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Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea

Written especially for Russia Insider The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerii Geletei is hardly a credible figure. Not only did he recently declare that Russia had threatened the Ukraine with nuclear strikes, he even told a Ukrainian journalist that Russia had already executed two tactical nuclear strikes on the city of Lugansk (apparently to explain why the Ukrainian forces had to retreat from there). The Junta later denied the story and

A couple of short items about Russia Insider and book for donations

Dear friends,First, I want to thank you all for your support and kind words about the Russia Insider project.  I am also truly delighted to be associated with this endeavor.Second, I wanted to clarify a few things about Russia Insider and my role in it.  Russia Insider is not a blog or a collective of blogs.  The format used by RI is deliberately kept to short(er) posts, not long analytical

America’s Plan B, and the Houthi fly in the ointment

by Mindfriedo   From the start of the conflict in Syria, one thing has been conspicuously absent: Balance, tit for tat, and eye for an eye. Hafiz Al Assad understood these concepts well. He kept his friends close and his enemies closer. The Israelis and the great powers understand balance, at least when dealing with equals. Bashar was overtly loyal to Iran and the resistance, he should have seen things

The “Russia Insider” project is officially launched today!

I am delighted to announce that I have been contacted by the editors of the new website Russia Insider and that I have accepted their offer to collaborate with them.  I did agree to this not only because I knew several of the excellent contributors to this project, but also because I truly believe that it is a much needed, timely and very important project (please see Russia Insider’s “About”

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 14 Sep – 20 Sep

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO More than one hundred Zakarpattya Border Guards were sent to front in the east. Groups photographs taken at the leaving parade show the extremes the Ukrainians have resorted to. The members are not of prime military age, are generally older adults. Their physique is very variable, including a significant proportion of extremes. The recruits are reported to have been given 2 weeks training. Four prisoners of

September 21 Ukraine and Russia mini-SITREP

Demonstrations in Russia:According to RT, 5’000 to 26’000 people have marched in the streets of Moscow demanding peace in the Ukraine.  According to Vzgliad,20 people demonstrated in Petrozavodsk and Saratov, 50 in Perm, up to 100 in Ekaterinburg, 10 in Novosibirsk, 15 in Syktyvkar and a few people in Barnaul.  What are important here are not the actual figures, but the order of magnitude.  What we clearly see is that

A couple of blog housekeeping news

Dear friends,I wanted to share with you a couple of blog housekeeping news. First, the “kinda-but-I-am-not-so-sure-bad” news: after both of the people whom I had asked to help me as pre-moderators bailed out on me (the first one due to disagreements in the format of the blog, the second due to personal issues) I have decided that when the new blog goes live I will do all the moderation myself.

Ukraine SITREP September 20, 23:34 UTC/Zulu: War or Peace?

[Quick note: I want to begin this SITREP with a correction to something which I mentioned in the last SITREP abouy General Bezler: even though his signature did appear to figure on the infamous statement of the four commanders declaring their loyalty to “General” Korsun, the information that he had been arrested is, according so sources qualified as “solid” by Colonel Cassad, not true.  Since I have no reason to

Quick note to my readers + Open Thread

Dear friends,Sorry for the long silence.  I am fine, just had some personal issues in meatspace to take care of, now I am back to normal and, God willing, I should have a Ukraine SITREP ready for you by the end of the afternoon.  Topic will include the Poroshenko speech, the latest “sellout” of Novorussia, the Minsk Memorandum, and the World Economic Forum’s so-called “Ukraine Initiative”.Stay tuned and give me

Poroshenko’s speech in front of the Imperial Senate (MUST WATCH!)

I know, it is nauseating, but still, please do watch it.  What Poroshenko is saying is that which the US deep state is thinking and, as such, it deserves our utmost attention (even if that means grabbing a psychological barf bag).And for those of you who might get seriously distressed by this sickening and hate-filled ceremony, I have included a short video showing that this nothing new: senates have always

Ukraine SITREP September 18, 17:30 UTC/Zulu: infighting everywhere

The situation in the Ukraine today is one of chaotic infighting in Novorussia and Banderastan.Novorussia: Aleksandr Zakharchenko The first sign of trouble became visible with Strelkov had to urgently come back to Donetsk to prevent the behind-the-scenes negotiations apparently taking place between some officials of the DNR and Ukie oligarchs including Akhmetov.  Then came the news of the sudden removal of Strelkov followed by an almost simultaneous removal of most

Malaysian Flight MH17 crash analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers

The original version of this post was published on the Oceania Saker Blog who spearheaded the effort to translate this most important document proving, if needed, that one can be down under and yet at the very top at the same time! The Saker——- Malaysian Flight MH17 crash analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers This is an excellent detailed analysis of the MH17 tragedy by the Russian Union of Engineers

Uniat priests calls for depriving Orthodox from basic civil rights

I just saw this one on YouTube and it is very good.  Here what it says about this video in the “About” section of the YouTube page: (with original spelling).“UA priest calls to deprive parishioners of Moscow Patriarchate churhces of rights to be elected and work in official organizations.  A bit ironic, as in fact he talks not about churches in Russia, but canonical local Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church which

On a lighter note: the BBC propaganda is still the best

Actually, there is some very serious stuff taking place – infighting in the Novorussian leadership is getting worse and worse but I need time to write up something more or less coherent.  So that is for later today or tomorrow.In the meantime, here are a few short ones:The BBC is the best!I saw the following to on the BBC’s website yesterday: “This was ferocious work, involving more precise firepower than

More short news items, a few comments and a quote by Felix Derzhinsky

Elections in Russia: the turnout was good, the result a crushing victory for Putin’s party.  There is exactly zero signs of a “Russian Maidan”.  The popularity of Putin is as high as ever and much, much higher than the popularity of any western leader.  The Putin-bashers everywhere have clearly failed to even have a marginal impact.Fall session of the Duma: all the party leaders spoke and all agree that harboring

Obama’s Smart Syria Play

by Fulan Nasrullah  If you ask me I will tel you that America watched the Cancer of Al-Baghdadi and his Islamic State spread from Syria back into Iraq to create an excuse to bomb Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. How? Remember earlier Obama wanted to carry out airstrikes against Syria’s government in retaliation for a highly questionable chemical attack, despite the fact that earlier in 2013 Iraq arrested over 150 Islamic

A couple of short news items

Dear friends,I couple of short ones today.First, according to the EU Parliament member Wolfgang Gerke (sp?) the EU is debating making a list of Russian journalists to be barred from entering the EU.  Banderastan already has such a black list with 35 names.  So much for “democratic” and “European” “free speech” values.  The Russian press is openly laughing. Feel the love! Second, those who had any doubts about where the
