By Dominique Muselet, 16 April 2019
Translation : François Roddier for The Saker Blog
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What does the fire of Notre-Dame mean ?
Notre-Dame, “the whole history of Paris” as bobo Hidalgo* said, all happy to be at the center of a catastrophe of which she does not think herself responsible (although she is), has resisted more than 800 years of attacks of all kinds. Neo-capitalism got her!, with its cheap yards poorly secured, its subcontractors, its underpaid and under-qualified workers, its illegal workers and its posted workers. The pyromaniac politicians, who hold out the exploitation of human misery for the maximum benefit of their oligarch friends or protectors, pretend to be sorry for the disaster.
In the Middle Ages we built wonders by faith and greatness of spirit, in the 21st century they are destroyed by greed.
For someone who believes in signs, this fire speaks volumes. In addition to being caused by hubris, greed and capital sins, it occurred during Holy Week, between Palm Sunday and Good Friday. At the very moment when Jesus is preparing for his ordeal. Jesus, crucified for telling the truth, for denouncing the rapacity, hypocrisy, violence and crimes of the powerful of his time. Hey, like Assange, like yellow vests!
And what the fire did not succeed in destroying, what remains of Notre-Dame, what is still standing, is in the image of the present France, a carcass that the capitalist ogres have not managed to destroy (the basics of our social system) but nothing remains inside it. Everything is sacked, looted, stolen, burned, destroyed by the hubris, greed and violence of capitalism. We build drones to kill people who have not done anything in distant countries, to steal the oil that our oligarchs are tearing out (the latest being Yemen where children are shamelessly starved and murdered). We are sure that progress (AI and Co.) will solve all our problems and even conquer death, but we are not even able to maintain our greatest national treasure or secure a construction site. It is true that Notre-Dame is not saleable … Moreover, all our churches are abandoned. Our Lady, despite appearances, was no exception.
Without shame, Macron speaks of rebuilding Notre-Dame, symbol of France, while he puts all his energy to destroy France. The fire of the sky has forced Macron to postpone his umpteenth “historic speech” to say nothing, because how could he say that the mission that his oligarch friends have entrusted to him is to sacrifice France on the altar of their interests. Macron would do well to be wary, because when the sky interferes, it exceeds all humans, even our little national Napoleon so proud of himself, and his henchmen.
Court media says: “Our Lady ravaged but saved”
The towers resisted fire and did not collapse. It is a miracle, according to the media knowledgeable in miracles, so it can be seen as a good omen. Perhaps this mortiferous system that destroys humans and the planet for the benefit of the few who pile up our gold in their tax havens, this system of which the God is the money** and the bible is the profit and the exploitation, will finally collapse and the people of France and of the world which are currently consumed in its devastating flames (Christians would say satanic) will soon be released.
Yes, God, Manitou, the One who holds everything together, the Great Spirit, Allah, the higher power, the life force, the Eternal, the Love, had the presumption to remember the good memory of our “elites”, by shaking the agenda of our all-powerful president. Let us pray to help us free ourselves from capitalism to say in turn: “The countries and peoples of the world are ravaged, but saved.”
* The mayor of Paris
**We must see, at this very moment the French billionaires try to restore their coat of arms by giving “generously” a few million of euros or dollars on the billions they stole us, for the reconstruction of the cathedral. Note that the workers never have the right to their “generosity” which besides they do not want, what the workers want, is to benefit from the wealth which they themselves produce.
I am having trouble believing that the fire at the Notre Dame cathedral was an accident. Quite a number of people have questioned this on the Internet. It is also strange that the Paris Prosecutor stated that it was an accident immediately upon arriving at the scene, with no tests being made. It is additionally strange that the fire broke out in the month of Easter. The unfortunate impression is that somebody was trying to destroy French culture and heritage, which is also European culture and heritage.
Yes. Macron declares the fire an accident long before any investigators reach the scene.
Who has the most to gain from this fire?
— Macron’s poll numbers improved.
— Macron gets to control a high visibility rebuilding effort.
— Macron can continue to suppress any impartial investigation.
So…. who could be responsible for the fire???
I know who I would look at first…
I think it is unlikely to have been an accident. There has been a series of church fires this year in Paris, a frew years ago there was fight over a church that the ‘mayor” wanted to demolish for development. The plans for the Île de la Cité are extensive and many historical buildings will be razed, I am uinclear what is planned for the Roamn ruins under the plaza.
