[this column was written for the Unz Review]
The past week has been quite intense in Russia – lots of interesting developments took place, and today I will mention three:
- Putin wrote a very interesting essay on the history of Russia and the Ukraine, which he followed up with a very interesting interview.
- Russia just concluded final tests for truly formidable weapons systems like the S-500 and the Mach 8 hypersonic missile Zircon.
- In its yearly aviation salon MAKS, Russia has just presented a 5th generation, single engine light multi-functional fighter the Su-75 “Checkmate” (shown here)

Sukhoi Su-75
These are all truly huge developments for Russia which we need to look into separately.
Putin’s history of Russia and the Ukraine
First, I highly recommend that you take the time to read the full article here and the full interview here (there is no point for me to use the space here to pepper you with excerpts), especially if you are not well-acquainted with Russian history or live in Zone A. Furthermore, being the “Putin groupie and fanboy” which I so-notoriously am (guilty as charged!), I won’t surprise anybody by saying that I agree with almost every word Putin wrote or spoke. And, frankly, all the facts Putin lists are really common knowledge for most people (unless they have been brainwashed by US/Ukronazi propaganda) and there is really no point for me to repeat “yes, this is true” and “yes, he is right” over and over again.
So all I propose to do next is to just to add a few comments of mine about this article+interview (I will assume that readers will have read them both; if not, I suggest completely skipping this section),
- First, as I just said, there is absolutely nothing new in this article for educated people. But that is not Putin’s target audience anyway. Putin’s target audience are the younger generations (in the Ukraine, the West and even, alas, Russia proper!) who know very little, if anything, about history. And while this is also true of Russia, this is especially true in the Ukraine where people have been massively brainwashed since 1917 (as Putin explains this very well in his article).
- The real reason why this article caused such a stir in Russia and *total* hysterics amongst the Ukronazi nutcases (who, again, are now predicting an imminent Russian invasion, what else?) is that while these facts were known for decades, but considered very politically incorrect to mention them lest the Ukrainians get offended: from the late 80s and until now, the Ukronazis taught a very different version of history, which includes coming from the Sumerian civilization, building the pyramids in Egypt, digging the Black Sea, founding the ancient Aryan civilization, etc. Even more crucially, the official Ukronazi narrative claims that Russians and Ukrainians are completely different people (Ukies are true, pure, Aryans while Russians are Ugro-Altaic Mongols). So what Putin did with this article is simply to (finally!) proclaim that the emperor is naked and the clueless Ukies ignorant of their own history.
- This article also marks a rather dramatic change of tone from the Kremlin. In the past the Kremlin always tried to maintain a polite and respectful attitude towards the Ukies and their Wakanda-like delusions about history. Now this is over, Russia has finally and openly decided to declare to the Ukies (and the rest of the world!) that their founding myths are based on precious *nothing* and that Russia is done treating this utter nonsense as if it has any factual basis in the adult world.
I would like to offer one more commentary on Putin’s statements.
I believe that there has been a “war of words” waged by the Ukrainian nationalists against the Russians for many decades (I remember listening to the Ukie service of RL/RFE and I was always amazed at the completely open hatred – bordering on racist bigotry – of the Ukie propaganda; even when compared to all the other national minority services of RL/RFE which, I assure you, included a lot of bone fide nutcases in many of its services) and the Russian side was mostly quiet and demure lest the Ukies get offended. That is now over, in this war of words Russia will now use her verbal ammunition to debunk the Ukronazi pseudo-historical fairy tales. I very much welcome that!
Finally, I believe that the Kremlin is already working on “post-Ze” options. Frankly, this also comes not a second too soon! The Ukraine has been in free fall for years already, but even by Ukie standards the chaos and tensions which are taking place now have grown into full scale hysterics which is both truly amazing and very concerning (I will spare you all the details now, I have enough such articles already posted, but I will probably have to revisit this slow agony in the near future). I get the feeling that the Kremlin expects a truly bona fide Nazis leader to come to power by one way or another after “Ze” (Note: while “Ze” did end up catering to the Ukronazis, he himself is most definitely not “the real thing” – he only pretends). Maybe a “President Avakov” next (no Nazi either, by the way, just a man very skilled at using Nazis)?
The bottom line is this: the final collapse of the Ukraine is what the Kremlin is now openly waiting for next. And even if “Biden” wants to force “Ze” to abide by the Minsk Agreements, this will mean the end for “Ze” and a return to full/total power of the Ukronazis. Why? There are roughly three forces in the Ukraine right now, at least apparently:
- The regime in power (“Ze” and his gang)
- The opposition (mostly the OPZZh party)
- The real hardcore Nazis (you can think of them as the Ukie version of the Hutu “Interahamwe” in Rwanda
The regime is in deep agony and simply not viable.
The opposition is divided, often politically discredited and lacks both a clear leader and a clear vision.
In sharp contrast, the Ukronazis gang is small, but very well organized, very well funded and very well led (most of the “street level” Ukronazi leaders are imbeciles like Liashko or, better, Tiagnibok, but Avakov is no idiot, he is good at working with his US patrons and with the truly crazy folks like Andrei Biletskii or Aleksei Danilov).
True, in the long term the political prospects of the opposition look pretty good, as they have a few (very few?) pretty sharp leaders, and their program recommends better relations with Russia, something truly vital (literally!) for the Ukraine. But I don’t see the opposition having the strength to take on the Ukronazis just yet: first “Ze” needs to go, the Ukronazis need to seize full control of power again, and then come up with some truly crazy shit (that all Nazis are good for, as history has shown) which will break-up the Ukraine into various successor states. Only at that point will the current opposition have good political chances in the eastern and southern parts of the Ukraine. But the current situation is too complex and too fluid to take anybody’s guesses and predictions too seriously. Only time will truly show.
The S-500 and Zircon weapons systems have now been fully tested
The quick way to summarize this development is to say that both the S-500 and the Zircon have no comparable competitors anywhere in the world, not even vaguely comparable ones. Both the S-500 and the Zircon missiles are way, waaaay ahead of any other weapons system in their categories. Even better, the Empire has nothing, and really I mean absolutely nothing, it could oppose to either one of these weapons systems. And with not too much hyperbole, it would be fair to say that, once fully deployed, the S-500 will make most of the US/NATO aviation and tactical/operational and even some strategic missiles completely obsolete. As for the Zircon, it does the same thing to the USN’s surface fleet. To say that this is huge would be an understatement, especially since US/NATO force planners must now decide what to do about this, and that is no small task considering that is now becoming obvious that US/NATO force planners made some truly major mistakes in their assumptions about what the modern 21st century battlefield will really look like. Force planning deals with many immense technological and bureaucratic inertia and to “simply change course” is not “simple” at all: it typically takes decades!
I have no doubt that the US MIC propaganda machine will now talk a lot about US ‘hypersonic’ weapons and about 6th generation super-dooper aircraft. But let’s be honest here: the US hypersonic weapons program is in its infancy (at best) and is struggling. As for the USAF, it will take it many years to at least reduce the long list of major problems of the F-35, and even that is not a real solution: while I am sure that, given enough time, the USAF/USN will find a way to use this aircraft effectively (at least against non-peer adversaries), the only real solution to this ugly mess is to not only quickly revive the F-15 (in its F-15X form, which looks promising), but also to embark on the development of a 5++ generation aircraft while at the same time working on a real, truly 6th gen, successor (in the good sense of the word) for the F-35. This being said, if the F-35 proves anything, it is that the Pentagon and the US MIC are corrupt beyond what any words could express (from a purely corruption point of view the F-35 was a stunning success!) and this begs the question: can these guys even develop a halfway decent or even a good aircraft?! Or has the country which developed the superb F-16, A-10, 747 or the F-15 lost its ability to produce truly superb aircraft? I don’t know.
What do you think?
The brand new 5th generation single-engine Su-75 “Checkmate”
This is really THE news of the day! This is nothing short of earth-shattering. Let’s begin with a list of factoids I tried to collect from different sources: (since all this info was only unveiled a few hours ago, there might still be mistakes, so caveat emptor!)
