The Beast woke up in pitch darkness
And the price was named to God.
Everybody has caved in – even our brothers in Christ,
Everything has caved in – but not my country.
(translated lyrics from the song “Donbass is with us”)
First, the official version
First, here is a machine translated summary of events following one month of combat operations as posted by Boris Rozhin (aka Col. Cassad):
1. The offensive of the Russian troops disrupted the plans of the AFU offensive on the DPR and LPR using artillery, missile systems and aviation.
2. On January 22, Russian intelligence intercepted the order of General Balan on the need to complete preparations for offensive actions before February 28, so that the AFU could go on the offensive in March.
3. The operation is progressing according to plan. The main tasks of the first stage of the operation have already been completed.
4. The main priority remains the preservation of civilian lives. Hence the tactics of precision strikes on the military infrastructure and the armed forces of the enemy.
5. The blocking of large cities ensures the shackling of the AFU forces and does not allow the Ukrainian command to transfer reinforcements to the Donbass. The main operation at the moment is in the Donbas. 276 settlements have already been liberated in the DPR and LPR. 93% of the territory of the LPR and 54% of the territory of the DPR have been liberated. The group currently defending in Mariupol has more than 7,000 people.
6. Air supremacy was won by the Russian Aerospace Forces in the first two days of the operation. The organized air defense system, the Ukrainian Air Force and the Ukrainian Navy have virtually ceased to exist.
7. Up to 70% of all military stocks of Ukraine were destroyed as a result of systematic attacks on warehouses. 30 key facilities of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine were destroyed. 68% of enterprises where military equipment was repaired have already been destroyed. At the same time, since the beginning of the Special Military Operation, the Ukrainian army has already destroyed 127 bridges.
8. All the organized reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been put into operation, there are no new ones. Hence the bet on the mobilization of the untrained contingent. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 6595 foreign mercenaries are fighting in Ukraine.
9. Total losses of the AFU during the month of operation. About 14,000 killed and about 16,000 wounded (the total losses of the AFU group in the Donbas account for 26% of the personnel). Of the 2,416 combat-ready tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles on February 24, 1,587 were destroyed in a month. 112 out of 152 military aircraft were destroyed, 75 out of 149 helicopters, 35 out of 36 Bayraktar TB2 drones were destroyed. Out of 180 S-300 and Buk M1 – 148, out of 300 radars for various purposes – 117.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will promptly respond to any attempts to close the airspace of Ukraine for the Russian Aerospace Forces.10. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, at least 10 Ukrainian sea mines are now drifting uncontrollably in the Black Sea, posing a threat to navigation.
11. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation handed over captured weapons to the DPR and LPR. Among other things, 113 tanks and 138 ATGM “Javelin” were transferred.
More than 23,000 applications have been received from citizens of 37 states wishing to fight for the DPR and LPR. There are also a lot of such applications from Russian citizens.12. Official losses since the beginning of ITS. Killed – 1351. Wounded – 3825.
This above is very much the official version according to the Kremlin, so we might as well add the official Kremlin map while we are at it:
This very official map shows the parts of the Ukraine which Russia/LDNR officially control. Not only that, but it does not show which parts of the Ukrainian territory are not under real Russian/LDNR control, but which are under Russian/LDNR fire control. For both of these reasons this map very much UNDER-states the reality on the ground.
For a detailed report, see these two briefings:
Here is another map which shows some of what the Kremlin does not want to confirm:
But what does all this really mean?
I find these maps moderately useful, they show us a general tendency, but they don’t really tell the full story. As for the briefings by the Russian military, they are not very helpful since they list numbers which are not really meaningful for most people and, worse, the same event X in location A would have a totally different meaning in location B.
Of course, Russia has her own official narrative: “ours is a counterforce operation, as a rule we bypass Nazi held cities, block them, open humanitarian corridors when possible and offer the civilians to evacuate and the Ukrainian soldiers a chance to lay down arms and avoid needless casualties“. And its all true, but there is a lot this narrative does not tell.
So let’s try to try to make some sense of all this
First, the good. It took the Russians just a few hours to breakup the united Ukrainian armed forces into many smaller chunks. This was achieved by basically taking out Ukie command and control capabilities.
Then, rather quickly, the Russians invaded from several directions, quickly bypassed the fortified Ukrainian defenses, blocked the units which refused to surrender and went further. As a result, cities such as Kharkov or Sumy found themselves deep inside the Russian rear, unable to be resupplied and no hope to evacuate. In a few special cases the order was given to gradually tighten the noose around Nazi concentrations while liberating the civilian neighborhoods, this is what is going in Mariupol.
Check out this fresh map from a correspondent, Konstantin Pegov, inside Mariupol
Sorry about the ugly “War Gonzo” watermark, this is Pegov’s way to get the credit.
Okay, so, the red zone is under Russian/LDNR control. The blue zone is considered lost to the Nazis, but not cleared yet, meaning that a slow building by building, apartment by apartment, mopping up operation has to be conducted before this zone becomes red too. Finally, the yellow zone is under the control of the notorious “Azov” Nazi battalion. Before I continue, a need to clarify one thing.
There were three locations in which the Nazis decided to place their very best forces before the Russian attack:
- Facing the LOC in the LDNR, about 60-80-100(?) thousand best trained men, ready for a Blitzkrieg-style attack on the LDNR. This is the fighting core of the Ukrainian armed forces. They are composed of a number of brigades, and in each brigade there is a Nazi battalion (roughly) ready to execute any unit or commander willing to surrender, retreat or even negotiate.
- Mariupol: a thoroughly pro-Russian city which was therefore handed by the Kiev regime to the tender care of the main Nazi force in the Ukraine: the Azov battalion. Please note that officially, all the Nazi battalions are part of the Ukrainian armed forces, but the locals always know who is who, as do the Russians. Mariupol is not only a strategic city but also a “sacred symbol of the heroic Ukrainian resistance”. More or less what the Donetsk airport was in the previous war. And, just to make things harder, the Nazis are based inside a huge and very strong industrial complex called “Azovstal”. There is a deluge of testimonies that the Nazis are using civilians as human shields. This is a true Nazi hellhole that had to be taken the hard way.
- Kiev. Another special case, not only is it a large, multi-million inhabitants city, it is also the official center of power and capital of the Nazi regime. Kiev is very heavily fortified, the bridges over water have been blown up, and to liberate the city would require a major effort, especially if the Russians try to minimize the civilian casualties and to avoid destroying the civilian infrastructure.
Maps don’t really tell that story, hence they often appear not to make sense. In fact, they do, but to distinguish their real meaning, one needs to look deep into the micro-level and understand how all the different points on the map interact with each other (or not anymore!) or influence the outcomes elsewhere.
So what happens today around Mariupol is HUGELY important, but what happens in, say, Kharkov totally pales in comparison (unless you are in Kharkov, in which case the opposite is true).
I would like to add one more clarification here about the Chechen special forces.
In reality, there are no “Chechen special forces”, but a rather diverse lot of various Chechen forces which all come under the command of the Russian National Guard. This is important, because while these Chechen forces can, and have, participated in regular combat operations, the really crucial task is the mopping-up of urban areas, like the blue area in the Mariupol map above. Not only are the Chechens not sufficiently armed to conduct artillery duels or tank battles, but they are also trained in anti-terrorist and police operations, as is the entire Russian National Guard. These Chechen urban assault groups obviously interface with the Russian forces blocking the town or city the National Guard is tasked with securing and policing. Once that is done, humanitarian aid can come in while those who want can get evacuated.
That has worked pretty well.
But what has not worked at all, at least so far, is the next step: the installation of civilian authorities to restore more or less halfway decent civilian life. And here the Russians really failed to act (until today! see later).
Look at it from the point of view of a civilian in, say, Kharkov. You know that the Russians have bypassed and encircled the city. Maybe Russian forces even passed through your part of town and told you that from now on you were free. But then they all left!!! They went further to push the front even further west or south, which is their only real mission. And a few hours later, the Nazi gangs are right back where you live, and they wonder about you and how you felt about it all. And if the Russians shared some rations with you, you better hide them well, or eat them quickly and deny it all lest you be shot on the spot for “collaboration with the aggressor”.
So what went wrong here?
I will tell you what: in a “normal” war, the frontline units are always followed by 2nd line units whose task is to clear and secure the liberated areas. And I am not talking about a single cop car on patrol, I am talking about entire BRIGADES and DIVISIONS tasked with security in the rear. The truth is that the Russian special operation is NOT a “regular” combined arms offensive and that the force ratios are typically about 1:1 if not worse in favor of the Ukies. Why?
Because, except for a few very embarrassing screw-ups, Russia did not use conscripts. Russia’s war plan was to fight with small numbers of highly trained soldiers and to compensate for this numerical inferiority by having full air supremacy and using advanced standoff weapons.
Yes, even the Chechens who are now fighting in Mariupol (and some near Kiev) are all volunteers, not conscripts.
By the way, there was an initial wave of volunteers in Russia too, the MoD thanked them very much but declined to use them.
Contrast that with the Ukronazis who now only have their regular armed forces (armed to the teeth and trained by the Empire of Lies for 7 years!), they also have the real, pure, Nazi units like the “Azov” in Mariupol, they even have their own Volkssturm, about 200’000 clueless civilians, but all armed with small arms, maybe some machine guns and a few RPGs.
The simple truth is that to disarm such a large number of folks is going to take a long time, be dangerous, and deeply frustrating, even if the actual military threat posed by such armed clowns is zero – they can only threaten unarmed civilians.
By the way – look at the type of weapons the Empire of Lies is pumping into the Ukraine: small arms and ammo, but also short-range anti-tank weapons, explosives, mines, etc – this is all stuff that has almost no utility on the macro-level of this war but with is ideal when you want to create and arm a stay-behind insurgency type of force. I need to explain this a tad further.
NATO stay-behind forces
During the Cold War it was the conventional wisdom that NATO would not have the means to stop the advancing Soviet forces. So NATO came up with two options: one is called FOFA and implies attacks not on the FEBA, but one on the Soviet supply lines. The second concept was the so-called “stay behind forces”. What happened is this: in many/most European countries the US used their close ties with the local intelligence services to create totally illegal armies. Of course, not “real” armies, but a secret network for agents and hardware dumps to become the core of a future resistance against the future Soviet invasion. It was initially all very pious, of course. But when the agents of these secret mini-armies began engaging in false flag attacks (like the Bologna massacre in Italy), and when the local security services got wind of these weird activities, the scandal was hard to hide, and even though the Empire of Lies presstitutes did the all they could NOT to find out who created these terrorist organizations (the US), the scandal still came out. And, of course, the illegal creation of such stay behind sabotage units also involved some very creative accounting, so folks were jailed for corruption, illegal storage of military weapons, etc. etc. etc.
As somebody who was an analyst for the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service (SND) I can tell you three things about this phenomenon:
- Only fall-guys were punished, the real key figures all got promoted
- There was a direct link between these illegal mini-armies and European Neo-Nazis
- It was all run by the USA
Since these faraway days, this has all been buried, forgotten, forgiven, denied, obfuscated, declared a “thing of the past”, etc. etc. etc. Truly, nothing whitewashes darkness like the short attention span of the serfs living in Zone A.
But, back to the Ukraine now. See my three points above? I will repeat: the key figures never got punished, there was a clear neo-Nazi ideology in those secret units and the USA ran it all.
Forward to modern-day Ukraine with a simple question: can you guess what NATO is planning for the future Ukraine?
Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior, is that not true?
Have the Russians made at least one major miscalculation?
In short – yes. Only one, but it was a bad mistake…
I believe that their major mistake was not to bring in new administrations to run the liberated towns and to secure law and order. Clearly, the Russians knew that only a minority (albeit a big one) of Ukrainians was truly brainwashed by the Nazis. But what the Russians failed to realize, is that people who live under 7 or 8 years of Nazi terror need PROTECTION above all. In most blocked towns, the Nazis are still in control, and since the Russians do not attack the civilian infrastructure, the Nazis are the ones in charge of food, electricity, security, etc.
And since the said Nazis know that the locals hate them, this means that the only people being protected, fed, heated or treated are the Nazis themselves, the rest of the population hides in basements and hope that they have enough water and heat to survive until the promised “liberation” applies to them too.
Finally, TODAY, the Kremlin has announced the start of a major program to bring in entire administrations with repair equipment, humanitarian aid and, let’s not kid ourselves, more security forces. Good! Now let’s hope that the Russian civilians, their EMERCOM and the Russian National Guard will finally either get the not-all-too-Nazi authorities to rebrand themselves and behave (unless they personally have committed war crimes, at which point all they will get is an interrogation, possibly a trial, or a bullet on the spot).
This is yet another reason why Mariupol is so important: there are major Russian National Guard forces involved in the mopping up of the last Nazi pockets of resistance there. But as soon as the blue and yellow zones turn red (this could take a while, several days, possibly a week) those National Guard forces will become available to denazify other cities, smaller ones, less well-fortified ones, and with a much smaller Nazi/normal person ratios.
Does the strategy chosen by the Russians make sense?
Only time will show, but I would argue that yes.
I would argue that the first phase of that war lasted about a day or so. That was the phase that turned unitary Ukrainian armed forces into many isolated groups unable to coordinate their actions or support each other in combat.
The second phase of the war lasted about 3 weeks. During that phase, the fronts did advance, the Russians had some successes, but that was not the point. During this phase of the war, the Russians secured air supremacy and then proceeded to methodically do two things:
- Very precise counterforce attacks including strikes on defensive positions, moving columns, missile strikes on major force concentrations, etc. etc. etc.
- A much less noticed but possibly even more important counter-logistics campaign
So first the Ukies were held incommunicado. Then they were isolated into many smaller groups. Then they were blocked and/or encircled. And now the Russians are basically waiting for the Ukrainians to either 1) surrender or 2) die. And this is important: while there have been numerous Ukrainian attacks and counter-attacks, none of them have had any tactical impact, not even locally. And in the few cases where the Ukrainians did advance, they were mostly destroyed with a combo of artillery and close air support.
Horrible as this may be, but the outcome of this phase depends on the following: which will run out first, the supplies of the Ukrainian forces or the water/heat for the trapped civilians?
If the Ukrainian supplies run out first, we will see a total collapse of the operational cauldron in the Donbass. In this case, it will require a major, huge, Russian humanitarian operation to save all those who are still alive.
If civilians begin to die en masse, the Russians will have no choice but to use their heavy weapons to kill as many Nazis as quickly as possible and then send in relief convoys.
That is the dilemma the Russian General Staff must tackle. I don’t envy them.
Mariupol is a done deal, really.
And since most of the residential areas have been freed, people are being treated and evacuated, there is no time pressure to clear the Nazis out, especially since the Nazis are now basically in one specific industrial area. However, the building by building, apartment by apartment mopping up operation must continue until the Russians are fairly sure that most civilians have been removed from the blue zone. After that, a few well-placed missiles into the Azovstal complex ought to finish off the last remaining Nazis.
So what could the next phase of the war look like?
Take a look at this Readovka map (as of yesterday):
I chose this map because it shows the current “fronts” (the colored squares).
What I added are the following three black areas:
Areas one: central Ukraine including major cities like Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhie, Poltava or Cherkassy. Even Kiev is still connected to that zone (albeit barely).
