
As for this unfortunate vote, it was a compromise. Vucic is balancing between the West and Russia, being certainly pro-Russian. However, he cannot fight NATO and Washington DC on his own, needing to back down occasionally. It’s always easy to criticize. However, you need to take into account all the facts.
“Serbia is maybe only country in Europe which did not put sanctions on Russia”.
But Serbia did put sanctions on Belarus (Lukashenko). Serbia has lost the moral compass.
““It saddens me that the word “honor” has been forgotten” – applies 100% to Serbia:
remember, when Serbia was bombed by NATO, Lukashenko flew to Serbia, risking as there
was “no fly zone”, and supported Serbia 100%. He provided MIG airplanes to Serbia recently as a gift.
Vucic surrounded himself with people of questionable backgrounds, from criminals, to Davos / Schwab / Soros pupils. He will betray Serbia’s Kosovo people – same as Milosevic betrayed Krajina people and only a meger
number of people will be protesting tomorrow.
And what was Vucic supposed to do when Serbia was and is under pressure from NATO and Washington DC and when Russia is preoccupied in Ukraine ? Go it alone ? It’s always easy to criticize.
to maintain national dignity. Dignity has price!
see my post in reply to Saker.
Bolivia, one of the poorest in South America and easiest to blackmail abstained, and so did:
Angola, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cuba, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Lao, Madagascar, Mali, Nambia, Senagal, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Viet-Nam, Zimbabve …..
just to list some smaller and more vulnerable countries …
B.F. A colour revolution against Vucic?! Are you#$! The Serbian power structures are already infiltrated with Nato agents, ever since the colour revolution in 2001.
Vuvic himself has appointed Tony Blair as his personal advisor, a few years ago.
Vucic and Soros’ son have a friendly work relation. Vucic placed a border around Kosovo, he surrendered Serbian institutions to the Albanian Nato junta in Kosovo.
Vucic has accepted many 5th columnists from liberal opposition parties into his party (50%). His party is named Serbian Progressive Party. That word says enough: They are on the same side as the Euro progressives/liberals and their European Family of LGBT nations!
serbia is an occupied country with a clowns government and a media controlled by Germany.
Moreover Serbia is surrounded by enemy countries.
Today green party nominated Manuel Sarrazin as special envoy for EU membership of Serbia.
He wants to speed up Serbias application.
Manuel Sarrazin hates Putin and Putins Russia (his words).
Manuel Sarrazin is best friend of Ana Lena Baerbock.
On 24 June 2015 Sarrazin took on a godparenthood for Mikola Dziadok, Belarusian activist and political prisoner. On 9 July 2020 he became the patron of Ihar Losik, Belarusian blogger and political prison
Its unbelievable what kind of people took over political power in Germany
Serbia must vote like this. They need to obey one thing. They don’t want to sanction Russia for now. Right this evening Slovenian defence minister accused Dodik for beeing under Russian influence and that he will bring instability in Bosnia and Balkans. The same Dodik was a few times in Slovenia with this government and everything was fine. Janša’s (prime minister) party SDS even took a loan in Republika Srpska (BIH). We, succesors of Yugoslavia are small countries. Our leaders get command and they do what they are told. Former US ambasador to Slovenia Mussomelli publicly (through media) said what they should do many times. Others do the same in private. The same is with Serbia. They must obey or there will be a revolution or sanctions. In Slovenia we don’t have no politician against. Government and opposition are completely the same about Ukraine.
I think SF was in it for the clickbait. Later in the day they posted an article by the same person obviously with an ‘oh actually it wasn’t that bad’ tone. keep people hooked and checking back, that’s how the internet business model works… or they’re trying to look objective, something they can throw at people who say they’re one sided. They have done this before. The best thing I learned in my two shitty Canadian degrees was that when you read something, you always learn more about the writer than the ostensible content.
Spent time at SF for Syria coverage they lost me when they gave up on their moderation. Way too many bots.
Honor ? There is no honor in the West, which has tried to conquer Russia since the days of Alexander Nevsky. This continued with Napoleon, whose invasion of Russia was financed by the Rothschild’s, who succeeded in persuading the Kaiser to remove Bismarck from Office, as he advocated a German-Russian-Chinese economic alliance. After that came World War One and Lenin with his “revolution”, financed by New York bankers. And of course, one must not forget Hitler, created and financed by Anglo-American bankers and Wall Street industrialists, who built up the German war machine to fight the Soviet Union (Russia).
Greed is a powerful motive. The West will always eye the natural resources of Russia, which it will be able to plunder only if Russia is broken up, in the name of “democracy” of course. Can there ever be peace between Russia and the West ? Only an artificial one, at he most. A sad fact indeed.
Are you willing to explain to Saker’s public how actually Serbia voted “no”, although everyone is seeing “yes”?
Kindly read the comments i posted above. I never used the word “no”, apologizing for the Serbian vote, procured by duress.
I read your comment. But I was considering your previous comments on how traitor Vučić did not recognize Kosovo despite facts everyone else is seeing. So I hoped you would have pulled same stunt for this fuck-up done by traitor.
And what facts are those ? When did Vucic recognize the “Republic of Kosova”, the first narco state in Europe ?
Here we go again:
1. Dialing code for Kosovo is 383. True or false? Who agreed on this from Serbia side?
2. Who owns Gazivode now? Who handed over it to albanians?
3. Electrodistribution on Kosovo was handed over by whom?
4. Can albanians travel with kosovo licence plate thru Serbia and use their passports on Nikola Tesla airport?
5. April elections will be held on kosovo or not? What about local elections?
I asked you the following: When did Vucic recognize the “Republic of Kosova”, the first narco state in Europe ?
He recognized it the moment all those things happened. Do you think that dead person is alive until doctor declare death? What happens to dead person if there is no doctor? By your logic, because there is no one to declare death, that person is still alive.
I apologize for the Serbian vote
everyone I know here in Serbia is on Russian side – they wish Russia good luck
My cousin just told me about this vote an hour or so ago – he was pissed off about it
Our politicians are obviously a different story
Yap! is getting detached from realty. Better for them to hinge on the truth rather than parroting the MSM narrative.
I am all for Russia in this struggle, but one has to concede that invading another country without Security Council approval violates international law. The fact that the US invades, sanctions, and violates international law in countless ways every day does not change the fact that Russia’s invasion without Security Council approval violates international law. You also should consider that most countries, many of whom would be happy to see Russia and China prevail, officially oppose all threats to sovereignty, so that if obliged to take a public stand, have to oppose Russia. I’m sure Russia understands. And, like almost all GA votes, it will be out of the news in a day or so, and have no serious implications in the real world for Russia. So let’s move on. The more interesting issue of the day is what Russia should do about sanctions and when it should do it.
How can you violate something that doesn’t exist? U.S. destroyed “International Law”, thus it no longer exists.
Ever heard of Article 51 of the UN Charter?
I mean – you do know international law, right?
so you must know :-)
You also should consider that most countries, many of whom would be happy to see Russia and China prevail, officially oppose all threats to sovereignty, so that if obliged to take a public stand, have to oppose Russia
Seriously? The oppose threats to sovereignty and… … they vote with the US against Russia?
How can you write that and expect to be taken seriously?
You really think that Switzerland or Chile being afraid for their sovereignty???
No, let’s not give “house niggers” any excuses.
(The votes of several countries don’t appear on the image you’ve reproduced, many of them I take to be countries that abstained or support Russia, such as Venezuela, Ethiopia, and Azerbaijan. Maybe it’s just my ipad. How did they vote?)
I didn’t say Russia has no case in international law for doing what it did. But I didn’t know it could ever be legal for one country actually to go ahead and invade another without Security Council approval. Is that mistaken?