- Name: Sukhoi Su-75 “Checkmate”
- High commonality with Su-57
- Single engine (crucial!)
- 3D thrust vectoring of the engine
- Top speed 2400 km/h (about 1500mph or 1300 knots or just under Mach 2)
- Thrust vectoring engines
- 30M dollars typical cost
- 5,5 years development only (using supercomputers)
- 1500km combat range
- STOL (shorter than Su-57’s about 400m)
- Max load: 7.5 tons
- Service Ceiling just under 17km
- Max load: 8+ G
- Ferry range 3000km+ (on internal fuel)
- Low RCS
- Advanced avionics and all glass cockpit
- The Belka N036 AFAR antenna with a detection range of 350-400km
- Long, medium and short range weapons for any targets
- Can engage 6-8 targets (in air, land, water and air defenses) simultaneously
- Will feature the long-range 30P6 air to air missile (range: about 160km)
- AI support and guidance
- Five air-to-air missiles carried internally
- Onboard advanced EW defenses
- The Su-75 has a canon carried inside its internal sections
- The Su-75 can be configured as a single and double seater
- There will be a pilotless version of the Su-75 (automated and remote-controlled)
- The Su-75 has advanced datalinks allowing it to operate together with other aircraft or drones
- Supercruise (not sure? Probably only in a future engine)
- The aircraft is “open architecture” (so it can be adapted to specific needs)
- Sukhoi expects to sell about 300 Su-75 in the next 15 years or so
- The Su-75 can be adapted for naval carrier use
- The target clients are the both the Russian Aerospace Forces (RuASF) and foreign clients (but only export versions for foreign clients).
- Its first flight is scheduled for 2023 and adoption by the RuASF is, assuming a contract is confirmed, set for 2025.
- Price: 25-30 million dollars depending on specific requirements

View of the Su-75’s glass cockpit
What do I make of these characteristics? Here are some of my thoughts (keep in mind that while I did some work with the Swiss Air Force, I am not an aerospace engineer, so take all I say with at least a pound or two of salt and wait for real experts to pitch in!).
First, this is a much needed aircraft for Russia which currently does not have modern single engine combat aircraft. Currently, the “core” aircraft of the RuASF are all big twin engines: Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-34, .etc. Even the much smaller “F-16 counterpart”, the Mig-29, has two engines. Even the (comparatively) smaller MiG-35 is a twin engine. These are all superb aircraft, but a single-engine aircraft would be much cheaper, not only to purchase, but even more so to maintain.
Second, Russia’s main weakness when compared to the US/NATO is primarily quantitative: while they are much inferior, US/NATO aircraft are produced in huge numbers the Russian industrial base and finances cannot match, at least not by producing very advanced but also very expensive aircraft a la Su-35S. The RuASF needs many cheap but highly effective combat aircraft and the Su-75 might well be “the” dream machine for Russia.
Third, a single-engine 5th generation aircraft for about 30 million dollars is an extremely attractive option, especially with its open architecture. Especially when its only competitor is the truly pathetic F-35 (which is really not much of a 5th gen aircraft, at least for the foreseeable future (especially since it has fundamentally flawed core-design issues, read all about it here).
By the way, the Russians are officially denying that they wanted to make a “Russian response” to the F-35. They say that the F-35 and the Su-75 are in completely different categories and when you look at such parameters are speed, maneuverability, max load or, especially, price, you can see that the Russians are fundamentally correct: it’s not “just” that the Su-75 is a much superior aircraft, it is really in a completely different “punching weight” category.
Fourth, just like a truly effective air defense system requires different weapons systems all integrated into a single network and working together, so does tactical/operational aviation. These are the main categories the RuASF needs to fill: CAS aircraft (Su-25M), strike aircraft (Su-24M and Su-34), air superiority and interceptors (Su-30SM, Su-35S), advanced long-range interceptors (MiG-31BM) and a cheap, ubiquitous but very capable “dogfighter” for the frontline aviation which can deal with enemy aircraft while also supporting the ground forces: the Su-75. Russians did built some very good single fighters in the past, including the MiG-23 (criticized in the West, but loved by Russian pilots) and, arguably, the most successful fighter ever built, the MiG-21. So Russians know how to do that, they just have not done that in way too many years and the appearance of the Su-75 comes “not a second too late” for the Russian military which will finally have a truly “full-spectrum” of modern, indigenously built, combat aircraft.
Fifth, not only does the Su-75 have a lot of common systems with the Su-57, but it appears that the Russians are working on combining their long-range radars (MiG-31BM, Su-57 and A-50M) with combat drones (like the Orion and the large S-70) with either “silent” (non-radiating aircraft) and advanced, but still smaller and cheaper aircraft, like the Su-75. Combine that with the most advanced air defense network on the planet, and you will see why US/NATO advocates are severely butthurt by all this :-)
Here is a good image showing how similar the Su-75 and Su-57 are externally:
There were some speculations that the Russians were working on a successor for their Yak-141 VSTOL combat aircraft (which the US Americans tried to copy as a basis for their F-35, “improved upon” and, eventually, miserably failed), but the Russians have appeared to be content with “only” STOL capabilities. Considering the catastrophic failure of the F-35B (and the non-deployment of the Yak-141) might be the wiser choice. If the Su-75 ever makes it on a carrier of some kind, short catapult-assisted take-offs is probably the wiser solution.
One last thing: for the first time in decades the Russians have (finally!) managed to keep things really hush-hush and there were almost zero leaks about the Su-75, and most of those which did happen were carefully orchestrated by the Russian authorities. I am not talking about the mass media like Argumenty i Fakty or Popular Mechanics. Even the specialized press had only a few good guesses about what this “soon to be unveiled and totally new 5th gen fighter” would look like. There were a few partial photos, some drawings, a few partial photos, all augmented by educated guesses. Not only that, but there is still a *lot* we don’t know, including on some really important topics like the Su-75 radar and longest range air-to-air missiles. So we can conclude that the Russian counter-intelligence services have finally gotten a good grip on the security situation and are now capable of keeping secret that which needs to be kept secret. Again, this is a much needed and very positive development.
This has been a long and important week for Russia which, I think, illustrates a few important things:
- The Russians have clearly lost their very last illusions about the Nazi-occupied Ukraine and are now actively preparing the “post-Ze” period.
- Putin feels the popular pressure and is embarking on a PR campaign in preparation for the next elections.
- The Russian MIC is doing better than ever and the recent Russian high-tech successes show that Russia has gone into what they call a “high-quality separation” (качественный отрыв) from the West or Asia.
All in all, this is all good news.
The Saker
PS: just for fun, here is the (a somewhat silly) video of the presentation of the Su-75 at MAKS 2021 (I note with some amusement that neither the BBC nor CNN did not mention this event by a single word, at least as far as I know at the time of writing this)
The best of today’s Ukrainian youth have fled West, in terms of work ethic, savvy they’re behind the Polish & Afghanistan migrants and only just ahead of the Romanians; only God knows what the future holds for that regime which bet all on ZATO membership and the closest it got to that Circus was a Reality TV Show Host/Comedian/Actor who seen himself in the Trumplethinskin, Schwarzenegger and Russian Ambassador, Steven Segal mould, when he should’ve been thinking more Ellen Degenerate.
Not all flee in the west. The clever Ukrainans flee into Russia ;)
Rostec not only produced a serious platform for Russian aviation and world sales, it produced a Publicity campaign as good as any the MIC ever has had in anticipation of an air show with world wide attention.
Soon, Russia will learn to do similarly with its diplomacy efforts, its humanitarian efforts and its cultural developments.
Meanwhile, Putin, Shoigu and the brains in the MIC deserve medals for the Checkmate, S-500 and the array of hypersonic weapons.
Russians are second to none in what counts–national sovereignty and national security.