Area two: Odessa cauldron.
Area three: mini-Banderastan?
Here is the deal, at least as I see it: the Russians cannot deal with these three black zones before they *truly* liberate the red parts of the map. And by “truly” I mean that these regions, towns and cities have to be very substantially (albeit not totally) denazified, a new administration must take over and a semblance of civilization and law and order must be restored.
I also added a red line from roughly Kiev going south and another one, roughly from the south end of the Odessa cauldron in the general direction of Kiev. I made them meet about in the middle. This is purely conceptual. While I am sure that Russian reconnaissance units and Aerospace Forces are present in that area and that the Ukrainians must be trying to hide as best can be, this is NOT land Russia controls or even blocks (too big for that anyway).
You could think of it as a “hotly contested no-man’s land” with fortified areas scattered across it.
For these reasons, I do not currently see the Russians committing major forces towards this move, but as soon as Odessa is not only blocked but fully encircled and the Donbass cauldron collapses, a new major cauldron will form, this time including all the cities I listed above.
Conclusion: time and manpower
Question: why should the Russians choose to go fast? To save the civilians in blocked/encircled towns and cities? Yes, I would agree with that. Except that the Russian armed forces are not in the Ukraine to repair power stations. Which means that a substantial increase in manpower, including many civilians, is the only situation in which speed might be desirable. Like in Mariupol today. Or Kharkov.
But once the red zone is finally truly liberated and the basic signs of civilization return, should the Russians go fast elsewhere? Let’s look at our three black circles again:
Area one, central Ukraine: the Russians have total air superiority, the Nazis have no mobility, tenuous supply routes, and their stores have been depleted by weeks of bombing. I do not see any need for the Russian to hurry into this one, lest it becomes the problems the Russians ALREADY have experienced in their zones of putative “liberation”, scores of dead civilians, and substantial losses. Because no matter how large and populated that zone is, it has no future, it will be surrounded like all the other parts of the Ukraine during phase one of the operation. This also means that a political solution would be INFINITELY preferable to a hard storming of cities like in the first Chechen war.
Area two, Odessa: same deal, Odessa is almost totally blocked and sooner or later the city will be surrounded. It is, alas, quite possible that the city will have to be taken like Mariupol, because of the very same “ingredients”: a generally pro-Russian city run by Nazi thugs whose reign of terror gets worse with every day. I hope and pray that the city surrenders, but I am not holding my breath and IF it has to be taken like Mariupol then, again, by all means, the Russians should go as slow as possible.
Area three, mini-Banderastan: does Russia even need it? Some say that the only way to go is to get the Russian tanks nicely aligned along the Polish border. Others say to forget it, let the local Nazis create their Russenrein Banderastan and have fun. Such a mini Banderastan would be supervised by a Nazi Gauleiter (Polish or Ukie – same difference) on behalf of the USA Heimat and its Eurocolonies. This is really no big deal, because the entire EU has now been turned into a Nazi Reichsgau administrated by the Anglos, and that is the real danger for Russia.
Will the Empire of Lies intervene in the mini-Banderastan?
Yes, absolutely. The question is HOW. The options range from a Polish invasion of the Lvov region (which, after all, is historically Polish!) to the use of this mini-Banderastan the way the US used Pakistan during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. In theory, there could be even a deal made between the US and Russia: the USA take the mini-Banderastan, the central Ukraine is not invaded, but is verifiably disarmed and denazifed, it becomes neutral and gets on probation: “behave or Iskander”. The Odessa region joins the (now much expanded) LDNR, the entire Black Sea coast is liberated (*truly* liberated) and the LDNR then decides of its future by means of referendum.
[Sidebar: to those who say that you cannot verifiably disarm anybody I would reply that this is hogwash: there are many verification and confidence-building measures, including remote ones and intrusive, local ones. If that central Ukraine with or without the mini-Banderastan becomes disarmed, it will not be a challenge for the Russians to know what is going on or not. As I mentioned, one option would be to build a special military base to prevent the mini-Banderastan from infecting the rest of the Ukraine. Something like what the 201st Russian base in Tajikistan is currently doing]
But I have to admit that when I hear the verbiage from Zone A, I am not holding my breath. For the Poles, this is a historic opportunity to show their unbelievable military prowess, get some land, a cheap labor force, and the chance to pretend to be a “European leader”. And how different is the rest of Europe? Meh… As we say in Russian, “these folks have all been anointed with the same (Nazi) oil”. So it ain’t the stupid and, frankly, ridiculous Poles the Russians need to “convince”, it is all the NATO and the USA.
I hope that I am wrong, but I do not see any argument which Russia could use to “convince” our wonderful European neighbors than either an Iskander inside a NATO member state (I vote for Poland!) and/or a total disconnection from any Russian energy supplies.
Putin already did the second thing, but elegantly: by forcing payments in Rubles he forces each country in Europe to make its own choice. And those who will pay in Rubles, thereby bypassing THEIR OWN sanctions, won’t volunteer to attack Russia or the Ukraine.
Which leaves those who won’t. They are the ones who are so totally batshit crazy that they rather have their own population and economy suffer from cataclysmic consequences than negotiate *anything* at all with Putin’s Mordor. They are the ones who might need a “little extra argument” possibly in the form of a hypersonic missile.
I am not suggesting bombing Mons or London, not even Warsaw or even a major Polish military base. But something of real value to the Poles and with a minimal amount of victims. Ideally, a location “well-protected” by US air defenses (like the Saudi refineries, if you recall). Just ONE Iskander in the right location, and our Western neighbors will tone down their verbiage, by a lot.
[Sidebar: did you know that after the Russian strike on the NATO “volunteers” and “peacekeepers” in eastern Ukraine there is now an OUTFLOW of mercenaries. Gee-whiz – it sure looks to me that the Zone A mercenaries did get a clear message from Russia, now they are running for their lives. Good!]
And here is the key point: the “convincing argument” will not be the landing of a Russian missile in Poland, no.
The real “argument” which might bring them back to reality is the NATO reaction AFTER that strike: a lot of hot air, threats, protests and various troop movements (like that hilarious EU rapid reaction force of 5’000 soldiers) and much more, but not a single Anglo or EU soldier taking the war to Russia! Why?
Because NATO has only two options:
- Lose a war against Russia
- Not fight that war
Which do you think “Biden”, Johnson or Macron will pick?
Small reminder: “Biden” already deals with major crises with the PRC, with Iran, with the KSA, not to mention the humongous economic crisis looming over the entire planet!
Do you see these leaders of the “indispensable civilization” take the war to the Russians? IF they do, Mons will be next, and they know that.
Which leaves us with the real, true, bona fide, certified demonic agents who are willing to do anything, including 9/11 or MH-17, to try to “cancel Russia”. Right now, that demonic choir is all singing the same tune: Russia is about to commit a chemical attack against innocent Ukrainian civilians.
Will that fly?
You betcha it will!
After Ghouta, Skripal, MH-17 and Navalnyi, we know for a fact that most of people in Zone A are what is called shit-eaters (comemierdas) in Spanish: folks who, like baby-chicks in a nest, just can’t wait for mommy and poppy to feed them by puking up some “food” into the wide open mouths. And nevermind that, unlike the USA, Russia has verifiably destroyed all her chemical weapons (as had Syria!), and nevermind that such a terminally stupid atrocity would serve NO Russian interests whatsoever (but then, neither did the self-evident idiocy of the MH-17 narrative prevent the shiteaters to eat it all, and even ask for seconds!).
Right now the Empire of Lies is making noises about IF Russia uses chemical munitions, THEN we will do something totally terrible to Russia, like sending in the Polacks into Lvov under NATO aircover to “save the few remaining survivors” or something equally asinine.
Unless you have been living under a rock, or can only use one synapse at a time, you must at least know that the following are all true:
- There is no limit to how evil, depraved and demonic the rulers of the Empire of Lies are.
- There is no limit on who ignorant, stupid, gullible, and racist a very substantial portion of the population of Zone A is.
Then there is the bigger picture, the one which really matters:
- The Empire of Lies feels that this is the very last chance to survive, they know that if the Russians, the Chinese the Iranians and , really, most of the planet prevails, they are finished forever. This assumption is correct.
- The goal of the Empire of Lies is to cancel Russia. Completely. This is a truly genocidal plan made stronger by the conviction by the leaders of this Empire that this is the only and last chance to finally find a “Final Solution” to the “Russian problem”.
- The reaction of the West (total, terminal, genocidal “cancellation”) of everything Russian stunned most Russians who did know that there was no love lost between Russia and the West, but who were stunned to be singled out for total annihilation is something which 1) all Russians are intimately familiar with and 2) are now fully aware of.
That is why I wrote yesterday that Russia is in FULL WORLD WAR TWO MODE.
This is the kind of music video which now is very popular on the Russian social media:
Bravo leaders of the West, you have FINALLY convinced a majority of Russians that your hatred for us is total, that no matter how ugly, petty and useless, your actions are, you are so overwhelmed with hatred for us that even your serfs VOLUNTARILY engage in numerous acts of anti-Russian racism, discrimination and other expressions of hate.
This anti-Russian hate is so prevalent, that now expressing hatred for Russia and Russians has now become of virtue signaling! Even for musicians, athletes, students and even grade school kids (I personally know cases).
And, guess what? We heard and understood. Millions and millions of us.
Our biggest failure has always been our inability to imagine our enemy’s level of hatred.
Oh, we knew that the 3B+PU base their entire identity and (imagined) history on the hatred of everything and anything Russian. Of course, we knew that the 3B+PU were all artificial creations of the West, but we sort of assumed that their hateful insanity was limited to a few, small, freak countries, but that most “normal” Europeans were not AT ALL like that. Oh no! Eurolemmings are civilized and hate Nazis, right? RIGHT?
And that was stupid on our part: how could the West be any different from the 3B+PU when that same West is the one who created the 3B+PU in the first place!
Then, for 300 years or so we were ruled by a massively Westernized class. And after 1917, one massively Westernized class replaced another one. WWII opened our eyes to some degree, but by the time Khrushchev and his gang came to power, the West was gradually crushing the CPSU ideologically and, especially, the Soviet Nomenklatura who, I would argue, sold out to the West, as an entire class, between 1980 and 1991, then that self-same Nomenklatura rebranded itself and the nightmare of the 1990s began.
And in the “democratic” 90s, most Russian youth only wanted jeans and hamburgers. But even that exsanguinated, impoverished, and confused Russia was a threat. So the US ordered the Russian Parliament to be shelled by tanks and thousands murdered in the following days. Then came the Chechen war, and the satanic attack on the Serbian nation. And most of us still were dozing off, hoping for a good salary in dollars and many holidays in Anatolia.

Crusader or Nazi – same difference
And then came Putin, who not only did a lot of things, he talked to the Russian people, often for hours in a row, convincing, convincing and convincing.
But even Putin, the Eurasian Sovereignists and the 6th columnists together could not achieve what the Empire of Lies finally did: truly and profoundly rekindle the memory of WWII, even amongst the Russian youth. Now instead of jeans, they want to go to the front!
I would call that a “Hezbollah moment”.
And now, we shall never surrender, least of all to a sorry gang of Nazi pigs and Crusaders!
So it is not the Ukraine that we plan to denazify. It’s the planet.
The Empire of Lies gave Russia absolutely no choice.
For eight terrible years Russia had to retreat on all fronts because we needed to develop the military and industrial “toolkit” to take you on frontally.
Now we have.
And, unlike you, we are fully prepared to die, if needed, in defense of our civilizational values, our faiths and our country.
Are you ready to die for your wokeness, diversity and Satan?
I guess that we will soon find out.
PS: tomorrow and Sunday I will be on the road, attending my faraway parish, so while my team will run the blog, I don’t expect to have the time to post analyses or even comment until Monday, maybe Tuesday. The text above (over 5’700 words) is, I hope, controversial and relevant enough to keep the blog going until my return.
How’s it possible?
Please no caps next time. Mod.
It’s possible (or would have been) by leashing the attack dog. The problem for Macron and NATO is that the Greeks will tell the truth of the situation and not be so easy to ignore as Russians or even Turks. Greeks have already appeared on Greek television two weeks ago talking about how they’d love to leave but can’t because of Azov. EU leaders, especially Macron, are just signaling. They have no power or say.
Patrick Lancaster is doing interviews with people in a refugee area 10-12 Km outside Mariupol. Some ethnic Greeks included.
It has the same level of possibilty as the loudly proclaimed and endlessly repeated imminent chemical weapons atrocity to be committed by the Russians. In other words, ZERO possibility. It’s Western disinformation put out to just muddy the waters. Remember a very basic psychological principle: if you can provoke a reaction from someone, you are controlling them. If they get a rise out of you, i.e. stimulate an emotional response, you are playing into their hands.
The NAZI hotbed of Mariupol is coming to an end. Take a look at all the dead NAZIs over at Intel-Slava-Z.
That means more Russian fighters cleared for other parts of Ukraine.
Does the Russian tell us where the next part of their campaign will unfold? NO
In war you don’t publicize your next move.
The NAZI hotbed of Kiev is surrounded and ground to a halt by the lack of food, oil, and Ammunition. Yesterday, Russia bombed the last Military fuel depot of the Ukrainian Army located in proximity of Kiev. As a consequence, the Ukrainian Rada has denounced Kiev as the Capital of Ukraine, and has designated any city in Ukraine as potential capital of Ukraine. At this moment Lvov seems to be the center of Government.
Poland now has its eyes on the Trans Carpathian Region of Lvov. However, In case Poland invades Ukraine, a 150.000 strong Belorussian Army stands ready to attack the Polish forces, along with Russia. Instant WWII.
The Russian Ukrainian Peace talks are going nowhere. Russia maintains its demands.
Ukraine must accept Crimea as Russian territory.
Ukraine must accept Luhansk and Donetsk as independent Regions.
Ukraine must disarm its military and de-NAZI-fy its troops.
Ukraine must enshrine in its constitution, never to join NATO, and stay neutral.
In short Ukraine must totally surrender. The Biden Admin just suggested the Zelesky Regime to surrender.
President Macron has suggested erecting a Humanitarian corridor in Mariupol.
This is a classic PR stunt where the western population is left without using their brains.
Will the NAZI in Mariupol release the Civilians they use as human shields against Russian bombing: NO
Will the Russian accept the release of Civilians, if the NAZIs are smuggled out along with the civilians: NO
If the NAZIs are smuggled out along with civilians will western Nations accept NAZI war criminals as refugees into their Nations: NO
How will the French Troops get into Mariupol to release the civilians?
There is a Russian NO fly Zone over all of Ukraine, and A Russian NO enters Zone in the Sea of Azov and the northern part of the Black sea.
If the French troops enter Ukraine by force, they will instantly be at war with Russia.
The suggestion by Macron is pure virtue signaling, and has no ground in reality.
NATO has no more troops in all of Europe than before the Russian special operations in Ukraine began. All the talk about more troops is just war propaganda. NATO is not going to intervene in Ukraine, and is using propaganda to hide its obvious stand down, out of fear of a nuclear war.
But do the western populations fall for and repeat such Nonsense spewed by the western MSM: YES
The western population should wake the F### up and start using their brains. We are at war.