The German military would not blow up the monuments of Paris, but these banksters wil burn them downl. Macron ‘s first statement was not restore but build a better Notre Dame. They have to go and soon, they have wrecked my beloved Perth, London has been erased, Sydney as a city centre has been smoothered. I beg the yellow vests — get rid of these mosters!
I had not heard about anything in Sydney. What happened to Sydney?
Sydney up until the 1980s was basically a Victorian city, pubs almost on every corner, the place at night had plenty of people in just about all parts of the center. Down George street were a string of shops from the 1840s, on the other side old much theaters. Now it is glass fronted wind tunnels, and it is at night other than the rocks and Chinatown empty. Darling harbor was turned into a working port into wide open plaza.
Cities get smothered by high rises, small shops and clubs can’t afford the rent, ordinary people can’t enjoy their city, its just too expensive. Sydney’s Kings cross has practically died the old music scene kept alive by pubs, has disappeared. As well. Bankers kill cities, they choke them remove their history, its all about increasing the square inch value by over stacking.
People did not like it when it was started, and voices were raised that it would be the end of Sydney center as a living place, and it would turn into a barren commercial zone. The excessive changes happened when John Howard’s gov. allowed US free investment which came over as huge debts that the banks used to finance the largest property bubble in the world. It when from major city to major city, heritage and character lost with every step, neighbors\hoods evaporated with gentrification and lack of planning led to traffic gridlock.
There are other waysto live and while I am old enough to mourn what was, and nobne f that will come back, there are other ways to improved and develop cities then letting bankers loose.
[Please take any further off-topic discussion to the MFC.
Thanx – The Mod]
Actually, if you were paying attention, you would see that this discussion is highly relevant to the topic and Muselet’s points.
I don’t this was off-topic. This was very much On Topic. The destruction of Notre Dame is the quick fix for the globalists. The difference between Sydney and Notre Dame is that Sydney suffered it in a much slower form. Notre Dame was an instant demise. Not off topic at all!
TM sums up the situation very well by describing what the economic stakes are : a huge re-conformation of the entire juicy real estate portion of Paris called Île de la Cité. Contextualization excellent in my view of what the current article also emphasized by calling it a gift to friends oligarchs :
Macron and friends burned Notre-Dame because they want to redevelop the island it sits on into a mega tourist attraction.
Macron is the arsonist.
Thanks for posting this. The following article may also be of interest: “The Burning of Notre Dame and the Destruction of Christian Europe” by Guy Milliere ( : excerpts follow–
“Barely an hour after the flames began to rise above Notre Dame — at a time when no explanation could be provided by anyone — the French authorities rushed to say that the fire was an “accident” and that “arson has been ruled out.” The remarks sounded like all the official statements made by the French government after attacks in France during the last decade.
The Notre Dame fire also occurred at a time when attacks against churches in France and Europe have been multiplying. More than 800 churches were attacked in France during the year 2018 alone.
Churches in France are empty. The number of priests is decreasing and the priests that are active in France are either very old or come from Africa or Latin America. The dominant religion in France is now Islam. Every year, churches are demolished to make way for parking lots or shopping centers. Mosques are being built all over, and they are full.” –article continues….
It is not to deny that the ‘capitalists’ have a great part of responsibility in the arson of Notre-Dame. But it risks to obscure the fact of the ongoing ‘guerre de religion’ started France by the Protestants, continued by the War of Thirty Years, Protestant Revolution in England, Revolution of 14 Juillet, the anti-clericalism and ‘Laïcité’ of the IIId-Vth ‘République’, the unchecked spread of Islam, through which the ‘peuple’ joyfully destroyed and desecrated churches, destroyed saints’ relics and religious art, killed priests and monks and nuns, and proudly declare themselves ‘sans religion’ and devour the books of a Michel Onfray and Richard Dawkins.
It is not the exclusive fault of the ‘elites’.
The Catholic Church has not crumbled in Europe because of Protestantism or the bleating of fools such as Dawkins —- it never recovered from the counter-reformation, it sidelined its congregations in favour of pursuing political purposes. Its spiritual message, sustained by some, has been discarded by the institutions. The ball has been in the Church’s hand; it has chosen thrown it away and emptied its churches; buildings at least a very important historical cultural artifacts.
The church needs to recover the poetry of its beliefs, add to culture not nay say it from the sidelines, but explore its own scriptures for what they contain. It needs to revitalize itself as no-one else is responsible except itself for its current dissolution. It needs to talk to those not belonging to it who are not hostile to it, and actually listen instead of telling, lift up the conversation, add to the depth. It needs to understand the world it is in, not the position it once occupied.
