I never liked Obama and as early as October 2008 I reminded everybody that Malcolm X would certainly consider Obama as a “house Negro“. Five years later my disgust with this man has almost reached a point where I miss bad old Dubya who, at least, had the excuse of being an ignorant, insecure imbecile. Obama, of course, has no such excuse. He is clearly very intelligent, well educated and charismatic – and he knows that. But this is hardly a compliment, because when these undeniable qualities are paired with his policies it becomes immediately obvious that he is completely immoral, that he is for sale literally to the highest bidder, that he has no sense of right and wrong beyond serving his master(s). Obama is the prototypical “house Negro” who’s only concern is for his mater(s): the banks, Big Pharma, the Zionist lobby, the Homo lobby, etc. This kind of complete dedication to the highest bidder (be in it dollars or in political support) inevitably brings the man to amazingly stupid decisions. Here is just the latest one:
Obama cancels meeting with Putin and criticizes Russia’s policies towards homosexuals.
Needless to say, I very much doubt that upon learning this news a heartbroken Putin seized a pillow and went bawling into his bed. In fact, I can say with a great degree of confidence that Putin, on a personal level, was probably relieved by the news that he would not have to talk to this spineless slug. And on a Presidential level? Just ask yourself who needs whom more? Does the US need Russian cooperation or does Russia need US cooperation? I think that the answer is obvious.
As for the criticizing Russia’s policies towards form of sexual psycho-pathologies – this just adds a touch of nauseating confirmation that Obama is just a puppet in the hands of various lobbies. Again, something which nobody in the Kremlin will respect. As for Putin himself, Obama just did him a favor as both Putin’s stance on the Snowden affair and his handling of Western pro-homo propaganda has the support of the entire political class and the vast majority of the Russian population.
So all this is pure good news for Putin and for Russia.
The Saker
Russian gays made a mistake coming out for the White Ribbon opposition. That plus the Pussy Riot affair put them on the wrong side of Russia’s culture war and they will probably have to stay in the closet for another ten or twenty years.
The new law against homosexual propaganda to minors is very similar to the Section 28 law in Britain under the Thatcher government. I don’t like this kind of law since homosexuality is a naturally occurring variation like left handedness. It’s not a choice and those born that way can’t help it. Teachers should be able to advise gay teenagers that the condition is natural and that it is not harmful provided they practise safe sex and act responsibly – this applies equally to heterosexuals of course. The law stigmatises homosexuals and the more homophobic the climate the more homophobic bullying in schools and the more likely fascist elements will beat homosexuals up on the streets.
But the Russian gays have played into the conservatives’ hands by supporting Russia’s geopolitical enemies thereby enabling those hostile to them to label them as an enemy within. The gays are being used as pawns by both sides who care nothing for their welfare.
@Robert: homosexuality is a naturally occurring variation like left handedness
There is a fallacy here: you imply that “naturally occurring” is the same thing as “healthy” except, of course, that there are many things occuring in nature (tumors, auto-immune diseases, sociopathy, pedophilia, rape, etc.) which are recognized as undesirable (pathological, deviant, perverted, etc.). This is why the American Psychiatric Disorder simply declassifed homosexuality as a mental disorder.
It’s not a choice and those born that way can’t help it.
There is another fallacy here: you imply that something “which is not a choice” cannot be “helped” but that is quite wrong. Even though heterosexualty and reproduction are totally normal and occur everywhere in nature, society has decreed that sex can, and must, be regulated. Some societies pass “sodomy laws”, others outlow bigamy, others have a minimal age for sexual consent, other outlaw sex with animals, etc. The point is not to defend/reject any one specific example, the point is to prove to you that even though sexuality is natural it has *ALWAYS* been regulate by all societies. I see on reason at all to exclude homosexuality from such societal regulations.
Russian laws do not stigmatize homosexuals (why do you use that silly term “gay” which already comes pre-loaded with a specific – and deceiving – connotation?!). All it does is that it restrics the propaganda of homosexuality amongst kids. I would actually wish it went further and simply forbade any form of propaganda for sex. Why? Well, precisely because sex is natural and it does not need any propaganda. Young men and women already have a hard enough time dealing with their natural sexual drives and the last thing they need is a vademecum telling them all the various ways that sex can participate to a psycho-pathology.
Lastly – there should be a univeral agreement to live and let live, not only people, but also societies. Most Russians, and I agree with them, see homosexuality as a sexual pathology, a form of degenerecence which they find highly uninspiring in principle, and outright disgusting in many of its manifestations. Simply put, most Russians believe that the love between a man and a woman, especially in the context of marriage and with children, is qualitatively not only different from homosexual “love” but even polarly different. Again, I can only personally agree. I have been married for 19 years (-: since yesterday :-) and I have three kids, and out entire family is very much what I like to call “gender differentiated” not only in appearance, but also in our actions. And when I am told that the kind of pathetic clows which parade around with feathers and high-heels are not only “men” but that their “love” is like the one which binds my wide and myself I know that this is ideological bullshit, regardless of what any psychiatrioc association tells me to believe about it.
It appears that many/most western man have lost their manhood and a lot of western woman their femininity. I feel sad for them – they are a sorry sight – but I recognize their right to live as they wish as long as they let the rest of the world live normal lives and as long as they do not demand that we, the “naturals” (as they are now called in Russia) do not have to give them a standing ovation and as long as we maintain the right to tell them that we do not want them to force us to accept their sexual psycho-pathologies as the norm.
… continued:
Finally, and at the risk of really pissing off a lot of people, I will add that any objective study of history shows that homosexuality and pedophilia have *always* gone hand in hand, via the convenienty made up “bridge” of hebephilia. From the ancient Greeks to the former French Minister of Culture Frederic Mitterrand to Daniel Cohen-Bendit – the homos and the pedophiles were always one lobby, one movement. The dominant ideology is now trying to out of its way to demonstrate that homosexuality and pedophilia have nothing in common, but it comes back and back and back again, because such a link actually exists, of course.
So the next step for the West is obivious: decriminalize pedophilia.
Thus is the inevitable price of a complete loss to discriminiate between right and wrong.
The Saker
Perfect answer to that ıdıotıc defense of dısgustıng culture.
And also I ASK , to all those WHO does defend such ımmoraltıy to TELL me what anımal World exercıses homosexualıty ??!!!
And humans are no anımals althogh they may act lıke one but ı wısh ıf they were to they would do so ın the entırıty such as not practıcıng gay parade bullshıt..
End of story..
@Anonymous:And also I ASK , to all those WHO does defend such ımmoraltıy to TELL me what anımal World exercıses homosexualıty ??!!!
There are plenty, for sure. So what? Have you ever seen a dog trying to hump a dead deer? a tiger? a goose? a pig? Then check the pics here:
Seriously, animals do lots of things including EATING THEIR OFFSPRINGS. I cannot prove it, but I am confident that there are FAR MORE animals eating their offsprings then having “homosexual relationships” and when they do have the latter, its in the “I would hump anything” category, not a long lasting homo-partnership with adopted pups or some other nonsense like that.
But eating offsprings? Very very common. From bears, to sharks, to alligators, to hamsters, to lions, to monkeys (ray langurs), etc. etc. etc.
So what? Shall we soon dine on our kids under the pretext that this is a most common “natural” behavior?
The fact is that the homo-lobby uses all sorts of silly arguments, all based on logical fallacies, to train to obtain from the majority of us that which even nature denies them: a legitimate place in nature.
I understand their desire for acceptance, but I am not enough of a weakling to agree to it.
I could tell them to go and fuck themselves, but they might take that literally. So “back off and leave me alone” is my normal reaction.
The Saker