If Nazis are smuggled out along with civilians, Western nations will accept Nazi war criminals into their nations as refugees: NO
Here they are certainly wrong e.g. to Germany, and Germany is the leader in Europe, YES they would accept Nazis hardcore or normal, knowingly or unknowingly is not the question here, they just do it. Already about 40% of refugees from Ukraine entered unregistered, you could now say they have learned nothing since 2015, but this is true only to a small extent, it is their arrogance, arrogance, their belief of invulnerability to any snake oil, and ultimately their ME as a unique world power leader.
That Macron is at all announcing such provocative suggestion speaks volumes with what creatures Russia is dealing. U cant trust or believe these Zone A political elites.
“If the NAZIs are smuggled out along with civilians will western Nations accept NAZI war criminals as refugees into their Nations: NO”
Wrong. They allready do. No checks. NAZIs don’t exist. Norway will accept 10 – 30’000 ukrainan ‘refugees’ without question. Nobody will be forced to show their tatoos.
Maybe France will accept the nazis with the idea that they could be used later in Africa or elsewhere in their foreign legions.
“If the NAZIs are smuggled out along with civilians will western Nations accept NAZI war criminals as refugees into their Nations: NO”
I wrote that sentence as a provocation for a debate.
As the responses in this thread show, no Nation in Europe recognizes and takes action against the NAZI infiltration of the Ukrainian military and society.
A resent vote at the UN showed that 140 Nations voted to ban support for NAZI and Neo NAZI movements. However the USA vetoed the bill and Ukraine voted against the bill.
It makes you wonder why every European official deny the facts, when there is ample evidence of NAZI groups committing war crimes in Eastern Ukraine and Odessa. At the same time Neo NAZI groups stage large parades in Lvov each year, to commemorate the birthday of former NAZI leader Antonio Bandera.
It makes you wonder whether every European government is infected by Agents in liaison with the NAZIs and who supports their operation in Ukraine, with tax payer funds and lethal weapons from National stocks.
It makes you wonder if the current NAZI-RAT-lines labeled “Humanitarian evacuation”, is to set up European Nations with NAZI stay behind fighters, just like Anders Brevik had relation to a NAZI terror network, before the Police and Military Stand Down at the Oslo Bombing and Utoya massacre in Norway.
At present it is allegedly only women and children who are allowed to flee Ukraine. However they will be granted family unification with their male family members when Ukraine surrenders, because of the refugee laws implemented in all EU Nations.
The Russian special operation in Ukraine has exposed the NAZI deep state infiltration of Western European Nations. And now we have to clean out our Nations once more, for this scum.
Maybe we were to kind the last time they set the world into World war.
The history of this is Operation Gladio. Surprised it has not gotten more mention.
Uh… Its Stepan Bandera… Antonio Banderas is an actor… :-)
You are right his name is Stepan Bandera.
Greetings from Poland fellow free people. Unfortunately Poland is dependent from Usrael. However I can’t imagine Poland moving troops to the Ukraine. First of all Polish army is weak, secondly people would be against such move.
From the other hand our current chief (Kaczyński) is very rusofobic and very pro Ukraine. Which i completely don’t understand as there is a lot of Bandera supporters in Ukraine who murdered in a horrific way minium 50.000 polish villagers in 1940’s. They rip women apart, sawing off limbs, stuffing toddlers on top of the wooden fence. On the other hand Russians were murdering polish resistance after 1945. I’m sure not many of you know, but the last polish soldier fell in 1963! Stalin times were truly horrific for Poland.
Most polish still think of Russia as USSR which occupied Poland in a brutal way. They don’t understand Putin Russia is one of the last strongholds of the civilised world in the present days. I hope Russia will prevail and together with it’s allies at least create an alternative world to the globalists. It looks like polish are stuck in the sick west or maybe become a neutral state between East and west.
It’s a shame we don’t have brave and wise leaders which would be able to push Usreal out of Poland and work together with Russia as Hungary do.
Sounds as if BHL is going to Mariupol to sing Horst-Wessel Lied with his soulmates. Presenting that as some kind of ”humanitarian operation of evacuation” looks a little preposterous like most of zone A’s agitprop.
Macron is the French version of the Comedian.
Remembrer the saying: ” what’s a Frenchman? An Italien in a bad mood”.
U may call him “the Farsicante”.
He’s just seeking re-election (in 2 weeks).
You nailed it! Macron is like a yorkie that barks incessantly among silent mastiffs. Pure PR and nothing else.
Macron is a liar. He has some serious personal problem. It is very standard of zelensky and navalny. They are narcissists.
What is Zelensky’s real personal problem? Did he want to be a famous Hollywood actor? Was he a rejected teenager? Why did he sell himself like that? What is behind this diabolical initiative of yours to wage war so intensely against Russia? What is his personal motivation? Where was this zelensky hatred and determination born?
It’s amazing how the empire manages to train people so determined against Russia.
“Where was this zelensky hatred and determination born?
It’s amazing how the empire manages to train people so determined against Russi”
Actually, Ze’s family background is pretty highly educated, Russian speaking, and it looks like to me as though the parents may be examples of people whose life prospects were positively enhanced by Soviet investments in the educational and technical infrastructure of the Ukraine SSR (pure speculation by an unqualified observer).
The Wiki entry on the family background (I am assuming that on the bare facts Wiki is an acceptable source) provokes these speculations, viz., on Ze’s father:
“Oleksandr Zelensky earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Kryvyi Rih State University in 1972. In 1983, he defended his dissertation at the Moscow State Mining University, titled “Automated calculation of iron ore reserves in the ICS quarry.” Zelenskyy has been the head of the Kryvyi Rih State University’s Department of Cybernetics and Computing Hardware since 1995.[11]”
On the general family background:
“Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy was born to Jewish parents on 25 January 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, then in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.[14][15][16][17] His father, Oleksandr Zelenskyy, is a professor and computer scientist and the head of the Department of Cybernetics and Computing Hardware at the Kryvyi Rih State University of Economics and Technology; his mother, Rymma Zelenska, used to work as an engineer.[18][19][20] His grandfather, Semyon (Simon) Ivanovych Zelenskyy, served as an infantryman, reaching the rank of Colonel,[4] in the Red Army (in the 57th Guards Motor Rifle Division)[21] during World War II; Semyon’s father and three brothers died in the Holocaust.[22][23][24][25] In March 2022 Zelenskyy revealed that his great-grandparents had been killed after German troops burned their home to the ground during a massacre.[26]
Prior to starting elementary school, Zelenskyy lived for four years in the Mongolian city of Erdenet, where his father worked.[15] Zelenskyy grew up speaking Russian.[27][4] At the age of 16, he passed the Test of English as a Foreign Language and received an education grant to study in Israel, but his father did not allow him to go.[28] He later earned a law degree from the Kryvyi Rih Institute of Economics, then a department of Kyiv National Economic University and now part of Kryvyi Rih National University, but did not go on to work in the legal field.[15][29] ”
Ze clearly has a number of talents and achievements, but none that would obviously qualify him to be president of any country, especially a country with such brutal but also delicate and complex power relations, both internally and externally.
He is really like a performer on a tight rope, just trying not to fall off before getting to the end. Perhaps his background as a competitive dancer comes into play up on the high wire.
Regarding the Holocaust narrative, he should be questioned closely on this.
Like, who instigated the massacre? A German Einsatzgruppe? Or regular army?
There must be some documentation of this massacre by Germans.
The world needs verification and details of this story.
«What is Zelensky’s real personal problem? Did he want to be a famous Hollywood actor?»
An american saying is: “Washington is Hollywood for ugly people” (as long they are tall and with good hair though).
I think that the Russians want Odessa intact this is why that might be the last city taken.They care more about Odessa then Kharkov or Kiev.
That is just my opinion.
I have the same feeling.. if Russians will get somewhat the die hard Ukrainians in what is effectively a historically Russian city ( Odesa) to leave town before they move in, then there is chance that the city may not share the same fate of Mariupol, Cherniev, Kharkov and likely very soon Khramatorsk ; for that approach to work they will have indeed to let Odesa be the very last city they go in ( likely in mid or late Summer)
I think from all these cities Khramatorsk will get the most server destruction in the end ( is major military hub for the Ukrainians and like Mariupol have the Ukrainian Nazi’s been deeply entranced for 8 year now.
Kharkov is historically a Russian city which was grafted to Ukraine by the Soviet Union.
What we are seeing is the clean up of the mess that was the result of the Soviet Actions.
I agree. Maybe the future capital of a brand new Novorossia?
If not, from my limited knowledge of Russian history Odessa is a symbolic city to them. The Potemkin incident happened there (one of the sparks of the 1917 Revolution), as well as the Union House slaughter.
I think that you are right. Not only do the Russians want Odessa, but the whole Black Sea coast, which historically was always theirs.
If one looks at all the maps presented so far, one sees that there were no military actions in Western Ukraine, which is logical, as it would have warranted extra troops and material. However, the impression – so far – is that Russia has no interest in Western Ukraine, the former Galicia, virtually tempting Poland to come in and take it, after which Poland would also have to look after all those neo-Nazis. I think that in the end we shall have a partition of Ukraine, which has no historical reason to exist. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is part of Russian strategy.
I think it is part of the strategy also. Galizia is the hearthland of the Banderistas. Maybe like in Syria and id-lib, they will offer the nazi’s a safe bussride to Lvov. Delayed justice might be worth the number of saved civilians.
And what is Kiev from your point of you? It is called the “mother of the russian cities”. Kievian Rus is the same thing for Russians as Kosovo is for Serbs, or, at least, it should be if the russian poeple would be fully composed of believers.
First of all, “Kievian Rus” did not exist under that name, but quite simply as “Rus” or Russia. And yes, the first Russian capital was in Kiev, a Russian city.
It would be nice if Kiev was reunited with Russia. However, years of pro-Western indoctrination must have left a psychological scar on the people in Kiev, and one has to wonder what their mood is at the present moment. Reunification of Kiev with Russia at the resent moment ? Probably impractical. Reunification later on ? Quite possible. Patience is a Russian virtue. I think they can wait.
I think the decision on Odessa is based on strategy and geopolitics then on religion.A port like Odessa is far more important then Kiev or Kharkov.
Odessa is a storied city—a very different story from that of Kiev.
One whose story resonates more in the West and probably also in modern Russia than the story of Kiev.
Like the Paris of the Black Sea.
Paris was saved by a Nazi general (I believe) who refused to obey Hitler’s order to torch the city.
Odessa is an international city, close to Istanbul—Varna, too, is actually pretty nice.
Odessa will be the jewel in the Black Sea’s crown, a magnet. It has a mystique.
I believe the Russians would be smart to do anything to preserve that city.
Once this mess is resolved, I can foresee a brilliant regional, European, Russian, and international culture developing around the western portion of the Black Sea and Crimea.
The Black Sea is the fabulous hinterland of the Greek golden age.
Why US MNM, Bloomberg(first started), WP, NYT, WSJ, and others, are claiming that Russia MOD is adjusting Special Operation’s objectives.
I did not read any fix territorial objectives from Putin’s Day Zero announcement, only demilitarization and denazification. Why now these US media are claiming Russia is adjusting never announced territorial objectives.
Russia Says Donbas Is Ukraine Focus in Possible Shift of War Aim
Russia may be changing course in its invasion
Russia Says Focus Is Shifting Away From Kyiv, Toward Eastern Ukraine
Russia Refocuses on Ukraine’s East After Heavy Losses
Probably some efforts to understand the best way to de-escalate while saving face. The very same headlines are making the first pages of MSM in Italy too. Let’s hope so.
Surely looked like it was a coordinated efforts to save face (?).
First Ukrainian communication doing more and more blunders in the recent days, and now this. Seems like the West is building up excuses to back down.
Andrei gives too much credit to the West fighting spirit, we’re all bark and no bite. He should see everything our leaders say as a child throwing a temper tantrum.
The only real concern right now is to know if European leaders are stupid enough to cripple their economy by keeping the sanctions up after the war.
I dunno JD, what about that special operation in Pakistan when US marines killed Bin-Laden for the 7th time? OK they lost one of their two helicopters which landed in the compound and killed a bunch of women, however, I’ll never forget the looks of nail-biting anxiety on Obama and Clinton’s ugly faces in the War Room.
It was so staged that even Bubba Bush turned down the post party celebration of Bin-Laden’s wake. I suppose the Bush’s and Bin-Laden families go way back though.
Next stop Syria, no sleep till Idlib.
I was astonished when they ‘shot’ Bin Laden and then conveniently disposed of the evidence in the ocean. WTF? Nobody even bothered to point out that weird practice except Alex Jones and the newscycle moved on after a week. It was like an open mafia hit. They only ‘evidence’ they had was a photo which was never released! I’m so tired of the psy-op mind control the media has over the population of the West.
re: “Why US MNM, Bloomberg(first started), WP, NYT, WSJ, and others, are claiming that Russia MOD is adjusting Special Operation’s objectives.”
Someone sent them a memo and a script. This is the same method of operation (MO) used for at least the past 6 years to control public opinion (like Trump is a Russian puppet). Who writes the memos? Dunno, but they are the ones who control the USA.
Why are they pushing this narrative? My guess is they don’t want Americans, or the rest of the world to discover that Russia’s real plan is to denazify. Why would anyone want to denazify unless there were nazis? Who would the nazis be? Why, they would be the ones who write the memos!
I agree with you on that. It is a coordinated campaign, for sure.
The fakery is getting really real in the US. And the lies are truth for the citizens who have to make ends meet day-in-day-out.
“Who writes the memos? Dunno, but they are the ones who control the USA.”
I don’t know who writes the memos, but i know who gives the orders (globalist orgs like the WEF), and i know the control center that distributes the memos to all presstitutes (search “trusted news alliance” or however it’s called).
The “neo-cons” in all their different incarnations, past, present, and future, under many different names, are a good first guess; them, and all they represent.
They have been running the show for decades in the “west.” Writing the memos…..
They work in secret right out in the open… look at cookie nuland active in the Kiev coup.
That is not news to anyone here.
It’s just more attempts to drive a wedge into Russian solidarity. Make things look like something is going on that is NOT going on. Make people question the reality of what they are being told. It’s a red herring as we say in English.
The more I researched analysis, the more I had the same conclusion. It is a coordinated PSYOP, like every PSYOP inflicted on Russia in the past four weeks or so. No facts needed, and no fabrication unwelcome. Just get it out of there, hopefully there will be consumption.
Base on Putin’s original statement, Russia will do whatever planned and necessary. May be Donbas, may be Kyiv to Odessa line, may be the whole enchilada.
Literally the same reason they spew bullshit every other day of the week.
I mean didn’t Maria Zakarharova literally say yesterday that Ukraine’s chance to remain a sovereign state had passed? Didn’t Biden also admit that earlier this week in one of his rare moments of clarity he said Ukraine was free to negotiate away territory?
And aren’t you aware that everyone who reads this blog knows that every single link you posted is utter garbage, nonsense and psyop lies that we’re not going to bother clicking on?
