This is, according to the Speaker of the Duma, the regions of the Ukraine where the lights have been switched off:

70% of the Ukrainian power capabilities have been destroyed. The Ukraine has lost 50% of her energy generation capabilities.
This is, according to the Speaker of the Duma, the regions of the Ukraine where the lights have been switched off:
70% of the Ukrainian power capabilities have been destroyed. The Ukraine has lost 50% of her energy generation capabilities.
Colonel Macgregor says that the best Ukrainian troops have been killed or injured. Russia was very smart to wait to bomb the infrastructure until the Ukrainian military has been severely weakened.
They should continue to hit that infrastructure as long as it takes right on the Polish border and other entry points for arms and mercenaries,i thought they would have hit the airports also.
Putin knocked Ukraine into the stone age.
No more hologram appearances for Zelensky!
Not for long before no Zelensky.
More likely energy hubs at Polish border will be left for the endgame. Already energy deprived EU will be forced by Anglos to export (give) electricity for free.
Should be an interesting night of news from the Ukraine.
Nice to have an updated map of 404!
I guess the pain dial for Ukrain got turned up a notch.
Brian over at the New Atlas channel said someone had calculated that Russia would be able to keep up the current strike rate for 6 months, not counting new rockets made during that time.
Looks like this is the beginning of the end for Ukraine.
The rockets and missiles Russia is using will be just a fraction of their arsenal. They will be keeping the majority for Europe and USA in case the Zionist/NAZIs do go full retard.
This is the end of the end for Ukraine. The beginning of the end was in 2014.
Hard not to agree that sovereign Ukraine ceased to exist as the result of the Zionist-Nazi putsch in 2014. Ukraine’s swift transition to the most corrupt country in Europe had two vectors: the Nazification of Ukraine and the wholesale looting of Ukraine by local oligarchs like Kolomojsky (the president of the Jewish community of Ukraine and founder and funder of four Nazi battalions) and foreign looters like the Bidens family, Monsanto, Cargill, and DuPont.
“The Ukrainian battlefield is the most subsidized in the world by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. This money is taken from the social programs of the donor countries, i.e. the Western poor are out of pocket. …
A video, filmed during John McCain’s visit to Ukraine in 2016, has resurfaced. It shows the senator accompanied by his colleague and friend, Senator Lindsey Graham, and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The senators are addressing officers of the Azov regiment, the main Banderist paramilitary formation. I this video, Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain assure that the United States will give all the weapons necessary for them to succeed in defeating Russia.
This video was recorded six years before the Russian army entered Ukraine. The two senators are investing their interlocutors with a mission. They do not see them as mercenaries who are paid, but as proxies who will fight for the unipolar world to the death.
“Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine – Preparing for a proxy war with Russia (2016)”
“In the United States, the New York Times, the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party, regularly downplays the crimes of Bandera, referring to the controversy over his legacy as simply “divergent views” and uncritically reporting on far-right elements within Ukraine such as the Azov Battalion.
The reactionary campaign to promote one of the most notorious figures in the history of European fascism is abetted by a significant lack of historical knowledge and awareness about Bandera and the genocidal history of Ukrainian fascism. This lack of knowledge is itself the product of a decades-long effort by the imperialist powers, working in cahoots with the descendants of the World War II-era Ukrainian fascists, to cover up and whitewash their crimes.”
Giving promises is cheap. UK/US did nothing to increase its military physical production, just the opposite. They increased support to FIRE sector, effectively destroying the own manufacturing on every level imaginable. To restart it in the near future is impossible due to lack of experienced (and reliable) workforce. Latino cheapo workers are of no use for MIC. Germans they plan to snatch were born into the welfare state. It is highly unlikely they will quickly adapt to US corporate cutthroat practices.
And workers life in US is becoming increasingly difficult.
3 choke points, borders with Poland, with Slovakia, Hungary and Romania and finally Belarus.
Stop The Flow and They Don’t Grow – Starve the Beast
To be fair many Eastern Europeans are in their element, joyous, any business is good business, a natural habitat among other cutthroat environs, just a step up from the semi-pro leagues, they now get to pimp for the CIA. fine-tuning the piracy of running a large black-market operation, hell, even the Italian, Greek, Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian and German mafias are in on this gig, times are tough at home, so while the Anglo-Zionists are investing heavily on or close to the Ukrainian border, where there’s scum, there’s brass to be made. WMDs, mercenaries, soldier fodder (press-ganging), organs, drugs, prostitution, even car mechanics are in huge demand. Suddenly thousands of peasants from adjacent/surrounding villages are getting in on the action, with brothels & bars springing up on what was once grazing land. Gypsies, Al Nusra, draft-dodgers, bakers and musicians mix freely with concussed, shell-shocked Azov Nazis, reading them their fortunes. Soldiers of misfortune!
I love a happy ever ending.
I won’t say much. I do sincerely pray that His Mercy be recognized during this time of Justice.
Peace will be His fruit.
Yeah, we can see all the “peace” the Invisible Man In the Sky has granted his beloved children over the course of the last 2,000 years – 100 million killed by Communism in the 20th century alone. Praying is a waste of time.
“100 million killed by Communism”
That sentence full of fakeness is propaganda from the corrupt and illegal GB II regime.
Post some facts to back up the lie.
It’s about time something happened instead of wishing it would. Is this, together with partial mobilization and a change of commander including the ‘shock and awe’ the majority said wouldn’t happen and wasn’t needed? Do you now understand how wrong the vast majority of you were?
Once NATO got involved it was never going to be as straightforward as the initial SMO. And now for the bad news.
