Dear friends,
I was putting off this post over and over again, but now I really have no other option than to finally post it. Here is the deal: I need your help.
First, it has been many, many months (over 6 for sure) since I have made a appeal for donations and while a few good hearts have continued to send in support (thanks guys!!), the donations have slowed down to a trickle. So, please, help me focus on my work for this blog which I am still keeping 100% ad-free, with no paywall limiting access to anything and support my work by donating generously. I always give everything away for free, but I also count on your support which is vital to keep this blog running. Please help me in my struggle against the Empire’s propaganda machine!
Ask yourself two simple questions: how much is the information I provide on this blog worth to you?
I get well over a million visitors each month and my articles are re-printed in many top-visibility sources. How important is it to you to keep this blog running?
The other thing I need help with is finding a lawyer willing to be my ‘in house council’ pro bono. Until recently, I had a lawyer acting in that capacity for me: he helped me set up my LLC and he gave me advise on accounting, taxation, copyright, domain names, opening a bank account, etc. Alas, he had to resign from this position due to personal difficulties so now I am left alone, which is pretty bad because I am a financial/legal moron and I need help with the very simplest of issues.
So, if you are a lawyer in the USA, or if you know a lawyer willing to help me on his/her free time, please contact me at That would be a *huge* help for me, really!
So far, every time I have asked for the help of the community the miracle happened and the needed help materialized. Please make that miracle happen again!
Many thanks in advance and kind regards,
The Saker
Saker, your blog is worth more than thousand other media outlets.
So money is on way.
Thanks for your contribution ti the Truth.
Sorry it can’t be more but am on pension credit.
When I went in for cataract surgery, the nurse said, ” Figure it this way, having to have this operation is one of the bonus features of living as long as you have.”
Likewise, being able to donate to the Saker site is one of the blessings of still having a planet to live on and hopefully continuing to have one for all life to continue on and on.
It is the nickles and dimes from all of us that count and so may the double-sided blessings flow!
Dear Saker,
your work is simply priceless, sorry for the delay, my help is underway.
Best greetings to all of you!
Avec plaisir. Très bon travail.
I can send $25.00 US dollars. How do I send it? I’m retired, handicapped and live on small pension, but your (newly discovered) site is a wonderful, truthful, and honest. Thank you Mr. Saker, whoever you are.
Hello Douglas. Perhaps you could email the saker at and ask saker yourself. mod PS
Dear Douglas,
Thanks for your kind words. If you are living on a small pension I really do not want you to send me any money. You have already helped me a lot with your kind words and if you want to do even more, please say a short prayer for me!
That will be plenty of “payment” and that is the kind which I need most.
Many thanks, kind regards and a big “Russian Bear” style hug,
The Saker
Thanks for reminding me, although I am not a believer in the same way my wife is and do you have any specific request? You can send me an email with it at gmail.There is a lot of belief in how it is done and there are also specific places to do it and specific prayers to ask the priest to pray for a small price. I think of it like bribing god.. But she disagrees with me on religious matters.
although I am not a believer
Oh but that is the core of my evil ploy!
Make an UNbeliever say a prayer for me.
Think of it like that:
God gets gazzilions of prayers for believers every day.
But how often does He get the prayers of an UNbeliever?
So, if He does, He will REALLY pay attention.
Also, there is a sweet satisfaction for me to make an UNbeliever pray.
So, no, no substitutes accepted here, sorry.
YOU need to say a prayer for me, even a super short one.
This way He definitely hears it
and I get a deep sense of satisfaction :-)
The Saker
We could pray for your soul to be freed from the semites & go back to being a true slav.
I tried PayPal. Doesn’t work. Maybe I’m a bit dumb but it works with any other platforms. Suggestions?
Worked OK for me. Only shock was $20 US is $29.07 Aus.
Did you check to see if your country is accepted by paypal? Many are not or have restrictions. My US palpal account works worldwide but it is attached to a US credit card but my overseas paypal only works in some cases to get funds or to send funds depending on who is on the other side and the country. Is you credit card an international one? Ie it is in US$’s.. If not you might have to get a prepaid US$ credit card (which is not a credit card but a debt card). I think bitcoin is the only one that is transparent worldwide but that is because it is individual transaction and not going through the central banks. Surprised saker is not into bitcoin. You could also do an amazon gift card.. which works better than paypal in some countries.. But that’s like a vacuum since you cant withdraw any funds.. I order porn from them all the time when ever I get a gift card as US is exceptional in that arena and rather than waste it…
I order porn from them all the time
WHY?! I thought that stuff was available for free all over the Internet?
Besides, Amazon-porn just sounds rather boring, no?
Just kidding :-)
The Saker
I’ve been sending a hundred bucks to you and South Front every month or two for awhile.
But I’m getting tired of the necessity to beg. It’s not becoming for a saker who just takes what is his by the rights of natural law.