Western Christianity is dying from self-inflicted wounds.
Listen to the LGBT? that’s the world we are in (in Sydney too).
I never heard that the ‘Counter-Reformation’ burnt, destroyed, desecrated any church, altar, fresco as the Protestants did. On the contrary it built thousands of churches and produced hundreds of thousands of religious paintings in the Baroque style (however tacky for some people’s taste). To say nothing of the religious Baroque music (Bach, anyone?).
Bach was lutheran, not related to the counterreformation.
More important is that reformation (Luther) andd counterreformation (Jesuits) were financed by the same Cardinal Contarini. Some hundred years later that conflict tore Germany apart in the war from 1618 to 1648.
If anything qualifies as the 911 of France, the destruction by fire of Notre Dame is it. At the same time it is also the 911 of the Catholic Church which is in the process of rotting from within as symbolized by its Freemasonic Pope (based on a photo of the same displaying the hidden hand symbol). It is interesting that the Freemasonic table, which is now called the altar, was completely destroyed, whereas the high altar was left intact.
Yes, Christianity is being eradicated in France and this fire symbolizes that. Micron wants to use this fire to “repurpose” the building as a mutireligious worship center which will include its use by the traditional enemies of Christianity. In that sense Notre Dame as a Catholic Church will never again exist even if they “rebuild” it.
The lights were already substantially dimmed in France before this happened, but now they have been extinguished altogether. Never has a country with such a rich heritage so thoroughly turned its back on the same. In that sense, this fire was inevitable. Notre Dame, the spiritual heart of France, is dead of what the French would call an “infarctus.”
Surprisingly, an author quintessentially ‘un français moderne,’ Houellebecq, has this thought-provoking passage in the mouth of one of his characters in his novel ‘Soumission’:
“La Revolution française, la Republique, la patrie…oui, ça peut donner lieu à quelque chose; quelque chose qui a duré plus d’un siècle, la Chrétienté médiévale, elle, a duré plus d’un millénaire…à mon avis, personne n’a ressenti l’âme du Moyen âge chrétien avec autant de force que Péguy — aussi républicain, laïc, dreyfusard qu’il peut être. Et qu’il a ressenti également, c’est que la véritable divinité du Moyen âge, le coeur vivant de sa dévotion, ce n’est pas le Père, ce n’est pas même Jesus-Christ; c’est la Vierge Marie…”
“The French Revolution, The Republic, the Fatherland…yes, it can give rise to something; something that lasted more than a century, medieval Christianity, it, lasted more than a millennium…in my opinion, nobody felt the soul of the Christian Middle Ages with as much force as Péguy — as Republican, secular, dreyfusard as it can be. And that he also felt is that the true divinity of the Middle Ages, the living heart of his devotion, is not the father, it is not even Jesus Christ; it is the Virgin Mary.…”
comments before did not comment the fire that started simultaneosly at jerusalem mosque. That together with experts comments on the low “burnicity” of really really old wood (it becomes almost petrified) point to some kind of false flag by the usual suspects.
on the aftermath, oh the irony of getting a billion in little further than a day, vs leys say, any other cause where real people die, exemplo gratia mozambique floods.
I challenge anyone to set an oak beam on fire. Really, try it.
Much kindling or some form of accelerant is required to get large, dense wood to ignite.
This was no accident.
As always, cui bono?
By attributing the fire to accident before an investigation could even begin, Macron has effectively given the green light to more of the same. Funny that since the fire, there has been no further reporting of desecration and destruction of Catholic churches in France. Perhaps such reporting is now classified as provocation.
I’m not sure of the timeline here. The devils came to everybody bearing gifts to seduce them away from “The Love Who is Just and Truthful”….and convert them to the Golden Calf. That it was in the d’s interests, for a time, to allow some to procure wealth beyond imagining is our current part of the timeline. But there’s more to the timeline and much more to the human story.
If the poor want justice so much, why do they love the sweatshop and slave products so much? The blessing of justice comes to those who are just….the Golden Rule isn’t just an old saying.
In 1993 I worked as a cashier at Walmart for the Back to School shopping mayhem. The greedy customers, of all classes, races, and ages, had look on their faces of pure predatory glee. They piled their carts with Chinese and other Asian ‘bargains’ with such self congratulation I had to switch to the garden dept. and then quit….
Have you ever seen our “Black Friday” stampedes for $29 dvd players and phones….? These people want justice? Give me a break….