The myth of the” Soviet occupation” began to show cracks at the moment when Euro-integration has depopulated Latvia by half. And it’s not even ethnic Russians who are eager to destroy the myth, but Latvians.

Recent debates among Latvians on the Facebook were set off by Inara Ballade’s post in which she blames the Latvian “patriots” for brainwashing the population.

“It’s disgusting to read this fictional and strained nonsense of the nationalistic maniacs. I was born in the LSSR in 1960. I have never felt any occupation. My parents weren’t members of any party (Communist). I got free education in Latvian, was fluent in Russian and English. I graduated from the Conservatory of Musical Arts for free.

We had a happy childhood, free education, ecologically clean food. We shouldn’t say that our life in the USSR was in vain and unfit for the motherland.”

In addition, this Latvian woman rejecting beliefs in the “Soviet occupation,” reminded his compatriots that they, in fact, are stupid to live in debt.

“You all are poor as a church mouse. While blaming the “occupation,” you have destroyed all the manufacturing and production, you created unemployment, driving out the third of population into voluntary exile. Russian ruble, among other things, was more stable, and ten kopeks could buy you a lot of things. You cannot say the same about centimes”.

I would like to say that IT finally got them. And it is not only about  some ordinary woman, but also about more or less sane Latvian politicians.

In February of this year, the former head of the Communist party of the LSSR Alfred Rubiks, who not only successfully fit into the market, but even served as a member of the European Parliament, recalled how much was done under “occupation.”

“In those days, we built thousands apartments a year, which people received for free. Yes, people would have to wait for those apartments, and they were not as chic as modern, but very few can afford these luxury apartments today, anyway. Those who stole from us were engaged in speculation, which is now proudly called business. In Soviet times, people were coming to Latvia to live here and work, and now hundreds of thousands have left the country. At the end of the 80’s Latvia had almost 2.7 million inhabitants, now less than half remains. With this we are approaching centenary of Latvia.”

With what Riga is approaching the centenary of Latvia the European Commission knows perfectly well. Here is the forecast made three years ago, it is still relevant now. Adjustments can be safely made in the direction of deterioration.

“LTV.LV: Troubling statistics published by the Euro Commission shows that by 2060 in Latvia 1/3 of population will be people of 65 and older. Our country in at the top as an actively dying EU member. According to the Euro Commission the population will be reduced by 500.000 people by 2050.”

If Brussels aware of poor Latvian affairs, why don’t they take action? The answer is obvious: Latvia was originally intended to be “eaten.” As other “young democracies” like Bulgaria that is dying out even more rapidly.

Therefore, the EU closes its eyes on all these marches of SS Legionnaires in Riga and other tricks of local nationalistic howling about the “Soviet occupation.” Let them amuse themselves, because 50 years from now Latvia will cease to exist.

Scott Humor,

the Director of Research and Development

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