As for sovereignty, countries involved in potentially explosive territorial disputes or facing secessionist movements that outside powers might inflame worry very much about doing things in public that weaken their own delicate positions; that includes most ASEAN states and is an extra incentive for countries like Turkey. But you are quite right that the majority of states that favored the resolution either had reason to fear US retaliation if they voted to abstain (e.g. micro island states, many in Africa Asia and Latin America) or virtually always follow where the US leads (e.g. recognizers of Juan Guaido). The surprise for me is how many did not vote to approve, including major states such as India, Pakistan, Iran, and S Africa. That’s a big win for Lavrov.
‘I am all for Russia But——-
The but is the giveaway, it is a troll.
There are circumstances under which International Law permits invasion, and Putin, being a lawyer, made sure that he complied with the law; he tried every other way first.
The trolls are increasing their attacks, which is of course completely pointless, because it will not make the slightest difference.
UN Security Council is under US pressure, so are all current internal institutions including WHO. They are corrupted to the bones! Useless and biased to a degree that they lost all credibility and relevance. Just a mirror of the West. Russia and hopefully with China together must create a parallel system of institutions where meaningful decisions will be made and decided. War crimes and crimes against humanity could not be brought to any western court for trial, because the system is rigged and the only option was to take it to the Grand Jury, International Court of Public Opinion where the case could be presented with evidence of harm. That shows you where we are at this time of history.
Ah, the “but”.
Now here is the bigger but. For sovereignty to be violated, the state alleging invasion has to itself be a valid sovereign state. Ukraine is a fig-leaf state taken over by EU and the US since 2014. If I take over your home violently do I then get the right to resist others from entering? Ukraine had become a piece of land “bought and paid for” by the US for 5 billion dollars. This is not me saying it, please look up Ms. Victoria Nuland’s candid remarks. The US took over Ukraine for the express purpose of using it to stage missiles and armed provocations against Russia.
I believe the War Criminal Blair called the attack on the FRY the obligation to protect.
Sorry for shameful UN vote from Serbia. People here understand Russia just cause and most of us will never forget misery NATO has brought upon us.
Why are you losing faith in Putin? Do you really believe he didn’t see this all coming?
How will the west recover from the egregious desperate lies they are running on this? I know most Americans here are totally subverted into illogical insanity, but surely this should expose the lies to a great many beyond the point of no return?
I have officially decided that I will be escaping NATOstan. All expenses will be cut, all extra money saved for escape. All extra time will go into Russian language and cyber security skills.
As you wrote in an article in the beginning of this, my disgust for the west no longer has any limits.
But I think that Putin is steadily letting this play out and has more than one ACE up his sleeve for the neo nazis liberal fascists running NATOstan and arming bandera nazis in Ukraine.
I am not losing my faith in Putin and I do believe that he saw this coming.
I am disgusted by the fact that Putin was proven right.
I had some hopes for a least a minimum of decency from countries like Serbia or Hungary
so, if you want, you can say that I lost any faith I had in them and their likes
that’s all
the outcome here is not in doubt, at least not for me :-)
Dear Saker,
The majority of people here in Serbia are standing with Russia. Standing with Russia is standing with the truth and humanity.
We were all very proud when A. Vucic announced a few days back that we won’t sanction Russia. And then this came. :(
But the people is with Russia. That’s what’s important.
Not a single country is immune to “indecency”, it’s all about circumstances, e.g. in the 90s Russia joined sanctions against Serbia and in return Russia was accepted as a member of IMF (according to Konstantin Nikiforov). Some say that this is related to Milosevic support to August Coup in 1991. It all ended bad for Serbia AND Russia, with NATO aggresion in 1999…
Saker –
there is saying in Serbia (clumsy translation):
“dog biting the hand that feeds him”
Saker, from a man with so much knowledge and experience hoping “for a least a minimum of decency from countries like Serbia” proved to be a dud. You failed in one thing. Serbia, at present, is not a country but merely a territory. Serbians become a mob. We stopped being a nation long time ago. The difference between these two are the following: mob has same interest while nation has common interest.
Small correction: I exclude Serbians from Republika Srpska, Crna Gora and Kosovo and Metohija as being a mob.
Speaking of mob …
I doubt the attack on the russian shop was done by germans, but most probably by ucranian or polish expats.
Well, no matter who it is that did it, and even if the attackers were German, this one incident eventually gets seen as “Germany being Germany” and the entire country, the 80 million citizens, etc. get labeled as Nazi, as if said foreign expats didn’t exist or that every single local citizen supported this.
This tweet is one such example.
How frequently does this sort of vandalism even happen in Germany?
To me it looks to ‘inteligent’ to be vandalism. Why not use a can of spray, instead of a bucket of paint ?
I register that white paint is used, a lot of it … some places poured … other places stroked on windows.
Russian army vehicles is also marked with white paint. The Z or V, and sometimes long white lines.
The German Russian problem for the US.
Alexander Cockburn, a great and honest journalist, departed this mortal realm some years ago, leaving Counterpunch to two jackals who were waiting to turn it into a cesspool of libtards. His brother, Patrick Cockburn, works for some British newspaper and is not free to speak his mind, even though he has at least half of a mind.
Truth be told, when Counterpunch turned into a cesspool, was just after I started understanding how and why “liberalism” is just a facade for destruction of all that is human, and to put everything under control by the banks. It starts by turning people soft in the head, and Counterpunch filled up with sh**head writers who could do the softening up, if readers were not careful, which I think I always was.
Alesander was famous for asking, “How pure is your hate ?” Few editors would dare to put it out there so honestly and clearly.
I felt queasy about Counterpunch soon after the 2003 Iraq aggression (during Obama 1st term?), just as with Robert Fisk and WSWS. Such pretty well-reasoned articles, but “no soul.” It was 1-2 decent writers, informational overload and selective exposure without the real meat. Pretend objectivity. They gave you your “Two Minutes of Indignity” about global injustices, then put you right back to sleep!
Pepe Escobar, André Vltchek, Glen Ford (Black Agenda Report) etc, were a striking contrast. They gave us the real deal and with eloquence.
Now we have excellent opportunity during this Russia op to see who’s really who.
Viva Venezuela!
Cockburn’s piece in Counterpunch reminds me why it’s no longer in my bookmarks, and it’s only gotten worse. He even stamps it as propaganda in the title: Putin’s “Snap-Invasion of Ukraine”. At least he’s upfront about it.
A few excerpts show he’s more opinionator than journalist:
Putin is focused on Russia’s survival, not his own, and he’s hardly “plunged” into a conflict that he’s been publicly, vocally been trying to avert for at least 15 years. And “unwinnable war” is simply presumptuous, including the war designation.
That may true, but which polls show “all the evidence”?
Yet another presumption — Nato’s quagmire strategy. That may never have occurred to Putin, hence his unsurvivable plunge into an “unwinnable war”.
Cockburn’s clinical diagnosis: Putin is a power-drunk megalomaniac; there’s no sane reason for his actions. This is quite similar to those of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton — his paranoia, delusions, and possible schizophrenia may have been caused by long covid. Get vaxxed!
Cockburn was not honest, he was promoting the 9/11 lie. He was a controlled opposition like Chomsky.
I wrote for CP for a number of years and interacted with Cockburn a few times before he passed away. He was a really bright, funny, and honest guy, and he was very fond of India. But I was always conservative on some things and began having problems with some of his positions….especially on the child sex abuse scandals, on which he took the line that they were simply instances of moral panic. I went along with that, relying on his judgment, but later found that it was not the case at all. Later, I heard AC was CIA. I found CP would always mock anyone who questioned the official story of 9/11.
The last time SouthFront did anything good and useful was 2015.
All through the Syria War, they were useless.
They had good Infographics, horrendous content and worse narrators.
Now, why go there.
I was a financial supporter of them in their early years. Like Fort-Russ, they went into the toilet.
You lose integrity, you lose everything. Better to go dark than stick around and sell out.
how about Slavyangrad?
long dead, they stopped in 2018 and they were also in just for the clicks….
Sadly, I have to agree :-(
More evidence of why Russia needed to invade posthaste?