Russia was very clear last year: NATO needs to retreat back into the corner. Every single link above is pretending like that ultimatum was never made and that the objective is just this little corner of Ukraine. The objective is the folks who pull the strings at Bloomberg, WaPo, NYT, and WSJ. Which, coincidentally, dovetails with the objectives of American’s living in this occupied nation. So, said string pullers are between a rock (Russia and China and India and basically the entire world) and a hard place (all those heavily armed “deplorables” who are not fans of Brandon or Davos). And all they have in between them and oblivion is their horde of mass formation woke lunatics, their compliant Europeans, the Queen’s last colonies, and whatever Nazis and ISIS head choppers still above room temperature.
So yeah, they’re going to say keep filling the media space with lies because that is all they got.
“And aren’t you aware that everyone who reads this blog knows that every single link you posted is utter garbage, nonsense and psyop lies that we’re not going to bother clicking on?”
I have to really question people’s genuine motive to post links to western media shit on this blog? Are these same foolish minded who feed off it, asking a question to understand why am I reading this shit? or just attempting to push the same shit over and over to this site.
As if it needs justification of reasoning because blatant demented minds can’t fathom why we ignore it.
Just a thought…
Don’t worry. These are pay-walled, you can’t get them unless you are a subscriber.
These titles were shown to help clarify my question. No offense.
Good for you that you don’t read these junks, imagine our situation here, facing massive print, web, and TV bombardment of fake news. You don’t have time and financial resources to verify every news you bumped into daily, but that is what is necessary in the West society right now.
Nothing personal towards you…. sometimes difficult to gauge what the true motive of every individual is.
Best rule of thumb, especially during these anxious times, is never to read, listen or look at any western associated media reporting, analysis with regards to the current conflict and entertain it as truth.
Glad you have it figured out in your journey.
I saw the names of the sites linked to, and I just laughed.
They have credibility whatsoever. And if someone still believes they do, then the problem lies with them I’m afraid.
I cancelled several EU/US subscriptions last week, some German, some British, and some American. But the spreading of manufactured news is quite universal and very coordinated lately in the west.
And I am a subscriber of several Russian/English languages sites, including this site, Юрий Подоляка, and Reminiscence of the Future. Moon of Alabama is an excellent reference site for me too.
That is why I can tell the divergence of news reporting on Ukraine by the west MNM. Without these new subscriptions, there is no way a person can know how devious the PSYOP can be.
My question is a legitimate one, and I think I got the answer not only from my re-reading of Putin’s original kick-off statement, from this site, and also from Moon of Alabama this afternoon.
KitaySupporter, I agree with what I think is your logic, making the case for West’s attempts to de-escalate to save face, providing links to the MSM bs to make your point while being cognizant the MSM is sh*t. Like most here, we understand the US lacks the capacity to deploy and engage the Russian military as a near-peer (US at best a near-peer) and it will not risk nuclear war over Ukraine. I recall when i was young Eisenhower’s classic soft power usage over the Suez Incident. US use of soft power has degenerated over the years, coalescing into the monstrosity being exerted towards Russia – not only lacking the military element (iron fist in a velvet glove) but the subtlety as well. Blustering bully who cannot fight back.
Much like the situation described above where Russia must solve the problem of stabilizing or holding a town after liberating it, and much like the question of what to do with “Banderastan” when this current campaign is finished….the “defeat” of the Empire of Lies will not be a singular moment or event in time that can be won or brought about by any singular, defining maneuver, tactic, war or policy.
There could be 20% inflation, China could be the world economic GDP hegemon and the petroyuan could supplant dollar as reserve over 50% of globa…and you will still see DECADES of recalcitrance, resistance and subterfuge by the US to reverse the slide. Much like the British empire was finished long before its Suez moment…but didnt know it or couldnt admit it.
The point is, during those coming years or decades of Anerican resistance and subterfuge, ANYTHING could happen. Lets not make the mistake of thinking “America is done” and that’s it. Nobody knows who will come to power in an increasingly unstable and divided and economically insecure America…eg authentic fascism could take root. And America will have the most deadly military tools for DECADES to come.
I guess my point is, American “defeat” in this proxy war in Ukraine, usurpation of the dollar by alt currencies and the geopolitical shift of power to Eurasia does NOT “end” America. The neocons dont suddenly disappear. The CIA doesnt dissolve. Like when WW1 “ended” Germany—whole new monsters can form.
This is the nature of life, even a Russian “victory” in Ukraine/successful decoupling will not be final or permanent. Long after Putin and his cadre are gone, Russia will have to fight–in one form or another–for ages.
I think you meant zero credibility or “no” credibility.
Yep, I did.
Thanks and sorry.
Re “I have to really question people’s genuine motive to post links to western media shit on this blog? Are these same foolish minded who feed off it, asking a question to understand why am I reading this shit? or just attempting to push the same shit over and over to this site.”
It was obvious to me that the links were posted as ***examples*** of Kitay’s question, namely,
“Why [are] now these US media … claiming Russia is adjusting never announced territorial objectives.”
I see nothing wrong with that.
I read somewhere that Biden told Zelenskyy to maybe settle for a smaller Ukraine. I would guess there are under the table talks between Washington and Moscow to settle for a partition of Ukraine. This is my interpretation since a Russian re-resentative also said something like Ukraine could cease to exist as an independent country.
“Why US MNM, Bloomberg(first started), WP, NYT, WSJ, and others, are claiming that Russia MOD is adjusting Special Operation’s objectives.”
Oh, that’s an easy one to answer: The carefully-orchestrated “envelopment” of Kyiv was always a feint. It was always intended to be a deception to trick the Ukrainians into thinking that the main battlefield was going to be in the streets of Kyiv.
The air assault on Gostomel airport, the “40 mile long supply convoy”, the capture of Irpun, the constant maneuvering to make it appear that Kyiv was going to be enveloped on all sides. All of it.
All of it was a feint to trick the Ukrainians into believing that victory or defeat hinged upon them decisively smashing a Russian attempt to storm that city. An attempt that never came and probably never will.
But THREATENING to do it has fixated the Ukrainian high command.
And if the Ukrainians believed it then…. so did “US MNM, Bloomberg(first started), WP, NYT, WSJ, and others” because the Ukrainians are the only source of information that they will accept.
Garbage in = Garbage out.
But now they are starting to get doubts.
This attack on Kyiv it… doesn’t seem to be happening.
You said Putin will storm into Kyiv atop a grizzly bear.
I… err… ummm….. where is he? What’s going on?
When is the attack starting? Why hasn’t it started?
They are beginning to think that maybe they’d been played for suckers.
But “US MNM, Bloomberg(first started), WP, NYT, WSJ, and others” can’t just turn around and admit that they had been relying on their information from a bunch of slack-jawed rubes who have been conned.
No, that would be much too humiliating.
So they have to pretend that they have just noticed that PUTIN has changed his mind.
They have to say that because the alternative is to say that they’ve only just realized that they have been walking around for a month with their pants around their ankles and their bare arse flappin’ in the breeze.
Doesn’t that answer your question?
Make sense.
They’re just parroting what Vladimir said on the 5th of March and passing it off as a re think….it isn’t. Twas always the plan.
Reading all those bad preacher lectures will let one totally disinformed by mediocre propaganda.
Certaines of confusion will come out.
Western media sources it stories from 3 agencies and all 3 are directed by CIA stooges in the ongoing version of Operation Mockingbird. Of course all the mockingbird press are singing the same song.
Duh!!! When Russia gives its description of the operation and the light causalities it has suffered, Bloomberg says they are lying. However, when Russia says its priority is to reduce the “cauldrons” in the republics, Bloomberg says they are telling the truth and that means Russian army is a spent force.
You don’t have to go through all of those negations and contortions if you just take what the Russians say at face value.
As far as I can see, everything is going according to plan. And now it is just a matter of time, lack of supplies, living in miserable conditions and psychology.
“To be an enemy of the United States is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” ~ Henry Kissinger
It won’t be long before those fighting will realize they have been hung out to dry by the CIA. And the Russians are allowing the Ukrainians an honorable exit… they held out for as long as their supplies allowed them to. There is no shame in that. And that is the Russian objective: they don’t want to kill people, destroy infrastructure, disrupt life or humiliate Ukraine.
Why ? To propagandize their readers who still haven’t realized their paying for fake news.
living in the u.s…….all i can say is that the mood here among the right is so anti biden and anti war that he will have a very hard time selling any kind of military action against russia. i rememeber the pushback that obama received when he tried to sell an invasion of syria. putin checkmated him but so did his own military. and remember that was with so-callled chemical weapons attacks by assad(give me a break!). no. these neo tards are up against the wall. dangerous? yes. but really boxed in if you ask me.
no one asked but there you have it.
Living next to the US in Canada, that would be my assessment as well. Putin is viewed more highly by true patriots in the US and Canada than either Biden or Trudeau.
While the mood among the rank-and-file conservatives in the US is anti-war, the conservative establishment as represented by the GOP is far more pro-war, so Biden would have no trouble selling a military action to them – they would gladly go along with it, all the while criticizing him for not doing it sooner. The general consensus among the GOP establishment and their media mouthpieces such as the odious Sean Hannity is that Biden’s weak leadership encouraged Putin to invade.
In my view there is an anti-Biden, anti-war populist ‘right’, a much smaller anti-Biden, anti-war populist left, and a large undifferentiated mass of persuade-ables centered around the core pro-war ‘elite’ opinion. That pro-war ideology extends across and throughout all so called political divides and hugs the class character of the elites, their immediate managerial servants, and their hangers on and wannabes, and then working people who have simply swallowed the propaganda. Do not underestimate the strength of this group. They might be a bare minority, but they control everything in the USA. If they want war, war we will have.
tbf heere i want that war too. But only for the Reason that i am VERY sure the West will lose it hard. This will be the sobering effect the Western Elites so desperatly needs to finally realise how stupid they are.
It needs to be thundering absolute humilating defeat so no westen Psyop ever can cover this up in any case and the Elites have finally go to canossa and admit that they only hate russians and they are the true evil racists that they are, and nothing else was going on the whole time.
Scott Ritter, in an interview, says that he thinks that Mariupol is now liberated (with only small pockets of Azov remaining.)
Denis Pushilin is now in Mariupol.
With the liberation of Mariupol, everything will fall into place nicely for Russia.
Where can I find the interview?
Is it this one? With Aaron Matté (great Canadian investigative journalist)
great interview
LOL, Ze’s not the only comedian:
De Bretton Gordon has gone as far as claiming to a British tabloid that Russia could deploy missiles and hand grenades containing the highly deadly Soviet-era chemical agent Novichok “in any future war with the West.”
Thanks largely to Chechen units. In the Rambo style insertion into Gostemel Air-Force Base outside Kyiv and the house-to-house, street-to-street rather intense fighting
In Mariupol, the same thing. Kicking Nazi ass and tacking names.
Powerful essay with very good questions. Thank you – will reflect .
On another note – the stay behind NATO ‚partisans‘ were not just stay behind types. There were also Eastern European exiles who were trained to enter their old homelands and develop a partisan force. I knew a couple of the US Army guys doing the training back in the day. They took it dead serious, I thought it was a utter waste of time and resources these guys would have lasted maybe a few days after landing deep behind enemy lines in a country they hadn‘t been to in decades.
You would expect something similar as Operation Gladio (as described by you as stay behind forces) in Ukraine.
I like the idea of giving W Ukraine back to the west. After all the whole idea has to leave Ukraine in chaos for Russia to manage while taking everyone under 50 into Europe as cheap workers.
Giving them the elderly and the murderous Banderas seems like karma to me.
In Jan, 1972, this was the Number One song in America ….
“Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan’s spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
He was singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey ‘n rye
And singin’ this’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die”
— “American Pie”, Don McLean
The louder, uptempo portion eventually quiets down for the ending ….
“And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie”
I won’t provide a link to a corporate video website, but I’m sure with the artist’s name that the song title you can go find it if you like. There are some fine videos of Mr. McLean performing.
By 1972, the attempt to stop the Empire with Peace and Love had been largely thwarted. I still had hope back then. But then again, I was very young, not yet even in high school. Just a naive young hillbilly kid with a bicycle. Among those who had tried to stop the Empire, I can see how they would have felt that the Trinity had caught the last train for the coast … and then a ship to more peaceful shores. And to be honest, I don’t see much in America today that says they were wrong for feeling that.
I remember Bill Graham of the Fillmore hated that song. He would sing ‘Bye Bye Miss American Pie, You Slimy C nt. He was an outrageous cuss box.
I think this is better, The Stoned Roses, I Wanna Be Adored
I don’t have to sell my sole, he’s already in me
I don’t need to sell my sole, he’s already in me
Long intro
The people who listened to that song are now cheering for nuclear war. The exact same people. And no, they’re not deceived or propagandized. Anyone in the US who is pro war after Iraq bears full responsibility.
The same idiots would cheer for herpes if told it cured covid-19.
Great essay! And I especially love that youtube video in part because I believe it answers a question posed in the Bible:
“Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (Rev 13:4).
Mighty Russia, that’s who. Go Russia!
Thank you for again a very good insight, explanation and vision on the whole situation, not only Ukraïn but more cultural and geo-political.
You mentioned: “There is no limit on who ignorant, stupid, gullible, and racist a very substantial portion of the population of Zone A is.”
I have to admit this is the case. I live in Zone A, in The Netherlands, and most people don’t have a clue and the bad thing is they don’t want to have a clue. Still, there are people, like me, who see beyond the lies and know what you write is the truth. This group is growing and ‘we’ will rise and go in another direction.
Furthermore I think many Russians also don’t have a clue in depth. Most people on Earth in this phase of the evolution of mankind are ignorant and/or apathetic. We all have to grow up and get really civilized. All those false leaders get their power from those clueless people all over the world. And when a good leader falls, a bad leader can take it’s place and a cycle starts again. I guess Russia’s leaders can save the world, but a new crew can also set everything back. It’s the people who need to evolve so they will be the leaders who can be good for all.
I am also a Dutch citizen.
We keep fighting this scum.
Let’s just all take a moment to appreciate the fact that we’re witnessing the greatest political event of this century.
Second. The fall of Sunni power in Iraq was the first. We have not yet felt the full consequences of that one.
Not this one either.
Of course the aim of the operation is the full denazification of the planet. Why else would this specific term have been used? About fucking time.
When denazification was first mooted I noted that no geographic limit was given. That telegraphed the goal.
Really appreciate the map and the update.
This may be a bit off topic but I’m hoping you could answer the following:
1) Who was Anatoly Chubais and why was he an aide to Putin when he sounds like a CIA plant or a traitor?
2) Why did Putin elect to keep the Atlantic-Integrationist Elvira Nabiullina at her post as head of the Russian Central Bank when she is rumored to have been responsible for Russia’s failure to protect the country’s foreign reserves? According to Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Russia has been deprived of about $300 billion of its foreign currency holdings. Wouldn’t this justify firing her for incompetence? I’m not sure what Putin’s thinking is on this, but it is a mystery to me. So any clarification would be helpful.
Thanks again and keep up the great work!
Today I read that all of Central bank gold is in Russia.
Central bank sold most of dollars from the reserves over the years, except form a small percentage to be able to trade with U.S
Since EU is the main consumer of energy, Euro currency percentage is maximum with in the the Reserves. This was the main problem. When Putin announced that EU has to pay in Rubles for purchased gas, this problem will be eventually solved. If EU abandons Russian energy, price will go up and Russia can sell to Asia and other places for more profit.
