Administration of democratic self government of Rojava (Syria).

Violations of militant groups, connected with Free Syrian Army, which coordinates its operations with terrorist groups of Jabhad al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham in Aleppo.


Translation: Vox Populi Evo

The Аgreement for сease-fire, which came into operation in 27.02.2016 in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution of 2268, devoted to the termination of hostilities in Syria, and which had to become one of the ways of resolution of crisis in Syria, did not terminate military attacks on the regions of Sheikh Maqsood.

Syrian armed opposition groups, connected with the operation headquarters in Aleppo, violated the conditions of armistice and did not stop the military operations. They keep under fire the regions of Sheikh Maqsood, using homemade bombs. They took advantage of the situation of hostilities termination on other theatres of war and summoned up their strength in close vicinity to the region of Sheikh Maqsood (Aleppo). Squadrons, participating in bombing of Sheikh Maqsood (Aleppo):

  1. Islamist group Ahrar al Sham.
  2. Nur al Din al Zanky Brigade.
  3. Sultan Murad Brigade.
  4. Branch of the 16-th group of Khaled Khajani.
  5. Jabhad al Nusra.
  6. Fastakm Kama Amart Association.
  7. Al Shamiya Front.
  8. Squadron of Caucasus with Sallahaddin al Chichany at the head.
  9. Sultan Fatih Brigade.
  10. Sultan Murad Brigade.
  11. The Mountain Goshawks Brigade.
  12. Ahrar Mrimin with Mohammed Mrimin at the head Brigade.
  13. The army of mujahids.

Dozens of civilians were injured as a result of chaotic bombardments from the side of Brigades of Free Syrian Army, which collaborate with Jabhad al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham. According to the last statistics the death toll among civilians as a result of indiscriminate bombardment of suburbs has reached 85 people by 06.04.16. 620 people were wounded, most of them were severely injured . Chemical weapons were used during the bombardment. The odor was smelt and puffs of yellow smoke were seen. 40 000 people live in this region now. 30 000 people more were resettled from other districts of Aleppo.

The situation is complicated due to acute shortage of medical supplies. People perish because it is impossible to provide them with proper medical assistance. Shamiran Rasho, a representative of «Red Crescent» in the region of Sheikh Maqsood, stated: ” We are unable to save the lives of many people because of the catastrophic lack of medicinal products”. Mrs. Shamiran Rasho pointed out, that the region was still being gunned from the side of terrorist armed gangs. “We appealed to the international community to help people of Syria. But we got neither medical nor humanitarian assistance from the international organizations, which consider themselves the friends of people of Syria”. The region has been in siege since the 22 of September 2015. International community turns a blind eye to a human tragedy in the region of Sheikh Maqsood, which is close to a humanitarian catastrophe.

This article is based on the facts and reports, given by mass media and organizations, which address the issue of human rights to life.


Contract fighters of Jabhad al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham bombed out the environs of Sheikh Maqsood in Aleppo. As a result 6 people perished, among them 3 children from one family, 19 people were wounded.

As a consequence of the bombardment 6 people perished, 4 of them were the members of one family: mother and 3 children. A rocket hit their house. According to the acquired information their names were: Isa Mohammed ( 11 y.o), kadija Mohammed Sultan, Ahmet Mohammad (14 y.o), Nazla Mohammed calif 30 (y. o), the body of the 6 th person was impossible to identify.

There is a list of 19 wounded people:

Leman Mohammad, 35 years old – wounded in the belly with a frag.

Mohammed Ali Mohammad, 8 years old – as a result of explosion got a fragmentation wound of the whole body.

Majid Ali Mohammad, 5 years old – fragmentation wound

Mezha Mohammad hlefa, 35 years old – wounded in the belly and back

Bervan horo, 89 years old – wounded in the hand

Mohammad Ramadan, 38 years old – wounded in the throat

Makbula Bozan, 38 years old – wounded in the shoulder

Amud Jafad, 38 years old – wounded in the head

Abdalla Mohammad Abdalla, 30 years old – wounded in the head

Arf Abdo, 54 years old – as a result of explosion got a fragmentation wound of the head and of the whole body.

Abdalla Amori, 61 years old – wounded in the leg

Abdahman, 15 years old – wounded in the leg

Mohammad Piro, 26 years old – wounded in the back

Hussein Piro, 50 years old –wounded in the backbone.


2 people perished: Bushla Mustafa, 16 years old, Abdalla Fatn, 43 years old.

15 people were wounded as a result of bombardment the region of Sheih Maqsood by heavy artillery, subartillery and homemade gas rockets. The identity of 10 people was established.

Mohammad Ali Sheih, 27 years old – wounded in the head, was shot by the sharpshooter.

Mustafa halil, 8 years old – wounded in the head

Jmaa Zlha, 66 years old – wounded in the head

Gafran Otil, 39 years old – a fragmentation wound of the head and the hand.

