I think that we ought to begin this overview of what is currently taking place which is that the united West, aka the AngloZionist Hegemony is desperate and in direct to this despair is doing all sorts of very foolish and plainly dangerous things. We all know about the The Big Three:
- The attack on NS1/NS2
- The attack on the Crimea Bridge (CB)
- The attack on the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) base in Sevastopol
Truth be told, these are three completely different events.
One is a pure act of international terrorism, both in the choice of target (a major civilian infrastructural object owned by several countries and corporate entities) and in the mode of execution (the use of remotely operated bombs). Most critically, while under international law collateral damage is not prohibited, the target of an attack has to be military and the collateral damage minimized to the absolute minimum.
The second one is a diversionary attack. That is an attack carried out by unconventional means, but whose target is at least partially a military one, which the Crimean Bridge definitely is. One could even argue that the actual death toll (4 if I remember correctly) and the very minor inconvenience to the civilians (traffic was at least partially restored in less than 24 hours, not to mention existing alternatives such as ferries) make that target legitimate by itself. In this case, it is the mode of execution – the use of a truck full of explosives driven either by a suicide bomber or unsuspecting civilian – which raises a lot of international law and law of war issues
The third attack was a purely military one. The intended target was the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the methods used (underwater, surface and airborne drones) are all, in my opinion, legitimate.
That being said, this all begs the question of what NATO was trying to achieve here:
Target | Military rationale | Optics |
NS1/NS2 | none (unless we assume that the Anglos attacked the EU itself!) | huge |
Crimean Bridge | major if the attack had succeeded, in actuality negligible | huge |
BSF base | major if the attack had succeeded, in actuality negligible | huge |
From this table we can quickly infer a few things:
- The only truly successful (in purely military terms) attack was on the NS1/NS2
- The Crimean Bridge and BSF attack failed due to the lack of adequate standoff weapons for NATO, which NATO specialists must have known, so from this we can also infer that
- The main objective of this NATO attack was, as usual, optics.
Next, we need to look at the political dimension/implications of these attacks from the Russian point of view. In this case, if the first attack was an attack on property which was at least in part owned by Russia (and Germany and others), the CB and BSF attack were attacks on Russian sovereign soil.
[Sidebar: I have been saying that Russia and the united West are at war since AT LEAST 2013, but that war was initially mostly informational and economic, now it is becoming much more kinetic than before, so we can call this escalation qualitative]
Now, I would certainly argue that while an attack on Russian state (or near state) owned property could be considered an act of war, the attacks on the CB and the BSF base in Sevastopol were most definitely acts of war. The fact that these attacks failed to deliver any tangible military results for NATO in no way changes that.
So what do we call an act of war which yields no tangible military benefits?
I think that this is what should be called a provocation.
So what is a “provocation”? There are plenty of definition out there ranging from, for example, the legal one (“Conduct by which one induces another to do a particular deed; the act of inducing rage, anger, or resentment in another person that may cause that person to engage in an illegal act“) to the more common “the action is in the reaction“. The point is, what these apparently rather different attacks have in common was the intention to trigger some kind of reaction from Russia which could then be used to demonize Putin, Russia and everything Russian.
Which, as it happens, is exactly the mantra repeated by the “dumbshit stupid” Western wannabe “friends of Russia” who constantly ask for Russian military escalations and when they don’t get what they want and even when they want it (!), they switch over the the AngloZionist strategic PSYOP taking points about Putin being “weak, indecisive, a sellout, etc. etc. etc.”.
Gee whiz, I wonder why Putin remains so obtuse and refuses to listen to his “learned Western friends of Russia” ;-)
More seriously, while looking up definitions of “provocations” I came across this page and this sentence: “No military provocation by irregular forces can justify a full-scale attack and the destruction of a country whose national forces or authorities had no role in that provocation“. I am not so sure about the main thesis of this sentence, but I do agree that in all three attacks mentioned above, there was a (very thin) attempt by the perpetrators to remain unnamed precisely in order to avoid a direct Russian retaliation against the Hegemony, say, like singling out one member of NATO for yet another increase in the Russian pain dial.
By the way. here is how a “properly anti-Russian” website explains the word “provocation:
Got to love those “democratic and free countries” :-)
Needless to say, Putin and his senior officials are way too smart to react exactly as the Hegemony would have them, we have seen that in too many cases to count. And here is where we observe an outright weird cycle which goes something like this:
- The Hegemony provokes Russia
- Russia fails to react as intended
- Putin is accused of weakness, indecisiveness or even cowardice
- Russia does something unexpected
- Russia gets stronger and stronger
- The Hegemony gets weaker and weaker
- To hide its quickly worsening position, the Hegemony provokes Russia again (go to #1)
The intention here is clear: escalate as high as can be but SHORT of an overt (lacking “plausible deniability”) attack on Russia in order to make it look like Russia just escalates (which she eventually does, just much later and in a way very different than what was expected) with no good reason other than “Putin is a New Hitler who cannot appeased“, he wants to “rebuild the Soviet Union” and “the Russians are simply evil, non-European, barbarians who would occupy and pillage all of Europe if not for the heroic Ukrainian armed forces“. Cancel Russia and all that…
Still, while an “anonymous attack” is not quite a false flag (for the latter requires a “blamed flag” in the first place) it is very close and shares much of the same features.
It does not require a lot of imagination or expertise to see that at the very least the Hegemony is playing with fire, if only because each attack which failed to yield any military advantage only serves to further underscore the awful situation NATO finds itself in. I will summarize this as follows:
- The Ukronazi military, which was the biggest and best military in NATO has been mostly demilitarized and denazified. Hence the need for
- The Hegemony to now provide both soldiers and equipment to compensate for the horrendous Ukrainian losses.
- Providing advanced military kit and trained personnel in small numbers is basically useless (other than for the optics of “the entire world is with Kiev”) and Western force planners and commanders understand that.
- And just to make things worse, former Warsaw Treaty Organization member countries have already donated most of their ex-Soviet hardware which the “losing” Russians promptly destroyed (including about 6’000 (six thousand!) main battle tanks (MBT) and infantry combat vehicles (ICV)).
- While NATO still does have large weapons stores, they are smaller than what NATO already lost in the Ukraine by at least an order of magnitude.
- This is all made even worse by the poor performance of most Western-made weapons systems, especially when they are delivered in insufficient numbers to even theoretically make a difference. When Germany or the US eventually sends its newest MBTs to the Ukraine, the optics of them burning like the Israeli Merkavas did in Lebanon would be absolutely awful for the US MIC.