In all fairness, let’s put the engineers first. All credit to the leadership, but they get enough credit as it is. Russian engineering has so often been dismissed, but they have always produced great kit that lasts, and is usually cost effective.*
*Well maybe not the Alfa Subs.
Also the toolmakers, machinists and craftsmen that make it all happen. As opposed to the social engineers and money shufflers the west now produces.
Yes. I have the impression that while “the West” is almost all just a marketing operation, both the USSR and Russia have been very humble in presenting their achievements.
Very true.
It’s particularly delicious watching the impact of the ongoing irreversible shift in the global balance of forces upon the humble and the arrogant alike with the latter facing utter defeat at the hands of the former.
Summation of my comments over at the asylum that is the Unz comment section: Su-75 looks to match (sacrificing a bit of range and payload) any 5th gen two engine plane with a single engine platform that costs 1/3 the price of a f-35. If you factor in maintenance, perhaps 1/4! However there are a couple caveats:
#1 Can Russia produce the Izdeliye-30 Engine on time, up to spec, and in sufficient numbers? The success of this engine is pivotal to completing the ‘Checkmate’.
#2 As Martyanov stresses: The platform is just a platform. What weapons can it carry and in what configurations, be it external or stealth enhancing internally? And can they produce them in sufficient numbers? The US suffers from this as well. It’s all good to have the best kit, but if you exhaust your reserves before the first week of war is up, where are you now?
Russia can match the West qualitatively. But given its huge size, Russia also needs to have a qualitative match to truly dominate in any (god willing never will happen) major power war. But then that is part of the impetus to produce the Su-75…
I meant Quanitative the 2nd time…sloppy :)
July 28, Geneva Arms Control Talks
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia and the United States have agreed to hold their first round of nuclear strategic stability talks on July 28 in Geneva, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Tuesday.
U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed at a summit in Geneva last month to embark on bilateral dialogue to lay the groundwork for future arms control and risk reduction measures.
This is what seeing Zircon missile tests does for getting the Hegemon back to talking about controlling nuclear weapons. Lavrov and Putin have been talking about this for more than a year. Biden needs some kind of “win”. And the pace of Russia pulling away from the US in strategic weapon dominance is breathtaking. The US has to want to slow down Russia and then hopefully get China into the agreements.
It’s a beginning in Geneva next week. Long road ahead. And a real treaty needs Congress which won’t want to agree with anything about Russia being an equal to the US.
This twit/er has interesting tweets and vids.
Stuff I’m not seeing elsewhere.
Rob Lee’s twitter is a Russian Mil info aggregation source.
Doesn’t have relevance beyond the assemblage of videos.
Trouble is NO treaty with the USA is worth the paper it’s written on. The USA breaks treaties & agreements at will – -but of course everyone here knows that. So it’s all show & means sweet FA.
I’m glad Putin is pushing back against the Ukronazis. Indulging racist, Aryan mythology is dangerous for the Russian minority still trapped in Ukraine. As Ukraine plunges into darkness they will need scapegoats. Larger scale versions of Odessa are possible. If the Russian Federation does nothing; the only thing the U.S. will do is raise Ukraine’s score in the global democracy index https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index#By_country
I hope Russia can meet its production goals for the SU-75 since they only showed a mock-up. Iran could sure use a couple squadrons of high quality, low cost fighters to prevent aggression. A lot can happen in 5yrs.
We will celebrate the day Odessa returns to mother Russia. Those poor people have suffered tremendously since Euromaidan. There is a genocide happening against Russians, Jews and Romanians living in Odessa. Remember the hunt against protesters when Ukrainian Neonazis burned them alive in 2014. And the EU and America did NOTHING to condemn this
There’s no genocide against Jews taking place in Ukraine. They’re the ones running the current regime and organising the massacre of Russians (as well as anyone else who opposes them), as punishment for Russia opposing their plan for the destruction of Syria.
I went to war & peace .ru & lo behold, the link took me to one here fyi
The “Mega Group” (see F. Reiner & Whitney Webb) may have met their Waterloo!
These new SUs jets are too expensive for Russia to be manufactured in quantities to replaced obsolete Soviet’s designs, and no chances for any export.
If these jets are part of some testing platform, than it’s fine, but plese stop telling “Checkmate”,
it’s ridiculous.
This is by all appearances marketing and PR, but absolutely nontrivial Rusia-brand recognition. Checkmate, without an airplane, is pretty stunning, don’t you think ‘,O I call this a solid marketing coup, to say it’s anything more is probably just wishful thinking, especially considering the redundancy of fighter aircraft with emp weapons.
Year 1998, economic disaster in Russia, I honestly firmly believed that Russia was doomed and finished.
If somebody told me then what will happen in 22 or 23 years I would call asylum for lunatics to send ambulance van to take him away…
OK, I would like to see this Checkmate flying, but 2023 is not very far in the future.
Ukraine…it is disaster. Russia has to save Novorussia.
Again, Russia has to continue rising life standard for its people. Things are getting better but it is still not good enough.
What is good is new report from the UN, Russia is the best in the world in category of extreme poverty. Just 0.27% or about 400 000 people. And 6% of relative poverty.
And this is excellent result. But still has to be better.
Russia MUST be the best in the world. Better than the best western countries.
Russia finaly launched long awaited NAUKA module to ISS.
So many good things but still not good enough.
And what is beyond me is that Russians hesitating to get vaccinated so Russia has problem with explosion of Covid again.
They have best vaccines in the world…I really do not understand them.
I think there are a lot of reasons for the lack of vaccinations in Russia.
1.The history of not trusting the government (any government’s) propaganda about something,in Russia is very strong.
2.The Western media attacking the Russian vaccine,and some in Russia have heard that, and are leery to take it.
3.Russia is a huge country.And I hear that in some areas its not available yet (especially in rural areas,and small cities).
4.The Russian government didn’t really push vaccination campaigns until recently. And people really believed the messages they heard about “it’s your choice if you want it or not”.
5.And probably a lot more reasons on the individual level than I can think of right now.
Uncle Bob, I would hope that the main reason is Putin saying that vaccination was voluntary. As in, Take it or Leave it, that’s your prerogative. I know people who really believe this RNA experiment is a vaccine, and are willing to pay for the privilege of being test animals. That is their privilege, and Russia has provided it. But I and other people that I know do not want this RNA injection, we prefer ordinary flu vaccine such as Sinovac because Covid-19 looks like an ordinary flu. That is our preference, and Putin has respected that preference for the Russian people.
It will be interesting to see how many Russians take the RNA jab, given they really have a free choice.
I often agree with you on most things Bosnian Croat but not regarding the vaccinations. Yes, vaccinations should be made available and be an option to those who want it. But there are many treatments out there both allopathic and natural that can both treat and cure Covid. I won’t go through them as much has been written about them and literally thousands of doctors, virologists and other experts have talked about better more effective options. Unfortunately, the average person out there can’t be bothered finding this information and just rely on approved sources. For a start, why doesn’t Russia and the rest of the world ban smoking. Covid is lethal to the respiratory system. Survival rates would skyrocket if people just stopped smoking.
As for me, I’ll stick to my natural supplement protocol, exercise, fresh air and good nutrition and I think I’ll be fine. If need be I’d consider ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine together with ozone therapy for a more conventional approach that is virtually risk free.
Funny how things work though…
When covid was making the rounds late 2019 early 2020, in my little corner of europe, every coworker got it with visible symptoms but the smoking ones. Those either didnt get it or where asymptomatic. This is a 1st person report, not a “i know a friend”.
Tobacco has medicinal properties and was used by doctors against flu . I have the info. Of course it concerns native varieties, present day varieties have been selected for high nicotine content and also the natural process of curing etc without the additions of chemicals etc.Present day cigarettes etc are full of habit forming substances.
I don’t smoke and adise people if asked not to smoke
In the 18th and 19th Centuries it was thought in English medical circles that persons drowned in the sea could be revived by pumping tobacco smoke directly into the rectum, per anum, in the fashion of an enema. Facilities were set up at various likely points around the coast to enable this emergency life saving procedure. It is not known how many (if any) drowning victims were resuscitated in this way, but I believe the scheme failed in the end because of the difficulty and expense of keeping the necessary store of tobacco safe from the attention of thieves.