Idris Mustafa, 29 years old – wounded in the leg

Ziad Sheh Ali – wounded in the eye

Mohammad Sheh, 23 years old – wounded in the head

Sidra Mustafa – a fragmentation wound of the body

Ahmad Mussa – a fragmentation wound of the body


Armed groups, which stationed themselves in the region of Kastello and Jandul were gunning the region of Sheih Maqsood from 4 o. clock in the morning till 5 o, clock in the evening. As a result 4 people were badly wounded. Bandit groups, which participated in the bombardment were: 1.Islamist group Ahrara al Sham. 2. Nur al Din al Zanky Brigade . 3. Sultan Murad Brigade. 4. Branch of the 16-th group of Haled Hayany. 5. Jabhad al Nusra. 6. Fastakm Kama Amart Association . 7. Front of Al Shamiya. 8. Squadron of Caucasus with Salahaddin al Chichany at the head. 9. Sultan Fatih Brigade. 10. Sultan Murad Brigade.

28. 02.2016.

One child perished and 4 people were badly wounded as a result of yet another bombardment of the region of Sheih Maqsood from the side of armed groups, which station themselves in the region of Kastello. At 3.15 p.m the same militant groups attacked the commanding points of YPG and YPJ, situated in the region of Ashrafie. Besides, at 4. 15. this region was cannonaded. As a result, 8 civilians were wounded.


Early in the morning Syrian armed opposition groups, connected with the headquarter of operations of Aleppo, began brisk fire of Sheih Maqsood. These armed opposition groups stationed themselves in the regions of Jandol, Kastello, Afrie and on the place, where a bus factory was located. As a result of this bombardment 3 people perished and 46 were wounded.


12 civilians were wounded as a result of bombardment of the suburbs of Sheikh Maqsood by Jabhad al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham, which stationed themselves in the region of Bani Zed . Gas bombs were used during these bombardments. According to the information of news agency Havar, the rockets fell on the houses. It caused the destructions of buildings and took the life of 12 people.


16 civilians and 4 people from militia army have perished.

YPG made a public statement, where they pointed out that contract fighters of Jabhad al Nusra, Ahrar al Sham, Sultan Murad Brigade and other forces, connected with them, using heavy artillery, homemade gas bombs had launched a spate of strikes on the regions of Sheikh Maqsood in the night. «As a result, 16 civilians perished, 4 persons from the army of the population protection and dozens of civilians were wounded. The aim of this attack was to occupy the region of Sheikh Maqsood. But we stood against the attack and defeated their plans. But we did not find out what loses they suffered. On this day the gangs of mercenaries tried a shot of attack from the side of the regions of Maspakh, Kastello, region of Sekan Shababi. But they did not succeed again. 8 mercenaries were killed».

08.03. 2016.

The armed opposition groups delivered yet another rocket attack on the region of Sheikh Maqsood. As a result 3 civilians, among whom was one child, got hurt: Shahod hadji Mohammad, 70 years old, Mahmud Murad, 14 years old, Abdul Kadir Atto, 27 years old.

Armed opposition groups launched a blow on the region of Sheikh Maqsood, using chemical weapon.

An official representative of YPG Redor Halil reported that at 3 p.m . the Syrian opposition groups had conducted bombing strikes on the region. It is likely that chemical weapons were used. The groups, that participated in it are: Ahrar al Sham, Jabha al Shamia, Sultan Murad Brigade , Sultan Fatih Brigade, Fastakm Kama Amart Association, Nur ad Din al Zanky Brigade, the 13th Brigade, the 1st Regiment, Brigade 116, Brigade of Adu Amar.


At 4 p.m. the armed groups, connected with the National Coalition, violated the cessation of hostilities and conducted an attack on the region of Sheikh Maqsood, using heavy artillery.


On the 15th of March the same opposition groups violated the cessation of hostilities and launched a rocket attack on the outskirts of Sheikh Maqsood, using Grad MLRS. It led to numerous destructions. A lot of civilians were wounded.


On the 19th of March the armed groups, connected with the National Coalition, violated the cessation of hostilities and conducted bombing strikes on Sheikh Maqsood and its suburbs, using homemade gas bombs and heavy artillery. These attacks were launched from the regions which are under their control: Maspah halab, Ashrafiya, Sekan Shebabi, and the region of Jandol. The groups, that participated in it were: Sultan Murad Brigade , Sultan Fatih Brigade, Mujahaddin Brigade, Fastakm Kama Amart Association, Nuraddin al Zanky Brigade. As a result of bombardment 4 people perished, 7 civilians were wounded.


The armed groups, connected with the National Coalition violated the cessation of hostilities and using the guns with gas balloons, missile launcher Grad , took the region under fire. A lot of civilians found themselves under the ruins of buildings.


On this day the region of Sheikh Maqsood underwent intensive attack from the side of armed groups. Fire was launched from the regions of Sekan Shababi, Sekan Shkef and Ashrafiya. It happened at 2 p.m. The forces which took the credit for this bombardment were the following: Sultan Murad Brigade , Ahrar al Sham, the 16th Brigade, Jash al Mujahaddin, Fastakm Kama Amart Association, Nuraddin al Zanky Brigade. As a result of bombardment 4 people perished, 7 civilians were wounded. As a result of this attack Saadu Mohammad Saadu perished and 6 people were wounded.