- To bring enough forces to even *consider* waging a combined arms offense against Russia would require NATO to somehow safely bring in truly large amounts of equipment and soldiers. This would take many months and is simply not doable, especially not with the TOTAL absence of modern air defenses in the EU. Besides, once this hypothetical force is safely (and, therefore, miraculously) brought to some (miraculously safe) location in the EU, how do you move all that to where the action is today? You can’t “simply” land a battalion or brigade somewhere in, say, France or even Poland and then “simply drive” up to the line of contact.
And that all brings us to the latest idiocy cooked up in the demented and ignorant minds of the Neocons: to bring more nuclear weapons near the Russian border. Why do I call this an idiocy?
- The Russians know exactly where NATO nukes are and Russia has hypersonic vehicles to deal with them if needed. Forward deployment is very Cold War, modern warfare make most such deployments not only useless but counter-productive (the closer to Russia, the easier to defeat for Russians)
- The Russian layered and integrated air defense system (both the one protecting the Russian military forces and the one protecting crucial objectives in Russia) makes any limited attack on Russia useless (as shown by the recent attack on the BSF base)
- A massive attack on Russia cannot be anonymous or have any “plausible deniability” and will result in an absolutely devastating Russian response even on any NATO country which participated in the attack.
So can you set off a nuke (real or “dirty) just for optics or to feel good?
Of course not.
But the demonic freaks who run the Hegemony are not demonic freaks for no good reasons. These are the folks who brought us 9/11, the WMD crap and the GWOT! These are the folks who destroyed country after country with truly satanic viciousness.
These are the folks who ruined and laid waste to every single country they could take control off, the latest being, of course, the Ukraine itself.
We are dealing with psychopaths who will do absolutely *anything* to stay in power, both on the planetary scale (the Hegemony) or in Washington DC (see video at the bottom of this article)
Finally, and truth be told, everybody knows. It does not take Liz Truss’ message to Blinken to know who is behind all these attacks and the “plausible deniability” criterion as been made so thin as to become irrelevant. Here are just three examples illustrating this: (there are many more!)
- Russians got the GPS tracking data from the drones which attacked the BSF
- The very visible and obvious Global Hawk monitoring flights over the Black Sea during that latest attack
- US AWACS flights in Romanian airspace during the latest attack
There are dozens of statements by top Russian officials which clearly indicate that they are all acutely aware of all this. So far, we can make at least three potentially interesting observations:
- Russia is mostly pointing the finger at the UK (and not necessarily because the UK is the #1 evil doer here, but primarily because it is the weakest link in the US-UK-3B+PU “coalition of the willing”, militarily, politically and economically).
- Russia now has enough in theater forces for a combined arms operation.
- Russia is keeping most of her armed forces in a state of high readiness, including all her strategic forces (nuclear and conventional).
What will happen next is anybody’s guess.
And while I will not comment upon US internal politics, I think that is is important to show, especially to those living outside the USA, the kind of “mood” President Brandon’s puppeteers must be aware of and which they will have to deal with one way or another:
(This is a collage of several videos, the first is very quiet, please bump your sound up, then bring it back down again):
BitChute version:
and, just in case, here is the Rumble version:
I will stop here by simply stating the obvious: we are entering very dangerous and unpredictable times.
This may seem like an oversimplification but it is not: USA is bluffing. They actually think that Russia may fall for their bluff.
A psychopath’s perspective is very limited. Even if they manifest some organizational skills it is without any insight into the true reality of any given situation.
They actually have an insight into their plight, which most here actually do not have.
They are faced with the horror of the globe going in a new direction, as Putin very explicitly said at Valdai.
When you poke a Cyclops in the single rye, what happens (Illiad…)?
The infamous 5-Eyes are 5 Cyclops, and Putin if full Homeric tradition has poked all 5 in their single eyes.
As the Cyclops called to his big brothers – ‘nobody’ had blinded him.
By the way, Homer was the first to write in the New Alphabet, Greek, after Ionia lost it’s script 800 years before with the Troy holocaust.
Well, we’re dealing with insanity in the Western “leadership” and insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
That’s all the West is capable of formulating right now – a repeat of all their previous acts.
It’s hard on the poor psychopaths when their schemes get too complicated.
They are so busy trying to build a big lie and delude others that they lose touch with reality.
And their success in fooling others around them actually compounds the problem,
because all the feedback they ever get only reflects back to the lie.
They fall into the very trap that they had intended for others.
There is a fortune to be made in scrap metal in 404.
Tell that to the British Government who’ve just been hit by a financial nuclear explosion, with £1.3 Trillion wiped off corporate bonds, gilts. This for only a period of 10 months in 2022. This is an earthquake of magnitude 6.1-6.9, strong. Proves we’re on the verge of collapse, maybe by Christmas once the sharks smell blood.
I was thinking the same thing upon reading 6,000 tanks destroyed and more importantly what a time consuming job to make that land functional again.
very dangerous for the masses yes unpredictable no very predictable as is human nature …see past 6000 years
» AngloZionist strategic PSYOP taking points about Putin being “weak”… «
I underwrite your analysis, but there is also danger in emboldening the Hegemony and widening the conflict.
In the game of Risk, strategems always lose out if someone goes mad & suicidal.
These people believe their own PR on so many levels, we have a generation of leaders/elite who cannot distinguish anymore between PR reality and physical reality and who are not rational actors.
They are capable of anything!
Agree, mostly. And 6 months ago would have agreed 100%. But a commenter here identified these hegemony freaks as self-preservationists. Their thinking is highly disordered, lacks insight, but excel at self-adulation and a need to be honored daily.
Not truly fanatical, but still psychopathic. Dangerous and unpredictable, but still cowardly. Who excel in the ability to mass manipulate people, being highly clever speakers. Optics means everything to them. Substance… nothing. Mass manipulators with zero insight. Zero integrity.
When confronted they run. Or shoot others in the back when they run. When cornered, they’ll commit suicide as opposed to endure injury at their captor’s hands. Being deathly afraid of personal physical injury, while quick to inflict it on others. Psychopaths to the core, unrelenting.
Sound familiar?
Very odd omission – Russia clearly says the British are responsible for all 3 actions.
Whether some say that is because of a Truss iPhone hack or hacker DELTA database dump is not important.
Whether London informed Biden before or after-the-fact, is also unimportant.
Britain is in very serious trouble. Germany of course notes that NS2 sabotage is an attack on Germany.
Deja-vu anyone?
As for blowhard Obama – he was publicly confronted with his serial war-crimes :
MSNBC: ‘It’s Not How We Do Things’: Obama Interrupted By Protester At Detroit Rally
Confronted with the very real danger of a nuclear escalation the crowd chants Obama! Chanting their own funeral march?
