YouTube “suddenly” recommended me a type of videos that I have never seen before. They are called, “social videos about Russia.”

I want to show you two of them that play on our love for colorful and cheerful Nesting Matryoshka dolls and bears.

French Social video about Russia


Video made by Amnesty International at

Let’s see how the Amnesty International protested unlawful kidnappings and detentions of the Russian citizens by the Western powers around the world.

What has the Amnesty International done for Victor Bout?

Oliver Sprague, Amnesty International’s UK arms programme director, also hailed the arrest. “While we welcome the fact that Victor Bout has finally been arrested, why has it taken so long for this to happen?” he asked.


I am sure that the Amnesti Inrernationa help a young Russian mother Svetlana Zakharova who was frivolously accused, arrested and jailed?

No, the AI didn’t even mention her.

What about another young women, Olga Pinamova, who was arrested and treated like a fugitive just for trying to leave the US.

I am sure that the Amnesty International was all over this case, trying to re-unite a mother and her daughter.

Olga Pimanova, a Russian citizen, has been “held like a hostage” in the US after being arrested at a Chicago airport because her ex-husband claimed she had “abducted” her Russian-born daughter.”

Nope… the Amnesty International wasn’t interested in a plight of this young Russian women, either.

What about Konstantin Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot, a father

Jailed Russian pilot Yaroshenko ‘abandons faith’ in US justice –

 “Konstantin Yaroshenko, a Russian citizen who is serving a 20-year sentence in a US prison, has said that he would no longer appeal to American courts, as he considers them biased and politicized and does not expect justice.

“I don’t want to die here, in a US prison, but after the American court system has treated Russia’s amicus curiae with such disrespect I no longer believe in civilized and lawful justice in America. This is the reason I refuse to participate in any further appeals and hearings,” Yaroshenko told Izvestia daily.”

“After Judge Shira Sheindlin’s statement it has become clear for the whole world that the cases of Russian citizens convicted in the United States are politically motivated,” he said, referring to the recent interview in which the judge who passed the sentence to Russian businessman Viktor Bout called this sentence “harsh and inappropriate.”


On September 08 2016, at the meeting for the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance, Alexander Lukashevich, a permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the OSCE permanent council specifically addressed Yaroshenko’s fabricated case. “We should mention the unpleasant situation of the Russian citizen Konstantin Yaroshenko who is in prison in the United States. He was kidnapped by US agents in Liberia six years ago.”

That was a great reason for the Amnesty International to look into unlawful detention and arrests of the Russian citizens by the US. But, they didn’t.

Instead, the AI went on the records on January 2017 attacking one of the new Russian criminal laws, calling it “This bill is a sickening attempt to trivialize domestic violence.”

We know by now that their NGOs always attack something good and positive for Russia.

The UK also made social video about Russia, even though no one ever asked them to do that.



The British propaganda: Life expectancy for men in Russia is 54.

Life expectancy for women in Russia is 72. for men – 67.5.

The British propaganda: “Abortions outnumber life births. ”

Official statistics of abortions in Russia includes not just medical procedures, but also spontaneous abortions due to natural causes (miscarriages). This calculations complicates comparison with many other countries, where the statistical data includes only medically induced abortions. However, even with this calculation Russian women still have less losses of pregnancy than life births.

The British propaganda: “Ten million people are infertile.”

In Russia, people are considered to be “infertile” if they are 35 yo and older, married for one year and remain childless during this one year.

In Russia, about 3.5% of population, or about 5 million people considered to be infertile.

In comparison, in the US 4.7 – 5% of population is infertile.

Data are for the U.S.

Number of women aged 15-44 with impaired fecundity (impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term): 7.5 million

Percent of women aged 15-44 with impaired fecundity: 12.3%

Number of married women aged 15-44 that are infertile (unable to get pregnant after at least 12 consecutive months of unprotected sex with husband): 1.0 million

Percent of married women aged 15-44 that are infertile: 6.1%

Number of women aged 15-44 who have ever used infertility services: 6.9 million

Percent of women aged 15-44 who have ever used infertility services:  11.3%

Infertility is when a couple can’t get pregnant (conceive), despite having regular unprotected sex. Around one in seven couples may have difficulty conceiving. This is approximately 3.5 million people in the UK out of 65407190.

More on a statistic and demography in Russia

The UK anti-Russian propaganda: “By 2050 the population in Russia could have halved. A new season of programs of whether the once great nation of Russia will survive.”  the state of Russia programs on More 4.

This “social video about Russia” that YouTube recommends as something new, was actually made in 2912. The channel is still around, after near bankruptcy it was rescued by the British taxpayers, but the program didn’t make it.

More4 is a digital television channel, owned by Channel Four Television Corporation. The channel was carried on Freeview, on satellite broadcasters Freesat and Sky and on UK cable network Virgin Media, now is a fully state owned government propaganda channel called Channel Four Television Corporation (informally Channel Four) which the UK publicly owned media company headquartered in London, United Kingdom.



And how Russians see themselves and their own life


Featured image of recent demonstrations of protest in Germany with people carrying slogans “Putin, invade us!”

A beautiful video of Trans-Siberian express


Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

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