“#Russia’s Foreign Intelligence (SVR) Chief says SVR has evidence that #Ukraine was developing nuclear weapons, and the #US knew about it & were ready to help”
@ Saker
“…I hope to write up a more military oriented report before the end of the day.”
Thanks, Saker, for this one and the next one, looking forward to it.
I never trusted CP or SF, ever. CP were a bunch of hippies turned journos, I got to know some of them during my times in DC. SF never seemed to have a clear line, IMHO they were directionless. It doesn’t surprise me their coverage of the current conflict, they go where the money (or lack thereof) takes them.
Truth and honor have no place in these beggars without moral compass.
Lone Wolf
I am not very happy on account of the Serbian vote, and am afraid that even Serbia might at some point cave in and impose some sanctions, although the people would be disgusted.
The reality is that Serbia has been beat up for 30 years (or perhaps 80 years, depending how you count), and is currently surrounded by NATO. This has nothing to do with the personality of our current leaders, who in any case are not the cream of the crop. There is a danger that the losing West might gang up on us, to secure their southern flank, and just maybe to make Russia look weak. There is also a terrible experience from 1941, when we stood up against Germany, only to suffer horrendously from Axis, “Allies”, communists, and now the West.
We didn’t suffer under “communists”. Yugoslavia was a country with:
1. free healthcare
2. free education
3. you would get flat/apartment from your company
4. we had our Yugoslavian products on shelves (now you have imported)
5. safety- no crime, no one locked their homes..
6. no poverty
It was built by our grandfathers and grandmothers, who believed in idea of sharing. That is the main point of communism. That’s why I am pissed of when people are taking it for granted. If I have a sandwich, I would share it with you, not keep it for myself, or worse steal from you (that is narcissistic capitalism).
This is another Western psyop narrative that needs to be debunked.
Just a reminder: nothing is free. “Free” education and “free” health care is provided by the state by stealing
wealth from the productive people, better known as taxation. You must have a different definition of “sharing”. I always think of sharing as something people do because they want to, not because they are forced to by the politicians.
Der Staat in unseren Ländern, sowohl in Jugoslawien wie auch in der DDR, war das Volk, also wir alle, Sie verstehen offensichtlichtlich nicht den Unterschied zwischen Sozialismus und Kapitalismus; das Geld für Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und all die anderen Notwendigkeiten wurde vom Volk erarbeitet und für das Volk verwendet, es gehörte keinem privaten Unternehmer oder Oligarchen; Ich habe in beiden Systemen gelebt, in der sozialistischen DDR und anschließend in der kapitalistischen BRD und ich weiß sehr wohl, was wir mit der DDR verloren haben, und ich wünschte dies wäre nie geschehen, und ich weiß, daß es eine Menge Menschen in der ehemaligen DDR gibt, die dies ebenso bedauern, und wir haben keinesfalls gelitten, wir hatten keine Arbeitslosen, Obdachlosen, Hungernde, kaum Kriminalität, kein Drogenproblem; all diese tollen westlichen Errungenschaften, aber viele haben sich von den bunten Schaufenstern des Westens und der scheinbaren Freiheit täuschen lassen, inzwischen konnten sie sich davon überzeugen, das alles eine große Lüge war.
Machine translation:
The state in our countries, both in Yugoslavia and in the GDR, was the people, so all of us, you obviously don’t understand the difference between socialism and capitalism; the money for education, health care and all the other necessities was made by the people and used for the people, it did not belong to any private businessman or oligarch; I have lived in both systems, the socialist GDR and then the capitalist FRG and I know very well what we lost with the GDR and I wish this had never happened and I know that there are a lot of people in the former GDR, who also regret this, and we didn’t suffer at all, we had no unemployed, homeless, starving, hardly any crime, no drug problem; all these great Western achievements, but many have been fooled by the West’s stained storefronts and apparent freedom, but have now convinced themselves that it was all a big lie.
If people wanta civilized society they have to pay taxes,are you nuts?
Correct, nothing is ‘free.”
But everything is stolen.
At least the various communitarianisms make some effort on behalf of those who have been stolen from.
WSJ should show the entire image of the building. That looks like City Admin Building in Kharkov. Sitting right in front of it was an Azov (Ukraine Nazi, aka the murderers of Donbas) recruiting tent, large tent.
Mod, if you think this vid should not be here, feel free to remove it.
The mass graves in Novorossiya will be, and in three locations are being, opened to remove the thousands of civilians entombed in them.
Novorossiya and Russia has the lists of each and every one who was involved in the slaughter, rape and pillage of Novorossiya, of every orc who pulled a trigger or yanked a lanyard to fire in to Novorossiya from the moment Minsk 1 was signed. The war crimes trials will go on for a while. Novorossiya does have the death penalty.
The Nazi Azov Battalion is now in a cauldron in Mariupol, surrounded by NAF (Novorossiya Armed Forces) and Russian Army. The nazis are not allowing any civilians out, as they are wont to do they are using the tens of thousands of civilians trapped in the city with them as human shields. Unconfirmed rumors of the orcs shooting civilians trying to leave are extant but so far I have not seen one verifiable video as being definitely in Mariupol.
Other orc units are being put in cauldrons north of Lughansk City.
Either way, the nazi orcs in and around Novorossiya will be shown no mercy, they are NOT members of Ukraine Army.
Never The Last One, paper back edition. Never the Last One: a Novel of Spetznaz, opens your eyes to the Russian world not described in American news or fiction.
An Incident On Simonka paperback edition. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol one way or the other.
Good to hear you’re ok.
I expect your water problem has now been permanently resolved. ;-)
It will be interesting to see how much traction the war crime trials get in the western press, but I won’t hold my breath.
Dozens of videos coming out of Russian humanitarian deliveries of 30tons and more to various regions of Ukraine, just as they did in Syria.
Now remember, the propagandists in the West claim that “Russian army has completely run out of fuel and food”.
So they’ve run out of food but are able to deliver 30tons daily to various regions of Ukraine at a moment’s notice, to support the civilians that the Nazis have abandoned or are using as human shields?
This is a huge contradiction and debunking of Western media propaganda and lies. If Russia can send that many tons of aid to the furthest reaches of Ukraine, you can trust it is supplying its troops well.
Thank you Andrey for acknowledging some news sources.
“Досадно мне, коль слово “честь” забыто”
Мне тоже жаль.
They didn’t even leave out the cats. The hate is more than I have seen for anything else. Though the louder they get is a sign of desperation.
I also wonder what Kadyrov thought of Khodorkovsky crying to him.
The actions define the people. Banderists are flooding the web with real and fake dead people either tortured and/or killed. Russia tries to show the care of injured, civilians and pows. European jackals appreciate the former’s values.
Thanks Saker. Your running commentary keeps my spirit intact.
I again have boycotted all corporate media. Beyond the BS they report, one must realize that the reason they are on the air is to peddle goods atop human misery. In essence, these folks are soulless devils.
Regards the abstentions, all of these countries are are unprepared to support Russian outright due to USA influence (militarily and economic support for the elites in these countries). China could have (and may still) change the dynamic. Most of these third world countries are beholden to China and many would side with it if forced to choose between USA domination and China support. However, China is frozen at this time. It does not want to encourage independence moves within it’s own sphere of influence as it does not want to appear hypocritical when it eventually retakes Taiwan.
Speaking of China, it’s interesting to see the media now report that the EU, THE EU, now believes it must take a more active role in policing the Indo-Pacific. So China is being threatened by the same governments threatening Russia now – with economic dislocation and a military build-up. The over-riding philosophical bent appears to be one of “democracy” against “authoritarianism.” As we know, the West simply cannot abide different forms of governance. Yet their democracy is simply a bought and paid for political structure that bends to the will of the billionaires in their societies (as explained by Michael Hudson in the excellent article he recently published on your website). So there really is no control by the common citizen in any of these societies. In fact, the EU and NATO are extra-democratic – not directly answerable to the will of the citizens that comprise the various nation states who are members. So the notion that “democracy” has practiced in the West is somehow superior to the governmental forms of Russia and China is absurd.