Ok, UK is mentioned in the lede.
9/11 was a failed Reichstagsbrandt, run by BAE (British Aerospace Eng. – Saudi Prince Bandar’s sandbox, Bush’s Uncle Bandar) .
So the insanity was already evident then, the utter and irredeemably bankruptcy. Imagine the psychosis now!
Really appreciate this article, Mr Saker, thank you. Provocations are happening everywhere.
According to both ancient hermetic teachings and modern quantum theory, the universe is a fractal. As in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm. As above, so below. As within, so without. We are all being provoked. It is a time of provocations. It is important for us to see that we are not “armchair generals” – we ARE on the battlefield. Powers and principalities that have spent eons enslaving humanity are on shaky ground, and the air is filled with provocations.
As Russia demonstrates, let us not fall into the trap of REACTING to provocation. Let us rather, overcome our emotional and instinctive reactions, so that we may wisely RESPOND. The provocations we all face in our respective microcosmic lives parallel the macrocosmic provocations faced by the Rebellion against Empire. Reacting with anger and escalation feeds dark forces. Responding with wisdom starves these dark forces of their power. Russia and Putin are role-modeling behavior for all of us to emulate.
Russia, for all of its imperfections, is an archetypical representation of moral order; the dharma. The high moral road is a razors edge- it is so easy to condemn immorality with righteous fury, and in so doing fall from morality, becoming the very thing we have sworn to defeat! We must adhere to a higher moral law than reacting to provocations. We must practice compassion, even as we defend our boundaries and disarm, by force if necessary, those who would do us harm.
I use the term “wisdom” to describe the nuanced boundary between justice and mercy, which is really the boundary between compassion and healthy boundaries. Being there for others vs being there for ourselves. Balancing between these two poles is the razors edge..
I am talking to myself, mainly. I’m not good at this kind of stuff. I’m full of anger and reactivity. But I know that we are not removed from the battlefield, and I know that my negative reactions to the antagonistic provocations in my own life are counter to the dharma, and actually empower the very forces I am determined to overcome. Russia is demonstrating moral behavior, and we are obliged to follow her lead.
Our personal actions have an effect. As within, so without. The universe is governed by an impersonal
Moral law. We cannot expect to see Russia emerge victorious over mammon’s empire until we are willing to heal our own thoughts of vengeance, retribution, or other negative reactions. The battlefield is within us.
Vladimir Putin is following the dharma, moral law. We assist Russia’s army by doing the same. This is the nature of the quantum universe, and I am sure Russia’s AI programs are telling Putin what he already knows. By adhering to moral law we gain victory over conflict itself.
Thanks for reading
Removed. Please stop sending the same comment. Saker decides if it will be approved or not. Stay on topic. Mod.
Very profound comment Quetzalcoatl. Thankyou.
I believe that this is what Putin has been doing right form the start which probably comes from his judo training. He allows a provocation, using his opponent’s own energy to then overthrow them. True, it takes longer – but saves energy!
This has the added advantage of exposing to all & sundry – esp. his internal opposition within Russia, the 5th & 6th columnists, but also the Global South, the 87% of the world’s population – the viciousness of his opponents’ destructive mindset.
It also allows Putin to bring the vast majority of the Russian people along with him as revealed by his approval rating in Russia of ~80%.
If you had to name the world’s most popular/well respected leader at this time in World History it wouldn’t be any of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders i.e globalist managerial class: Trudeau in Canada, Jacinda Ardern in NZ, BoJo, Truss or Sunak in the UK, or that idiot dancer, Marin from Finland – it would have to be Putin.
As an aside, it amazes me that more people can’t see the weakness of the collective West i.e. cowardice, esp. the US. They won’t fight directly – but get proxies to do their fighting. This reveals a lack of the warrior spirit but also explains why Russia will win this war. Andrei Martynov beautifully describes this spirit of the Russian fighting men & women, on his blog.
@Quetzalcoatl… re… “I’m not good at this kind of stuff”.
Au contraire… you made a magnificent and succinct job of explaining the importance of moral law and how we all must play our individual parts.
Our individual and collective roles are by no means small either. This site alone has a huge and eclectic global readership. Personally, I hope to see many more comments from you.
Warm regards
Thank you Quetzalcoatl.
It’s good to be reminded that there are layers of reality.
And to be reminded that “…it is so easy to condemn immorality with righteous fury, and in so doing fall from morality, becoming the very thing we have sworn to defeat! “
Well said, thank you.
Very, very interesting post, Quetzalcoatl. I’ll have to ponder it some more.
You wrote:
“We cannot expect to see Russia emerge victorious over mammon’s empire until we are willing to heal our own thoughts of vengeance, retribution, or other negative reactions. The battlefield is within us.”
On one level, I agree. Everyone’s life is a spiritual struggle.
I think of that beautiful line from Philo of Alexandria:
“Be kind, for everyone is fighting a difficult battle.”
Yet, this week, some of the collaborators in the ongoing crimes against humanity of the past 2-1/2 years are now publicly pleading for “amnesty” for themselves — without any repentance whatsoever. Many of us feel that it would be a crime against future generations to NOT hold people accountable. Would it have been right, after WWII, to give the Waffen SS pats on the head and assurances of our forgiveness — especially if, instead of apologizing, they tried to excuse or explain away their behavior? Would we even have the RIGHT to forgive them for atrocities they inflicted on people? It is one thing to forgive an individual who has hurt YOU. But to forgive torturers of children? Sorry, I just can’t see it.
If we do not demand justice and hold evildoers accountable, such crimes against humanity will be repeated. My belief is that we have no right to inflict that on our posterity. MERCY toward innocent children and toward those who will come after us requires making sure that JUSTICE is done in our own day.
Justice and mercy, you see, are actually one and the same.There’s an old saying: If you are kind to the cruel, you end up being cruel to the kind.
It is not merciful to allow the evil to go unpunished; it ends up hurting us all.
Talking about NATO escalations, tonight the Military of Serbia brought down a commercial drone that flew in from Kosovo and was doing recon on it. Interesting detail is that they used EW to bring it down. The search for the wreckage is currently ongoing (or maybe they already found it but didn’t report on it).
(sorry, no English version of texts so far)
The same drone-based recon actually happened yesterday too. Yesterday, the military was slow to respond to being watched, but today they were on point. They made a little show of force yesterday, they sent MIGs to do a patrol over the area where the drones flew.