I’ve been following Dr. Roger Seheult at MedCram for over a year. Nicotine is anti-inflammatory and nitrous oxide dilates blood vessels. So smokers are actually faring better than non-smokers for Covid.
My friend, our society is pretty divided and demoralised, due to western information war efficiency for the last 30 years. Nobody on the news is talking about truly breakthrough things we achieved, for example how much things we’ve built last three years. Thousands of facilieties in industry, agriculture, high tech etc, look it up on youtube. But noone is interested. Lot of people in my social space dont care about Russia and achievements, they talk only about bad things and how we are inferior. And ethnic minorities in republics are infested with nationalism, sponsored from elsewhere. I’m not even talking about cultural subversion, for example shadow and bone on netflix, it’s a mockery and aimed at children with forming identity. Well, they must do something about all this, fast and most importantly smart. As we say in runet – Silence! Survival of the fittest is underway.
The praise in this article for the Ukrainian Nazis (‘The real hardcore Nazis (you can think of them as the Ukie version of the Hutu “Interahamwe” in Rwanda’) is odd.
1. The interahamwe had a baTúutsi president (Robert Kajuga) and treasurer. It did not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, to the extent that it became so heavily Ugandan invader baTúutsi (RPF/Inkotanyi) infiltrated that (per Dallaire et alia at the ICTR Military II trial), Dallaire arranged for them to receive bullet proof vests.
2. The neonazi’s in the Ukraine operate all over. Per Dallaire et alia (ibid), the interahamwe operated only in Kigali, even as HRW et alia blamed them for every massacre all over Rwanda.
3. The neonazi’s are heavily armed. The interahamwe were not.
In terms of genocidal conduct, the obvious comparison would be Ukrainian Nazis and Inkotanyi/RPF. See eg. Eric Hakizimana’s estimate of 1-2 million baHutu killed, vs 100-200 thousand baTúutsi (difference between 1991 census and IBUKA survivor estimates). Note that Hakizimana is former RPF, and IBUKA is RPF aligned.
The RPF would kill baHutu by bashing in their skulls with hoes (the famous photos are piles of baHutu skulls, and the beheaded bodies floating down rivers were baHutu bodies, murdered by RPF, as even Judy Rever [In Praise of Blood] acknowledges), when not throwing grenades into homes, or doing 24/7 artillery fire on residential areas and refugee camps (the reason for the constant US and Canadian supply flights to Uganda…). In that sense they outdid the Ukrainian Nazis.
You know, the most underappreciated part of all these innovations is that Russia was in a death spiral in 1999-2000s. Putin & Co are historically exceptional leaders.
Now on the dark side, the ethnically Russian population is dropping fast. Most families have just one child maybe two. 4-7% are 2+ families. Last year Russia lost about half a mil people. This year Russia is slated to lose about a mil. Marriage rate is on a historic low with people on their 30s mostly single. Spiritually Russia is also at a bleak point.
With liberals occupying the most important state functions this won’t change anytime soon. Putin’s conceptual reframing is a good change in policy. A political expert lay’s down the prospects of Russia if current social and cultural policies are continued (in Russian, if there is some interest I will translate the clip and reupload it barring permission of radio aurora [criticism from the Russian left wing] ):
Not much can be done at this moment. Russia has entered demographic black hole from nineties…so next ten years or so is going to be very harsh for russian demography.
Disaster from nineties will haunt Russia for long long long time.
disagree… VVP has recently put in some strong measures to twist the trendlines… also there is appearing many cross-culture mingling btwn rus + chi at the local border… if chi give full support to VVP plan, then in as little as 2 yrs we should see greenshots… china has just annouced 3 children per family plan, approved by CCP officially now… but yes, in rus culture, the young ones are of the freedom-type… so the rus gov will need to do more to sell the family plan :) w RC population increasing stadily, the royal bloods of the west will (if they hvnt) freaked out!
p/s Nachtigall still working on the zen story I hvnt forgoten…
please bwbs, hurry, I might f up my karma because I cannot take the vitriol of Austrian “Achtgroschenjungen” journos in their little cubicle offices and let them feel the heat for a change. I’m seriously gettin aggravated by these limb degenerates.
Update: For those who do not know: Youtube has an auto-translate function in its desktop version. First click on the ‘CC’ symbol and then click on the small cog symbol then “Subtitles..” auto-translate and choose your language. The machine translation is not great, but you can understand the content more or less.
Interesting quote by an arguably true “nazi” (if ever there was one!) concerning the racial features of central Ukrainian population. My (only slightly abbreviated) translation from German:
At lunch, the boss told us that his flight to Poltava [town in central Ukraine], which had took place the day before to discuss the situation […], had caused his ideas about race to slightly totter.
For in Poltava he had seen so many blue-eyed and blond women that – considering the pictures of Norwegian oder even Dutch women that he was shown with regard to marriage approvals – he would rather not talk about “northernizing”, but instead talk about the necessity of “southernizing” our European Northern countries. – end of quote
Original quote:
Beim Mittagessen erzählte der Chef, daß sein gestriger Flug nach Poltawa – Besprechung der Lage mit Generalfeldmarschal v. Bock, OB der Heeresgruppe Süd – seine Rasseauffassungen leicht ins Wanken gebracht habe.
In Poltawa habe er nämlich so viele blauäugige blonde Frauen gesehen, daß er – wenn er an die ihm bei Heiratsgenehmigungen vorgelegten Bilder von Norwegerinnen oder etwa gar von Holländerinnen denkte – am liebsten statt von “Aufnordern” von der Notwendigkeit des “Aufsüdens” unserer europäischen Nordstaaten sprechen möchte. – end of quote
bibl. source: Dr. Henry Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier, Seewald Verlag, 3. Auflage 1976/77, S.345 (2.6.1942 mittags, Wolfsschanze).
Looking at the Ukrainian imbroglio I wonder if this non-sovereign state has ever been viable. Seems to me it was centered around Kiev and then put together like a Lego set by Lenin in 1922 and Stalin in 1945. The western part of this ‘state’ was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, catholic and Polish, and the part of Russia was east of the Dnieper. I remember travelling from East to West from Donetsk to Khmelnytskyi (a holiday resort in the foothills of the Carpathians) and the atmosphere was totally different. Donetsk was overwhelmingly Russian, a centre of mining and heavy industry, and was apparently founded by a Welshman – John Hughes – and became known initially as Yuzovka. The west of the country was very different: basically agricultural and tourism seemed to be its economy. The Crimea was basically Russian and Odessa was a Russian outpost in the far west of the country. There were also national minorities of Hungarian, Romanian and Moldovan in the west. How this pantomime horse was going to hold together was a mystery to me. And so it seems to have transpired.
There are actually quite a few “pantomime horse” countries out there existing and thriving.—Switzerland comes to mind immediately, with its 4+ languages,—Belgium where roughly half the population speaks Dutch and the other half speaks French,—Afghanistan which is a crazy-quilt of several different ethnic and tribal groups but they all share an overall Afghan identity,—or Iraq with its Kurdish and Arabic divisions. Except for Iraq, none
of those countries face any serious effort by neighbors to dismember them along ethnic lines.—Ukraine however
seems to face serious efforts to dismember it and completely obliterate it, and resettle most of the land with “true Russians” meaning people from around the Moscow hinterland and regions to the north and northeast, and the people living along the Volga and the Don rivers.
“True Russians” living along the Volga and Don rivers?
Along the Volga live millions upon millions of Finnic and Turkic peaples and on the Don Kosaks. Between the Volga and the Don live more than half a million Mongols who adhere to the Dalai Lama brand of Buddhism.
Thank you for this post, which is very interesting as usual. You tell The Russian MIC is doing better than ever and the recent Russian high-tech successes show that Russia has gone into what they call a “high-quality separation” (качественный отрыв) from the West or Asia.