In retrospect, higher percentage of Reserves in Yuan would’ve been better, but no body fathomed that Central bank Reserves of a major country like Russia will be frozen. Ultimately this will accelerate dedollarization because all Central bank Governors are taken aback by this unprecedented event.
So it seems that things are not as bad as initially presented.
Matthew Ehret on SCF: As New Purge of Fifth Columnists Approaches: Anatoly Chubais Jumps Ship
“A fifth column has become increasingly embedded across all levels of America’s military, intelligence, bureaucratic, corporate, media and academic influence- very few westerners have any clear idea how this same structure has expressed itself in the nations of Eurasia.
“Most relevant for the topic of this present report, we can take as an example the vast western-leaning hive of vipers, oligarchs and liberal technocrats which rose to power under the direction of the CIA during the dark years of shock therapy of the 1990s. Of course, since taking over from Yeltsin in 1999, President Vladimir Putin has gone far to purging many of those treacherous agencies that looted Russia during Perestroika, regaining control of vital institutions, bringing Russia’s military, scientific and intelligence powers back into national hands…”
Re “Why did Putin elect to keep the Atlantic-Integrationist Elvira Nabiullina at her post as head of the Russian Central Bank ”
My Moscow contact—financial analyst—said this:
“As far as I remember, the same status of the CB is maintained in the newest constitution, but its independence from the state will be in conflict with a new economic course. I think that now the CB will be subordinated to the government informally in its activity rather than in its legal status. . . .
“Putin appointed Elvira Nabiulina’s candidacy as the Central Bank chief, which seems surprising after the fantastic loss of foreign reserves. IMO, there may be three reasons for such decision. First, the CB has prepared the alternative systems of payments, which proved to be workable inside and outside the country. Second, the substitution [replacement] of Nabiulina [by] Glaziev or somebody like him would imply high reorganization costs and a loss of time. Third, there may be a kind of informal agreement between P and N that the CB will become responsible to the Russian government rather than to the global financial powers. I hope that that the latter is indeed the case. “
WW2, Mod 2. This time the Red Army finishes the job. I myself have been saying that the announced denazification can logically only be achieved if it is global. But I can hardly cheer. It’s all so awful and terrible. This horror was set in motion at Potsdam when Truman began to threaten and repudiate Yalta, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and day by day for 77 years or more. As Saker wrote, and I have also said, it’s existential, civilizational (if a pirate gang can represent civilization). End of epoch. Nobody can stop Time. Mom always said that the Empire was “cryptonazi”….and she’s been dead for 23 years.
(with apology for the mention, but the fella from Texas said once that the only way he’d ever visit the US again was in a Russian APC. And I did not doubt he might.)
God bless us all. God bless Saker.
Are you by any chance referring to the American on Twitter who boasts about killing 80 Russia’s, taking out tanks, bmp’s? near Kiev, standing next to Uky tanks and claiming is Russian.
His claims are utter shit, that may make a humorous (or not) SNL skit, with an ending where James (the loser) goes ‘oh shit’ as he steps on a mined dog stool.
Lira BTW debunks him for his lies, fake, and knowledge of the battle field. He decided to stay in Ukraine and meet his grave early.
Speaking of these volunteered mercs, they should not be allowed to escape back to their country of origin. They are criminals, terrorist-merc’s that belong either dead or in life imprisonment.
I believe some countries are arresting them once they set foot back on the ground.
He’s referring to Russell Bentley, from Texas, an absolute hero that moved to Donbass and fought with their militia. Still lives there with his local wife.
Look him up, help him out and buy his book. He’s a legend.
I’m American but agree with everything you wrote. To me,the most surprising thing that you said was that Russia might be open to a Polish-Nato controlled western Ukraine (former Polish areas) if Russia’s other goals in Ukraine were met. I’m glad to hear that might form the basis for a solution because from today’s news from Biden in Poland, it sure sounds like that crazy guy is preparing an invasion. And I certainly don’t want any war, or American soldiers going to war in Ukraine and against Russia. Biden stole the election and we’re under the control now of a government we didn’t elect. They don’t speak for or act on behalf of many Americans. Please do not think we are all united here and in favor of what our mad President is doing.
I live in the Netherlands we also had elections the same way in your country. All Nato countries are exactly the same. Our goverments don’t speake for us. Both on domestic and foreign policy. I’m sick of this fascism and their crazy mandates. They push us into devestation, fine we go as low as we need tot go…as long as we get rid of this crazy Nazi scum. For all our children en future children. This is a fight for our lives we fight our own country. Who ever thought it would be this crazy. Its like the upside down.
Amen to this. To all of you outside the U.S. There is a small but growing minority who “get it”. We understand who Putin is and what he represents. And we are quietly rooting for him and the Russians. Please understand that we cannot stop this madness in the Unites States. There is just not enough of us to stop it. The majority of the population is cast under this spell of demonic satanic mass media. Even in my own extended family, I cannot get them to see it or understand it. I have worked and travelled extensively in Ukraine, RU, and KZ. I cannot say enough good about the Russian people and have many friends and colleagues there.
To all Russians….Do not relent. Stay true to your country and your faith. You and your leaders may end up saving us all. And that is the honest truth.
Well the writing was on the wall for The Netherlands when after losing 196/298 Dutch lives on Flight MH17, shot down by UAF, witnessed by 2 daft Spanish Controllers in Kiev Towers (who like Skripals have been disappeared ), you handed over the Black-Boxes to MI6, never to be seen again. Puff. . . . proof gone!
Your Government Loves You!
Dont you think we dont know! We do! We have a journalist called Eric van de Beek. He wrote a book about MH-17. The trial is fake everthing is fake. If you follow the trial you must know why there is silance in the media.
We do know!
MH17 = MH370
MH17 = MH370 who landed on San Diego before laid down in Ukraine! :)
@ RoseRed: that is not fascism… on the contrary, fascism was (at the time, in Italy) definitely by the population’s side (and vice-versa). Nowadays western population are hostages of their own governments: it’s a very different situation, and keeping using outdated terminology does not help at all. Unfortunately I’m always struggling to find people without this kind of mental bias.
Thank American I feel same……
A polish NATO controlled western Ukraine, would be… Catastrophic for all sides. I imagine the west will continue carrying out terrorist attacks to the east. Which means Russia and the new east Ukraine will have to retaliate.
The poles and the banderistas dont get along so there’ll be fighting there. And if west Ukraine truly becomes part of NATO\EU then it means that banderistas will have free roam to rest of the west, even to north America. Good luck with that ish
This is also what concerns me.
Why should Russia sacrifice land to Nato as well as sacrificing lives? This is where I disagree with Saker
Surely, managing a demilitiaised neo-Nazi population is easier than dealing with a hostile NATO on the Russian borders?
Given what the Russians achieved in getting Chechnia onside, it eould be relatively easy to convert Western Ukraine to become distrusting of Anglo-Americans?
Great essay! One thing I notice here in the West that underpins our total lack of realism is the certitude that the US/NATO are the best led, best armed, best equipped military in the galaxy, so that if our military was ordered into battle against the Russians, there’s no way we couldn’t crush the Russians and do so quickly; only the Russian nuclear force prevents us from using our vast conventional superiority. No one here seems even to entertain the thought, much less regard as a serious possibility, that if NATO, e.g., decided to impose a no-fly zone, it could do so, i.e. the Russians would either back down or be forcibly grounded. My own view, based on people whose judgment I trust, is that this confidence is unfounded, and that NATO would more than likely be defeated in any conventional military contest with Russia. Is that right? And if it is, why isn’t it more widely known? I assume that NATO militaries know what they would be up against, but do the top brass and civilian politicians as well, or the oligarchs who pull their strings? I’m not so sure. And if they don’t, then what is there is prevent them from leading us not only into financial but military disaster as well?
I have noticed the Odessa and Kiev encirclements have become a magnet. Ukie soldiers flee to them, Mercenaries collect around those locations. Both are the primary political locations of focus across the globe. Seems like Russia planned to magnetize them from the start. Surround Odessa and Kiev then move just enough to give the impression of active engagement. Do this until the cauldron is liberated and assets available for assignment in the next phase.
I believe to end this once and for all there will be a NATO/Russia conflict. Non nuclear for sure. The main reason being that the US needs its EU customer base in tact. The EU has demonstrated it does not have the competency to engage in global conflicts at this level which is driving the US to re-scope its perception of EU/NATO usefulness. The US will support a conventional conflict with Russia but will not participate in it. Case in point, when the SU-25 (? not sure what sort of plane it was) was shot down by Turkey, Putin called it an act of war. The next day Erdogan’s decree that Article 5 was invoked was refuted by NATO on the grounds that the dispute was between Tukey and Russia. It was the US that told NATO to stay out of it, but important to note that NATO was very much ready to jump into the fire from Stoltenberg’s comments during the hours after the incident.
Russia will give NATO/EU a good pounding soon. The US will do nothing but tell Europe to shut the ef up and make sure they aren’t late paying the LNG gas bill. Nothing personal, its just business.
I suppose no further evidence of the hypocrisy of the current regime running the USSA (sorry, but zone A doesn’t do it for me), but I can’t help it. I am an engineer.
Converting natural gas to LNG and back, to use it wastes 1/3 of its energy content, so 50% more of it has to be used to get the same useful energy. This 1/3 loss needing 50% gain to get back to where you were is just math. Works the same way with stocks.
So the people who claim to be horrified about carbon emissions are taking measures to increase them by 50%.
A cargo ship takes 2-3 weeks to cross the Atlantic burning fuel as opposed to a delivery in 2-3 minutes at the press of a button under the Baltic. What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard. lol
All the while they shed great big crocodile tears about global warming, and tax carbon emissions of the poor but not those of the rich (private jets and yachts).
Go, Russia!
Those LNG tankers better have a lot of armor from the waterline down. It’s been many decades since we had unrestricted submarine warfare anywhere on Earth. I’m not sure the West has the stomach for it. Even if it did, it does not have sufficient warships to protect convoys.
Moon of Alabama say this is his “take.” I call it an excellent summary:
Brilliant ending Saker. Seem slike Alexander Dugin share the EXACT same sentiment. Listen to exerpts from his interview in UAE I think (colud not find the entire interview). Encourage all “Sakerites” to listen to it. Very revealing.
The 500 lb Gorilla in the room is whether the “MAGA crowd” not brainwashed toward things Russia and Putin (those who are not, know the score) will reject fighting for Woke devils and be branded as “traitors” (already in the books to be implemented) or be “Patriots” and join the fight against the “darn Ruskies”.
US Armed Forces are not like Col McDonald, who is also a Trump aid. They will die for Satan and the Woke devils in a heartbeat.
Andrei answers a question I have had for some time: When Russia speaks of deNazifying Ukraine, do they actually mean deNazifying NATO–or indeed the West?
If, as the Saker here suggests, the answer is ‘yes’–then what comes after Ukraine is settled is the question. Although Western elites may always have intended the annihilation of Russia as even a *potential* rival in some distant future (by dismembering it and turning it into Ukraine or Russia of the 1990s), it’s not clear that the current Western misleadership class understood that they had forced Russia to fight that fight for survival now.
But since now Europe must know it’s also now in a fight for its life and are not ready, whereas Russia is, does Russia allow them the 3 to 5 years they need to prepare themselves, or does Russia continue…?
Is severing itself from the West and working with Zone B to create a separate world enough, or does the West have to be defeated now?
It is not stated anywhere that Russia’s plan is to break NATO once and for all, but can be implied from the surrounding actions and statements relating to the current standpoint. VV Putin’s “ultimatum” of December 2021 clearly pointed out that the security configuration as it is is not acceptable, let alone the Ukrainian swamp. Hence the ongoing SMO is only the first salvo towards that reconfiguration. He has been repeating the same warning since 2007 to deaf ears and the fact that he has taken action now indicates two things, at least: (a) Russia is ready and confident for a military standoff to resolve the impasse successfully; (b) Russia will take whatever it takes to succeed. Once the Russian army is on the road there is no backpedalling.
Where will it stop? All the way to Lisbon? Of course not; it may not even be necessary to go beyond the Ukraine. The belated demolition of NATO may even be accomplished with a symbolic visit by Messrs Kinzhal and Zircon to the offending eye-sore sites in Romania, Poland or elsewhere as a demonstration that NATO was never a defensive alliance, that is, it does not defend the protectorates in Europe; its sole purpose was to serve as a legitimate attack-dog for the US war against the Soviet Union. The plan, and numerous operations prepared with a-propos graphic names such as “Sizzler”, “Scorch”, “Broiler”, etc., was only derailed when, almost simultaneously with the birth of NATO, the Soviets demonstrated their new “Lightening” answer to those plans. Ironically, the potential targets of “Joe-1” (so dubbed by the NATO military as a “gift” from Joe Stalin) changed their mind about obliterating the Soviets then.
VV Putin is doing the same thing now, showing off his version of the “Lightening” effect on the NATO minds. The big difference is that he is not playing catch-up, as Stalin did, he is ahead.
They were deaf to his warnings, but they will listen to his hypersonic emissaries.
A significant reason they were deaf to Putin’s warnings is because, given Russia’s abysmal state when Putin took over after the bumbling alcoholic Yeltsin, they were confident Russia was so far behind that Putin’s accomplishment of completely overtaking them couldn’t possibly be for real. To wit, they believed 100% that Putin was bluffing.
For the comemierdas who comprise most of zone A’s 99%, this absolutely unfounded, arrogant drivel makes perfekt sense. The 1% however might begin to get cold feet.
I hope I am not betraying any secrets, but after Ukraine comes Kosovo.
I think that possibly you have your nose too buried in the ongoing tragedy in Ukraine and the politics of US/Western delusions of hegemony to realize that the average American citizen is far too preoccuped with the pressing exegencies of daily life to develop any firm attitude/’hatred of’ Russia or Russians that is essentially a political controlled power exercise in controlling media propaganda that would put Goebbels to shame (bearing in mind, of course, that ‘social media’ and internet-capable cell phones a far more powerful form of media than he ever had at his disposal). Indeed the primary failing of “Democracy”is in its political structure, in that a small but coherently well organized/propagandized minority (even miniscule) faction of the vote is what shifts and controls the ‘majority’ outcome of votes,
“Hezbollah moment”, perfect. The Western ruling class are doing a great job of turning the whole world into their enemies.
Russia/LDNR can’t stop until the old Stalin line (your red line West of Kiev) since the center could always cause problems (e.g. the recent missile attack on Berdyansk). If Russia made that the clear goal, then more people would turn on the current Ukrainian government and start to take charge of the situation. They are still waiting to see which way the wind blows…
Bless you my dear soldier. Thank you for your courage, strength, stamina and for time spent to open our eyes, and show us the true picture. I have you in my thoughts and I wish you a safe journey and enjoyable camaraderie and time of meditation, prayer. Come back recharged and strong.
I think you’re vastly overestimating the amount of Russia hate there is among the general public in the West, and certainly among the general American public. Consider that the same propagandists who are trying to shove the “Ukraine = good, Putin = evil” narrative down Westerners’ throats are also trying to present to Russia a picture of a Western public united behind their governments in their anti-Russia stances.