The wider picture is that leaders in Prishtina (Kosovo) want to end the use of old Serbian licence plates on cars. There is even talk about conficating the cars if their licence plates aren’t changed. The supposed deadline for changes ended on Nov 1st, the same day that drones started flying. There is very serious worry that Prishtina will attempt to ethnically clense the north of Kosovo, and honestly it seems to me that these recent flyovers imply that Prishtina is absolutely thinking about armed conflict. Otherwise they wouldn’t really be interested in exact dispositions of Serbia’s Military’s units.
As for the plates (and cars), the drivers will be “reprimanded” for using the old ones until January, when the Prishtina’s plan is to start issuing fines. Later on, they plan to escalate further.
In previous instances, the general trend was for Serbia to successfully impose (?) deescalation, and let’s hope (and pray) this time it will be the same.
Germany tells Serbia: you have to choose between EU and Russia
And it is only getting colder!
General Winter decides – let’s get back to this at 10 degrees less.
It is a threat to Serbia: choose or we will let the Albanians loose on you (with Nato support).
Not the fuckwit Albanians lying face down in the mud in Donbass though.
Ukraine all over again. What happened to Yanukovich when he declined the EU offer? WIll NATO start another war with Serbia or will Vucic back down again to prevent bloodshed?
If he does, then his political career is over, unless they line up a cushy Euro Commission post. Anyway Serbia & RF militaries have upcoming military joint exercises in 2023, which could be brought forward should circumstances necessitate.
UK Ambassador has been called in today.. reported to be presented with evidence of its nefarious involvement . Not seen any later details…maybe Gazprom investigation is extra weight by confirming one pipeline NS2 has a section missing with explosion evidence at each end of the remaining sections . Meanwhile Poland is playing idiot games by seizing a recreational property that belongs to Russian Embassy.
The real question is, has Berlin called in the UK Ambassador?
To muddle through this simply cannot work!
Germany has been directly sabotaged, not to mention France, Netherlands NS stakeholders.
If Russia makes the UK pay for its acts, the USA might have to find another sucker to do its bidding. I wonder who will step up to the plate to be the next shield from direct US involvement?
If the UK has to bow out, the US will be left with broadsides of mean tweets and fake news.
Speaking of fake news, I mistakenly clicked on an MSM link to Russian missile damage. It featured a hole in the street that looked nothing like missile damage. It was a street excavation to repair a pipe which could be seen running across the bottom of the hole. Amazing how the missile cleared the pipe for repair!
There are Trolls and Quantum Trolls.
When they do a fractal tango with Artificial Intelligence, it is for sure the Empire in full swing.
Let’s keep the feet on the ground?
Good analysis, no doubt Putin/Russia is not responding as expected and this is throwing the whole USA gameplan astray as we can see by the flailing around.
Putin/Russia is very close to turning the tables completely on Europe via the fact that Europe has went all in on Ukraine. Putin/Russia are now holding a very powerful card in that they can flood Europe with millions of potential Ukrainian refugees by further infrastructure strikes. Europe will have no option but to accept them in as it cannot do an about face and negotiate with Putin because of the sunk costs.
This however presents a very real problem for European governments because refugees/immigration is an explosive powder keg domestically, perhaps even more so than gas, complicating this is the fact that a lot of these Ukrainian refugees are media savvy and their expectations are not low. In order to keep the refugees in Ukraine, Europe must keep funneling billions in direct aid and also weapons as Zelensky’s crew is also threatening to “evacuate” Ukrainian cities presumably to Europe.
So now both Ukraine and Russia are threatening to play the same card against Europe. I have to hand it to Putin/Russia , they have played this very well, one of the near/medium term consequences of this , is that the European Union and NATO might conceivably collapse due to internal disagreements around who in Europe is going to pay the bill that at this point may run in the hundreds of billions and may hit a trillion if this conflict continues for a few more years. They can definitely print more Euros but then they pay on the other side with inflation , in fact they are already paying.
The longer this conflict goes on without Russia ending it the more trouble the European Union/NATO is. I believe the provocations are stirred not by the United States per se but rather certain elements in Europe and US that understand Europe cannot remain united on this and are meant to push Putin to deal the deathblow to Ukraine so Europe can walk away, these elements wish to preserve the European Union/NATO and understand if this goes on for much longer, neither will survive.
The USA will walk away when it is convenient and there is understanding between both Russia and the USA at the military level that the USA is not going to initiate a wide scale war over Ukraine.
Every single ‘prediction’ since Feb 2022 has been wrong. Scott Ritter clearly says he got it wrong.
The crystal Ball they gaze into does not show $2 quadrillion transatlantic debt .
This must be settled, even as the Vatican mediates security guarantees.
Russia’s EAEU economist Glazyev is fully aware of this.
The best way to deal with this, is first put it on the table, then some kind of a New Bretton Woods for today’s BRICS+ world.
Absolutely agreed bonbon, but we must first get away from any Bretton Woods-related terminology.
This is because it was simply a continuation of predatory financial hegemony bfrom the same old kleptocrats that had sucked the lifeblood out of Mainstreet for centuries.
In fact, the private banksters that had just wrecked half the world with their contrived WW2 had major input into this new blueprint. They paved the way for another 78 years of financial pillaging by the private banking industry and the inevitable bankruptcy of the entire global economy.
We urgently need to come up with a new label… any reference to Bretton Woods would constitute an extremely bad omen.
Not to worry, the old Bretton Woods wooden hotel is gone.
Socchi or Astana could work, but how to drag Britain and USA there by the scruff of the neck?
Either way the location is secondary – the greatest write off in history, evah, $300 trillion must be signed off.
Glass-Steagall bank separation likewise signed off.
Only a combined action of 4 sovereign Nations, China, RF, India, and yes USA, have any chance to put the global financial wreck under regulation. None of these alone has any chance whatsoever.
As Putin said at Valdai, the key is sovereignty, and especially these 4 powers.
With the utmost respect Bonbon I beg to differ.
The U$ and UK will not be dragged anywhere “by the scruff of the neck”… they will forever desperately cling to their habitual imperialist hegemonic habitat.
Methinks the BRIICS+++ has to really get their act together now and push home an already massive collective might in order to render the old Zone A system irrelevant. I think if we could graph de-dollarisation then this trend would already be unmistakable.
Add to this the fact that all of the main Zone A economies are technically insolvent, and that their FIRE economies are unproductive in terms of generating real goods and societal and infrastructural wealth and it is game over. A combined repudiation of all predatory debt to the criminal Zone A private banking cabal will add the finishing touches.
The currently coordinated interest hikes of the main Zone A central banks will only hasten the demise of their productive real economies as this strategy won’t address “inflation” and disastrously destructive CPIs.