So there are 3 main power centers on this planet. The vision of the western elites is not far from Orwell’s in 1984: Eternal wars, first of all against their own people to maintain their power and wealth. According to military doctrines and beyond their own histories how will Russia and China act this change? Will the power ideal of the Western elites continue to rule the lives of all mankind through war or the threat of war? Or can the Russian new superiority drive mankind in something less conflictual?
May be off-topic… but “the Empire” is trying to do to Belarus the same as for Ukraine.
Why Belarus does not cancel the passport of S. Tikhanovskaya, as done by USA for Snowden?
The Su-75 “Checkmate” is very intriguing! Thank you, Saker, for the collected ‘details’…
Based upon reading-around various military sites, I envision this fighter to be a complement to the S-500 radar. Stealth fighters are not invisible to detection by long-wavelength radars; it is just that shorter-wavelength targeting radars cannot lock-on to them and dispatch missiles. The long-wavelength radars do provide kind of a ‘general vicinity’ plot, which is useful to vector fighters to the area. I see the Su-75 as optimized for frontal stealth; perfect for slipping-up-upon incoming stealth aircraft and launching missiles which may not need radar-homing.
In a way, this is an updated version of how the MiG-21 was used against US aircraft: The MiG-21 was vectored by ground radar to a position where it could do a hit-and-run on US aircraft, using its small size to avoid being visually-sighted before the missiles were away. It was very successful when used in this way.
The Russians may have also dodged a bullet by avoiding making the Su-75 a jack-of-all-trades. The Su-75 looks very much like a dedicated interceptor. It may have dog-fighting capabilities, but the design seems more optimized for the classic ‘interceptor’ role. (Like, say, the F-106.) As such, it may be much cheaper to build.
It will be interesting to see what production versions of the Su-75 look like, after all the compromises necessary for a stealth aircraft are folded-in…
“…from the late 80s and until now, the Ukronazis taught a very different version of history, which includes coming from the Sumerian civilization, building the pyramids in Egypt, digging the Black Sea, founding the ancient Aryan civilization, etc. Even more crucially, the official Ukronazi narrative claims that Russians and Ukrainians are completely different people (Ukies are true, pure, Aryans while Russians are Ugro-Altaic Mongols).”
Can someone cite me to actual published articles, dissertations, history books teaching these things? Because googling for such things brings up nothing of the sort,—except mention of pyramids found in Bosnia or Russia, not Egypt or Sumer.
An equally important event of the MAKS 2021 air show is the demonstration flights of the Russian civil aircraft MC 21. What did the Western countries not do to avoid this aircraft – the topic of material for dozens, if not hundreds of pages – materials science, avionics, blackmail and bribery of developers. You can make a dozen real spy films about how the plane was developed. And these will be real stories, not James Bond comedies. And now the plane is flying: https://youtu.be/vUEO5SHnzig
One more good thing from Russia in the news today:
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office has filed the first inter-state complaint in the country’s history with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Ukraine, accusing it of multiple violations of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Seems like Russia has been waiting for Z to sign off his latest ethnic legislation in order to go full on to ECHR regarding Ukraines actions and policies – probably trying to prevent any further possible EU -Ukraine involvement, intergration etc, or at least expose the fallacious russophobic hypocracy of the EU and failure to push forward with Minsk Agreenent . Also pushback by Russia maybe something for Merkel in her final days to deal with….as yesterday she and Biden signed an agreement to save face over NS2 but still accuse Russia of despotic energy supply aggressions. Russia feels a naturally”bit upset” about that as the Russian Ambassador in USA has been making clear…as it goes against the recent Lutin-Biden meeting.
Z has been visiting Georgia and seems to be sticking his nose in re the Armenia Azerbaijahn situation by commenting that Russian presence in Azbakia seems to go against his principles. Hmm..someone needs to also keep an eye on Ukraines assocation with Turkey which might consolidate with Georgia especially as Ukr and Georgia are Nato and EU hopefuls????.
Maybe it should also rev up its concerns in the same manner with the anti Russian behaviours and discriminations of the Baltic countries too?
Further elucidation from Ukr foreign minister
Kuleba earlier commented on the outcome of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to Georgia, saying that Kiev could come up with proposals to counter Russia in the Black Sea, and that these initiatives are being hashed over with Georgia, Moldova and NATO members. According to the top Ukrainian diplomat, “if the Black Sea countries and NATO members plus Ukraine, Georgia – and a place for Moldova can be found in that mechanism as well – do not team up, Russia will turn the Black Sea into its inner lake, split it into two halves and start to dominate its zone completely.”
Remember UK-UKR naval plans.
Mme Zakharova told him to.stop spouting drivel.
Oh….I wonder if Russia has included the White book” of ukr crimes against persons as compiled by Donbass authorities
Russians being Ugro-Altaic Mongols, I think that refers to Russia seen as the geopolitical inheritor of the Golden Horde,—however, the Mongols, as long as not yet Islamic with the cultural Arabization within Islam, showed tolerance and special respect toward all religions and clergy, and the Mongols were not interested in persecuting and destroying the local languages and cultures of subject peoples,—in contrast to the control-freak centralizing and Russifying tendencies within the tsarist and then Soviet Russian empires which was more like shameful copying of policies of assorted Western colonial powers, seeking to “civilize” the indigenous local so-called “savages”.
Nice. I’m waiting for the MiG-41.
Just add one news to those: we have learnt following the Biden-Putin meeting that US no more object to north stream 2. Blinken just add to this, with the visit of Merkel in Washington, that the transit of gas through Ukraine has to be maintain in the long term. The narrative is naturally pointing Russia to forget stop delivering gas this way or…But the interesting fact is that Washington has ordered Germany to invest in the Ukraine. So we understand that de “necessary rebuilding of the ukrainian gas pipeline” will be paid by the EU, not a rubble from Russia. So Russia will only have to pay for transit, not the infrastructure. That’s a good deal. Ze could’nt say nothing, getting some more money in. The problem will be Germany’one: how to control the investment and the work to do in a so corrupt environment? Indeed, Russia will respectfully continue to transit gas via Ukraine till the pipeline is maintained in workable conditions.
I would add the return of the Pantsir to the Russian achievement list.
Maybe it’s just me but I love a comeback story.
The poor Pantsir was a Russian embarrassment useless against Turkish and I believe Israeli drones.
Pantsir-S1 shot down Turkish Bayraktar TB2 in Iraq [video]
By Boyko Nikolov On Jul 17, 2021
BAGHDAD, BM, ($1=1,1459.10 Iraqi Dinars) – Russia’s self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery Pantsir-S1 systems have shot down a Turkish Bayraktar-TB2 attack UAV over Iraqi airspace, the pro-PKK news agency ANF News reported.
According to ANF News reporters, the Russian system attacked the Turkish drone in northern Iraq. There is a discrepancy in the time it is alleged that the Turkish drone was shot down. Reporters from the news agency claim that this happened only a few days ago, while other field sources say that the video is at least from May this year.
The video shows the Turkish drone Bayraktar-TB2 already shot down and the damage it has suffered. It can be seen that no electronic counteraction systems have been used, ie. the drone was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile. It is assumed that this may be the Russian Pantsir-S1 system.
BulgarianMilitary.com reminds you that the Iraqi military has officially acquired such systems from Moscow.
Turkish Bayraktar TB2 attack and reconnaissance drones have lost their reputation again after it became known that one of these drones had been destroyed by a Russian air defense missile system over northern Iraq.
The correspondence match between the Turkish drone Bayrakar-TB2 and the Russian mobile air defense system Pantsir-S1 continues, as it was previously held on the territory of Libya and Syria. Bayraktar-TB2 gained fame as a successful system for dealing with the Russian air defense system, after at least a dozen cases became known in which the Turkish drone successfully destroyed Pantsir-S1.
At one point last year, Russia decided to take back most of these systems and upgrade or modernize them, especially in the field of radar technology, as it turned out that despite working radars, Turkish drones were more than successful.