Where the American public is concerned, after the Russiagate hoax, the Ukrainegate hoax, the constant torrent of totally false smears of Donald Trump pushed by the mainstream media, the 2020 BLM-Antifa Riots/quasi-color revolution, the 2020 election “fortification”, the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, the January 6th “insurrection” hoax, the big tech-led campaign censorship of political populists, the Covid lockdowns that wrecked the economy and placed the entire population effectively under house arrest, the gross and deliberate exaggeration of covid’s deadliness, the coordinated lying and information suppression campaign targeted against cheap generic drugs that have proven highly effective at treating covid, the coordinated campaign to censor and unperson individuals who spread off-narrative information about covid and the many effective treatments for it, the coordinated suppression of the now vindicated lab leak hypothesis and so many other lies that have been exposed, there is a substantial swath of the American public who now don’t believe a single word the government or their mouthpieces in the mainstream media tell them. This extends to what the government and mainstream media are telling them about the Russo-Ukrainian conflict.
For many of is, it isn’t just that we’re skeptical of what the government tells us, or that we now assume whatever they’re telling us, they’re lying. Many of us actually know all about the key role our own government has played in creating this conflict. The revelations about the US-backed biological “research” facilities in Ukraine only add to many Americans’ perception that our own government is the “bad guy” here. I don’t know what proportion of the American public we represent, but it’s clearly substantial and it’s clearly growing, especially now as fatigue from propaganda-induced outrage sets in and accurate information spreads. Take a look through comment sections in places where you might expect to find people blindly supporting the government’s official narrative on this conflict and you’ll see what I mean. There’s a reason why people like Tucker Carlson have seen their popularity grow over the past month despite their anti-narrative position.
Did you miss anything, a good summary though!
OK so you know all this, you know others who know all this and you’re confident there’s many more fellow Americans switched on to USS Skulfuckery. Then why don’t ya’ll start kicking some ass, organised demos to kick things off. I say this because America is heading into Ukraine territory, a failed State once these bubbles and maniacs blow. It’ll be Americans in a generational depression.
Still it cleanse a few souls, well the ones who survive the first decade.
“So it is not the Ukraine which we plan to denazify. It’s the planet”
These are hopeful words. As a resident of the Empire of Lies, these are the words that give me sincere hope. Many with me…if only a little helps and if you can only make people think. The endless discussions on the socials I am tireless in trying to reach people. It is worrying how little knowledge people have, especially in the historical field. I share passages from the blog endlessly and regularly. There are many like me but we are not in united groups. But..we do have a Russian friendly political party called Forum for Democrasy , other porties trying very hard to cancel this party of course. We have a Facebook group “Peace with Russia” I know it’s a brood of devils and the group is under heavy heavy Facebook microscopen ,which requires strict moderation. We do this to reach so many people because there are many people on this platform without too much historical knowledge. We must persevere. We especially want Peace with Russia and let echt and every Russian know that not everyone in the Empire hates them. As long as it is necessary, my priority will be to defend Russia in the all-important mission she is currently on. A lone warrior from zone A. Have a good weekend Andrei and see you next week.
“So it is not the Ukraine which we plan to denazify. It’s the planet”
That’s counting your chicks before they are hatched. Besides, it is the sort of thing that brings on real paranoia in the former soviet satellite countries. I hope that Russia denazifies a big chunk of Ukraine. That will make me very happy.
The rest? With victory, Russia could find themselves in the Nietsche bind: staring so long into the abyss that the abyss comes to stare into it.
There is plenty of challenging work to be done in Russia itself after this is done. And in rebuilding Ukraine. Godspeed to all people of good will.
Despite 3.5 million who have left The Ukraine westwards….huge amounts eastwards .. citizens that remain need food…my local supermarket -1 of 4 in a small town probably has about 12-15 big lorry loads of deliveries a day. Mega large distribution centres plus fleets of lorries…of course imports by plane ship and intercontinental lorries . Does Ukr run similarly? Or are the central lands high producing food areas meat fruit and veg….cos food imports
are not? going to get through due to risk and fuel for return journey…civil strife at delivery point with those citizens and mafia armed by Z handout of guns…maybe no energy for warehouse refrigeration in upcoming hot summer months.How can that be restarted and built up again. Will Russia need its own food for its refugees and Donbass and that is it especially with everincreasing sanctions– nothing spare for anyone else ?People will be hanging onto what they have- maybe electricity can be up and running for fridges freezers cookers but surely existing stock could be spoilt and depleted…will there be enough staff to run shops…are banks running and supplying money if there is any left and can be resupplied whatever the hynvra and permitting exchanges in a virtually bankrupt economy scenario ,and Z was asking for all debt to be cancelled-has it might have to be accepted by an infuriated EU….IMF despite latest offerings etc— tough luck. All that aid from Europe.(whatever it is worth in this inflation and food insecurity about to hit the planet)…what is it apart from military stuff..where is it how is going to get through to the peoples …etc etc. Gonna be a whole lot more refugees for the everwilling EU to feed and house…..maybe …its gonna cost them that association agreement they made with Yanokovich just before he was outed.
Any economists like Peter Koenig …and Michael Hudson once more …around to make an assessment of the big big black hole of Ukr economic prospects? Welcome to the dark ages?
Azov Nazis continue trying to escape Mariupol. Numerous photos/videos are showing them being captured or killed on their way out of Mariupol but they can’t seem to get past the Chechens. Here’s today’s new one:
From yesterday:
This is absolutely the best and masterfully put together analysis! Truly EPIC! The last portion was expressed so honestly in heartfelt and direct to the core.
The Russian Army – The Hell March! is truly amazing to watch.
Thank you for all your hard work, teaching for the ignorant, for your country, for your brothers and sisters, family and passion for truth.
So, this is the new Chicken Kyiv recipe? Very different that the old Chicken Kiev but I rather relish this turn of events.
What a concise, accurate and detailed analysis. Thank you.
Having read through Saker’s viewpoints, I would offer a couple of observations of my own.
1) Russia has no need to fight NATOstan. It has already signaled that it has the wherewithal to fight NATOstan. But more importantly, much of the world (non EU and non Anglo) supports Russia’s efforts to remain a viable and critical part of the world economy. As far as I can tell, NATOstan is huffing and puffing, but like the big bad wolf, it cannot blow the Russian house made of bricks down. Russia’s demand that payments for its fossil fuels be made in rubles was a STROKE OF GENIUS!!!! Not only does Russia have partners throughout the global south (China, India, Iran, Pakistan, etc.), it can bolster its currency at the expense of its adversaries. This is like throwing grease on the fire, and the ones getting burned are NATOstan. All of this is happening without a direct fight with NATOstan. And while much has been made of Russia’s support from the countries I listed, there are countries spread throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America that have also, if not directly siding with Russia, made it clear to NATOstan that it will not be part of their collective attempts to “cancel” Russia.
2) Saker, you and other Russians should understand that with regards to my country, the USA, we are as racist as it goes. Case in point:
a) We exterminated most of our Native Americans.
b) We enslaved blacks for 300 years, and then when we granted them freedom, we housed them in slums and perpetrated an inferior two-tier education system that can only be described as apartheid. A large chunk of African-Americans today reside in prison. The USA has the highest incarceration rate in the world (so much for the land of the free….).
c) Many Americans, especially the MAGA crew, want a full military presence on the border to safeguard against Latinos who wish to migrate to the USA after being deprived of their lands and means due to USA interference in their country’s political processes and USA terrorism perpetrated against them in their countries through rightwing CIA-trained militias. It should go without saying that Latinos perform many useful services to the gilded class, including migrant farm labor to harvest food crops Americans themselves are unwilling to harvest due to the difficult nature of the work, nanny and maid services to hotels, restaurants and households, and construction and maintenance jobs (roofing, lawn care, etc.) again that Americans are unwilling to do due to the nature of the work and the rate of pay.
d) And let’s not forget the Chinese. The MAGA crew hates China because “China stole our jobs.” Whenever I hear people say that, I ask them how was this theft perpetrated? They usually cannot answer. I ask them do they realize that it was the billionaire investor class that chose to move jobs to China because they did not want to pay Americans a wage that might provide a modicum of prosperity? I also let them know that many of these billionaires did not want to endure the cost to refurbish or renovate existing plants to modernize them and make them competitive. Billionaires also demanded that their taxes be cut (and thanks to Reagan, Bush Jr, and Trump they were( so that they did not have to pay for infrastructure (for example, despite traffic increasing by a factor of three or more on highway systems in the USA, much of its vaunted interstate system has not seen improvements since it was built SEVENTY years ago), education (our young are graduated often without the competencies necessary to compete in the modern world), and other essential spending required to maintain domestic standards of living. These billionaires are not “loyal” Americans. Their allegiance is only to their own profits and wealth. The rest of the country is discarded like day old trash.
So when it comes to Russia, hey, for most of my fellow citizens, it’s another object of hatred. American wear hatred on their sleeves (ever heard the expression “the ugly American?). And our government and many citizens not only encourage this hatred, but censors or berates anyone that offers a counterpoint.
So I’m not surprised at all by the anti-Russian vitriol. And neither should anyone else be surprised. It is in the American blood – as much a part of its culture as football, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.
I want you to know that I do not share any of these prejudices/beliefs/attitudes towards Russians. I had hoped that at some point I could take my family on vacation and possibly do the Trans Siberian Railroad as I find travel one of the best ways to learn about other cultures and meet friends. Sadly, I will likely not live long enough to make that a reality. It could all be so different – but jingoism, bigotry, nationalism, and fascism are the bywords of the day. Take care my friend….
Whoa… and I did forget:
e) Arab-Muslims. Not only have we waged forever wars against their populations, but domestically, here in the USA after 9-11, thousands were rounded up without due process and held for months in jails without rights to see a lawyer or their families, who were often kept in the dark about whether they were even alive. We created a term to describe Arab-Muslims – enemy combatants – in order to deny their citizens the rights afforded by the Geneva convention. We took Arab-Muslims to black sites where our CIA and military tortured them, often with sadistic glee. We housed them for years on end at Guantanamo, again without any charges being brought against them – held indefinitely in a hell-hole and subject to repeated water boarding and other torture, all given the green light by the Supreme Court’s unwillingness to challenge the power of the Bush-Cheney executive branch. After all, we were at war with “terror,” not a people, but a concept. Bizarre. Even Trump, not only endorsed, but advocated torture – even against families of suspected terrorists. American hatred at its finest:
You are simple. Trump had very few issues with Putin and Russia. Biden,obama, bushes, clintons,cheneys are the nwo neocons always starting wars. Neocon-nwo scum kids of Pelosi, Biden, Romney and Kerry are involved with Soros-Kolmoisky-Biden-Zelensky. I doubt you even know who Kolomoisky and Pinchuk are.
Putin and Russia are draining the Ukraine swamp and most MAGA people who are paying attention support it. I have sympathy for average Ukrainian people who are slaves to Ukie oligarchs Kolomoisky and Azov-nazis. Putin and Russian are trying to help avg Ukrainians.
Are you joking? Trumplethinskin ordered 100 cruise missiles into Syria on a trumped up BS chemical attack as soon as he took the keys to the Oval Office.
Trumplethinskin handed the keys of the Treasury to Goldman Sachs.
His Jingles were catchy Drain The Swamp & Lock Her Up but he added to the Swamp and plays golf with Bill Clinton.
Trump bailed out his Buddies, the Banks, as he himself has enjoyed that privilege after untold Bankruptcies.
Wanted to increase the Military Budget for shiny super-duper bestest wmd’s on this and other planets.
A Psychopath same as Bush and Obama.
Then there’s the small matter of that mob operating out of Tel Aviv. Trumpy’s policies regarding them arguably make him the most zionist Yank el presidente in history.
Donald “Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel” Trump is indeed the Most Zionist President in American History.
All the America First/MAGA morons who follow Trump carefully avoid taking about this reality, as it would shatter their delusions and compel them to admit that Trump’s real agenda is Making Israel Great Again (MIGA).
And Trump was also a frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express–just like his family friend Bill Clinton.
thank you sir, 100% agree. Few here would speak with such tolerance of Indigenous (my people) Black people and Asians as you did. Some open about it, others slip in their microaggressions towards us non-whites. Those with a conscience such as yourself are the ones who along with us Brown and Black people truly understand the hatred America is unleashing against the Russian people. It’s true that it’s the Goebbels-like media and the politicians behind the hatred, but few speak out against it. Many of us not only speak out on social media but we do it in the streets as well. I echo your words to the Saker, may he be safe and well.
All they really wanted was for Russia to enter the Donbass meat-grinder. Instead, they woke a sleeping bear. Oh dear.
So idiot Biden say’s US troops will be in Ukraine.While at the same time telling Americans and the world we won’t intervene. It’s time the Russian military contact the Pentagon and tell them they will be at war with the US if we send troops. And explain plainly what that will entail for the US mainland.
Thanks Saker.
Could you recommend me some good historical books related to Polish – Russian relations. As you know it’s not so easy to learn some truth especially here in Poland.
I think the lyric at the top of this post is this song:
It’s really good even though I don’t speak Russian. There are English captions.
I believe the small guy in the video is his grandfather or his wife’s. Anyway the point is that Russia didn’t give up what their grandparents fought for.
I don’t think they’d allow that song in the Eurovision Song Contest. Real catchy, great singing eye candy. A definite Winner.
Even disregarding today’s oozing Russophobia, this composition is far too musical, genuine, and free of LGBTQ garbage to be accepted at the ESC. Mind you, there was a time when the ESC actually wasn’t the outright antithesis of musical inspiration and talent which it has long since become. Below is a link to West Germany’s unforgettable competition entry back in 1979, right during the Cold War:
Please bring this back on topic, mod
Denazification will require full occupation for one full election cycle, in my opinion.
Or let them leave and join their buddies in EuroNatoland. The Eurotrash love them so much, let them have them, they’ll blend in very well…
If I had one piece of advice for Russia,
Broadcast and publish.
Broadcast and publish.
… along with the rest of the activities you have described.
Thank you, Andrei, for bringing a glimmer of sanity to the discussion. A brilliant daylight sunshine of sanity, in fact. The lies of the Zone A media are so tepid and slimy and translucent.
Wow! Great piece, Saker. Goes for beyond the military sitrep. One cannot help feel inspired by Russia.
It seems the neocons in their designs for a new American century have done the opposite. It seems this will be the Russian century and whatever multipolarity China et al with the BRI achieve, this red line that Russia drew has enabled it.
The key to freedom is be able to see reality for what it is. The US and Europe have been truly stripped naked before most of the world, showing the ugliness of Empire beneath – a hag with the broken teeth and bad breath.
Covert Work on Deadly Pathogens: How US Military Biolabs Infiltrated Ukraine
“There are three such companies operating in Ukraine – Metabiota Inc., Southern Research Institute and Black&Veatch, with key posts held by former, and in some cases, current high-ranking military and intelligence officers.