This is not garden variety inflation anyway, so it cannot be remedied by normal tools. Token rate hikes, well below the real CPI figure, only feeds “inflation” it does not alleviate it. To address this drop in the purchasing power of these currencies would effectively require truly brutal hikes which would kill these economies long before they got anywhere near the double-digit rates of a bygone age… a la the Volcker shock of the eighties, where they went north of 20%. That was an entirely different scenario where all debt, including Govt debt, was only a fraction of where it stands today.
These massively indebted economies would self-destruct well before interest rates got anywhere near double digits. What I see is a token orchestrated hike that will allow the financial kleptocrats to buy up a whole lot more distressed assets before they pivot and revert to even more massive QE, and the same old gravy chain that took us to this insolvency in the first place.
Meanwhile, Zone B puts the finishing touches on their parallel system of trade and financial instruments as it gradually disenfranchises the old Zone A kleptocrats.
So no, these thieving conniving parasites will not be dragged anywhere… they will have to go quietly and meekly, one by one and cap in hand to wherever the new HQ is located. They will have to voluntarily, no doubt begrudgingly, join a completely new cooperative and multipolar paradigm in global financial, trade and security arrangements.
The beautiful old Bretton Wood Hotel is by all accounts gone, bonbon. In reality, so too is the Zone A parasite… it’s just that TPTB won’t admit to this inevitability. They fancy they have yet another huge round of global pilfering that they fully intend to pull off before the entire edifice goes tits up.
This will be entirely Putin’s fault of course… and good luck brokering this story to anyone on the globe with an IQ above everyday household refrigerator temperature levels.
Best regards
How about Yalta – that was some confab! Churchill purple thinking FDR is ending colonialism!
Elected governments will drag the financial cabal to a Glass-Steagall chopping block, one way or another.
“The European Union and NATO might conceivably collapse due to internal disagreements around who in Europe is going to pay the bill that at this point may run in the hundreds of billions and may hit a trillion if this conflict continues for a few more years.”
The EU ‘freeze and seize” of Russia’s three-hundred billion in US$ assets in EU banks assures the mafia a longer lifesplan.
The USA are going forward to a re-founding. We are not reverting to a former condition, such as in 1784, 1867, 1921, 1967, 1995, or 2007.
The immediate work of re-founding The USA is re-thinking and re-learning the raison d’être of US Armed Forces as the essential geo-political force producing and protecting US national sovereignty as well as setting the character of The USA per se as a nation state. The assertion that national sovereignty is an obsolete concept and non-existent reality is contemptible and treatable as treason.
The next essential element of re-founding The USA is renouncing the urge and habit of intervention in other nations’ affairs because we want to, or worse, because we can. Officials of The USA government, whether civilian or military, must not promote the interests of private citizens and corporations whether small or large, rich or poor. Protect them, remove obstacles to deployment of their aptitudes, yes, but promote their profitabilities, no. Never form alliances against anyone and never make friends with someone against others.
There is a fly in that ointment – $2 Quadrillion nominal debt, $300 Trillion to be written off immediately. London cannot accept this, and for sure stirs a storm in a teacup!
Any brilliant, quaint, religious, grand plan that leaves this unresolved, is back to square one.
I have pondered over the legal strength of business vs citizens. The main foundation of that strength is the legal definition of a corporation/business as a person.
While a citizen has rights and responsibilities a corporations only goal is to increase shareholders value.
Corporation/business have much more funds and other resources in a tussle against citizens rights adding to them peesonhood gives them entrenched power which is impossible to dismantle.
American mentality is best exemplified by American football, where the strategy is to put your head down and run into the opposition until something breaks.
In this case it will most likely be America’s neck. At least I hope so.
A dirty bomb attack cannot happen because Russia has evidence of possible Nato involvement. So blow up a dam is most likely the next false flag.
Russia has been emptying the dam over the last few weeks. Yes it might impact next years water supply to some extent but at least for now the safety of people and the protection of logistical options is important. So destruction of the dam may not have much of a military effect.
It’s interesting about the “huge” optics, because the growing economic insecurity in the West, and the huge crime spikes if you’re dumb enough to live in a large blue hive, are quickly eating up all the attention of Americans, and probably the rest of the West. The BSF waste-of-materials barely got a look in here, especially with the idiot circus story of the “attack” on Paul Pelosi.
Let me repeat: as people’s 401Ks turn into 200.5s then 100.25s, and as at least 33% of the country is one paycheck from the street, nobody around these parts is going to give a wet slap about Ukraine
Erdogan: German Chancellor has changed his position and advocates the search for a common language with Putin
This, after German President Steinmeier did a movie-extra role in a Kiev bunker, nicely outfitted, with air defense alarms as background special effects.
“Erdogan, whose words are quoted by the Sabah newspaper, recalled that a month ago Scholz held a completely different position towards Russia, but chose the path of finding a common language with the Russian authorities.”
Predictions, staring into Gnostic Crystal Balls, is for the birds – reality changes!
https://tass.com/world/1531775 (English)
Scholz, having changed his stance, advocates finding common ground with Putin – Erdogan
Leaders’ diplomacy is critical to solving problems, says Turkish president
Hi Bonbon – a warning that posted links are in Russian would be welcome. ( Just like next post says English)
You seem to have a calming influence on me Andrei. You’re very much correct though about keeping your head while all around us others are losing theirs.
Kinda reminds me of a joke I used to tell about being challenged at a party by a drunk regarding the size of my/his manhood, and my wife asks, you didn’t pull that big thing out, and I said, certainly not, just enough to win.
As they say, it’s all about the economy stupid. It’s only a matter of time before the EU economy collapses and with it, their lust for war.
OMG, Shades of Z!
I don’t think anyone can say much for BidenHo but to apologize, at best.
Folks who have any sense of their own being look up to Putin, he is seen as the force of rock that he is, and people hear his words without knowing the same language, because of the strength of the actions to save and strengthen Russia against the evil satanic West.
Even nUkraine will soon figure out that peace with Russia is inevitable.
Sooner the better.
Or there will not be any nUkraine, that’s okay too.
Of course most ordinary folks want nothing to do with war, and ate just doing their best to mind their own business, while tis being destroyed….
I hope Russia takes over the whole of the Ukraine.
Then they cut those pesky “Beautiful Ukrainian Women” spam emails!
This weekend on the menu… Chicken Kiev.
“The section of the pipe between the craters is completely destroyed, the radius of dispersion of the fragments of the pipe is at least 250 meters,” the release says.
