By Mansoureh Tajik – Translation of the full message by the Leader, Ayatullah Khamenei, regarding the martyrdom of Shahid Sardar Qasem Suleimani and his companions, on January 3, 2020. Original in Farsi from:

“In the Name of God the Most Graceful and the Most Merciful,

Dear Iranian Nation!

The great and honorable commander of Islam became heavenly. Last night, the pure spirits of martyrs collectively embraced the purified soul of Qasem Suleimani. Years of sincere and brave struggles and fights in battlefields with evils and nefarious forces of the world, and years of yearning to get killed in the path of God finally elevated beloved Suleimani to this prominent status: His purified blood was spilt in the hands of the most wretched and the most pathetic among humanity.

I congratulate this magnificent martyrdom to “The Everlasting Proof of God” [Imam Mahdi (pbuh)] and to the pure soul of the martyr himself. And to the nation of Iran, I offer my condolences.

He was an excellent example of those educated in Islam and Imam Khomeini’s school of thought. He spent his entire life fighting in the cause of God.

Martyrdom was his reward for all these years of struggle. With his departure, with God’s Will and Help, his path will neither be stopped nor closed. However, a severe retaliation awaits the criminals who painted their corrupt hands with his and his martyred companions’ blood last night.

Martyr Suleimani is an international face to the Resistance and all lovers of the Resistance share a demand in retaliation for his blood. All friends – as well as all enemies – must know the path of Fighting and Resistance will continue with double the will and the final victory is decidedly waiting for those who fight in this path. The loss of our selfless and beloved commander is bitter but the continuation of the fight and the achievement of the final victory will leave a more bitter taste for the culprits and the criminals.

Iranian nation will commemorate the name and memory of the high status martyr, Commander Lieutenant General Qasem Suleimani and his martyred companions, especially the great warrior of Islam, His Excellency Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis. I announce 3 days of mourning in the country and to the beloved wife, children, and family, I offer my congratulations and condolences. Seyyed Ali Khamenei13 Dey, 1398”