You can compare this map with the 2022 presidential election Macron/Le Pen vote repartition: the regions where there is the most empty gas station are almost exactly the one that voted Le Pen, whereas the macronists part of France are not having any problem yet. I don’t see any logistical or technical reason for that, so…
The press and poobahs have been telling us for years that gas and diesel are passé, and everyone long ago switched to windmills for fuel. Were we misled, and hydrocarbons actually are useful?
Speaking of windmills… Greta knows what she’s talking about. [sarc]
In an apparent 180* diametric reversal of her past position on fossil fuels and their derivatives, she’s saying a little carbon footprint is ok… for now.
If Germany had accepted austerity, Greta would not have been necessary!
Paraphrase liberal NYC economist Abba Lerner – if Germany had accepted Schacht austerity, Hitler would not have been necessary!
Is Greta, queuing by King Charles III ladies-in-waiting, the carbon Green off-ramp?
French carburants – in your face carbon fuels, pulls no punches.
Greens have conniptions over anything-Carbon, including your footprint. They are happy at penurie de carburants – carbon poverty.
That from the top atomic-powered economy of the world.
Right now France is selling carburants to Germany via a single border pipeline designed to run in the opposite direction!
Well, looks like france is imploding rapidly.Wonder if their government will survive the winter? And will their society walk or bike from now on?
You can compare this map with the 2022 presidential election Macron/Le Pen vote repartition: the regions where there is the most empty gas station are almost exactly the one that voted Le Pen, whereas the macronists part of France are not having any problem yet. I don’t see any logistical or technical reason for that, so…
The press and poobahs have been telling us for years that gas and diesel are passé, and everyone long ago switched to windmills for fuel. Were we misled, and hydrocarbons actually are useful?
Speaking of windmills… Greta knows what she’s talking about. [sarc]
In an apparent 180* diametric reversal of her past position on fossil fuels and their derivatives, she’s saying a little carbon footprint is ok… for now.
If Germany had accepted austerity, Greta would not have been necessary!
Paraphrase liberal NYC economist Abba Lerner – if Germany had accepted Schacht austerity, Hitler would not have been necessary!
Is Greta, queuing by King Charles III ladies-in-waiting, the carbon Green off-ramp?
French carburants – in your face carbon fuels, pulls no punches.
Greens have conniptions over anything-Carbon, including your footprint. They are happy at penurie de carburants – carbon poverty.
That from the top atomic-powered economy of the world.
Right now France is selling carburants to Germany via a single border pipeline designed to run in the opposite direction!