“According to the preliminary results of the inspection, man-made craters with a depth of three to five meters at a distance of about 248 meters from each other were found on the seabed.”
This is more than a mere shaped cutting detonation.
Looks more like torpedo’s?
Just announced on Donbass Devushka Telegram channel, “At Zaporozhye NPP, a terrorist attack, which Kiev had been preparing since spring, was prevented, – Rogov
No further details for now.”
Excellent analysis. Thank you.
You omitted the use of the Humanitarian Grain Corridor in the attack on BSF which swiftly became collateral damage, although the deals are now in play again yet greatly altered as Escobar explained in his Cradle essay. To be fair, all 37 comments omitted it too.
Thank you for a very discerning article, Saker.
What is most profoundly needed here is intelligence gathering. By that, I mean answering the primary question: Who is really in charge? Assuming a pyramid structure, who is at the top of the pyramid? (Excluding God as the prime mover-and-shaker for this analysis.)
Intelligence gathering ‘assets’ need to be tasked with tracking-back the bread crumbs of communication – of order-delivery down the pyramid. This will be dangerous; expect losses of agents/assets. It will take time, including evaluating intentional false leads. It may even include tasking psychics, remote viewers, and Holy Men/Women, if that is where the trail leads.
There is an old saying that to operate upon something, one has to be outside/above that thing. In this case, “we” have to be patient enough and wise enough to isolate-out the true movers-and-shakers.
Then, “we” have a chance…
Some videos for today.
RT visited the DPR’s Volnovakha, showing more of the damage caused by Kiev regime shelling earlier this year and also the ongoing reconstruction efforts:
More proof has emerged, in the form of leaked documents, proving that Washington is blatantly involved in censoring speech on various ‘Big Tech’ platforms on a variety of subjects, including its anti-Russia proxy war in the Ukraine:
Russia’s Iskander-M system fires OTRK missile at an enemy command post:
Russian soldier says they mostly fight against foreign mercenaries:
Russian VDV troops used artillery to beat off another enemy attack:
Kiev regime infantry fighting vehicle and squad hit landmine:
DPR troops capture trenches, take prisoners:
Russian self-propelled howitzer Msta-S in action:
Combat work of Su-34 fighter-bomber crews:
Thanks Nate, I generally watch the videos you post.
Anyone who doesn’t think this war has been ongoing for the last 8 years simply has to look at the massive network of trenches to understand how long this has been planned for.
Good video on the rebuilding efforts. Much faster than I thought possible.
Very good video on the culpability of DHS on the infringement of the US constitutional rights.
Biden – Afghanistan. From video proofs you posted.
Agree with your posits on Ukraine provocation.
Afghanistan. Why does no one dare mention that Trump surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Total capitulation…no accords, no requirements. Unconditional surrender. Then for 10 months the State Dept was told not to process any requisite permits for repatriation status of Afghan colleagues. After he lost,Trump actually wanted the removal of forces to occur on Jan 15 2021, with zero preparation. Biden managed to extend that diplomatically. Who expected the Afghan Army to fold so easily…?
Up the Khyber Pass… ! It became a colloquialism adapted into the English language. The Khyber Pass is the main entrance into the mountains to the north. Many Brits died there. The military might of Colonial Great Britain, seldom lost. It lost in Afghanistan twice…! The Russians lost. Everyone has. The terrain, the climate, guerilla warfare and the agreements between tribes backed down Rome and Kublai Khan, the murderous son of Genghis Khan. This outline is from a journalist embedded with the Mujahedin in the final years of the Russian occupation, details the loose alliances between disparate tribes without need of any central government structure. This is their way for centuries. You can’t bring them Western Democracy…not at any price. Honor and Religion is their codec of existence…always was…so why is the West surprised…?
But let’s blame Brandon… !!!
NordStream being on Empire’s ground , it was impossible to prevent … but was very easy to document.
Bridge and port were either strategic laisser-faire or criminal incompetence.
Letting Russia getting victimized to further legitimate SMO and escalation is a good tactic when you lack leadership.
But this get peasants killed.
People are mad at Putin’s lack of leadership.
He’s a good manager and a great patriot … end.
There were 4 Ukrainian flags displayed in my neighborhood this summer. Judging by the names on their mailboxes these people were of English or German descent and probably from families living in the United States for a number of generations. Once it got late into the summer the flags started to disappear and then there was only one. This Halloween night it was the first truly cold evening and it was raining. Whilst trick or treating with children we walked by this house and now even they have retired their Ukrainian flag. Why had these neighbors put the flags up in the first place? Why had they taken them down? Was it easy to defend Ukraine to the last Ukrainian in the summer sun when it cost so little to them? Now that it has become cold and sacrifice is required is it time to fold the flag and donate it? How’s the 401k plan might I ask? How’s the standard of living? Haven’t even paid in blood like those did in Donbass for eight long years and already waning in enthusiasm are you? Hope the next current thing comes along soon. Hope you never have to think of the consequences of those flags you flew so proudly this summer. Hope you never see the hunger, death, and destruction visited upon you.
The West fights with the wind of propaganda and the fire of terrorism. Russia knows a mountain rooted in truth stands majestically against the wind. Russia knows water soaks the fire even if the wood is ignited sometimes. The metal element stays concealed for now but it is there if and when needed.
Hearts Versus Minds
“I have it from several intelligence officials — senior officials, of course, as all my sources are — that all the retired blue-and-yellow flags are to be stored in a large attic owned by the Smithsonian Institution. I cannot name these officials, naturally, “due to the sensitivity of the matter,” but you already understood that. If they are telling me things and I am telling you the things they are telling me, it is plain enough that you can believe what they are telling me and I am telling you.”
Patric Lawrence, intrepid journalist knows the attic!
My “quantum” gut feeling is the grind goes on just a little bit harder with each new stupid NATO action. It’s like there’s a whole list of “fuck ’em harder” escalatory options and Putin and the General Staff decide which card to play for the best military option. I’m pretty sure ADM and Cargill won’t be in possession of their land purchases at the very least.
Here in the States I am prepared to pay for the sins of my rulers as the USA becomes an agrarian backwater after an incredibly vicious culling of everyone against everyone else.
Appreciate your clarity you bring to understanding what’s occurring besides just the optics we all see. Thought your 7 step Cycle to be quite accurate. And last, appreciate your humor, “You can’t “simply” land a battalion or brigade somewhere in, say, France or even Poland and then “simply drive” up to the line of contact.” That actually made me laugh out loud. It’s pretty grim, watching what my country, the US, is doing, knowing it’s all wrong, all of it.