Besides the Pentagon, these companies run federal biological research projects for the CIA and other government agencies. According to various sources, the DTRA finances about 15 biological laboratories in Ukraine, with data accumulated on ten of them:
1. Ternopol Regional Laboratory Center, Ternopil, Fedkovicha st. 13
2. Kherson diagnostic laboratory (Kherson regional laboratory center), Kherson, st. Uvarova, 3
3. Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
4. Vinnitsa diagnostic laboratory (Vinnitsa regional laboratory center), Vinnitsa, st. Malinovsky, 11
5. Transcarpathian diagnostic laboratory (Transcarpathian regional laboratory center), Uzhhorod, st. Sobranetskaya, 96
6. Dnepropetrovsk diagnostic laboratory (Dnepropetrovsk regional laboratory center), Dnepropetrovsk, Schmidt st., 26 / st. Philosophical, 39A
7. Dnepropetrovsk State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirov Ave., 48
8. Lvov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Lvov, st. Green, 12
9.bLvov State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary medicine, Lviv, Promyslova st., 7
10. Lvov diagnostic laboratory (Lviv regional laboratory center), Lviv, st. Krupyarska, 27”
Report: Hunter Biden Helped Secure Millions for DoD Contractor Working on Pandemic-Causing Research
“Citing the evidence from emails obtained from the notorious abandoned laptop of the president’s son, the outlet reported that he helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons.
According to the report, Metabiota is a medical data company, but its vice president wrote Hunter in 2014 to discuss how they could “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia,” thus giving rise to speculation about the company’s goals.
The younger Biden and his colleagues at Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP), an investment firm he purportedly owned, consistently raised millions of dollars for technology companies, and Metabiota was not an exception.”
The most junior biden may not be the flake portrayed in the ziomedia.
I am happy to see you commenting again, my friend.
Join us over at Martyanov’s blog, too. Some good folks there also.
I can’t see any comments on Martyanov’s blog (which I follow daily). All I see is a ‘subscribe to: Post comments (Atom)’ link which doesn’t work. (It leads to a pointless text file).
What’s up with that?
Nice work vt! I agree with Larchmonter, come to his link. This is earthshattering. I just posted it on the State Department’s YT page.
Larchmonter445 & Bones
Thanks, I’ll take a look.
Well this means RF has to go all the way to Lemberg.
@ Saker
Thank you, Saker, for each and every one of the “5’700 words.”
“…I believe that their major mistake was not to bring in new administrations to run the liberated towns and to secure law and order…”
Well, others are realizing the same mistake, trying to correct it, a month later.
I posted a comment about the very same issue back in the “Briefing” thread, and I will repost it here.
Good travels, may Allah grant you safe passage and a safe return, inshallah.
BTW, the “Hezbollah moment” was a masterstroke. May that “moment” reproduce itself not only in Russia, but all over the planet. Late is the hour we are realizing the entire Zone A is a snake pit of nazi scum.
The first Military Commandant’s Office of Russia in Ukraine.
The first month of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine ended with a bang (no pun intended), operational plan on schedule, and plenty of achievements. Mostly focused on the military progress and prowess of the Russian/LDNR/Chechen armies, one of the most important events was sidelined, that is, the configuration of civil-military administrations in liberated towns, CAA or CAAS, depending on the translator used, also called military commandants.
“This is a very important decision that should have been made from the first days of the special operation in Ukraine.”
The first Military Commandant’s Office of Russia was established in the city of Semyonovka, Chernihiv region. Even though information on this achievement is sketchy, we can predict this is the beginning of the end for Ukraine’s statehood.
…In the city of Semyonovka, Chernihiv region, the first military commandant’s office of Russia appeared. Before its appearance, russia’s humanitarian aid was demonstratively taken from people by the patriots of Ukraine and burned in the square. Under the new administration, there was not even a hint of such actions of local “horses”…
Lone Wolf
We will probably find out.
But I don’t know why Russia never went into Western Ukraine ?
To secure the Western border ?
It is obvious western Ukraine has been used by NATO to resupply.
If the Ukrainian forces mainly come from there it would be good to have them looking over their shoulders at their homes. Make them think of surrendering.
With no threat to their homes in the West. Their homes and towns protected they’ll keep fighting in the East.
Any news from Belarus Andrei ?
What’s happening there ?
Chinese Embassy in EU Slams NATO’s ‘Outdated Security Concept’ for Dragging World to Cold War
“In the meantime, what NATO has done? Anyone without prejudice would come to a fair conclusion,” they wondered.
“It has been expanding its geographical scope and range of operations and using Cold War tactics to provoke bloc rivalry. We must stay on high alert and say no to a ‘new Cold War,’ which goes against the trend of history and the aspirations of people around the world,” the statement added.
The Chinese embassy spokesperson also noted that on March 24, 1999, NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, “causing thousands of casualties,” including some Chinese citizens, and displacing hundreds of thousands. “The lessons of history must not be forgotten,” the mission said.
“NATO needs to have a good reflection on itself, reject the Cold War mentality, and seek to build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture through dialogue and negotiation under the principle of indivisible security,” according to the Chinese embassy spokesperson.”
The beast is lashing out. Gnashing it’s teeth in fury.
Pray with all your souls ability.
Putin Slams Cancel Culture Amid West’s Efforts to Ban Everything Russian
“Today, they’re trying to cancel our thousand-year history, our people. I’m talking about the progressing discrimination of everything connected to Russia…about this trend unfolding in a number of Western countries with the connivance or even encouragement of the ruling elites. This notorious cancel culture has turned into an abolition of culture,” Putin suggested, pointing to instances of the blacking out of composers like Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Rachmaninov from posters, or the banning of books by Russian authors.
Even history itself has not been spared from the threat of ‘cancellation’, Putin said. “In Hollywood, for example, many, many films have been made where the United States is made out as the only victor over Nazism. At the same time, the courage, heroism and victory of the Red Army, which made the decisive contribution…this contribution has simply been canceled.”
The Eastern Front tied up to eighty percent of Axis military strength during World War II, with the USSR losing 26 million people, including 8.6 million troops who died in battle, and over 17 million civilians and PoWs, in the struggle against Nazi Germany and its allies.
The president also recalled another example, pointing out on the day that the Japanese pay remembrance to the atomic bombings of their country, they are made to remain “shamefacedly silent” about who dropped these weapons, or state simply that “some abstract Allies” were responsible. Textbooks for children “simply don’t say that it was the United States that carried out this terrible and unjustified massacre at the end of World War II,” Putin said.
Putin suggested that cancel culture is “impossible to imagine” in Russia, and that the country is “insured” against it thanks to its own national culture. “For us, it is inseparably linked to our homeland, to Russia, where there is no place for ethnic discrimination, where representatives of dozens of nationalities and ethnic groups have lived, worked and raised children together for centuries.”
“For centuries, Russian masters of literature, music and fine arts have given humanity not only new aesthetic traditions, but also, very importantly, ideals and meanings that have become moral and spiritual guidelines for millions of people, for entire generations,” he said.
“I think many people know about and have seen how a street artist in Naples recently drew a portrait of ‘canceled’ Russian writer Fedor Dostoyevsky. This gives me hope that through the mutual sympathies of people, through the culture that binds and unites all of us, the truth will breakthrough; that art and education will sow only intelligence, kindness and the eternal, as should be the case,” Putin concluded.”
Thank you so much for this, vt. If people were only exposed to Putin’s (and Xi’s) articulate and coherent review of history and hopeful vision of a humanist future for all, not Russia alone, the Outlaw Empire of Lies’ propaganda and hatred would unravel and disintegrate. This is why the Empire is so desperately attempting to censor, cancel, and demonize Putin and Russia. Putin’s conclusion bears repeating:
“This gives me hope that through the mutual sympathies of people, through the culture that binds and unites all of us, the truth will breakthrough; that art and education will sow only intelligence, kindness and the eternal, as should be the case.”
Putin/Russia/Russians should realise by now that NATO’s a paper tiger. The difference in class and pedigree or capability can be viewed up close in a simple comparison between US & Russian FM’s Blinken v Lavrov. This is across the board. How many US generals would Shoigu welcome into his fold as an asset. How many in the Biden Administration would get a job in Putin’s Office? US Ambassadors/others buy their postings, there’s zero meritocracy.
Shame that those middle of the road Ukrainians are dying for lying cowardly US sleaze.
Its true throughout the American ‘system’. Talent no longer rises in American organizations.
The people who advance are the office politicians, the bribers, the blackmailers, the organizers of the whisper campaigns. That’s how to advance in America. And these people see ‘talent’ as their biggest enemy. The last thing they want is a ‘talented’ person in the organization who would make them look bad after they got the promotion by blackmailing the boss over who was in his hotel room during the last sales meetings.
In America, both major political movements despise ‘meritocracy’. On one side, there is a cult of personality and the only thing that counts is service to the personality. On the other side, every job is a deal to be cut with some race or gender and merit does not enter into the equation.
What you see at the top of the America is the result of a society that has become so arrogant that they do not feel that they need competent people any longer. None of these people have climbed to the top by being the best. These people fired the best, and then arrogantly sent their jobs to China and India.
My God, if only I was young enough, I would be in Russia/Donbas supporting this noble cause. Stuck in Australia, all I can do is try and tell people the truth, not that many want to listen, they prefer the propaganda of the Murdoch media.
Will the empire of lies bring on Gotterdamerung as a last ditch stand to save their crumbling empire? My guess is, they will. They don’t care how much suffering they inflict, they are that desperate to keep control.
A chemical false flag attack by the US is definitely on the cards. If, or should I say when, that happens, will it be enough for the US to claim the justification in their sick minds to use a nuclear weapon?
After reading the blog for a few weeks I now know what all zones are, I am glad Andrei said that most of the people living in zone A are comemierda because most does not mean all,( porque yo vivo aqui y no como mierda y creo que el president Putin y los Rusos son heroels) for saving the planet from Nazis once again.
“Take a look at this Readovka map (as of yesterday)”
“Putin already did the second thing, but elegantly: by forcing payments in Rubles he forces each country in Europe to make its own choice. And those who will pay in Rubles, thereby bypassing THEIR OWN sanctions, won’t volunteer to attack Russia or the Ukraine.”
“So it is not the Ukraine that we plan to denazify. It’s the planet.
The Empire of Lies gave Russia absolutely no choice.
For eight terrible years Russia had to retreat on all fronts because we needed to develop the military and industrial “toolkit” to take you on frontally.
Now we have.”
5,739 words, Bless you Andrei
Polls Show Trust in Putin at Almost 80% in Russia
“The level of confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin has increased over the past week, with 78% of Russians trusting him and 79% approving of his performance, a poll published by Russia’s Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) revealed on Friday.
Last week’s poll showed that 75% of Russians trust Putin, while 74% viewed his work positively.
Answering whether the president performs “rather well” or “rather badly,” 79% of respondents said that he performs well, 11% said he performs badly, and 11% were uncertain.
Moreover, 78% of respondents said they trust the president, with 13% saying they do not trust him, and 8% refraining from answering.
Similar figures were obtained by the Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VTsIOM), which revealed that Putin’s approval rating is 77.9%, with a confidence rating of 80.6%.”
I didn’t read anything “controversial.” What I didn’t read was how the next step in the process will be accomplished, although some of the how is now being revealed. That step is rolling NATO back to its 1997 status. I also have yet to read any attempt by Saker to explain what’s known as the Putin Doctrine, although that explanation isn’t for me as I’ve written two articles about it and will soon have a third installment now that some of the how is known. Read the interview with Hudson to see part of it and the short comment I left.
From all the information posted about the Kinzhal one can fashion the hypothesis
that upon impact the projectile is almost instantaneously converted into a DEW(directed
energy weapon) or a highly focused particle beam like you read in scifi fiction. A very primitive
attempt at describing this mathematically is that the pressure times the penetrating distance
is equalto the power flux, or 1/2 rho Vsquared times D equals the power flux.
Plasma field it rides in.
I posted this earlier today:
Illustrates how the Kinzhal transforms into focused “beam” as it impacts.
And the Zirkon will be deadlier because it is faster.
Martyanov also stated in his video that Kinzhal has 34 Mig-31s dedicated for platforms. So they can be in near space, where no plane flies but them, and stand off 1000 kms and destroy a target beneath 60 meters of concrete. They also launch from bombers.
Yes, your post was where I got the analogy from. I was trying to figure out a way to solve for D, but
relating the power flux to the material properties is beyond me. It is easy to figure out the power flux,
if you assume that the velocity of the beam through the material is the same as the original velocity.
Oops made a mistake. 1/2 rho Vsquared times the penetration distance D is actually
the energy flux. In order to get the power flux you need D/s. If you assume that D/s
is approximately equal to the velocity, then the power flux is 1/2 rho Vcubed! If the density
rho is about 5,000 kg/m3 then the power flux is about 100 terrawatts/m2. If you wanted
to solve for D then you would need an independent equation for the power flux, which is
beyond my competence.
What are the chances of getting CSTO involved to deploy peacekeeping/police forces? Or better (or worse) yet, what about getting a UN-approved peacekeeping force for Ukraine, and UN involvement in reconstruction; in other words, do what Americans would do and pass the responsibility onto the rest of the world…?
It depends on what you mean by peacekeeping…The traditional meaning of peacekeeping is to keep unfriendly forces separated and just monitor any transgressions without getting actively involved This is not what is needed in the Ukraine. the imperative there is a much wider one: to protect the civilian population directly with continued military and armed policing support, give then food and medical support and help rebuild the basic infrastructure that got damaged.
A CSTO based support would be acceptable but currently there appears to be sufficient manpower.
A UN approved force would be totally out of the question…madness in fact, considering that the US would use it as a new opportunity to interfere delay obfuscate and destabilise…
Much more logical is infrastructure-rebuilding support by China, which has been discussed.
Follow up to the article on Putin describing the current israeloamerican extreme bigotry against Russians:
Pray Do Tell, Mrs Patel: Home Sec Tells Pranksters UK Ready to Deprive Russians of Basic Rights
““They should’ve just gone for a blanket suspensions because of the barbarians that Russia are basically, and the way in which they abuse Interpol systems,” Patel said. She promised to pursue the matter with the UK’s Five Eyes intelligence alliance, and the US especially. “This is also a test for America to get leaning into the system and to really make sure that we can have tougher measures against Russia,” she said.”
Like Hillary, Patel’s a jumped up twisted dwarf.
Comparing those two is like comparing Ted Bundy with Ed Kemper.
As a resident of the US “Heartland” (Oklahoma City), I’ve yet to meet a fellow Okie who views Russia with hatred. At best, just ignorance because Russia is a far away nation they no little about. But no hatred.
However… most of us in the Sooner state truly hate Biden (all 77 counties went to Trump) with a passion that I’ve gleened from the hundreds of people I deal with in the oil & transportation industries that I’m involved with professionally.
Russians are not the enemy of most of us here. Biden and his gun grabbing, liberty infringing, pedophile supporting cabal are our enemy.
here has an Official Russian map as of March 24
from this web site
Daily briefing from Colonel Cassad. Azovstal seems to be the final refuge for the Azov scum, where they are hoping to hold the Russian/Chechen advance until July. I don’t think the Chechens will wait that long, they don’t like fighting in hot weather, besides, the race is on against their supplies and the survival of who knows how many thousands of people being used as human shields.
Wonder if the last nazi die-hards will immolate themselves into oblivion for the “motherland.”
