After the weird service interruption today, I have decided to take some precautionary emergency measures. Should something really bad suddenly happen to this blog, for whatever reasons, I will continue blogging at the following address: (please write this down somewhere)
I cannot imagine having both my blog and my email address shot at the same time but, just in case, I have this backup email address now: (please write this down somewhere)
Both of these services ( and are hosted in Russia and appear to be taking security very seriously. I hope that this will provide us all with some redundancy.
In the coming days and weeks, I will try to give some halfway decent appearance to the backup blog at, but its basic functionality is already working, including comments.
I am still looking for a good blog mirroring option, but in the meantime we now have something to fall back on should a sudden long term “outage” or “service interruption” happen. Better safe than sorry.
Sorry for these headaches, but I think I should heed the numerous warnings I am getting from friends and readers.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Saker
For sure some folks would like to ‘disappear’ this blog, and that may have been their first attempt. The solution is a website owned by The Saker and hosted by an ISP which treats security as a top priority (there are even ISPs in the US which do this).
As mentioned in some comments last month (but no doubt now forgotten), several of The Saker’s articles (from late February to late March) are preserved at Serendipity — all with typos corrected. Click on the buttons at top left of that page. More may be added there, but that’s not certain.
It seems ‘blogspot’ is either a Google entity or is closely related.
There is absolutely no doubt Google is in cahoots with the US intelligence apparatus (the Snowden disclosures make this clear).
Anything even remotely connected with Google is at risk of disappearing from the web without a trace on the say so of the secret government.
Best ensure contingency plans are firmly in place as your analysis is far too close reality for their collective comfort.
I’d also suggest that u open a wordpress account and then import all of your blogspot entries to the wordpress account as a backup…. Search “import blogspot into WordPress” on how to do that… That way if this site is taken down,you’ll still have all of your writings (and comments) avail. on another site…
[Apologies for the erroneous link in the earlier post. Corrected below.]
For sure some folks would like to ‘disappear’ this blog, and that may have been their first attempt. The solution is a website owned by The Saker and hosted by an ISP which treats security as a top priority (there are even ISPs in the US which do this).
As mentioned in some comments last month (but no doubt now forgotten), several of The Saker’s articles (from late February to late March) are preserved at Serendipity — all with typos corrected. Click on the buttons at top left of that page. More may be added there, but that’s not certain.
Supposedly, security is not so good. I’d rather recommend using co-location in Moscow for everything. In case you don’t want to afford that I can offer you place your site on my own server, located in Moscow, on 1Gb/s optic fiber channel, under domain (registered with Rucenter (
My email is …. :-) …
Just put whatever you want as vmware virtual machine image and I can deploy it fast.
Why not also have a mirror on
The easiest way would be to transfer your blog to a self-hosted WordPress blog. This would keep all your posts & comments intact.
I’ve done it before for friends & clients. If you need some help, I’d be happy to do it for you for free? Let me know & I’ll email you.
Good luck with the transfer.
A couple of mainstream pieces about the non-existent build-up of Russian military:
How can you download whole content of the blog in an easy way? I often read old posts and I don’t want them to disappear. Also, how much hard drive space it could possibly take?
You might want to consider registering your own domain name (eg, saker*something*.com/vineyard*something*.com), then modify the dns to point to blogger, blogger support using custom domain names.
That way, when when blogger goes down, all you need to do is modify the dns record of the .com domain, change the IP of the domain to your new blog (or use a url redirect), most of your readers will then be directed to your new blog within hours (depends on the TTL (time to live) settings).
This method has 2 benefits:
1. Your reader only need to remember 1 web address no matter where you move your site to.
2. It’ll also protects you from changing web address again if your backup blog goes down.
Great idea. I bookmarked your new site.
вот так
Hi Saker, if I had a choice I’d personally feel more comfortable using a blog hosted in Russia than one hosted in a WC (Western Civilisation) country. Please advise your readers when the Russia one will be fully operational (I was unable to leave this message on the Ru mirror, the obigatory name field refused all characters).
Don’t be too slack on the matter of full mirroring… Unpleasant things could happen at any time.
It is worth reading:
“Welcome to the digital memory hole”
Leia isso, traduza, interessante:
“Pedro Doria // 10/June/2009 às 21:07
Gente, agora vou ter que ir… mas vou contar pra vcs a receita de sucesso da blogosfera. Escolhe um lado, governo ou oposição, e fica nele, não importa o quê.
Fazer blog de sucesso é fácil-fácil.
Vc sempre terá leitores felizes e sempre será considerado inimigo público dentre os máximos da turma do outro lado.
Achar que às vezes um tem razão, mas às vezes outro, achar que a Petrobras está meio certo e meio errada, mas os jornais têm problemas próprios, essas coisas não dão lá muito Ibope. Pois é. Eu sei que tem gente que fala e que eu tinha que aprender com essa gente que fala. Sei de tudo isso. Ouço e leio todo dia sobre isso…
Mas já disse a vcs: não sou esse tipo de jornalista. Não acho que as coisas sejam assim tão simples…
É claro que, no momento, estou cansado pela viagem longa, bolso curto pela minha decisão de deixar de trabalhar diariamente em grande redação dá nisso. Mas ficar apanhando diariamente na caixa de comentários, às vezes, me dá um desânimo… é claro que vai continuar aberta, é claro que não vou mudar, eu *realmente* acredito em transparência e em democracia. Mas todo dia tem um comentário que eu leio, e fecho os olhos, e entendo perfeitamente porque o Nassif, o Idelber, o Reinaldão e tanta gente apaga comentários.
Masoquismo o meu. E uma impressão, sabe, que um dia as pessoas vão aprender que, às vezes, os outros só discordam. Ter opinião diferente não é má fé. Não é mau caratismo. Não é rabo preso. Não é vontade de golpe. É só ter opinião diferente. Democracia é feita disso. E uma democracia funcional, funcional mesmo, é daquelas em que governo e oposição compreendem isso, não se tratam como se bandidos fossem os outros…
Enfim. É tarde. É hora. Vamos que vamos, amanhã estou noutra.”
Gabriel, ‘Western Civilization’ would be a good idea, as M.K. Gandhi observed. The current arrangement is not a ‘civilization’ in any recognisable form.
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