I think everything should settle down once Russia corners and defeats the Ukranian forces and Zelinsky is forced out of office. Until that point, however long it takes, the West will remain like a petulant child being deprived of its toys (Ukraine, energy, etc.). It will continue to throw tantrums in its media to no effect.
Have faith.
China and Russia have planned together, every move carefully thought out.
All war is deception.
China does not have to use the so carefull discretion Russia has used in Ukraine. They would simply destroy all those racists white boats in the south china seas. There is no answer for thousands of missiles reigning down on them. USA was all over Asia trying to get Asians to join the flotilla. Even today, again he was bullying Thailand to sanction Russia. None joined them except the usual suspects. 2021; China trade with Asia 790 billion, The eu 680b., USA 670b, Canada 80b, Australia dropped 20%(USA made up the difference. Russia 200b projected rise by 100%. Iran 400 billion deal with no us currency. Then there is so many more countries. Russia has not even put in place the IRS own sanctions. They have not even put out their awesome fire power. That is reserved for the west, and it is not nuclear. Hence the mass hysteria/propaganda in the west. Central Asia is the key to the future with 70% of the needed resources for the future.p.s. months ago, USA started the ukn Nazis in guerilla warfare, which is hiding behind civilians. The millions wantonly murdered in the Me/ Muslim s never did shut evil deeds. China will back Russia fully, when the time is right.
How do you know that South Front is “objective”? You are simply taking as face value what needs to be demonstrated. All of this people are simply slaves. They have no real traditions of truthfulness and honor. The only and doubtful “moral” the have is money and an imperialistic and supremacist frame of mind. All the rest is mask. And the mask has fallen. They are showing their real face which is Fascism: because attacking people because of their nationality and defending bloody coups and crimes against humanity and neo-nazis as the representatives of “democracy” is exactly that. There is no any democracy here. Remember that there were not one European country that resisted Hitlerian fascism. They abjectly surrendered, starting with France, whose population massively collaborated with Fascism. The Russian were the ones who opposed Fascism in European soil and stopped it and defeated it. Here, in this total fusion between the Master and the Slaves (the United States and his colonies, Europe, England et al.), there is only imperialism and “projection of organized violence”, which means millions of death to maintain their satanic project of domination.
The only truth (the only and ugly truth here) is the situation on the front. And you can resume that situation in two phrases: an iron grip and an iron fist. This is a new Patriotic War for Russia, and like the previous one, is an existential and civilizational one. Russians don’t need the fear or commiseration of anyone. They know what they have to do and they will do it, without complaints or regrets, because, like before, however hard the road may be, they simply have no other choice.
Dear Andrei
As soon as I see that my first cheque for assisting you in your work has been processed I’ll cut another one and send it off to you.
Dude, you must be doing something right if you can get a donation out of this stingy old Scotsman.
Regards, and may God bless.
Mr. Cracker
WOW! Zelensky is actually visibly and HEAVILY DRUNK during latest press conference. Things are not going well at all, he’s now reaching that “Hitler in the bunker” final stage of Berlin assault. Ukrainian people are being ordered to their deaths by a complete DRUNK who no longer is able to even coherently run the country. This is a sad development
@Nightvision –
I think if what you say is true, then it’s great news and not “a sad development.”
I suppose I say it’s sad because an incoherent drunk in his terminal stage of mental collapse would prolong a conflict that could be ended by a rationally functioning person. This drugged/drunk imbecile is being fed “war war war” in his earpiece by the CIA and U.S. State Dept., and he’s in a completely shellshocked mode of zombified psychiatric absence, needless death will occur because of this. Oh well.
He’s drunk and more. No need say more than that
If Zelensky wasn’t acting as president of Ukraine, he’d be stealing catalytic converters from under cars somewhere.
@ Nightvision
He’s not drunk, he’s drugged, probably cocaine or an opioid. See how he licks his dried lips from the beginning, couldn’t talk otherwise. Alcohol would do the opposite effect.
Lone Wolf
I would say he is visibly devastated, he lost the spirit. I mean, he knows it is over.
And he lost his cool, because he insult Macron. Good luck with looking for help in France now.
Putin shouldn’t agree to any meeting with him, because he will use it as yet another PR stunt. Only the same three negotiators should deal him.
I have watched Putin’s address today after their security council meeting, I have rarely seen him so visibly angry. His body language was menacing. I think even we here sometimes underestimate Russian resolve. The game has just begun and the West has scored a few tactical wins in the informational sphere, but even there they’re not as supreme as they used to be.
It appears Zelensky started vodka shots even before he dressed down for the press conference. Or is that a Ukrainian custom? A Twitter video of the opening handshakes in today’s talks with Russia shows Ukie negotiators dressed the same, like slobs. It’s quite a contrast with impeccably suited Russian negotiators. These appearances say a lot
Although it does seem to be dawning on the West that they are not without culpability in the RF reaction to NATO expansion.
My observation is that a lot African countries abstain which is rather great showing their sympathy for the course , but Serbia a traditional Russian ally voted against Russia. Very strange.
I live in Germany. We also have a Russian supermarket in our town. I promise you, Saker, tomorrow I will buy there everything I need for the weekend!
“According to Russian military experts, the Russians only preempted a Ukie attack by about 24 hours.”
Think about that!
I thought Ukraine was just one of the plenty of the failed, corrupt states the world around…a prominent one at its enterprise though…
Since the invasion – my jaw dropped.
The amount of hardware left behind in storage by the ukr army is STAGGERING. I am absolutely speechless.
I am watching blocks and blocks of warehouses stocked to the gills with anything your heart desires. An outfit for every family twice over with artillery in tow…
I am not shitting you.
that…which was not blown sky high. Just the leftovers.
and I am starting to think: wtf is this all about?
What did we just stumble into?
17 African members of the UNGA did not support the proposal (1 tiny member, Eritreia, even voted against it). In a continental balance, Africa won the race of imperialistic disengagement. Motor is warming up.
“Some countries, and not the most powerful of big ones, have found the courage to speak the truth. Here is a Venezuelan diplomat…”
In Latin America, there is a very strong anti-American undercurrent (beyond right or wrong). Some of the arguments of Russia could be resembling things they wished for, like someone strong standing his ground (true of the whole “third world”? I think so). Bolivia’s minister of foreign relations says, “…on the other hand, there are unilateral financial and economic measures which are another form of conflagration, that will not conduce to a good end.”
Some rather risk dying standing up than living a life of submission kneeling and getting paid for that.
I am Syrian. My heart is Syrian, Iranian, Palestinian, Yéménite, and now, it is also confirmed to be definitely Russian.
You only live once, and die once.
I will always remember that young Syrian soldier captured and put on his knees by daesh, asked while being filmed, to say that “the Islamic state will live”
He looked at them and shouted “by God will, we will wipe you all” and…bang bang…we saw the smoke of AK-47 muscle, heard the sound and saw this sacred human body fall.
My eyes are full of tears. They were then. They will always be. These are not tears of surrender. Not even of sadness. This is honour.
Beaucoup d’ennemis, beaucoup d’honneur my dear Saker.
We are sovereign and free and only fear God’s judgment. And we already wone.
I am not concerned that the West “controls the narrative” (in the West only). Also, I am not concerned about the sanctions against Russia. When Crimea became part of Russia, the West controlled the narrative and imposed sanctions and no one would argue that it was a defeat for Russia. Russia is doing just fine.
Beautifully stated and presented with honor.
The Syrian people have shown the world what fighting with honor is.
God, with some help from Russia, will grant Syrians a rebuilt country.
Thank you for sharing your splendid comment.