The Iraqi Pantsir-S1 may be such a model because according to journalists from AFN News, the radar detected the drone long before the drone itself reached the permissible range to attack the system.
Background info re Avakov resignation??
“The bottom line is this: the final collapse of the Ukraine is what the Kremlin is now openly waiting for next.”
Saker, you must remember that the AngloZionist Empire has historically been Russo phobic. This goes way back to 965 when Sviatoslav I destroyed the Khazar city of Sarkel and its capital of Atil in the Caspian Expeditions of the Rus’. What is now Ukraine and southern Russia was the old Khazar stomping ground. As the Khazars morphed into being the Ashkenazi Jews, it’s maybe not an exaggeration to say that Ukraine was the birthplace of Zionism.
At any rate, US Ashkenazi neocon, Victoria (fuck the EU) Nuland, was doing a lot more than passing out cookies to the Nazi thugs in Kiev back in 2014. She was instrumental in bringing down the legitimate government of Ukraine. Biden has her tasked with that little project to this very day.
”Even more crucially, the official Ukronazi narrative claims that Russians and Ukrainians are completely different people”
Honestly, I think that Ukronazi statement does have merit — at least when applied to the post-USSR era. Proof: Russia and Ukraine went through the same Liberal hell-on-earth in the 1990s; yet Russia didn’t degenerate into a full-blown Nazi asylum. In retrospect, Ukraine went from being a highly developed, prosperous, industrialized constituent republic of the USSR to its present squalor as a rapidly depopulating, deindustrialized, Nazi-infested abomi-Nation masquerading as a country under Western tutelage. Russia, by contrast, turned the tables completely and is now at an all-time high in terms of leadership quality, scientific prowess, national independence, and social cohesion. A Maidan carnival of fascist reaction in Russia is out, period.
Ukraine shows the ’post-modern’ face of fascism where demographics are of no concern to the fascist State whatsoever. Really, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were dead serious about genuine social reforms in order to boost the nativity of the majority population. By contrast, not even the ”most clever” among today’s Ukronazis have the tiniest clue what to do about the depopulation, if they even understand/recognize the problem at all. This is really great news. With Russia’s hardening stance, once the Ukronazis simply run out of people Russia can gobble up the nonsense which is ”Ukraine” at very little cost.
Last but not least: Belarus should, in my view, be mentioned as the most convincing case of (the importance of) good national leadership. Thanks to Lukashenko, Belarus was spared the vile orgies of Liberalism and has brilliantly fended off the hyenas trying to subvert her from neighbouring Lithuania and Gównopolska. The future looks bright here too.
Here’s a development published after Saker wrote his essay.
One of the BRI’s several proposed transport corridors is the Northern Transport Route that would connect the Gulf of Oman with the Caspian Sea via a canal across Iran. Today, Putin met with Alexei Rakhmanov, the CEO of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation. In their discussion, Mr. Rakhmanov detailed part of that transport route. As the conversation attests, the Corporation does much more than build ships:
“Rakhmanov: We are focusing on the South-North corridor, primarily the Caspian Sea. This year, we are starting to design a container ship that will ply the Caspian Sea with Helsinki as its final destination. In this way, we will be opening up routes that do not depend on foreigners.
“Vladimir Putin: To Helsinki via the Caspian Sea?
“Alexei Rakhmanov: Yes. It is possible to load cargo in northern Iran or western China and take it to Helsinki via the Olya port [in Russia]. It will take the ship only seven or eight days to reach Helsinki from Olya at 19 kilometres per hour. Moreover, there will be no problems with Somali pirates or ships blocking the Suez Canal.
“This is, in fact, a real alternative. The main question is the cost of this shipment. We are working on it jointly with shipping companies.
“Vladimir Putin: The Volga – and then?
“Alexei Rakhmanov: The Volga, and then the Volga-Baltic Waterway, the Moscow Canal, from which we will move north and then on directly to St Petersburg. If necessary, we can go as far as the White Sea, which is possible. The scale is a bit smaller there, therefore the payload will be smaller as well.”
This is just one aspect of his report. If this company anticipates the need to build ships capable of this sort of specific trade, then it seems likely that the overall transport corridor plan is moving along as it’s being viewed positively by Khamenei.
Related to this “insider” news is the opening of Iran’s new pipeline that bypasses Hormuz.
As I’ve opined previously, the BRI’s various roads, ports and railroads are extensive and needed, but the most revolutionary part of the plan would be providing Central Asia with an outlet to the world ocean via the Caspian and Trans-Iranian Canal, which as we just read can also have a Northern outlet. Yes, the inland waterways will need some transformation to handle bigger craft and a higher volume of shipping, but such a development will also be a boon for Russia.
Which countries constitute the expected export market for this plane, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey perhaps? Will the US allow them to buy it, and can the export version outfight American planes? How long before Israel copies it and sells it to the Americans?
Military vessels from India, Pakistan and Iran taking part in the Navy celebrations at Saint Pete.
India and Pakistan! That’s two fingers to the Anglo-Zionist Deep State shit stirrers.
In the Putin article there was a reference to “indigenous” laws in Ukraine.
Can anyone explain to me what that is all about?
Hi Mike! It’s an attempt to outlaw Russian, Russians, and Russianness despite the genuine historical nature of the region as Putin outlined so well in his essay. Seen from a different historical perspective, it’s the same sort of extreme discrimination Hitler used against non-Aryans aimed at complete ethnic cleansing–genocide in all its manifestations. It’s very important to remember what group of people are behind that order–Anglos of the British and American type. IMO, it goes beyond the Baltic laws of a similar nature, but those lands aren’t ancestral Russian lands as in this case. IMO, it’s extremely clear the Anglos want war with Russia but are too chickenshit to wage it themselves; plus IMO, they also want to see Europe devastated again so their Disaster Capitalism can again mop up the rebuilding monies. Back 100 years ago, the Anglo navies were far more powerful than Russia’s, but that situation has reversed and Russia now holds the cards. Since the Anglos can’t win on land or sea they’re trying to goad Russia into an overt act of war based on this “legal” provocation where they hope NATO will become totally involved, thinking they can somehow avoid the consequences.
So I gather this law provides for some ability to discriminate against ethnic Russians.
How is this “effectuated on the ground,” so to speak.
IMO, it’s best to read what the MFA says about the complaint it brought to the European Court of Human Rights. For example, the so-called Anti-Terrorist operation launched by Poroshenko was a euphemism to cover what in reality was an attempt at genocide–the “ethnic cleansing” of Donbass of all Russian speakers. Cultural Genocide is also being committed by the erasing of all aspects of the Regions history and culture that’s related to Russia. IMO, Russia is very well within its rights to declare its Responsibility to Protect all Russians within the area of the present Ukraine from the terrorism of the current illegitimate government–far better grounds than NATO ever had in its war on Libya.
Russia does it with style.
And style is the man.
Hats off and keep on!
Excellent! good news!
This sums it all up, “First, as I just said, there is absolutely nothing new in this article for educated people”. In the west, this news is something the western media wants to keep hidden as they play the game of public relations. We need to know the truth as Putin expresses it in his analysis of Russian history. Russia is more than just Ukraine Belarus and Russia, The Slavs (Alpine people), spoke the same language and occupied the lands from Berlin to the Urals. Invasions by Attila, the Huns and the Mongols and the Pope split them up now they are doing it all by themselves. The West has created a myth about Russia and the Slavs, and Putin is attempting to cleanse them of their narrative that they control in their domain. He needs to succeed in order to avoid a human catastrophe.
