1. Confirmed view live stream Grad missile battery firing salvos outskirts Slavyansk early morning 08.08.2014

2. Reports of Russian armored columns crossing in the Novorossiya at sunup 08.06.2014 are false.

3. Strong bombardment of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk still. Ukraine tanks firing in to living areas both cities as part of bombard.

4. Civilian casualties reported from on going artillery attack Slavyansk, 15.2 cm howitzer and 12.2 cm mortar in use with lighter field guns and aircraft.

5. Reports of 1944 IS 152 renovated by Novorossiya Army are false.

6. Heavy fighting village outskirts of Slavyansk 08.45 08.06.14.

7. краснолиманскому Army Novorossiya attack national guard/right sector units guard post near canal. Strong fighting 11:15 08.06.14.

8. Reports military park Ukraine Артемовске taken Army Novorossiya night 07-08 June 2014. Unconfirmed by onsight inspection.

9. On sight report Grad missile battery fires on Slavyansk from Kramachuk Mountain. Confirmed.

10. Strong armor column stopped outside Lugansk City. No activity from column as of 9:47 08.06.14.