Speaking of Serbia, those mofos would sell Kosovo in a blink of an eye if it was not for outrage of serbian people. And somebody expected that they will vote at least neutral in UN?! Maybe B.F. can explain to us how in reality Serbia’s officials actually voted NO althogh it just looks like they voted yes …
Anyway, it does not matter how Serbia’s officials voted. What matter is that 95% of serbian people are supporting Russia. Anyone wonder why czech’s and slovak’s government made a law that punishes for pro-russia comments? Why Poland did not do the same thing?
One more time: I never used the word “no”. Read the comments I posted above.
This is about as indicative of general public opinion as a poll asking “Is racism bad?” i.e. Don’t take it seriously.
Yeah, war is bad, thanks for letting us know all-powerful UN. Now ask yourself where all these do-gooders were when the Ukraine was bombing the Donbass.
Cuando se dice al mundo, “Somos países amigos”, es ético y moral apoyar al amigo en situaciones de crisis. Me extraña de todas maneras, las ‘abstenciones’ de estos tres países. Todos ellos, con seguridad lo digo, si estuvieran en una situación similar a Rusia, éste, hubiera votado a favor de ellos, si les asiste la razón. Y, a Rusia, ahora, le asiste la razón. Sobre todo, ellos gozan del particular aprecio y consideración en sus relaciones con Rusia.
Updates re: Mariupol
-Reports allege that RF troops coming from Crimea have slowed in order to first secure the northern flank, (thus all the reports of capturing Energodar, and Zaporizhizhia activity.
-Reports indicate Mariupol will not be stormed, despite last night’s attempt from both west/east flanks which may have just been testing attacks. According to report, RF intends to continue accruing forces and surrounding Mariupol and resolving it via negotiations. Seems perhaps they intend to try to get a surrender, which logically seems not possible due to the fanatical nature of the Nazis there. But there’s obviously many factors we are not privvy to. We have learned for instance, that Azov has refused to allow civilians to leave and there are many reports of them using civilians as shields, including a report of a possible upcoming provocation where Azov has placed a bunch of civilians in a building and plans to blow it up if Russians storm the city (basically hostage situation) to blame the falseflag of mass civilian casualties on RF. I’m just thinking out loud, so it seems perhaps RF has decided that it’s too risky to storm the city because the civilian casualties would simply be too high. They may continue doing precision strikes on Azov gatherings to try to whittle them down.
-With that said, other reports stated DNR/LNR troops will do most of the frontline storming while RF will support with heavy fires from rear. So we’ll see how it develops.
-Meanwhile the final northern road out of the city WAS confiremd to be cut by allied forces so it does appear that Mariupol now is officially completely besieged with no avenue of escape.
What I suspect would be that Russia could negotiate with Ukraine something similar to the deals done in Syria : evacuation of the Azov battalion to western Ukraine in exchange for abandoning Mariupol.
It would mean these f*** bastards would get out of it alive, which would sadden me, but at least Mariupol and the civilians would be preserved. Unfortunately the only alternative I see would be lengthy and bloody battle streets, or flattening half of the city with heavy strikes.
Could be. I heard in the opening day or 2 of the war (unconfirmed) Russia let other Ukrainian battalions withdraw without killing/capturing them but they had to lay down their heavy weapons / armor. This could point to the fact Russia believes it can still continue accumulating victories until Ukraine capitulates, rather than a ‘total war’ style ending to the crisis.
Meanwhile Kadyrov has signed a decree offering $500,000 for the “heads” of any of the top Azov commanders in Mariupol so… *shrugs*
They might get out of Mariupol alive, but the Chechens will hunt them down later. If it spares civilian casualties, that’s a win.
I suspect if they don’t negotiate, which frankly they might not, I think Russia won’t storm the city, but just encircle it, cut off food and water, conduct probing attacks to locate the resistance, weakening attacks to weaken them, then wait for the city to fall, like they did in Syria. Then the Chechens will mop up the Azov die-hards. There may be a need to speed up the process, however, if they want to move on to Odessa shortly.
There is a simple solution:
negotiate evacuation of the Azov battalion to western Ukraine in exchange for abandoning Mariupol (American style), meaning have Khadirov finish them off once they are out. Which agreement has USA ever honored? Why should Russians be the only fools in the village?
-German tabloid bild reports that hundreds of the anti air rockets germany sent to ukraine aren’t in working condition because they were stored in rotting crates
I have an image of a bunch of weapons crates dropped off in random city centers with instructions “point at bad guys”.
Meanwhile, in Canada – truth about Ukie-Nazi-linked Freeland breaking thru?
I miss Andrew Cockburn. He was the one who founded CounterPunch. The website had much more of an edge when he was writing and publisher. His brother Patrick Cockburn always worked for MSM with The Independent in the UK. He was a good on-the-ground reporter when he was younger, but always within the restraints imposed by his editors.
Since Andrew’s death, CounterPunch has become much more of a voice for what I call the CIA-Left. They are the sort of site that these days publishes a wide range of authors (wider than what Andrew apparently tolerated), and that now includes what I refer to as the CIA-Left.
The CIA-Left is the sort of left that looks left, but actually usually manages to be attacking whomever the CIA doesn’t like. And they end up being the sort of ‘left’ that turns out to denounce everything the ‘left’ traditionally stood for. Such fake-lefties are usually well-funded, and Counterpunch these days seems willing to publish them.
So, these days I’ll scan counterpunch to see if they publish anyone interesting (like Mike Hudson). But I know they publish a lot of crap as well.
One thing to always remember when struggling against oligarchs. Oligarchs have obscene amounts of money. This means that they can at times pay people to change sides. Just because someone has been a reliable voice in the past, does not mean they have not recently cashed some big checks and now are something very different. If you consider the amounts of money that an oligarch can offer a person or small group, compared to the money in the world that these people live in, it is easy to see how this works. If someone offered you 10 million dollars to do something, would you do it? Is 10 million dollars a lot of money to the guy who runs JP Morgan? You see the problem …. especially in a world where Honor don’t pay the rent and the Bidenburg homeless camps are over-crowded already and there’s a line to get in.
Do you mean Alexander Cockburn, not Andrew, or my memory is becomming Biden like?!
Patrick was a corespondent from the Middle-East, as I remember him, and is greatly dissapointing – I agree.
You are correct, Counter Punch has become a CIA-Left, as you rightly characterized them, much like NPR (National Public Radio) and other publicly supported stations. (former Trotskys becomming liberals – fast)
But to give them some credit, CIA has been infiltrating left since 50s. They resisted for quite a long time before they finally capitulated.
One piece of information about how Ukraine became what it is from The UNZ review:
addendum to my previous reply ….
and I miss Adre Vltchek, may his tired soul rest in ethernal peace. CP banned him from publishing on their site.
How much would have loved to read his writings now……
For those of you who do not know Andre Vltchek:
Really sorry to hear this. I interviewed Vltchek and reviewed his novel. Corresponded on and off too but had no idea he had been banned from CP or had died. I had long left CP by then. I don’t know if you ever read Zahir Ebrahim and ProjectHumanBeingsFirst, his writing collection that ran into several books. Google deleted the entire thing without warning in 2020, so he even lost his email. As for me, I was attacked with all kinds of spurious charges and slander by a collection of trolls affiliated to a company connected to the Russian mafia over several years; I was attacked, hacked, and finally lost my domain to a squatter, bought it back ,and have started up again, but it is exhausting. I feel for anyone subjected to a slander campaign, especially combined with personal harassment. These trolls are hired by the elites and their affiliated flunky companies and fake activists to accuse anyone who stands in their way of the very things THEY are guilty of.
The “yes” vote by Afghanistan is not by the Taliban gov but by the ambassador of the former government who is still at the UN! The Taliban are pro-Russia because unlike Ukraine she did not take part in the illegal attack on Afghanistan after 9/11
Yes, I wondered about that. The Taliban have no reason to please the USA and Britain.
Honor is a gift a man gives himself.
back to work…
I think we’re all adults here, so we can have a frank conversation.