Well their is a difference between Russians and Ukrainians. The Russians were conquered by the Rus, that is to say Swedish Vikings, in the 10th century, and who gave their name to the country. The Rus were very quickly assimilated into the native Slav population, and Russia has a very strong Slavic culture till today. Though defeated and dominated by the Mongols the Russian State/s survived. On the other had what is today’s Ukraine has been occupied and ruled by a succession of Asian horse peoples since well before Christ: Cimmerian’s, Scythians, Sarmations, Huns, Bulgars, Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs, Magyars, Cumans, Mongols and Turks, to name the more important ones. Underneath these Horse rulers, a Slav peasantry toiled for whoever was the master that day. With invention of the gun, the rule of the Horse ended, and the Czars attempted to unite all eastern Slavs so that Slavs would never be conquered again, mostly successfully. However there is a problem, a psychological difference between the two peoples, Russians won’t be conquered, they will fight through hell not to be conquered. Not so the Ukrainians, they have been conquered many times, or at least had a change of master. Annexation by the despotic Czars did not help matters, just another master, again in turn replaced by another master in the Communists. With the Soviet collapse they were actually free of a master for the first time in some 2500 years! They didn’t know what to do! They have never run a country before! Psychologically they were totally unprepared and inept. So they soon figured out they needed a new master and found the biggest, and a very willing one in the USA. This is not normally a problem, a state willingly becoming a vassal of an Empire reduces wars, increases stability, and generally enriches the upper classes of both, if not the lower classes. However the USA is not a happy country, it has been dismantling its culture since the 1960’s in the interests of the rich and the powerful, and found to its cost that culture is the glue that keeps civilisations together. It is dying, and has decided in a fit of pique that all other civilisations must die with it, either by excepting its degenerate culture, or if they won’t, by means of never ending wars of many colours, but a favourite is to fund and weaponize crazies within or on the borders of those civilisations they hate the most. The Ukrainians unfortunately have fallen into a trap, their need to please a master and the USA’s need for crazies on Russia’s border. The USA doesn’t want a happy and prosperous Ukraine, that equals no crazies. The USA wants crazies, they will fund them, weaponize them and protect them, and the Ukrainians want to do what master wants, it is psychologically comforting to please master. And the cost? Ask any Afghan, Kurd, Iraqi, Syrian, central American, or Donbas refugee to name a few. Until Ukraine changes its psychology, a very difficult thing to do, it has no future.
These kind of new generating game changing weaponary systems are destroying old cold war military industral complex strong holds like jets and aircraft carrier industries and forcing all players too more advanced but smaller industral units and forcing move from obsolete military base systems. Going New War with old war ideas and systems is not what military men want.
Let’s not forget one rather surprising fact from cold war era (1950-1985): strategic missiles were not even near as expensive for USSR and US that most people were thinking. According some data they never took more than 10% of budgets of both giants. Many times likely around 5%.
“Or has the country which developed the superb F-16, A-10, 747 or the F-15 lost its ability to produce truly superb aircraft? I don’t know.
What do you think?”
Well you said it yourself. They decided to make the money only, by milking the state. If they turn again to making planes, they could do it. By why bother, money for nothing is so much easier.
”Or has the country which developed the superb F-16, A-10, 747 or the F-15 lost its ability to produce truly superb aircraft?”
Short answer: Yes, it has. Irretrievably so.
Indeed, what we see here is exactly the same poetic justice as in the case of Ukraine. As Slobodan Cekic correctly hinted at, the Pindos reasoned Why bother, money for nothing is so much easier. As for the God-forsaken Ukros, they arrived at an even more impressive conclusion: Why bother? The great and glorious Pindos are invincible with their fabulous aviation industry. We just need to let them take over here while we ourselves enjoy our pastimes of Nazi torch marches and Russophobia.. Stupid is as stupid does.
Is the US/NATO Aim to Deliberately Start a War with Russia?…
(Machine translation from original Portuguese article)
If not, so it seems and as Salazar would say, “in politics, what it seems is” :
Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, has issued repeated warnings about the dangers of the utterly provocative and irresponsible policies that the US/NATO is undertaking on the borders of Russia and beyond, together with their “friends” of the EU.
The latest of these provocations, which is apparently still at the planning stage, is the failure to diplomatically recognize the Russian government if President Putin’s United Russia party wins again the legislative elections that are scheduled for September this year. Of course, if realized, an act of such caliber on the part of Western diplomacy will only demonstrate (once again…) how the US/NATO political class has totally and completely lost the sense of reality.
The military provocations on the part of the West – now even extending to the South China Sea – the illegal economic sanctions, the destabilization of countries, illegal prisons, the torture and political killings, the illegal occupation of territory and plundering of natural resources, genocide, international drug trafficking (heroin production has multiplied FIFTEEN TIMES since the US invaded Afghanistan!), the fomenting of “color revolutions” all over the world and the continued support for terrorism in Syria , all these are policies that have become the modus operandi of the USA/NATO/EU/Israel, that is, the Anglo-Zionist Empire .
Democracy my ass!
When attention is drawn to these facts and to this erratic and very dangerous behavior on the part of the “collective West” , the reaction on the part of that same “collective West” is to play the victim, to accuse Russia and China – not to mention the “perfidious” Iran – of being the bad guys and still “everything as before, headquarters in Abrantes”. Western diplomats and politicians, always very arrogant and sure that their armies are the most powerful in the Milky Way and that for that very reason they can intimidate anyone they want, call this “foreign policy”, I call it suicide instead. …
The journalistic class also does not help much or almost nothing to change this state of affairs and I remind you that just last week, the Público newspaper gave voice to yet another pervert who decided to accuse President Putin of being a “global arsonist” . This is just a small example (I could give you many more…) of the low point and I insist again, extremely dangerous point, to which relations between Russia and the West have reached today.
Of course, the Russian response to all this hostility from the West could only be one, that is, approaching China and transforming China into an essential strategic partner, both economically, as well as diplomatically and militarily. It is a fact that it was the West – through its constant bullying – that pushed Russia fully into the arms of China and President Xi Jinping obviously couldn’t be happier with what will possibly be the biggest and most brilliant diplomatic victory of his political career.
Sergey Lavrov himself admits, and I quote, that China is today Russia’s “main strategic partner” in the concert of nations. Relations between China and Russia, in all areas, are today at the highest level ever, and provocations on the part of the Anglo-Zionist Empire towards Russia and China will only further strengthen this relationship. Now, can the West, especially its diplomats, politicians and military leaders, understand the meaning of all this?! I doubt indeed, given the point of decay and rot to which the West has fallen, I even seriously doubt that US and EU politicians, the vast majority, have any real sense.of the state of military weakness in which NATO finds itself right now, vis-à-vis Russia, not to mention China.
However, in the Portugal of the little ones – the very “democratic” Portugal of shriveled carnations with a Rothschild smell – the service idiots, be they military, politicians or journalists, will continue to do what cowards and opportunists always do, which is to continue to blindly obey all orders that come from Washington, London, Berlin, Paris, Brussels and Tel Aviv and then, when “the shit hits the fan”, which is the most certain thing for this floor, they will be the first “jumping off the boat” and disappearing, much like panicked sewer rats do. A country in ruins and possible ethnic-racial civil war will be left behind, thanks to decades of artificial and completely uncontrolled “migrations” and it will take another many decades to recover, if that is even possible…
Link to original Portuguese article: https://toranja-mecanica.blogspot.com/2021/07/sera-que-o-objectivo-dos-euanato-e.html
”Of course, the Russian response to all this hostility from the West could only be one, that is, approaching China and transforming China into an essential strategic partner, both economically, as well as diplomatically and militarily.”
Makes sense all right. Also, I would be quite pleased to hear Vladimir Putin — we remember how he wished the rotting cadaver in the Wgite House ’good health’ — respond to all the imbecilic noises of these dungbeetles with a soft, soothing, lovesick singing voice like so:
Let us cut to the chase. That weapons and better weapons are all developing at a fast pace yet the world of today has a far greater personal and family concern in its occupation medical matters. My question is are Russia and China more concerned with the weapons or the medical situation? Do they believe they have the medical situation so much under their control and the ‘west’ has not … that an evaluation of weaponry is much more relevant?