I’d rather see this vineyard close for awhile to wake us up to the real world than to go the way of ICH with that disgusting begging. I used to give to them but that monthly begging turned me off.
Take the ads if you can get them and let us suffer.
I’ll admit I started giving because of the pleading but now I give for value received.
You can probably calculate how many individuals are visiting per month. I think you said you get a million visits a month. I visit nearly every day. So if I’m sort of typical, and I divide a million by thirty it comes to over $30,000. You can’t tell me that educated and motivated persons that use this site cannot afford a dollar a month.
From my own experience when I was using but not giving, it was because of laziness and pride that I should have to give at all. I don’t think, to generalize, that there’s anybody who cannot afford a dollar a month. Adjusted for the times, Jesus praised the widow in the temple for giving just a dollar which is all she had.
I suppose I have my numbers and stories wrong but who cares as long as we help save Russia which amounts to saving our own sorry asses. If Russia falls we will fall with her. Those who are causing the fall have already fallen, and they’re going to wish they hadn’t when they fall into the jurisdiction of justice.
Well it shouldn’t happen but it does.. I don’t like it either but since “we” must do our little bit to support. But most of us don’t. It does look cheap and it shows that we don’t care enough. I am saddened by that fact. We rarely acknowledge anything good done in our name or for us. Compared to how much support those who are for imperialism gets, this is not even miniscule.. But a lot of that support is from profitable corporations who don’t care about individuals. Maybe why we are in the boat we are. That can only change if we can our self change to care for not only us but for others as well not only in words but deeds. This forum is only a small part of what we can do to change.
But I’m getting tired of the necessity to beg. It’s not becoming for a saker who just takes what is his by the rights of natural law.
Ouch! This stings…. this stings because you are correct. Why do you think that *I* have been putting off this ‘begging’ for so long? Take a look at this survey which I did to get the opinion of the readers:
88% wanted me to remind them of the need to donate. And even though that gave me a ‘mandate’ to do my begging on a regular basis, I have not done so. Can you guess why? Because it is humiliating. So when you tell me that this begging is unbecoming, it stings because you are absolutely right.
But that is only half of the story, here is the other half
I think you said you get a million visits a month. I visit nearly every day. So if I’m sort of typical, and I divide a million by thirty it comes to over $30,000.
Well, one million visits is not one million different individual visitors. A lot a repeat users. There are also ‘bots’ and all sorts of electronic ‘visitors’. The real number of *individual* readers is much harder to estimate. Even if we cut it down by half, this still leaves 500’000, then we take yet another half away because they are really poor, now we are down to 250’000. Then let’s assume that 1/3 of those read the blog but hate my guts (for whatever reason) and we have 83’333. Now let’s divide that by a full factor of TEN (due to whatever reason) and we get about 8000 visitors who if they paid 1 dollar a month would solve all my problems once and for all. I could even quit my full time day job and still make ends meet. And I could even start paying some of my volunteers!
Can you imagine how frustrating that is for ME?!
The reality is that besides a few kind people who do remember to help, if I don’t post a reminder 99.999999% do not. That is a fact. And it drives me nuts in frustration.
Take the ads if you can get them and let us suffer.
No. Never. Over my dead body. You have no idea how much I hate ads. I hate them even more than I hate what you correctly call ‘disgusting begging’. I hate ads which I see as an aggression, an attempt to rape your mind, the ultimate expression of the narcissistic bad taste of a psychopathic corporate culture. I rather die than place an ad on my blog.
Sure looks to me like I have no good options. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. And you know the worst of it?
I get NO help from Russia. Not a penny. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch. Nihil.
That is what makes me *really* mad.
And that is how we are supposed to fight an Empire with multi BILLION dollar propaganda budgets….
Frankly, I wish I was a “paid Putin agent”, but the reality is that at the end of the day I am just one dude with a full time day job and a family to support. And that is also true for all the other Saker blogs – NOBODY in our community makes good money, and a lot of us are even rather poor.
That is the world we live in and, believe me, I wish it was different.
Kind regards,
The Saker
I broke my femur neck the morning after you posted the survey so I missed it until now. It explains a lot.
I remember from sixty-five years ago how donating worked in our church. My parents were never asked to donate but they did. Every year a bulletin came out that showed the names of all the people who donated and how much; and by omission showed who did not give at all. It was of great interest and produced the desired results.
Times have changed. Now 88% want to be reminded as if they were still children to do their chores for the family. If I had humiliated my parents like that I would have gotten the belt across my bare butt. “Oh, you need to remind me or I won’t do it.”
It’s a barometer of the times I suppose but I’d rather call it a canary in a mine. I like the idea of freedom and openness but we pay a price for sweet sacrifice.
I think what I’d do if I was ever in your position is to be open and free to a fault.