Thank you for another interesting analysis, Mr Saker!
Doee anyone know if the hypothesis of remotely controlled explosives to destroy NS1 and NS2 is finally fully proven now?
Asking because came accross another one (a link in someone’s comment either here at The Saker blog or at MoA, I don’t remember) involving the use of anti-submarine air launched missiles/torpedoes, launched by a Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft, which according to its radar track, flew directly from the US to Poland’s airspace for refuelling, before flying above the pipelines, with some altitude changes corresponding to the missiles’launches, before flying back to its base in the US.
There is an article and I think a video, explaining this hypothesis, with the Poseidon’s flight details and radar track records, as well as description of the capabilities of the US’ air launched anti submarine missile/torpedo, which I need to retrieve.
Maybe some people more knowledgeable on military affairs might check validity of this other hypothesis
The US is once again again talking about Russia using nuclear weapons as b. says over at MoA.
. It’s like a schoolyard bully trashtalking from a distance afraid he will get his ass kicked, as his gang gets beaten up one by one. Kherson was a failure. Kharkov was a failure. Kerch…Yup! Sevastopol. Yup! BRICS seems to have a brigher future, with Brazil joining up and other countries. Russia is on a roll as I write here https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/russia-is-on-a-roll Note that NATO has to find a way to somehow cover up massive losses to personnel. How many Brits died in Ochakv.
So I see that rumble is challenged in France. Ursula’s rules to stop strategic Culture and RT are not enough? all the French media “for Ukraine” are not enough?? Democracy HAHA!
Read Dmitri Orlov’s article before it is taken away!!!
That is Digital Minister Thierry Breton at work for Ursula.
He also threatened Elon Musk, the Chief Twit (says himself) , with new regulation of the new Twitter.
Scott Ritter says meanwhile, it is the same as the old Twitter.
Talk about a slow burn on the anger level thats resonating throughout the American public, im surprised its actually taken this long.
So all the destructive wars the U.S has started has been like water off a ducks back with the American public so far, but one of the the straws thats breaking the camels back is the inflation break out thats underway, and thats with a relatively ” Strong” U.S dollar. Once the dollar really starts to tank, the financial burden the strong dollar has disquised for so long will be too much to bare for most people, ratcheting up the anger level to 10 on the pain dial.
With all thats happening, I wonder how much longer war criminals like Obama can actually make an appearance in public before an example is made of them if you know what I mean. I dont think we are far from that event at all.
You are correct the situation is very complex and unstable in the U.S.
Inflation is taking a real toll on the middle class which is always the keystone in a social class system.
They are stuck with this inflation quandary but the usual method of using a war to get out of it is not available as the “enemy” countries like Iran, North Korea, China, Russia would inflict real losses on the US military and the domestic political situation would force it to go nuclear which would “end the game”.
We are stuck with this substitute “proxy” war business such as Ukraine and Taiwan, but the Russians have played the situation extremely well and the situation has worsened exponentially. No easy solutions for the US empire externally, the most likely situation is an internal conflict between the different factions, hell you are already seeing it.
FJB is a great chant!
I’ve noticed that many people are referring to Joe Binden as simply, FJB.
Me too, I used to call him Joe Bidet, but I like FJB better.
Obola The Magnificent got shut down so nicely.
Very clear exposition, Saker – appreciated.
On a humorous note, there is a typo in the article where you spelled provoke as “provoque”. I thought this was appropriate in naming the ineffectiveness of the provocations. Sort of an effete provocation.
Second, I strongly agree we are in a very dangerous moment. The type of people you spoke about do not have an “off” position except by force or loss of all options. The escalation against their own population and the world has been ongoing, in various forms, for decades. And, as Hillary once said of herself and coconspirators in addressing a possible reversal, “we’ll all hang”.
“By deploying American soldiers to Ukraine to inspect Western-supplied weapons, the United States is provoking a conflict between Russia and NATO that could escalate into a full-scale confrontation between the parties.
“Despite the fact that the US military will not fight in Ukraine, the very presence of soldiers from a NATO country is a significant event in the conflict. This solution also presents a puzzle in case an American soldier is wounded,” 19FortyFive columnist Jack Buckby.
The author of the material is convinced that if American soldiers die as a result of a Russian strike, this will probably be considered an attack on NATO, and the consequences will be unpredictable.
“This could provoke a response from the military bloc, which, in turn, threatens to escalate into a full-scale conflict with Russia,” Buckby concluded.”
It’s wishful thinking on his part. I am 100% sure NATO soldiers have already died in this conflict, it’s probably not much or there may be some legal dance where they are “on contract” or something along those lines. These deaths would be kept as quiet as possible.
These columnists on 1945 are simply living in the clouds, NATO and especially the US militarily cannot fight any military that would inflict large casualties on the US militarily as the US military would have to go nuclear not because it necessarily wanted to but because the political leadership would be forced to do so internally, the Pentagon does not want to open Pandoras box as that would immediately further legitimize the use of nuclear weapons and would spawn a nuclear weapons arms race, the NPT would become toilet paper. It’s one of the main reasons they don’t attack Iran/North Korea,; If Russia wanted to it could launch limited attacks on NATO ISR assets as well as ships and it would not trigger a full scale conflict with NATO.
This is one of the main quandaries NATO and especially the US military is stuck in and it’s probably the main reason it has not gotten involved with boots on the ground in Ukraine. The US politically cannot handle any large scale casualties without going nuclear regardless what any “expert” says.
The Russian military would inflict casualties on NATO armies not seen since WW2, the US could potentially lose more people in a week, than the entire Afghan and Iraq wars, and the political environment would immediately force the US to go nuclear in the conflict, end of game.
“The third attack was a purely military one. The intended target was the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the methods used (underwater, surface and airborne drones) are all, in my opinion, legitimate.”
I think this is debatable, if the assumption is it is legitimate for the Ukraine military because they are in a war with Russia, technically that may be true – but only on the basis that Russia is an aggressor. If Russia is not an aggressor, than the attack on the Black Sea Fleet was an act of aggression. I’m not expert in either international law or Geneva Conventions regulating warfare, so I am not absolutely sure about any of this.
In a truly impartial Court, Russia’s SMO would be ruled as a liberation operation, to free a territory, a country, from what is a de facto occupation regime installed by foreign powers – the Maidan coup of 2014. Ukraine was attacked by NATO countries by overthrowing a legitimately elected government, ever since then, a terrorist regime has been in power.