27. 03.2016.

On this day at 4 p.m. the forces, connected with Syrian opposition, set a goal to capture Sheikh Maqsood and the points, controlled by YPG. They conducted an attack on these territories. The forces which took the credit for it were: Sultan Murad Brigade , Ahrar al Sham, the 16th Brigade, Fatah Brigade, Fastakm Kama Amart Association, Nuraddin Zanky Brigade. As a result of these actions a serious damage to the region was inflicted.


18 people perished and 67 were wounded as a result of attack on Sheikh Maqsood on this day.

Day by day the death toll rises as a result of the attack of coalition forces on civilians. Women, children and a pregnant woman are among the victims. 67 people were critically injured. The names of victims are: Ahmed al Hassan, 12 years old, Sharif Ahmed, 40 years old, Baraa al hadi, 15 years old, Hadi al Haider, 25 years old, Manar Husein, 25 years old, Zakariya, 20 years old, Kadija Shehu, 15 years old.

The names of the wounded people are: Saria Asu, 48 years old, Nureddin Saado, 15 years old, Azdihar Saado, 7 years old, Menar Saado, 9 years old, Zachariah Galib, 35 years old, Menarmuso Hussein, 25 years old, Vakfe Kabo, 20 years old, Ahmed Abdul Rahman 50 years old, Mohammed Abbas 85 years old, Huda Albiosh 26 years old, Rezgar Nury 6 years old, Ferashin Nury 2 years old, Jumah Zlha Zlha 47 years old, Asna Zlha 17 years old, Ahmed Zlha 45 years old, Isra Zlha 7 years old, Kadija Shehu 10 years old, Ahmed Mohammed 46 years old, Nury al Ibragim 49 years old, Hamza Mohammad 13 years old, Agit Agit 37 years old, Aisha Muhammeda 24 years old, Nauros Sleman 4 years old, Nariman Mahmud 27 years old, eba al Mery 6 years old, Merua Musa 5 years old.


7 people perished, 20 were wounded as a result of bombardment.


Within 24 hours the region of Sheikh Maqsood was subjected to the chemical attack 3 times. Terrorist groups carried out an attack on the region using chemical weapon. 6 people with severe poisoning and symptoms of asphyxia were brought to the hospital of «Red Crescent». Aziz Amo Jmo, who got hurt as a result of this attack, said: «I was at home when gas attack began. When I went out, I felt giddiness and queasy. I began to gasp. Eccentric fragrance was smelt in the air. I moistened a kerchief and put it to the nose to breathe». According to the words of the locals, they saw the clouds of yellow smoke. The medical director of the hospital of «Red Crescent» Valat Mahmo told «Havar» agency: «After the complete examination of the injured people we found out that they got severe poisoning». Valat Mahmo addressed all the medical and social communities with an appeal to provide medical and humanitarian assistance to the people, who got hurt as a result of bombardment of the region of Sheikh Maqsood, because they «suffer a shortage of medical preparations to deliver medical care». Besides, Valat Mahmo emphasized that within 24 hours the region of Sheikh Maqsood had been subjected to the chemical attack with toxical gases 3 times. 6 people got hurt as a result of it. In the video message one of the members of terrorist group Jash al Islam told that they had used chemical weapons against the civilians. He added that their aim was to dehouse Sheikh Maqsood. In the main headquarters of terrorist organizations it was confirmed that it had been done without the knowledge of the executive staff and that person would be ensured accountability for it


A few people more, who got hurt as a result of chemical attack, were hospitalized. All of them had the similar symptoms of dizziness and queasiness. The names of these people are: 1. Mslm Mslm, 55 years old. He felt trouble breathing, when the rocket with poison gas fell near his house. 2. Gulistan Abdo, 4 years old. According to the words of her mother, she felt bad after the rocket with poison gas had fallen near their house. Sometime after that she began to lose hair. 3. Hasan Husein, 40 days old, was hospitalized because of the trouble breathing.

Since the 16th of February up to now the military operations have not finished. During this period 85 people died, 620 people were wounded. On the 24th of March the region of Sheikh Maqsood was subject to chemical attack. On the 7th – 8th April the terrorist groups dropped chemical bombs on the region of Sheikh Maqsood.


As a result of bombardment 2 people perished, 8 people were wounded. The names of the died people are: Halil Osman, 60 years old, Farah Ibragim, 13 years old. The names of wounded people are: Tofik Hasan, 37 years old, Mahmad Sino, 62 years old, Bashar Hadji Ahmad, 16 years old.

In conclusion we appeal to the world public, to the Human Rights Committee, to the countries which contribute to the cessation of hostilities in Syria. It is necessary to terminate the chaos which is in the region of Sheikh Maqsood now, to destroy the blockade in which people live. For our part we respect the principles and norms of international law, toe the line of agreements approved in Geneva in 1949 and the protocols, approved in 1977. We act according to the decrees, connected with the resolution of crisis in Syria, 2245 and 2268.