To be honest I’m worried. I would have expected something better. Of course you can always say that it’s my expectations, but three things stand out for me in particular :
– Andrei had expected the eastern cauldron to be shut rapidly, until tomorrow. It doesn’t seem to be the case to me.
– I follow up Intel Slava. Last week there was a torrent of news, then since yesterday it has slowed down to a trickle of rather inconsequential advances.
– Today’s report by Strelkov is pessimistic, he thinks that too much time was lost in Kharkov and that it can not be guaranteed that the eastern cauldron will be closed.
I don’t understand why so much time is wasted trying to conquer Kharkov. I would clearly be more in favour of priorizing the destruction of the AFU armed groups and closing as quickly as possible the eastern cauldron. The Ukronazis do seem to have a good morale and resist fiercely.
A week ago I expected that by this week-end a surrender of the 10-12 eastern battalions could be achieved. Now I’m not so sure. If by Sunday a major event hasn’t happend (fall of Kharkov, of Odessa, or significant strategic gain against the eastern group) then I will conclude that we have been too optimistic. For me it would mean that there will be a pause to replenish the battle groups, and another try for a major victory will take then the next 2 weeks at least. The fall of Kherson was huge, but we need something bigger.
I will counterbalance this with the caveat that I do not know the plans of the Russian état-major, and there is obviously a ton of information I’m not aware of. However it seems there is a nugget of truth in all the ocean of bullshit Western MSM is spewing currently. On a positive note, the progress in the south is good, and on the economic front the famed nuclear weapon seems to be a dud. On the short term Russia is weathering well. On the mid- to long term who knows, but then my country France just committed economic suicide with Macron declaring that we have to without Russian gas. I almost fell over from laughing over this one. With half of our nuclear plants obsolete, decrepit and on the verge of shutting down, I think all my good compatriots will have to learn to live with candles.
I’ll eagerly await Andrei’s military analysis. A lot is at stake.
Strelkov is an anti-Putin propagandist, so take what he says with grain of salt. With that said, the answer is very simple which I’m quite surprised Strelkov is unable to see: to try to go for cauldron close that early, without having neutralized anything in/around Kharkov would have been suicide because the lines would have been grossly overstretched. That territory is hundreds of kilometers long and tens of thousands of square kilometers. You’re going to cross the entire country in a small file to create a flank that can be easily assailed by fresh forces on both sides east/west? That’s suicide and utter idiocy. There has simply not been enough troops in theatre to attempt to close such a massive ‘cauldron’ where reportedly anywhere from 50-100k of the most elite Ukr forces are dug in extremely well. Of course now much more troops have reportedly been injected and are working their way to the frontlines so we should see more progress, but do not expect that cauldron to be closed any time soon, that is a massive undertaking that most are underestimating because they don’t understand the sizes of the territories involved. The amount of territory RF has controlled already in Ukraine is in excess of 130,000km2, whereas the total area of England is 130,000km2. They’ve conquered area equivalent to all of England, that’s no small feet. My point being, Ukraine is huge and the areas that cauldron covers is being underestimated. You can’t just send a thin salient exposed on both flanks to quickly “close” it. Massive troops have to be concentrated there first and those troops are being used elsewhere for objectives that you are not privvy to that likely have to do with a lot of under the table negotiations etc. (i.e. many of the cities being ‘surrounded’ were likely for purposes of imposing pressure and coercion for Ukr leadership to capitulate). There are many other political motives behind the objectives of RF battle plans that are not strictly “Victory” in the WW2 sense of conquering/destroying all enemy forces. It’s not quite that simple here, there are objectives being pursued much more covert and subtle than that.
Out of interest, what happens if the Azov troops make a run for it Estwards?
Do they get behind the river where the Russian’s can’t reach without doubling their troop numbers? Free to be terrorists for the next 20 years?
Or do they get taken out by missiles and jet aircraft much much more easily?
You are in a video game with your thinking.
Azov is surrounded. They are going to die. Period.
The Chechen special forces, experienced deeply in urban warfare are there in the thousands to eradicate Azov.
It won’t be the farmers and miners of Donbass or the Russian regulars.
The Chechens will fight inward, and precise air and missile strikes will decimate the nazis. This is what was done Syria.
Sadly, civilians are going to be killed. So will a lot of very brave men.
The siege is like a hundred Beslans. These psychopaths are cowards at their core and clasp women and children to shield them from the righteous termination they deserve.
Mariupol is completely surrounded. Very tightly so more than any other city that’s currently enveloped. That means they can’t make any sort of run anywhere.
Where are we?
punchin keyboars, getting an occasional coffee, brew.
The Soldiers of the RF have been up for a week.
What they have accomplished: faced with a dug in, mined off and multi-layered combined arms defenses will astound analysts for the history of mankind.
I am also worried.
The tempo, the task, the effort is…something, I can not imagine…
…yet…they are rolling on.
Thank You For Your Service…
@ Micron
“I would clearly be more in favour of priorizing the destruction of the AFU armed groups and closing as quickly as possible the eastern cauldron. ”
I am glad and relieved you are not the general in charge on the “Eastern front”. As “Nightvision” has explained, the distances are huge, the logistical support immense, the RF’s mission is not conquering Ukraine, only liberating it from the neonazi scourge, the Ukrainian nation (people) is not “the enemy”, etc. In other words, Mr Putin is not Napoleon or Hitler – or Truman, Bush and all subsequent US presidents.
There are many reasons why that cauldron has not been closed off and The Saker has already explained that the stand-off weaponry (heavy artillery, gunships, bombers) can easily decimate any attempts at an escape en masse through the gap. On the other hand, we don’t know what the operational tactics are although there is a hint in the disposition of forces pointing to a plausible explanation. From my basic training, I remember the useful tactic of leaving and escape route to the enemy as a trap (please don’t pass on this open secret to the Ukrainian army), the same thing you do when driving sheep into an enclosure and then to the abattoir. You get the picture.
However, I don’t think the Russians intend to set up a slaughter house as the US bomber pilots did to the Iraqis when they were retreating from Kuweit ors de combat, a war crime. Therefore the intent might be to wait until they run out of supplies and surrender, which takes time. This is a very different approach to what the US did everywhere they went in recent years from Panama and Grenada to Yugoslavia, Middle East and Libya: guns blazing kill everything that moves and even those who did not move, hiding in shelters.…
Speaking of honour:
1) I don’t know if this is confirmed news.
“The Biden Administration wants to put sanctions on India which is not sanctioning Russia and did not vote in favour of the UN condemnation of Russia over Ukraine.”
2) I saw Putin on TV, the anger was totally shining through, I had never seen him like that. He was commemorating 500 soldiers and that’s totally understandable. But he is under personal attack (also on TV) for example by Macron. Considering Putin’s reputation as a cold calculator, and the evidence that they are going all in on the only ground where they have a real advantage (communication), such satisfaction would perhaps have been better not given.
Give us a source for your unconfirmed but quoted news.
Some of actually know how to use a Search Engine to pursue the truth or falsity of the “news”.
both are true, unfortunately. MAJOR escalations underway
Only gas through Ukraine and NS1 appears to be going to northern EU from Russia?
McCain’s rotten side-kick has called for VVP to be killed
(4) shelling by Ukies of Europe’s largest NPP last night – thankfully fire put out.
(5) Russia returning to Gold standard? This is major escalation risk to USD and causus belli. Following source is not reliable but often has his nose in front of news:
(6) Leading RT headline is now “Pentagon opens hotline with Russia”
We await your connection of the dots!
Are you referring to this news, or what else?
What I’m obviously saying is that it’s difficult to understand which way the confrontation is really going, there are almost exclusively reports from the Western media.
So one is also a bit forced to try to interpret the expressions of the leaders on TV as well.
Long time reader and my first post ever.
First, Saker, i wish that you will never loose strengh to continue your good work.