I’d publish all my own assets and liabilities. I’d publish how much time I donate to the blog and how much time others do also with anecdotes on how much this costs them in their other relationships. I’d publish approximately how many individual addresses visit on a particular month. I wouldn’t use names (like the old days; we’ve devolved too much for that) but I’d list all the donations and how much. I’d publish the expenses. I’d publish trends in money received; going up or going down. I’d publish a projected budget. I’d publish everything I could think of concerning the financial health of this community.
I’d look at it like this. I’d get personal without humiliating myself. I’d say I’m so old, my health is such and such. If I get sick or die because of the stress and strain so and so has volunteered to take over or form a committee to take over.
I’d lay it all open which you already do intellectually and emotionally. The financial part is a murky drag drug everywhere but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Let people make their choice. If they don’t care, they don’t care. That’s life. The good news is that with openness and freedom we can learn to care.
And we as individual vineyarders can be open and free. Let me try it right here. I have a retirement income of about $2000 per month. My rent is $450. I send $200 to you and SF each month. I give about $400 a month to my son. I have medical and dental expenses. I have about $20,000 in cash and a non-interest bearing checking account. I have no insurance except Medicare A. I could go on but I think you can see what I’m getting at.
In effect I’m tithing 10% of my income for a cause I believe in.
Now if I was homeless (which I once was) I might only have $10 a month extra to spare. I could still send $1 a month and feel proud about it. From your comment you appreciate everything even thoughts.
From my perspective of 76 years this world is pretty crazy and much of it is because of secrecy about money. Sex is all over the place but ask someone how much money they have and you’ve crossed some invisible red line of hostility. Even supposedly open public accounts are as phony as can be.
Russia needs to get her financial house in order if she is to survive in a non-vassal condition. Maybe this vineyard can preach by example and show Russia how not to just survive but to thrive. Thanks for everything but my thanks will be for naught if you work yourself to death. Let us rather free ourselves for life.
I’d publish all my own assets and liabilities.
That is, alas, totally impossible because no matter what I say I will be accused of lying and manipulating. And then what would be the next step – present proof? I would be accused of hiding anyway. I understand your idea, and I try to be as open about myself as possible, but what you are suggesting would open my already compromised privacy with no positive effect on me. This is why I ask “what is the blog worth to you” rather then “see how much I need this or that”. I want to center on the blog, which is for all to see and judge, rather than on personalities.
I hope that this makes sense to you.
The Saker
I understand for the ads…
It is nice to read such clear statement, and position on this question.
For instance, i don’t go anymore on russia-insider because of their ads “agressions”…
Regarding the necessity to “ask for support”… well this question can be solve i guess… like any question… with the help of “the sky” :)
Lets ask “above” for the solution!
Done. Saker keep with the good job!
Dear Saker,
A small help from India is on your way.
God bless you !
J’avais oublié que même si on a pas d’argent sur Paypal, on peut quand même payer en utilisant une CB. Done!
Merci pour tout le travail effectuée !
If everyone could give a little (or more than a little :))… it would be nice !!
Thank you Saker !
береги себя!
dear Saker,
Your amazing blog is worth it’s weight in gold, so to say, and i am so grateful for the huge amount of insightful and knowledgeable articles and comments on here. the trickle down effect of all this, into my miniscule brain, is a source of delight, comfort and strength.
One has to ask for money, that’s just how it is, the stuff’s unreal the way we use it. Please maybe just ask for money with confidence and fun and with the knowledge that no one will be able to resist that – i won’t!
hey Saker,it’s been a while, i might just hold the floor a bit longer, i’m going to send you some money before the sun goes down, along with everyone else on here hopefully, cheers matey, and pat your dogs from me, are they like Auslanders? i do so love his dogs, he has one called Sophia you know..
Well, bye bye for now and be good,
I’ve purchased your book. Hope this helps.
it most definitely does, so thanks a lot!!
Contribution from Sweden on its way…
Sakar your work is very much appreciated and though I can only give a little I do visit your site daily and very much appreciate your work and I do not mind a gentle reminder I just wish you didn’t need to. And you have my prayers too. My best to you!
Could it be possible to have some kind of system to remind all of us regularly to contribute? Some ideas? What I wish the Saker not to come this kind of announcements. He has more important things to do.
Hey Saker,
Unfortunately, I cannot donate a lot. Specially with the currency war my home country currency is not particularly strong against the dollar. But I purchased your ebook and subscribed for a small monthly contribution via PayPal. It’s small, but certain.
Hope that helps you keep up your excellent work!
Some extra dollars coming your way from Germany.
“I get NO help from Russia. Not a penny. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch. Nihil.
That is what makes me *really* mad.”