Forget the slow advance through Ukraine, de-Nazification and political speeches you were previously cheering for. This is increasingly now beginning to resemble a military showdown between NATO and Russia which could possibly end with a mushroom cloud over Kiev – currently unlikely, but a possibility in the future if the two links are correct and are a start to NATO getting actively involved for something much bigger on the horrizon.
And with that, I’ll leave you all to it. Although I support President Putin and think he’s currently the world’s greatest politician, I’m also pragmatic and a realist. My articles are now being rejected because they don’t focus on one sided blind faith as required by the site and so I’ll leave you to it and wish you all the best.
– if the two links are correct and are a start to NATO getting actively involved for something much bigger on the horrizon.
The two links make perfect sense.
– This would give the US Navy a massive concentration of troops in northern Europe – and the air support of the most modern stealth fighter jets.
USS Gerald R Ford will not enter Baltic Sea at all.
Here we have a nice target.
Pepe telegram had a piece that theres a nuclear exercise there. Without the nukes !! apparently 600km away from RF. Maybe they will stay or try to turn it live . But its been announced as an “training exercise”
O special Author, be not sad
Gazelles group alike and like smell.
Fear predator scent and spell.
even on kindred face seems unwell.
Our differences truly slight
graze along watching at times
real wisdom in ways our guide
He readies all for fight or flight
New is not accepted overnight
let this not be farewell
odd eyes promote our plight
see shared enemy in the night
If you are thinking this is US style “shock and awe” then you are claiming something which is not happening. Civilian deaths have been minimal and Russia can do far,far more than what is being done to turn Ukraine into rubble. Many of us know that the “pain dail” would be turned up and there is no better time than now with many Western countries punch drunk, on their knees and fearing winter- of all things! And Putin has pulled a blinder,once again, in appointing the right man,for the right job, at exactly the right time.
Compared to the previous pussy footing around, this is ‘shock and awe.’ Many of you did not know the pain dial would be turned up, you were too busy cheering speeches and shouting Russia had already won. That Russia can do more and now is was my point all along. The only people who couldn’t see what was coming are the majority of you lot.
Agreed that President Putin has now appointed a commander more in touch with reality, you know, someone the majority previously said wasn’t needed as Ukraine was already beaten? The previous eight months was a waste of time and now things are coming to the boil which hopefully doesn’t end in a mushroom cloud and not the end of a video game which many here seem to believe it is.
I’ve noticed this blind faith low-information following previously on US political forums from either left or right extreme. It’s probably an American thing, but to be honest it’s so obviously propaganda it just makes me embarrased to be a part of it.
It appears that if this latest missile heavy phase is coming to an end,if correctly reported coming from Putin, then Asia Teacher is going to be very disappointed as things are not “over boiling” and massive death and destruction in cities has not happened.
Asia Teacher is attributing all sorts of nonsensical statements and applying large brush strokes of derision to any one whom regards human life as something precious and commends Russia for being so careful with such precious life.
Who has ever said that the aim of Russia was either the total invasion,subjugation or destruction of Ukraine? Certainly not Russia. Only Nato,the Ukrainian Nazis and its propaganda wing…
Asia Teacher sure wants to be right and count up points.
Who cares about points?
I sure hope Asia teacher (pretty sure it’s a he) is wrong.
As of yesterday civilian deaths were reported at a total of …
And that’s from Ukraine’s report, which is obviously going to err on the side of bad-Russia.
Truly astonishing, considering how effective the strikes were.
Does NATO seriously think Russia can’t deliver the same overnight lesson to Germany that it just did to Ukraine??
“…I’ll leave you to it and wish you all the best”
Good, don’t let the door smack you on your butt on the way out. And be careful you don’t hit your head on the 5th and 6th columns,
@Teacher, teacher… leave us kids alone
It kind of beggars belief that you still bother to interact here at all when all of us are so utterly clueless and have been comprehensively wrong about everything from day one.
I suggest you get on the blower with Putin and see if you can land a position within his war cabinet. With your input, this entire tragic debacle would be over in a jiffy… one way or tother.
About Efing time too!
I take it that Nazi is a stand in term (Russian)for anyone who thinks, or has been taught to think, that they are exceptional, for whatever reason they come up with, and extend that to the right of ownership over the property and lives of others outside of their group. There are lots of Nazi’s of all kinds all around and they take on each other. I think Zionists are the ultimate Nazi, they are the only group that can pit other Nazi and even non Nazi groups against each other while they hide behind the veil and make plans to be the ruling Nazi when it’s all over. The Russians have stirred up a diversified bunch of Nazi’s who are operating under the watchful eye of the chief Nazi, the Zionists. And nobody hates the Russians more than the Chief Nazi. I guess if you club a Nazi in the head hard enough they can go docile, look what happened to they German Nazi’s, they’re like a big pussy now.
Bombing civilian infrastructure at this late juncture highlights the fact that it was not done earlier. This clearly shows the intent of Russia’s ‘evil’ leader is not to destroy civilians.
That Ukranian attacks on civilians and their infrastructure, terrorist style, seems to have created this change in strategy is the main point. If propaganda generated by Western stink tanks drives civilians to endorse terrorism, then you have signaled your need for a dose of reality.
It must be said that Russia has clearly signaled its intentions for decades, clearly, unequivocally. That most western loyalists choose what the MSM says Putin thinks and does, instead of attending to his words and actions directly is abundantly clear. If Putin says peace the MSM screams war.
Fascinated by the prospect of millions of people looking at a blank screen, still feel smart? Can Google fry that egg for Ya know it all? They’ve certainly done a number on our brains.
What happened to the map? It has three blue regions, INCLUDING LVOV! Shouldn’t it be all red?
Your war coverage here in the U$A, is first class. Too bad our MSM can’t seem to incorporate at least some of it, into our MSM.