Its indispensible.
Now, on to the point that made me make this coment, im Portuguese and in Portugal, only 1 party voted against the EU parlament declaration to condemn “The Russian invasion of Ukraine”.
That party was the comunist party and the reason they gave to voted against was because the declaration dont mention all the last 8 years history that provoked this situation and dont mention NATO has being the main responsible for were we are today.
There is a uproar in here against the comunist party in the media and in the social media.
Its hate speech because they dared to no vote “against Putin”.
There have been physical attacks against people (comunists) and they headquaters.
We have 1 hour news from 8 to 9 and there is only 1 topic “War”, not even covid is mencioned anymore.
I have to conclude that there is panic in the West “elits” and its showing.
Kind regards and stay strong!
The UN vote.
Over half the world abstained!! Funny no media I read mentioned that.
Based on the population
Countries Pop. %
Against 5 202,209,680 2.6%
Abstained 35 3,965,874,071 50.9%
For* 141 3,627,148,879 46.5%
* Taking pop figures from here, and using total – rest to slightly over estimate For.
Andrei, who would you like and appreciate the ones who loves you from the heart and who really mean it, or who loves you because you pay them and threatened them if they don’t and you remind them of the consequences and deep inside they hate you and they wait for the moment you are down?
All people of the planet who are capable of thinking at level of ten years old know the vote would not make any difference. Countries vote based on what is the best interest of their countries at the moment. And most of those countries who voted yes are hated by their own people.
I’m certain Russia did know that and it was going it alone and don’t need anybody. A lot of countries as you said are still scared of the USA. As long as the USA has the dollar and the SWIFT and most countries have their reserve in the dollar they will obey orders from the master.
Russia will always stand tall and will never kneel. China does a lot of business with the west. Also, I think China is not ready yet to challenge the status quo with west. But it will be 100% with Russia if need be. Some of those who voted yes and definitely who abstained still can help Russia.
The average Westerner, when faced with overwhelming odds and the certainty of death, curls up on the floor and soils themselves.
When the chips are down, the Russian is different. They turn, look their enemy in the eye, abandon all restraint, and fight to the death, determined to kill and cripple as many of the enemy as possible.
Every Western stupidity and malicious act increases Russian resolve and determination.
And they have not realised that yet.
In case you have noticed how all the US’s vassal states are bending over backward, and voting “yes” to madness in the UNGA, and wondering “why?!”, here’s exactly why, all spelled out. Listen to what purported peacenik John Mearsheimer has say to “Australia” at about 6 minutes and 18 seconds into the following 8-minute video. (The rest of the video is very well worth watching, too.)
That’s plain enough language, don’t you think? It’s very reminiscent of Dumbya’s “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists”, don’t you think? The only added extra topping this time around is that if ALL the vassals don’t do what they’re told, Mr. Potato Head is going to start WWIII. Wouldn’t that make YOU vote “yes”?
The thing I’d like to know about that UNGA vote …. was Russia telling countries that voting “Absent” was ok with them? Or was Russia pushing for No votes and not able to get many?
My completely uninformed guess is the former. That anyone who defied the Imperial Eagle by voting Absent was considered by Russia to be on their side. After all, anyone who can count votes, which is everyone in the room, knew it was going to pass. If there was a chance of ‘no’ winning, then that is a different situation. But in this situation, just not going along with the Yes vote is the same as voting no.
As to China, why vote No?
If you believe in US style diplomacy where everything is symbolism, then I can see urging them to vote No instead of Absent. But if you believe in Realpolitik, what does China gain by changing their vote from Absent to No? Nothing that I can see.
China seems to be a firm friend of Russia at this time. Some symbolic vote on a unenforceable UNGA measure, that is only for show to begin, with does not change that. The same with UNSC votes. If Russia is going to veto anyways, then two vetoes don’t count any more than that. It would not surprise me if all of these votes are discussed with Russia before they are cast, and are cast with Russia’s approval, or at least lack of objection. Reality is different from symbolism.
Charles de Gaulle quotes: “No nation has friends only interests”
Russia has no partners and will never have real partners.
They are ALL FAKE!
Especially Germany is a dangerous snake country. U cant trust them!
It might be that the site is already being attacked. I just got a stupid and suspicious message ‘The database could not be accessed’ a couple of times I tried to load an article. Very similar to the ones being put in the .ru info sites. I am in Switzerland, for info.
No, no attack detected (yet)
But we have so many connactions, thousands at the same time
that our servers barely hold the load in spite of upgrades
If it load slow, just reload the page. It will eventually load
The Marxist/Zionist hive mind reaches into many places but only on a superficial level. It can use fake media and fake social media and marshall irrelevant votes or Twitter hashtags etc to make it seem that there is a unanimous opinion. This is a real, civilizational war. The Russian armed forces are fighting a fake hollowed out and bankrupt Zionist fantasy land. They will double down and triple down on their delusional campaign against Russia until one day, suddenly, it will be over.
Hey it was good to see Pakistan and India agree on something – both abstained.
I’ve noticed a lot of hand-wringing and doubting in the comments sections of the last few articles.
The situation in the Ukraine is not in doubt. The UAF has been crushed along with NATO’s massive investment in equipment and training.
The Russian brain trust around Putin has always demonstrated itself to be meticulous and conservative in its planning and careful in asessing risk vs. reward. They had to – Russia’s survival was at stake I don’t see any evidence that everything is not going to plan.
This is about much more than the Ukraine. The global economy cannot tolerate $100/bbl+ oil for long. European banks are highly leveraged and undercapitalized – Deutsche Bank was already in trouble months ago. Russia on the other hand has lots of energy, lots of commodities, lots of gold – lots of hard capital. Russia’s companies are some of the best run commodity companies in the world. Their defence companies sre the meanest and leanest.
The west threw every financial and political weapon they can afford and Russia has just shrugged them off. All foreign reserves were frozen and Russia did not bat an eye. Could it be that Russia sees them as worthless? If Russia imposes dealings in gold over the long term this will be a massive blow to the dollar. The west can’t allow Russia to stay outside the financial fold for long. The more entrenched Russia’s financial position remains the worst this gets for the global financial system.
We’ve seen the worst that the the west is willing to muster. Could it be that it’s all uphill for Russia now, and all downhill for the west? Judging from the shrill hysterical cacophony of the west’s response, could it be they have been caught miscalculating and now in a desperate situation?
The west is overextended econmically and militarily. The western establishment may have just realised their own survival may be at stake. It could be that Ukraine becomes represents a fatal quagmire for the European establishment.
Here’s an interesting article that sums up this potential situation quite well. I don’t agree with Tom Luongo on a few things but this is quite interesting:
Помаже Бог Dear Saker, if you just look at the world map you would realize that Serbia is surrounded with hostile Nato countries that are all just waiting the sign and have claims for parts of our country. Also part of our people in Bosnia is struggling to keep their i dependency and our southern part Kosovo and Metohija is occupied and have huge American military base. There were also Russian soldiers there but they for any reasons left Kosovo after short period of time. So how do you think we should behave now. To be brave and get beaten again? Will Russia help us and how? So don’t be disappointed and expect support by anyone. We stood against whole western world by ourselves alone. Didn’t expect support because we believe in what we are doing.
All the best!
Gratifying to note that so many African countries abstained. It is easy for the empire to bully them by withholding IMF funds and direct threats, yet they stood up. Most of the major African states abstained. Very heartening.
Would Russia ask them to vote against as a way of keeping the yanks feeling confident in, at least, their ability to successfully propagandize? Or is their financial stranglehold that intimidating. Maybe the infrastructure for the unipolar world needs a bit more development before a mass exodus. Give them a false sense of power.
All in all will the UN be able to change Russia’s course? The quote about striking first certainly came home to roost! I think they leave the cauldron open to tease them. Go ahead escape.
Hungary surprised me, but Serbia?! A 1000 years of brotherly love between those people and they voted “Yes”, disappointing,I can imagine the threats they must have gotten to vote such.
