• Красный Лиман Krasni Liman was taken by Ukraine Army and national guard 04 June 2014.
  • Replacement Mi24 attack helicopters have arrived in Ukraine as replacements for the Ukraine Army losses in Donbas. Confirmed.
  • Strong bombardments Slavyansk City and outlying towns and villages commenced 05:00 local time 05.06.2014. Civilian casualties unknown.
  • National guard/right sector entered Railroad Hospital Krasni Liman and shot dead 37 wounded Donbas Army soldiers and civilians and at least 1 hospital worker. Confirmed.
  • Air and artillery bombardments Krasni Liman cause strong civilian casualties 04.06.2014.
  • List of dead air attack on Lugansk Administration Building:
  • Kostjukov Vladimir Andreyevich , 1971 (regional administration)
  • Corn Inna (regional administration)
  • Giza Alexander (regional administration)
  • Unidentified woman
  • Dolzenko Nina 1955 (regional administration)
  • Polezhaev Sergey 1964 (regional administration)
  • Natalia Arkhipova (regional administration)
  • Cerkez Galina 1967 (regional administration)
  • Confirmed reports national guard/right sector random shooting civilians Krasni Liman and searching residences.
  • Border Guard Headquarters and one military base taken by Donbas Army 04.06.2014. Large amounts of weapons and ammunition captured in both bases. Border Guard HQ prisoners allowed to change to civilian clothes and leave base. Prisoners from military base unknown if allowed to leave after surrender.
  • Name, rank and unit of Ukraine pilot SU25 attacked Lugansk Administration Building known. Complete conversation of pilot with control before, during and after attack recorded by Donbas Army.