Sadly, the NeoCons are still in full control of the United States government and the United Kingdom, all other Western nations are obedient vassals run by well vetted lackeys. Whether through bribery or compromise (see Whitney Webb, “One Nation Under Blackmail:), the NeoCons exert enormous pressure, power, and influence. Most politicians, military officers, media personalities do not have the awareness to question policy. The bulk of people who understand the NeoCons run the show do not have the guts or self respect to challenge that authority. And it is almost understandable, because from Kanye West to Kyrie Irving to Cynthia McKinney it correlates to Career Suicide.
Okay, so the NeoCons run the west, so what.
They are not committed to the preservation of the United States or greater West. Like a virulent virus or viscous parasite, they seek only to use the United States and the United Kingdom to fulfill their goals of world hegemony. If the United State is consumed in the fire, well shucks, my bad, lets move on to plan B, C and plan Dalet. Worse, the concept of seeking peace with a religious enemy is not possible. The NeoCons cannot make peace with their MANUFACTURED enemies because that would be against the wishes of their g_d. It would be sacrilegious and require the elimination of the traitors and sellouts, just like the murder of Hellenistic brethren who favored working with the Roman. In this manner, no one will be allowed to consider peace. The Neoconned war machine will continue to probe, push and punish Russia at home, in the Ukraine, in Syria and anywhere around the world. The NeoConned War machine will attack Russian allies with the full knowledge that Russia would not be inclined to immediately react to such an event.
Which means these idiots will wage war to the last American, all the way to the last human.
Andrei: Vis-a- vis those “6’000 (six thousand!) main battle tanks (MBT) and infantry combat vehicles (ICV))” lost, I find it incredibly amusing of late that recent MOD kill counts increasingly include *cars* and *pick-up trucks* employed in the Ukrainian “offensives”.
How soon, I wonder, will the Ukro-Nazis have to resort to “battalion battle bicycles”??
The West will need years to draft the people and manufacture the equipment necessary to fight a conventional war vs Russia.
What does that mean? It means until conventional parity is achieved the world is at great risk of annihilation. The West has nothing to counter Russian conventional military strength besides weapons of mass destruction.
Let that sink in. Russia can win without nukes. The West can not. In the movie, Charlton Heston destroyed the world with the only remaining nuke because he did not want the apes to win.
Saker, thank you for insights.
Analysts need more fantasy. They forget min-max principle. (see below.) Too much wishful thinking.
Few days or weeks before Sergei Shoigu became calling Westerns, there was MSM noise aka “We not forgive Russian using nukes”. It was nearly obvious that Syrian scenario in on the way.
Some bloggers (Colonel Cassad began discuss that.)
Then “intelligence” about Chernobyl, Iskander-shape nuke charge emerged from Russians and they began made noise in UN.
Nothing unpredictable.
Little doubt that this was a Western Elite (WE) decoy. While other false flags are on their way.
Atomic false flag in Europe will bring enormous “benefits” for WE.
1. it will be blamed on Russia. Western people would believe in this. No matter what evidence is.
2. The catastrophe will weaken E. This is a part of Western goal.
3. If catastrophe is in U., that will weaken Russian world too.
4. With good execution, it may be plausible even for some Russian people, that R. MOD is behind of this which may split R.
This certainly makes more hatred in U and harms denazification goal, possibly for decades.
5. This may lead to mobilization of E against R and controlled conven. war in E.
6. This may lead to mobilization in USA when economical problems, blamed on R, will be overshadowed by inevitability of the war.
Of course, one provocation may be not enough. The more, the better. Airplanes aka MH17, burning oil refinery in Germany by “Iskander”, blowing up own NATO center, blowing up own Boeing flying with weapon to Ukraine, … and blaming on R.
Of course, each provocation must be thoroughly calculated by W.E., with all consequences in media, disposition of global military, economic connections, a lot of variables. The task for good supercomputer and AI.
Said above does not deny objective hard factors which are out direct control of elites.
Dollar decline, US deindustrialization. Lost military power.
False flags are not military campaigns, they do save W.E. resources. This is a pro.
Especially cheap would be provocations with own objects, like own airplanes, bases, aka 9/11.
No risk of involving third people like in Chernobyl in U. Disappearance of perpetrators then is also a cheap operation.
There are cons which should be also entered as variables in the supercomputer.
The first con is that Global South may not believe in false flags. In other words, the effectiveness of false flags is significantly sensible to variable of T, trust of Global South.
But if trust, T, is already small, then why to worry about it?
Now about min-max. In economics and politics and in the theory of optimal regulation, the player must find worse possible position and then calculate the best outcome from it. Min-max.
So what Russians and WE are actually doing every day, they update current geoposition, find worse possible positions in day, month, year, decade, and then calculate future moves which
provide maximum gain.
Don’t blame us on the grim and ugly fantastic speculations above. Our fantasy is a pale comparing to “fantasy” of WE which have a lot of intellectual resources. We just follow min-max method.
The “Russian nuke use” noise did not go away today. Why WE still waste resources on it? The reasonable person easily draws conclusion from above.
For example, just small number of options discussed here by Konstantin Sivkov. Окт. 24, 2022.
Details of two possible scenarios, etc.
Ukraine, US missile in the east-west direction, mobilization of the countries of Europe, …
same: [2:43] https://rutube.ru/video/2f6d58ad9a0578b0743169f41353a94f/
Just todays fact, we must note the “brilliant” move of WE,
17:23, November 3, 2022
IAEA hasn’t found a “dirty bomb” in Ukraine
IAEA says there are no undeclared activities at Ukrainian nuclear facilities
This discredits R. even more and makes soil for other unexpected false flag better.
Summary: http://landkey.net/speak-up/transformation/transformation.html#wind-mills
Где видим ненависть, инфляцию и глупость и раскол
Элита хладнокровно пешки расставляет,
Как например, атомный взрыв в Европе как не худший ход, [29]([30-33])
В котором, обвинив нас, сразу многих обыграет.
Что даже без очков не трудно предсказать,
Как в Сирии перед химической атакой,
Вся пресса Запада твердила “Не простим опять!”
Асаду то что Запад после совершил без страха.
Конечно шум в ООН должны мы поднимать, [55]
Хотя до Западных народов достучаться всё равно не можем.
Смеясь элита знает что мы будем делать и кричать,
И план другой исполнит что угадан быть не должен.
Атомный инцидент иль газовой трубы обрыв
Суперкомпютер рассчитает на декады,
Как тридцать лет в нём информацию копив
Элита в Украине – сделала войну себе наградой.
Десятки стран в своих вассалов превратив,
Их так-же можно запустить на провокаций дело,
Японию с Россией, например, друг с другом воевать склонив,
Взорвав заряд атомный на Курилах.