It seems the threads here begin to evaluate the latter as more important. Unless shots are fired Ukraine is not relevant. Just as a reminder I should like folk to revisit history and the great plague with rats, fleas and masks for an instant and consider the similarities that may perhaps cast a congurent light on how the human condition rarely alters.
My general critique of east vs west is one of family which, as I have lived in both, I consider the family unit is the major consideration of the folk in the Asia rather that whether their jet fighter is better than the one in the west. In this regard the moderators may disagree yet I live in hope for humanity …. though termination becons so not for not much longer!!
My question is are Russia and China more concerned with the weapons or the medical situation?
The short answer is both. NATO foreign policy, especially USA, places a huge emphasis on bluffing & deception. They use their (still powerful) propaganda to draw attention to one issue, while simultaneously trying to get someone to hit you where you are vulnerable. Case in point: 2004 tsunami, US Navy sent a carrier group to deliver aid, while trying to conduct military exercises & reconnaissance at the same time.
By now Moscow & Beijing is well aware of this, therefore they cannot allow themselves to get distracted; they must simultaneously work on both problems. The situation is more dire for China, because a majority of Westerners believe Covid19 was deliberate biological warfare unleashed by China, i.e. part of the NBC triad of WMD. This makes it increasingly easy to justify nuclear strikes against China.
Make no mistake, Trump & his followers are sincere about:
*Racism against non-white peoples,
*Their belief Russia is a white power that must reconcile with white powers of the West, &
*NATO + Russia must work together to subjugate the non-white countries the way they do to Japan, Africa, etc.
The West fears but respects Russia. The West fears & hates China. Big difference. In China’s case they desperately need to mass produce missiles (A-235 & S-500) and medicines for swine flu, avian flu, in addition to Covid19 treatments (hence deep cooperation with Cuba.)
Being of Ukrainian decent living in Canada and after visiting the USSR (Ukraine, Russia) in 1975, I then realized that my true origins are Russian. We visited my fathers village west of Kiev which is Orthodox, the deciding factor in the makeup of Ukraine.
The relation of war-periods with weather-periods, sun-spot cycles and certain conjuncture off the planets and a Great War foretold accordingly for the period 1919-20….the Decline of the West…makes sense to me.
this begs the question: can these guys even develop a halfway decent or even a good aircraft?! Or has the country which developed the superb F-16, A-10, 747 or the F-15 lost its ability to produce truly superb aircraft? I don’t know.
What do you think?
The USA cannot develop such good aircraft anymore because:
*The USA is no longer attractive enough for “brain gain”
*US education system is incompetent & too politicised, thus cannot domestically train enough competent engineers (mathematics is considered racist: https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=16685)
*US military-industrial-congressional complex is too corrupt
With the possible exception of the Wright brothers the USA had to rely on imported scientists for the majority of its innovations:
*Manhattan Project: Einstein, Oppenheimer, & other European scientists
*Rocketry: Werner von Braun & his crew
*Biological warfare & “Life Sciences”: Japanese Unit 731
*Internet: Mostly taken from Swiss laboratory CERN
*Advanced materials: Scientists from the former Soviet Union
Combined with the repulsive trends in US society discouraging the smartest from wanting to immigrate to the US, a full generation, possible two, of skilled labour has been lost. How can a scientist properly apply the equations necessary to develop hypersonic missiles if mathematics is “too racist?” How much work can the welders & electricians actually do when they have to spend increasing amounts of time, energy, and effort catering to “transgenders” and worrying about not getting fired?
Amusingly, both the US and Ukraine have destroyed their erstwhile prowess in airplane manufacturing. The US took the ”anti-racist” path to accomplish this while the Ukros opted for the most ugly, unabashed racism to achieve the same impressive result. But will either country be able to do without extreme Russophobia? Hardly. It’s like refusing Navalny his booze, pills, and syringes hoping he will finally become useful while he’s still alive.
Ukraine is another sad case of wasted potential. In 1991 Antonov was the world leader in heavy lift transport aircraft, and Ukrainian firms were competitive in shipbuilding and rocketry as well:
With respect to Russia’s latest weapons systems and Sukhoi civil airliner, I am curious how much of an impact post-USSR Ukrainian immigrants to Russia had on those developments.
That’s a tantalizing question indeed. If the contributions of these immigrants are truly significant, we have a most vivid illustration of the almost unbelievable idiocies which are now irreversibly driving the West and its “rules-based international order” resoundingly into the gutter. Sometimes I wonder if the Ukronazis’ “intellectual stature” really is all garbage compared to their foreign sponsors.
However that may be, Ukraine as you say is a sad case of wasted potential. The dawn comes when Russia rightfully annexes it.
I think the article is much, much more relevant than a couple of new military toys. Not to disrespect Sukhoi’s engineers, but Putin, or the pool of historians who assisted him (although I fairly doubt he was in need) in writing that piece are truly making a watershed into history. There was a before, there will be an after those words.
Mikoyan has just confirmed what many has been speculating:
“Russian Aircraft Corporation “MiG” (Mikoyan) has started to develop a fifth-generation carrier-based fighter that will be made using stealth technologies, and plans to create a prototype aircraft in the next few years, a source in the military-industrial complex told Sputnik.”
I don’t know if this refers to the model shown at MAKS-2021 (the second photo, not the refeuling tanker drone):
An interesting look at the Checkmate fighter and its leading possible clients. Other than Ukraine and those in NATO – every current MiG-29 operator is a possible client. But will it kill the MiG-35’s export prospects?
Recent report indicates that the Checkmate’s mystery foreign funder may have been the Arab Emirates. 2017 reports from Sputnik and RT describe joint development of a light stealth fighter which very closely fits the Checkmate’s description
“The real hardcore Nazis (you can think of them as the Ukie version of the Hutu “Interahamwe” in Rwanda).”
Wikipedia is a very bad source, even about Rwanda.
To make such comparisons, I think your vision of genocide in Rwanda is quite wrong to say the least.
Fantastic article, Very informative . a question for the Saker. Back in the 1980’s there were a series of articles that described an unseen war between USSR and USA. These were By Dr Peter Peter and unfortunately he died in the early 1980’s but therein he described many interesting events such as what the so called Falklands War and how Russia and America joined forces to prevent WW3 Report –
/Volumes/32 GB/Cosmospheres
Complete Dr. Beter Audio Letters.webloc/. /Wisconsin Report – Complete Dr. Beter Audio Letters 2.webloc
I am not sure if these links work but you can check them out independently on your search engine. There was also and article called interview with Al Bielek – interview number 2 where he talks about comet Hale Bopp – so Called – that was approaching Earth with apparent bad intent and the US and Russia each has space force planes which were sent to investigate , intercept and destroy the treat in deep space. So the Americans and Russians have joined together to defeat these kind of threats. Then back in Peter Beter’s articles there Russians were using their “Cosmospheres” to do battle against the rulers of America which they successfully did. Also there was the battle of Harvest Moon where the Americans were setting up a laser weapon on the moon to dominate and attack the earth and again the Russians destroyed this moon base. So it is I think not a case of the Russians vs the American, as there are good and not so good on both sides and technology which is not dared to be mentioned today. An Interview with Al Bielek, August 1997.webloc. go to part 2 about half way through the interview
I wish that these men were around today but they were providing information back in the 80’s and90’s and unknown to most people today. The names Dr Peter Beter will lead you to the Wisconsin Report and Al Bielek will offer transcripts of two interviews.
On another note we are seeing reports on developments of these ultra modern aircraft that P Beter and Al Bielek discuss back then and having space craft too. What has happened to these I wonder???
I suppose that you are also aware of the Wingmakers that appeared around 200 and the 5 or so interviews with a defector Dr Neruda. kind of went quite after a few years. /Volumes/32 GB/Wingmakers/Wingmakers – Neruda
I find your report very interesting and unbiased but perhaps there is some sort of missing information that was prevalent in the 1980’s and 1990’s which appears to have been forgotten or hidden today. Again, thank you for being a beacon of light in today’s world.
I would very much appreciate anything that you might have to say about these articles as they seem to be blocked out of current events.