by Scott Humor

As a cautionary illustration of the famous saying that “Что Русскому здорово, то Немцу смерть” or What’s healthy for a Russian would kill a German. Or an American, in this case.

On September 8th, a pilot was killed in a plane crash at the Groom Lake, the USAF’s secret test base deep in the NTTR also referred as the Nevada Test and Training Range by the Air Force.

Lt. Col. Eric Schultz, 44, died from injuries sustained in an accident in which an aircraft crashed around 6 p.m. local time on Tuesday at the range, located about 100 miles northwest of Nellis Air Force Base, according to a release from the base.

At first, the Washington regime tried to silence this crash and the death of the pilot, mostly because it was caught with its pants down secretly flying the Russian aircraft that was allegedly bought from Azerbaijan.

“Information about the type of aircraft involved is classified and not releasable,” Maj. Christina Sukach, chief of public affairs for the 99 Air Base Wing at Nellis, said in an email.

There was also a delay in the story reaching news media that raised further questions since the accident was reported after another accident  that took place on September 7, when  Two A-10 Thunderbolt II Jets collided and crashed near Nellis AFB in Nevada.

Maj. Christina Sukach is also an Executive Officer for the Office of Public Affairs of  the National Guard Bureau Public Affairs in Washington  and  a former Chief of Emerging Technology for the Air Force Public Affairs Agency. Only back then he/she had a name Chris Sukach.

Why am I writing about it? It’s because the word Sukach  is used as a last name by people coming from the western lands of Russia, like the Ukraine and Belarus. It actually means a spinner, like a device or a person who twists wool and cotton fibers into yarn. correspondent Guy Norris wrote on September 11, that Schultz was the Red Hats squadron commander at the time of his death. “The Red Hats became an unnumbered unit within the Detachment 3, AFTC test wing after the 413th flight test squadron (formerly 6513th test squadron) was deactivated in 2004. Over recent years the unit has operated a variety of Russian-developed combat types, including the MiG-29 and several Sukhoi-developed models such as the Su-27P, one of which was recently observed flying in the vicinity.”

However,  despite of the best Sukach ‘s efforts to obfuscate the public,  it became known almost immediately that Eric Schultz crashed on the Russian Flanker, a single seat Su-27P.

Magomed Tolboev, a legendary test pilot and an Honorary President of the MAKS international Airshow commented on the accident saying that a month ago, during the MAKS 2017 air show, he had a conversation with Eric Schultz and warned him against trying to try to replicate breathtaking, physics-defying maneuvers performed by the Russian pilots.

“I told him, don’t try to do what we do. Just one degree off makes a huge difference.”

Tolboev said that the American and British military pilots are well trained professionals, but there are nuances of the Russian pilots’ technique that the US and UK pilots  cannot master.

“I told him that he will die. You cannot replicate what I do. There is an edge here, (beyond which you cannot advance.)”


Russian SU 37! This Baby is definitely flying like UFO! OMG how it’s possible! AMAZING!


As America marches further down the road towards a real war with Russia, it’s looking and acting more and more like the Ukraine since the beginning of the US occupation in 2014, and not just because both countries are ruled by offspring of the Eastern European shtetlekh dwellers.

Russia has never showed up for the Ukrainian war, but the Ukraine keeps fighting with itself, shedding the territories, and loosing reportedly up to 10 million people, in interim.

Russia has not showed up for the American war, either, but Americans have already sustained heavy losses to its naval, air and special forces. On September 14th, for example, one special Ops soldier was  killed and at least 15 others were injured during demolitions training at the army base Fort Bragg in North Carolina, reportedly “the largest military installation in the world (by population) with more than 50,000 active duty personnel.”

All of these following the self-inflicted losses of the US Navy 7th fleet during the summer.

Americans are remarkably unreceptive to the voice of reason, as the case with Lt. Col. Eric Schultz demonstrates. This not only makes them the perfect match with the Ukrainian extremists, but also equally horrifyingly entertaining show to observe.


The featured cartoon is a rendition of unconfirmed rumors that Russians communicate with extraterrestrials and being helped by them.

“Thank you for your service.”

“I serve Russia!”


Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

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In case you have forgotten what happened in Ukraine, this book should refresh your memory with the incredibly precise and humorous chronicles: ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN HUMOR: FROM MAIDAN TO TRUMP