This is what I call instant karma. Do you recall how Obama and the democrats consolidated executive power under the auspice of the president of the United States? How the liberal press loved it, and many republicans warned them against doing such things and the democrats ignored the warnings; they thought that their reign of terror will go on for at thousand years or at the least until WW III.

I even suspect that they were consolidating those powers tailored for Hilary, so they would be able to inflict trauma on humanity. This consolidation, however, didn’t go completely unnoticed by those republicans, independents, and democrats. As a result of this understanding, the consolidators lost their power,  and those on whom those powers were inflicted, got it.

On Friday, January 27, President Trump signed three latest executive orders.

First order establishes the Ethics commitments by executive branch appointees, which bans most government workers from acting as as lobbyists for foreign governments:

This piece of legislature is like putting in a toe to test the troubled waters of the deep state, namely the Council for Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council and other privately owned think tanks, NGOs, and private military companies whose work was for foreign governments and nongovernmental entities, allegedly.

Trump and the security forces backing him understand that an entire apparatus of the United States Government’s decision-making structures and processes has to be revised and reformed.

That’s why on Friday another piece of legislature issued and went completely ignored by the liberal press, Presidential Memorandum Organization of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council

Trump  directed that his system for national security policy development and decision-making shall be organized as follows:

  1.     The National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and Supporting Staff
  2.     The Principals Committee (PC)
  3.     The Deputies Committee (DC)
  4.    A new agency is being established called  the   Policy Coordination Committees (PCC)


“Management of the development and implementation of national security policies by multiple executive departments and agencies typically shall be accomplished by the PCCs, with participation primarily occurring at the Assistant Secretary level.”

Looks like Trump is bringing to life the Republican party political commissars that will manage and supervise the development and implementation of national policies. They also will report on the daily activities of the enormous governmental apparatus.

Quoting,As the main day-to-day fora for interagency coordination of national security policies, the PCCs shall provide policy analysis for consideration by the more senior committees of the national security system and ensure timely responses to the President’s decisions.”

Next paragraph the same statement reinforced:

“The PCCs shall review and coordinate the implementation of Presidential decisions in their respective policy areas.

“An early meeting of the DC will be devoted to establishing the PCCs, determining their memberships, and providing them with mandates and strict guidance.  Until the DC has established otherwise, the existing system of Interagency Policy Committees shall continue.”

I like the word “mandate” here. It has a certain reflection on the leather jacket-clad and revolvers-waving youths from small Polish towns, who came to the Winter Palace, murdered ten million civilians and destroyed the Empire.

They called themselves deputies, also. Only, as the fate has it, Trump’s Policy Coordination Commissars will be wearing something like a republican party uniform: dark navy blazers with gold buttons, khaki slacks  red-white-and blue ties, and tailored shirts with cuffed sleeves and initials embroidered on the breast pockets.

With this document, Trump also establishes a new vehicle for his presidential orders named “National Security Presidential Memoranda that shall replace both Presidential Policy Directives and Presidential Study Directives as the instrument for communicating relevant Presidential decisions.”

“This memorandum shall supersede all other existing Presidential guidance on the organization or support of the NSC and the HSC.  With regard to its application to economic matters, this document shall be interpreted in concert with any Executive Order governing the National Economic Council and with Presidential Memoranda signed hereafter that implement either this memorandum or that Executive Order.”

Useful links:

Urgent Notice: Executive Order on Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals

January 27, 2017

Urgent Notice

Per the Executive Order on Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals signed on January 27, 2017, visa issuance to nationals of the countries of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen has been suspended effective immediately until further notification. If you are a citizen of one of these countries, please do not schedule a visa appointment or pay any visa fees at this time. If you already have an appointment scheduled, please DO NOT ATTEND. You will not be permitted entry to the Embassy/Consulate. We will announce any other changes affecting travelers to the United States as soon as that information is available.

What does this executive order do?

The Executive Order has four main policies:

1) Places a 90-day moratorium on entry into the U.S. from the seven countries named in a 2015 law aimed at requiring stricter vetting for people entering from Iran or countries overrun by jihadist violence.

2) Suspends admission of refugees from any country for 120 days in order to conduct a review of the program.

As you can see it’s a simple and lawful way to slow down the flow of immigrants for the new president, to sort out the security issues before new people will start working.

It’s a far cry from the new meme “Trump banned all the Muslims,” that the liberals are touting.

Another equally scandal-ridden presidential statement was made for International Holocaust Remembrance Day by not mentioning Jews as a special category of victims.

“It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust. It is impossible to fully fathom the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror.

“Yet, we know that in the darkest hours of humanity, light shines the brightest.‎ As we remember those who died, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent.

“In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my Presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good. Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world.”


We are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent.” This is the closest thing to acknowledging of the heroism and enormous sacrifice of the Russian people in defeating the European fascism and liberating Europe from the rule of the National Socialist party of Germany.

By the way, it took almost seventy years for the state of Israel to erect a memorial to the Soviet soldiers who had died liberating death camps. As the story goes, it was the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, who gave money to Israel to build a Great Patriotic war heroes memorial.