Ukraine has a Hungarian minority of about 150000. They have been treated badly by the Ukies all the time. If I remember well there was a referendum for autonomy in1991 with 75% for. It was ignored of course. Hungary must be careful how it behaves because the Ukies can get their revenge on those minorities. The Hungarian army regrouped to the eastern part, to protect our people if something happens. Unfortunately the Hungarian army is small and not well equipped because of the left-liberal government before Orbán.
It is Vuchic colonial government that voted ‘yes’ not the people. Astronomical difference!!!
It’s shameful rank hypocrisy coming out of the western media & governments. As of the general population, how can they believe any of it with out question, (seems that no one remembers the WMD web of fiction).
I now have a Russian Federation pin on my jacket, i look forward to explaining some home truths, and showing the PDF of the atrocities committed in Dombas that our oh so truthful media & governments refuse to report or acknowledge
I learned today that South Korea appealed to Washington big shots and got some juicy “exemptions” from these sanctions. They can sell in Russia their cars, mobile phones and other elctronics. So EU just got suckered out greatly this time.
Buch of loosers. It is no suprise that Macron and the rest of bunch is loosing cool and starting spewing bulshit.
I would be mad too if I was pushed around by the USA.
Now I am interested how India will react to supposed sanctions from USA due to huge deals with Russia on military equipment.
So how did Azerbaijan, Venezuela and Uzbekistan vote? (and a few other countries that are neither green, red, nor yellow)
In the confrontation of the West against Russia only 35,5% of the world population support the AngloZionist.
2022 World Population 7,953,952,567
WIKIPEDIA: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262
Total UN States = 193
States that voted YES = 100 > Total Population: 2.823.899.001 > 35,5% of World Population
States that voted NO = 11 > Total Population: 318.826.586 > 4% of World Population
States that abstained = 58 > Total Population: 4.519.711.561 > 56,8% of World Population
Absent States = 24 > Total Population: 291.515.419 > 3,7% of World Population
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
You are linking to the 2014 UN vote, not yesterdays.
You want this:
My count above is 50.9% abstain, 2.6% against, 46.5% for
One has to hope that all the talk of sending thousands of mercenaries and jihadists to fight in Ukraine is just hot air.
Europe is a big place and jihadists do not bother about borders, they are no obstacle to them. The dross of humanity won’t stay in Ukraine, they won’t get paid, there is no money there and it is too poor. There would be richer pickings in Poland.
Let me add that Im ashamed that Iran abstained. Iranians in our forums say that Russia threw Yemen under the bus and keep playing two sides regarding the zionazis in Tel Aviv. I try to tell them that this is a core national issue for Russia, just like Irans nuclear program, and Russia should get all the support it can get. After they have chewed on Russia and China they will 100% come full force after Iran
Please consider adding
– The Jimmy Dore Show on Youtube
– The Grayzone especially Aaron Maté’s Pushback
to your positive list.
Agreed 100%
The problem with Dore is he’s late to the Ukraine/NATO issue. So is Greenwald. They’ve spent WAY too much time attacking the MSM (appropriately of course) and getting involved in Twitter fights with other media personalities (the idiots at The Young Turks in particular) and promoting the absurd “lab leak theory” than paying attention to the really serious crises like Ukraine.
I’m not saying they’re wrong about some of the issues they do pay attention to, but ignoring the whole US-NATO-Russia confrontation until a war starts is just stupid if you claim you’re against what the US government and US media are doing.
Aaron Mate and the Grayzone are good, though, even though they were a little late in this case, too. For one thing, they’ve been highlighting the neo-Nazi thing for some time before the war. I particularly like Mate since he seems to have some intellectual integrity, which I prize in people above most else. Even Greenwald is weak in that area.
The Venezuelan representative is Samuel Moncada, a former government minister and ambassador to the UK.
Speaking of honor, the best thing that could have been done to “stop the invasion” was to say that since Putin explained he was not accumulating troops to invade, his word of honor would be trusted. I don’t think there would have been an invasion if they had taken his word so (other smart things would have followed). Instead, by not accepting his word at all, even when he gave it in person, they called him a liar repeatedly. Then he called them liars.
The ‘nuclear’ option is for both China and Russia to officially suspend enforcement of patents and copyright.
Eliminating the West’s intellectual property, on which most its rent is extracted, would be a catastrophic blow to the West.
might already be starting, Russian Duma member supposedly proposed legislation today to unblock a big pirating site currently blocked in Russia, so that Russian citizens would be able to watch all the Hollywood crap recently banned from Russia (Disney and every other major studio). So this is quite remarkable that a Russian congressman is basically advocating for the citizens to pirate all western content of this sort.
Makes perfect sense Night Vision.
Time for Russia to take the economic gloves off.
Then US companies will revolt against Biden.
i have the same observation with southfronth they have sometimes good information but also alot of nonsense. mixed signals from that website are they afraid of ddos ? or is finances the issue i do not know. in russia with the rules on disinfo they would not survive long.
More news from the West:
*The Russian Paralympic team was told to fly to China only to be told there that it won’t be allowed to compete.
*Russian dogs and cats have been removed from international competition.
*Apparently, so was a tree (?????)
*Russians have been take off the organ donation list, medicines are now being denying to them.
(and that’s just from watching 5 min of a Russian talk show).
Remember how the Nazis had “Judenfrei/judenrein” lands?
Now the West will become “Russian free”, pure in all its majestic hatred for the Snow Niggers. “Russenfrei” already exists:
You know what?
The West deserves itself!
I can’t think of a bigger shame
pashol ti…😁
idi, paspi nemnozhko…
Terrible. This is way beyond ‘Russophobia’, looks like pure hatred of all things Rus. I guess the blame for the coming economic disaster have been assigned.
Yes Andrej I also feel total shame about the hate towards Russia. I’m German and I can’t believe what’s happening right now and this is really a very dangerous situation.
The mass hysteria created by the media whores on the orders from the politician’s/DS could push Russia into a situation where they have to react with some kind of hammer.
I don’t see any reasoning anymore and I guess Russia will be lost for Europe for decades.
How could they do something suicidal like this?
The Zionists/Cabal devils seam to win again without getting punished
So disgusting
1 AM PST I had email run with a biz now in Belarus. In December they moved from Kharkiv to Vitabsk. They were of the opinion that Kharkiv was destroyed, I sent them your map discussion from yesterday. Needless to say I am very interested in Kharkiv news. One cannot forget that the Ukies have more arms than they can use. Has empire given them the go ahead to use rockets for PYSOPS? Thanks Andrei for all your work.
I don’t know what SouthFront is all about or who is driving its research and analysis. Either way, their “Day 8” Ukraine report generally depicts RU forces as victorious. The article alleges UKR troops are surrendering in significant numbers in the south, and alludes to UKR army demoralization and fatigue. SouthFront also agrees an RU pincer movement is presently threatening tens of thousands of UKR soldiers with encirclement in Donbass.
So, I wouldn’t say that SouthFront is parroting the US/NATO/UKR propaganda line found in 95% of all Western media and think tank “expert” analyses.
Counterpunch is like the odious Canadian “New Democratic Party” aka Not Democratic Party and all the other burned out fake leftists. Even the core Trotskyists have lined up behind the capitalist state powers to their shame. In this matter and also regarding the lockdowns. The reactions and deployment of hate is identical in both cases. The rise of Trudeau style despotism, hysteria, witch hunting and, well, just utter stupidity.
I wish that Russia would just cut off the EU from gas, oil, and coal. Close the border and wreck every supply chain possible. Seize all assets, confiscate all patent and intellectual property rights. Whack the buggers until they squeak.
Because the west is weak, fragile, fat, old, lazy, bitterly divided, physically run down, corrupt and in debt up the yin/yang. The population and institutions could not endure a shock of any magnitude or duration.
And this is not so for Russia.