Video in Russian

July 24, 2018

Today Moscow hosted the meeting of Defence Ministry Board Session chaired by the General of the Army Sergei Shoigu.

The attendees discussed issues associated with the implementation of the decrees of the President of Russia in May 2012 and 2018, and his instructions on the outcome of the meetings
in Sochi.

In particular, the implementation of the 2016-2020 plans years for land and engineering troops, as well as the Western Military District.

The Defence Minister drew attention to the growing momentum of the negative trend towards targeted increased military activity­ of the NATO in Eastern Europe.

“Strengthening of Russia as an independent international player does not give rest to our colleagues from the NATO,” Sergei Shoigu said . –They are trying to prevent Russia from becoming geopolitical rival, even more that has allies”.

This involves various institutions, including international, and many ­areas – politics, economics and even culture and sports.

“In these conditions we demonstrate openness, friendliness and absence of any aggression against other countries. The World Cup proved this point”, said the Defence Minsiter.

Sergei Shoigu said that the Armed Forces in cooperation with other Federal agencies carried out a large volume of tasks to ensure the security of football matches and festivities in the cities. Among them — the air defence, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological intelligence, counter-sabotage and search & rescue support, radio technical control at sports venues and routes.

10,631 people and 2,186 units of armament and military equipment, including 32 ships and ship, 54 airplanes and 37 helicopters­  were involved.

719 thousand square meters of sea area were surveyed.

On the football arenas, fan zones and other places of mass presence of people unmanned aerial vehicles were prohibited to fly over.

Returning to the increasing military activity of NATO, ­Sergei Shoigu noted that, “while the foreign guests spoke enthusiastically about Russia and has disproved the myth about our hostility, another NATO summit took place in Brussels, which confirmed the confrontation of the countries­ members.”

The build-up of NATO contingents extra-regional countries continues in Eastern Europe. Since 2014 their number has increased from 2,000 to 15,000 troops.

The intensity of the training ­activities is constantly increasing.

Since the beginning of the year, they held for more than 100 exercises, involving up to 80,000 soldiers. At the same time, the number of personnel, annually involved in the trainings over the five years has grown ten times (from two thousand to 20 thousand people), and the number of combat aircraft-in 10 times (from 11 pieces to 101).

With the help of the United States, five cyber warfare centres were deployed in Finland, Estonia, Poland, Germany­ and France.

“One may get concerned about retraction of Finland and Sweden to the NATO. In May they signed a treaty providing for their full participation in the exercises of the NATO and its C2 and weapons systems. In return, the NATO got unhindered access to airspace and ­territorial waters of these countries, ” Sergei Shoigu said, stressing that ” such steps of our Western colleagues lead to the destruction of the existing system of security in the world, gave rise to even more distrust, forcing us to respond. “

Defence Minister expressed the hope that “held July 16 at Helsinki Summit Russia-United States will deepen Russian military cooperation with Washington and NATO countries, will consolidate the efforts of the parties in the interests of common security.”

Turning to the agenda of the meeting, the head of the military department offered to discuss the plan for land forces.

Sergei Shoigu said that in 2016 in the framework of the implementation of this Plan more than 350 events were held.

One combined army, four motorised rifle and one armoured divisions, one rocket, two artillery and one air defence brigade were formed.

The modernization improved the combat characteristics of ten types of weapons and military equipment. Five new samples, superior in its capabilities to the best foreign analogues were developed and entered the service with the armed forces. These are: the  fighting vehicle, Tornado-S multiple rocket launcher, Tor-M2 short-range anti-aircraft missile complex,and Typhoon-K and Typhoon-U armored vehicles.

In some army units of 5,000 new and upgraded weapons and military hardware.

In total, 7,698 exercises at various levels were held since 2016 This is 17 percent more than in the same period of the previous years.

In preparation for the International Army Games 2018 some 2,000 contests and competitions were organized involving almost all units of the army.

Last year revived the tradition of assigning­ the most prepared and capable military units, formations and units of the honorary titles of “shock units”. This title currently awarded to 176 military units.

The following issue on the agenda was devoted to the status of implementation of the activity plan of the Western Military District.

As stated by the Minister of defence, “the situation, down to the Western strategic direction requires us to continuously improve the combat troop and their home system.”

For these purposes since 2016 there was more than 70 military units formed, including two divisions and three brigades.

Necessary infrastructure is being created to accommodate them. It is planned to put into operation more than 350 objects by late 2018.

In some army units of 5,000 new and upgraded weapons and military hardware.

For example, the number of units and the military bases that score well on the results of the inspection in winter training this year, increased by 15 percent.

“In many ways, this contributed to modern approaches to training of personnel, use of experience of the application of forces and means, including in the Syrian Arab Republic,” stressed the Minister of Defence.

Special attention, according to the head of the military department, is paid to the preparation of the Regional grouping of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

It was noted that Western military district together with our Belarus colleagues have already started the preparation of the Union Shield 2019 joint operational exercise.

Afterwards, participants of the meeting considered how the 2016-2020 Plan for engineering troops is being implemented.

The Minister of Defence has stated that the construction and development of the armed forces during the reporting period provided a balanced structure of engineering troops.

In total, 19 formations, military units and organizations have been formed.

The troops received more than 2,000 pieces of engineering equipment and 300,000 sets of engineering equipment, more than 30,000 engineering ammunition.

Set of Uran 6 multifunctional robotic demining systems proved well in Syria.

Thus, the share of modern weaponry and military equipment in the army brought to 65 per cent.

Russian experts of the International Mine Action Center in Syria, cleared more than six and a half thousand hectares of territory and 17 thousands of different buildings, cleared 105 thousand explosive objects.

They trained 1,245 Syrian engineers who then cleared about 2,000 hectares, 3,850 defused explosive devices.

In addition, the army corps of engineers are actively involved in solving problems during periods of floods and forest fires.

As Minister of defence informed, since 2016 year more than 30,000 civilians and about 7,000 pieces in flooding areas were evacuated. Some 10,500 tons of various materiel were shipped.

In summary, the Defence Minister said that in general engineering troops comply with the requirements. He expressed confidence that the planned events will bring the troops to a new level.

The meeting of the Board attended by the senior members of the Armed Forces, representatives of state authorities and public organizations.

Deployment of the Pantsir-S air defense system near The Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg during the FIFA World Cup.