The reaction of the liberals globalists is the same as always.

Howard Dean, former 6 term Governor of Vermont and failed Democratic presidential candidate in 2004, tweeted: “Since the Boston bombers came from Russia, shouldn’t Russia be on the list?” in response to Gabriel Debenedetti, the National political reporter at Politico: “Dem Party officer candidates are joining these protests all over.”

So far, for the American Politicians ignorance remains a bliss. Tsarnaev was born into an ethnically Chechen family in Kyrgyzstan, and emigrated from Kyrgyzstan. But who world ever ask to check facts from a former presidential candidate?

As of the end of January, the corporate press is still firmly anti-president, and has positioned itself to be a 5th column’s tribune. I will explain my thesis later, but I can tell that serious research is underway to prove it.

So far I can only see only the penniless conservative bloggers rebuffing the liberal “virtue signaling.”  Take for example Justin Raimondo, an Editorial Director for

He tweeted in response to Gabriel Debenedetti : “Where were they when Obama stopped all refugee applications from Iraq for 6 months in 2011? What hypocrites.

The facts that he brought up had been promptly ignored by the National political reporter at Politico.


On Sunday afternoon it became clear that the liberals won’t let America rest. The UK tabloid The Independent announced that the Democratic states Attorneys General from 16 US states have condemned Donald Trump’s travel ban and were going to challenge the presidential order in court. Their joined statement calls the executive order, “unconstitutional, un-American and unlawful.”

Needless to say, that one doesn’t need to pass the American Bar Association exams to know that this statement is not true. However, in the US the law has been suspended by the previous democratic administration, so it’s perfectly fine for the state’s Attorney generals to be ignorant in all things legal.

Let’s as an example, take a look at the new attorney general of Pennsylvania:

The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General issued an official statement as following:

(Source: Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General ) 1/29/2017 Attorney General Josh Shapiro led multi-state effort to oppose federal order. HARRISBURG – Seventeen Attorneys General issued a joint statement today that ‘condemns’ as ‘un-American’ the executive order signed by President Trump. The rapid-response, multi-state effort was lead in part by Pennsylvania Attorney General..

More about  Josh Shapiro crusade against federal government read the article by Michael Tanenbaum, Pennsylvania AG Shapiro joins state prosecutors in condemning Trump’s travel bans

The following is in their statement:

“As the chief legal officers for over 130 million Americans and foreign residents of our states, we condemn President Trump’s unconstitutional, un-American and unlawful Executive Order and will work together to ensure the federal government obeys the Constitution, respects our history as a nation of immigrants, and does not unlawfully target anyone because of their national origin or faith.”

As we all know, Pennsylvania, a historically democratic state, voted for Trump, because it suddenly remembered that in 1776 Pennsylvania enacted its first state constitution in direct response to the Declaration of Independence and the instructions of the Second Continental Congress to the colonies to reject British rule. Once again, the people of Pennsylvania voted against Hillary Clinton and the globalists rule that she embodied.

The Pennsylvania new attorney general, who took his office in January 2017, doesn’t have a mandate for his crusade against Donald Trump as a president of the US. During the presidential elections his office was involved in some dubious practices of inciting a riot and hiring people to pose as anti- Trump “protestors” for a pay.

Similar practices are described here:  Leftist Paid Protesters Behind Anti-Trump Violence

Let’s take a look at some Josh Shapiro activities around election time.

In 2016 his political campaign office was located here:

Look at the top listing titled “Don’t wait, Defeat Trump…” it was posted on Nov. 5th, 2016, the election took place on Nov. 8th. The Craigslist protesters for hire wanted note was still up after the election.

Shapiro’s  political campaign office number is the phone number on the wanted anti-Trump protesters classified listings.

Would be interested to hear a legal opinion on the practices about the protesters for hire.

Getting paid to protest Trump is not a democracy, it’s a job. Do those protesters pay taxes?


News and Statistics

Tensions are flying high. No wonder that at the end of the day on Sunday, President Donald Trump addressed Republican Senators, John McCain and Lindsey Graham  on twitterThe joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong – they are sadly weak on immigration. The two…Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III.”

U.S. admits record number of Muslim refugees in 2016

A total of 38,901 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2016, making up almost half (46%) of the nearly 85,000 refugees who entered the country in that period, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. That means the U.S. has admitted the highest number of Muslim refugees of any year since data on self-reported religious affiliations first became publicly available in 2002.

A slightly lower share of 2016’s refugees were Christian (44%) than Muslim, the first time that has happened since fiscal 2006, when a large number of Somali refugees entered the U.S.

Refugees make up a small percentage (about one-in-ten) of the roughly 1 million immigrants granted lawful permanent residency in the U.S. each year. Because the U.S. government does not keep track of the religion of new legal immigrants, it is not possible to say what share of all recent immigrants are Muslim

Just two countries – Syria (12,486) and Somalia (9,012) – were the source of more than half of fiscal 2016’s Muslim refugees. The rest are from Iraq (7,853), Burma (Myanmar) (3,145), Afghanistan (2,664) and other countries (3,741).

Putin and Trump: We have got a contact


 Scott Humor