1. Mariupol.
City battles. The enemy continues to withdraw in the direction of”Azovstal”. The surrounding ring is constantly shrinking. According to estimates of the Russian Defense Ministry, more than 7,000 people continue to defend themselves in the city. The rest of the group has virtually ceased to exist.
2. Ugledar direction.
Battles for Novomikhailovka. By evening, the enemy held most of the village, fighting continues. Holding Novomikhailovka is critical for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to continue holding Marinka. In Marinka itself — fighting in the ruins of the village. The rate of advance of the DPR army is not high here.
3. Zaporozhye direction.
There was fighting to the south-east and east of Gulyai-Pole, as well as in the area of Malinovka. There are no changes on the Kamenskoye—Orekhov line. Nikopol also has no promotion.
No major changes. The group of the Russian Armed Forces that has moved to Kryvyi Rih is located 15-20 km from the city. In addition to the ongoing missile strikes, it is worth noting that information has emerged about the preparation of large-scale flooding of the area near Odessa, in order to complicate the Russian Armed Forces operations to block the city, around which some bridges have already been destroyed. Local residents are seriously worried, as residential areas may be flooded.
Some advance in the Verkhnetoretsky area, fighting at Novobakhmutovka and Troitsky. Novoselka-2 is still under the APU. There is no fighting in the New York area yet.
6. LNR.
In the area of Severdonetsk and Lisichansk, there are no major changes.
In the southern part of Rubizhne, Ukrainian DRGs have reappeared. The city itself is being shelled with artillery. In the area of Popasnaya, the LPR troops made some progress. The fighting for the city continues. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 93% of the republic’s territory has already been liberated.
7. Sumy—Chernihiv.
There are battles for Slavutich to the west of Chernihiv. The city is blocked, the Ukrainian Armed Forces left their positions on the outskirts and pulled back to Slavutich. They also hammer the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Chernihiv.
In the Sumy region of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the enemy launched a counterattack from the area of Akhtyrka on Trostyanets (a town north of Akhtyrka), in the southern part of the city there were battles.
8. Kiev.
In the absence of mythical encirclements of the Russian group, fighting continued in the area of the localities of Irpen, Bucha, Moschuni, Vyshgorod. To the east of Kiev, fighting took place to the northeast and east of the Brovary area. The Ukrainian Armed Forces declare the occupation of the village of Lukyanovka.
9. .Kharkiv.
Moderate-intensity fighting to the north and east of the city. Chuguev is still under the APU. The AFU artillery and MLRS were targeted in the northern districts of Kharkiv. At night, there were hits in the area of Kharkiv airport.
10. Raisin.
According to a number of reports, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine yesterday gave the order to leave Raisins and focus on the battles for Kamenka. From there, the fighting gradually shifts to the south in the direction of Barvenkovo and in the direction of Slavyansk. AFU facilities in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Artemivsk were hit hard.
The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is concentrating forces in the area of Artemivsk in order to be able to both fend off the breakthrough of the Donetsk front and counteract the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation after the breakthrough of the Izyum line.
Online broadcast of SVO in Ukraine as usual here – (if you are interested, please subscribe)
Lone Wolf
Thank you for overview !
… The group of the Russian Armed Forces that has moved to Kryvyi Rih is located 15-20 km from the city….
This is THE next critical stage. Liberating Kryvyu Rih means Dnipro…..
Enough of the Hillbilly Russian already! It’s Krivoy Rog. Meaning “Crooked Horn” in Russian. Named for a nearby large oxbow lake formed at the confluence of the Saksagan and Ingulets Rivers. A region rich in sedimentary iron ores.
Dear Saker,thank you I agree with all you said , however may I add a little something ? Summon the ambassadors from the eurovermin countries,especially Poland and Romania. Greet them all cordially by offering them a choice of bouquets; Roses or Chrysanthemums and mention in passing something about “Rozbiory”!! They ought to understand. Of course the offer would be time sensitive.Within 48 hrs declare neutrality and all NATO troops out within two weeks.You will keep your sovereignty and we will all live happily one way or the other. Have a good day gentlemen and don’t forget your flowers on the way out!!
The only problem is that no NATO member is sovereign. It’s like hotel California.
The only country to ever leave NATO was France under de Gaulle. He managed to survive a number of assasination attempts (like a dozen+) from his former allies.
Some videos for today.
Mariupol residents on life in the city:
Shows an Iskander ballistic missile strike on a training base for Western mercenaries:
Serbia: Belgrade residents protest against NATO and in support of Russia:
Shows strikes taking out Kiev regime artillery:
Indonesians Support Russia’s Operation in Ukraine, Putin’s Leadership, Ambassador Says
Earlier this month, Indonesian company Evello, which specializes in social media monitoring and analysis, published a report showing that Indonesian netizens strongly support the Russian operation in Ukraine. The response can be attributed to the negative attitude of the general population in the country towards the US and NATO, experts believe.
“Indeed, Indonesian public actively support the special military operation led by Russia in Ukraine,” Vorobyova said.
The ambassador noted that several factors account for this.
“First, it’s worth noting that there are grave anti-American sentiments in the country because of the US and its allies’ track record of aggression towards Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and other countries. Another factor that evokes such a reaction from the public are the fruitless attempts of the West to fight terrorism, which lead to numerous deaths of ‘brothers in faith’, as Indonesia is the largest Muslim country by population,” Vorobyova said.
Another critical aspect is the personal authority of the Russian president, according to the ambassador.
“The president’s actions aimed at building a fair multipolar world are frequently compared in Indonesia to the politics of the first president of Indonesia Sukarno, who had an anti-west stance and did a lot to establish close relations with the USSR,” the ambassador added.
Moreover, for Indonesians, Russia serves as an example of a country on a path to reaching inter-ethnic and inter-faith harmony, Vorobyova stressed.
“We often see local news outlets extensively cover the development of Islam in Russia. In this context, the participation of the Russian Muslim military including those from the Chechen Republic is met with great approval,” the official noted.
Russia isn’t losing the “information war” in the regions that count.
Here is something interesting. My wife is indonesian. Uses various media platforms. Only recently got new devices and new numbers. She has been getting contacted by a ukrainian citizen sending numerous vids and posts about russian aggression and begging to spread this info with her country. She doesnt live in indonesia but found this not only wierd but upsetting someone could find her number and try to use her for propaganda. Im gathering this is a co-ordinated effort. And her mistake would have been to even not block this person weeks ago. For the psyops effort i guess they are trying hard all over the world. Anyone else with similar story?
Didn’t Obama receive his early CIA indoctrination in Indonesia, his mother already on the payroll?
“Just ONE Iskander in the right location, and our western neighbors will tone down their verbiage, by a lot.”
As any NATO incursion into Ukraine would start a military war, so to would any RF strike outside of ouside of Ukraine.
This would play right into the hands of the US, which is chomping at the bit for a wider war via proxies. Ukraine clearly is insufficient to achieve the desired goals, and the US can’t focus on China without removing Russia from the game.
Which is of course not going to happen. The end game will be sudden and catastrophic on a scale not imaginable.
This is one of the very best ever blogs
in the entire history of blogs
(and this one of your very best posts in the history of your posts).
In this crucial civilizational conflict right now
this is unquestionably the best of the best.
It’s as if you spent years developing it to be ready for this moment.
“So it is not the Ukraine that we plan to denazify. It’s the planet.”
I 100% back that
“They are the ones who might need a “little extra argument” possibly in the form of a hypersonic missile.
I am not suggesting bombing Mons or London, not even Warsaw or even a major Polish military base. But something of real value to the Poles and with a minimal amount of victims. Ideally, a location “well-protected” by US air defenses (like the Saudi refineries, if you recall). Just ONE Iskander in the right location, and our western neighbors will tone down their verbiage, by a lot.”
Neither poland or nato are directly attacking Russia or Russian forces in the ukraine. Yes they are sending weapons and mercs, providing covert and intelligence help, but that is not international aw equivalent to lobbing ordnance or air attacks. Any cross border attack on one of these nato stooges would do far more damage to Russia than it would help. In fact there is absolutely no reason for Russia to attack a nato member right now. A Russian attack on a nato member woud be an israeloamerican wet dream on steroids.
Polish General: Warsaw Should Lay Claim to Russia’s Kaliningrad Region Over Its Historical Ties
In 1930s the polish jokes aligned themselves with nazi germany, look where that got the plugs. Now they subordinate themselves again for nazis, the israeloamerican type, this time.
Inbreeding kills.
I think Skshipchak is a bit behind the times.
Kaczyński is definitely sniffing around at the possibility of a little Polish land-grab.
But what he is eying off is Lwów…. sorry, did I say Lwów? I meant Lvov, silly me.
Slip of the tongue, obviously….
You mean clearly “Lemberg”. ^^
“Warsaw Should Lay Claim to Russia’s Kaliningrad”
Yeah, if NatoPolska wants to commit suicide….
This general is an idiot. Starting war with nuclear superpower, when your army has no anti balstic missile defence. With elites like this Poland is lost.
And Kaczynski is yet another moron, who has even less knownledge about military, not to mention his is lacking badly in economy department too.
With enemies likes of which Kaczynski, Russia will achive effortless win.
A very impressive write up. Full of knowledge, information, and realistic expectations about the Ukraine conflict.
If you have friends family & colleagues or social media accounts here in The West please consider sharing this brilliant 2.5hr Grayzone interview with former US Military officer & UN weapons inspector, Scott Ritter.
Although long it flows eloquently & at 1.25 speed perhaps more so. So any Westerners with attention span longer than a TikTok clip can learn a lot. The Mods should consider asking Grayzone to post it as a guest feature.
It’s refreshing that some western media are breaking the mould.
This guy Ritter seems the geopolitical equivalent of techie Ed Snowden, but appears able to go about his business unhindered. Must know all the killers.
In 2002/2003, I helped organize a speech by Scott Ritter. He had been one of the American weapon inspectors in Saddam’s Iraq. And he was traveling the country trying to spread the word that the Americans were lying about Saddam’s WMD’s.
The night was hectic. Like any anti-war/anti-Empire events we organized, the crowd was much bigger than the space we could get for the speech. So, I was running around setting up speakers outside for the crowd that was 3 or 4 times the number of people who could get into the hall.
I only got to quickly shake Scott Ritter’s hand in all the chaos, but he seemed a decent enough person. And I’ll always have a lot of respect for him for traveling the country trying to tell people the truth. Glad to see he is still at it.
The Saker,
Thanks for such a thought-provoking article on ‘where do we go from here’.
There wasn’t any doubt that the Fascist forces (Ukrainian military + Nazi paramilitary) are well entrenched within urban localities. Now it appears that Russia is committing a limited number of troops for this special operation – there are valid reasons for that including preparations for a surprise NATO attack.
So, is it a farfetched idea to consider that Belarus contributes at least 20,000 troops ? Belarus has a glorious past regarding struggle against Fascists!
They will not hate Russia if it goes over to the New Religion.
If Russia goes over to the “New Religion”, the derision and contempt will take the place of hate. A feudal lord or oligarch does not hate his serfs, but is definitely contemptuous.
If Russia goes over to the “New Religion”, then you can be sure that derision and contempt will take the place of hate. A feudal lord — or modern day oligarch — does not hate his serfs, but is definitely contemptuous. The poison within must come express itself in one form or the other: hate if the adversary is strong, and contempt otherwise.
By being merciful Putin kills Russians and Ukrainians and their economies.
By hitting them hard (electricity, government) with a million man army to take conquered territory PERMANENTLY, the Ukies would have already surrendered.
Don’t be nice in war.
Then you can be nice.
Some of your best writing, Andrei. I really appreciate and admire the effort.
So I have a basic question regarding “stay behind” forces. I hope that in the SND you were aware of Hans von Dach and his manual “Der totale Widerstand: Eine Kleinkriegsanleitung für Jedermann” which deals with the subject of “stay behind” forces. Now I know much in his manual is a bit dated but there are some good fundamentals. One of the things I recall reading was that “stay behind” forces were really only useful in tying down occupying forces until liberated by a larger national army.
So my question is do you think the Empire intends to tie down Russian forces in Ukraine until the Empire is ready to counter and invade or destroy Russia? Seems very outdated, no? But then again the sanctions don’t seem to be working as intended. What is the end result the Empire is looking for in Ukraine?
Seems to me the people running this Empire are insane, dated, and not very intelligent. Especially the state department and the so called intelligence agencies.
«the Empire intends to tie down Russian forces in Ukraine until the Empire is ready to counter and invade or destroy Russia?»
The obvious goal is to drag the Russian Federation into a quagmire that will trigger a well-funded “color revolution” and its splitting into several easily “protected” parts. So I guess the aim for Ukraine is a guerrilla war by proxy (ruthenian fascist bands) followed in Russia by a color revolution by proxy (much of the neoliberal/fifth columnist upper-middle class).
«a political project initiated by Józef Piłsudski, statesman of the Second Polish Republic from 1918 to 1935. Its aim was to weaken the Russian Empire and its successor states, including the Soviet Union, by supporting nationalist independence movements among the major non-Russian peoples that lived within the borders of Russia and the Soviet Union.»
«An alternative solution was put forward by Zbigniew Brzezinski when he suggested turning Russia into an assorted bouquet of territories, even advocating for the dismemberment of Siberia: ‘A loosely confederated Russia – composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic – would find it easier to cultivate closer economic relations with its neighbours.’»
«Q : When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against secret US involvement in Afghanistan, nobody believed them. However, there was an element of truth in this. You don’t regret any of this today?
B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.” Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war that was unsustainable for the regime, a conflict that bought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.»
The ultimate prize is not just the riches of Siberia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, but most importantly a chain of bases along the northern and western border of China from which to fund, train and arm “freedom fighters” inside China that will also wear it down and trigger a “color revolution” and its splitting.
“Opening and dividing China”, The World Today, May 1992:
«Needless to say, not all these regions are like to have the same views on foreign policy questions. Coastal regions would be less willing to see relations with the United States deteriorate, or take a hard line with Hong Kong or Taiwan.»
Consider how quickly Ukraine itself became an USA protectorate with a chain of USA bases: less than 15 years after the defeat of the USSR.
Well I am motivated by your words Andrei… So, It seems to me that it is time to…
No mercy this time!
Crush those UkroNazis and their backers all the way to Berlin! Again!
Russian are surely coming,
And HELL is coming with them!
Slava Rossiya!
For All Mankind!
Dear Andrei. Thank you for this post. I am very saddened by what has been done to you and your people. Also so many others around the world. I am convinced that Satan is very busy. But I have confidence that Gods’ will shall ultimately prevail. And all these evil leaders will stand before Jesus Christ and give an account for their accions and He will repay them.
I,m with you and all russians. 100% . this is the best ever I read and I feel totally happy. I have no words left. God bless Russia and all who sail with her. I,m crying with total happiness.
Of course, it is also quite “easy” to create new “civil” administrative structures in a society that has been characterized by physical and psychological terror and (real) corruption for at least 8 years (if not more), for which you need people who can do that, but predominantly only have those who have been shaped by the aforementioned conditions.
And all of this within a month? With ongoing combat operations?
Think of “Germany 1945.
And the situation at that time was comparatively comfortable. Germany was finished, there was no international support of any kind.
The pro-Russian people there are, at least in part, afraid.