That must be very frustrating, considering the quality and depth of support that this site gives to Russia, and especially also of course to Putin. I imagine it is obligatory for him to peruse the pages here with his breakfast, such excellent advice is he given…
You could try this:
Your money matters
You’re in charge
You and us and energy
Getting to grips with all things
It’s a whole new way of doing things
it’s from a new uk energy provider pamphlet. sure they’re making money, but they don’t make you feel like they’re ripping you off, they are not distant and threatening. it’s a great upbeat ethos, why not, if it works. better than complaining anyway.
(money en route to you;)
Just donated $100. With pleasure. PayPal worked fine.
I cancelled my subscription a while back – too many obvious lies.
As for, it has become a total joke. Australia is unable to write their own articles on Russia and the Middle East so they copy articles from Bloomberg and the the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times – fresh from the Zionists.
Well stated – good on you.
I am donating approx $50 US$ every 6 months.
Last donation a month back cost $79.90 NZ$
Shame our $ has dropped – but it will not stop me donating.
Saker – never be afraid to ask for payment for ones work – if you believe and we all know you have a backing that obviously cements its value – then NEVER be afraid to “remind/prick our Conscience
In my previous post on this thread something slipped out unexpectedly when I was comparing $200 and $2000: the word “tithe.” Tithe means a tenth of my income which I give to a Source.
I used to tithe big time to a new age church which later in my view turned out to be corrupt. I must have spent $75,000 in tithes and other contributions through workshops, services, products and what have you. I and my x also donated tons of time.
I learned the hard way that God doesn’t need money because he owns everything. People serving God sometimes need money and sometimes they greed money.
Tithing really works. It sets up a feedback mechanism between self and Source. It doesn’t seem to care if it’s for good or ill. It builds discipline and means of return. The initial shock of denial illustrates its power.
Traditional tithing is 10% but it could be .1%, 1%, 5% whatever.
I haven’t tithed for many years. Tithing to God did not work out for me. If I took up tithing again it would be to Love since she is now my Source.
I see Love manifesting now through Russia and this vineyard. God doesn’t need money but love does since for us she’s only human.
I am already doing it so I might as well call it what it is. I’m tithing to this vineyard and to South Front.
Tithing should in no way be attributed to the Saker. Can you imagine the response if his detractors thought he suggested it. This is entirely on me and any others who wish to join the tithing movement to this vineyard. Saker has nothing to do with it except manage the donations like he already does. He should not even refer to it in passing. Just ignore it.
Tithing produces a flow. Could be a trickle or a river. Irene Caesar would call it an “information wave technology.” By putting my money where my mouth is I tell the universe what I want, and man does it ever deliver, like I said for good or evil.
I don’t ever want to tithe to get something because that would set me up for a fall. I “just do it” and observe what happens. It doesn’t matter if I hate it or enjoy it. It just does what it does.
I am personally glad you came out as a christian, instead of the fake lets all love each other fake bs. lol
Good day mate,
Trying to make international payments on Visa… ahhh kept getting red errors…6 attempts sorry.
Create a paypal account. It is easy and very handy.
Thank you for everything you do. Excuse me for failing to donate before, I have just rectified that error. You and Zerohedge have become my go to sources for current events. It’s good to see you getting posted on ZH; I have been pasting your articles in the comment section since I think your military/geopolitical analysis fits so nicely with the financial analysis on ZH.
Now to the point, sending your readers a reminder is not “begging” as some others have claimed. That insinuation is ridiculous. Smart, hardworking individuals who produce something of value need to be compensated for their efforts. I hate to use the words because they have been co-opted to such a great extent, but that’s how traditional liberalism and free market capitalism are supposed to work.
To that end, I really think you should consider having a premium account on your site. Make it very reasonable, maybe $1/month as in your example below. Non-premium users would be limited in how many articles they could access per week (or you could vary the content availability some other way). Why not do another survey to get an idea of what people would be willing to pay. Anyone who says they can’t afford $12/year is probably lying, and you certainly seem to be a good hearted man who would allow exceptions if a distressed reader sent you an email explaining their situation.
Know that what you do is opening minds while inspiring and giving hope to your readers, even if we don’t always take the time to voice or show our gratitude.
Dear The Saker,
In addition to what Edmond Dantes said. I have read your comment above about the worst case scenario that only 8000 people should pay 12$ a year it would be sufficient. My suggestion, make a public list of people who have paid at least 12$/year. People can choose to stay anonymous etc. This list should be clearly visible when you visit this website.
I think really this would solve a lot and would be beneficial for everyone.
What do you and other people here, think about this? Maybe a better suggestion?
Dear Saker,
this site has helped me a lot. What I gave does not match what this information project gives to me. What I really want to say: May Allah shower this project with His Mercy and keep you and your family safe, ameen.
With love and connectedness,
I hope the blog will remain active …. I can’t help you at any economical support …. You see, after 16 years as a Hellenic Army Officer, my wages has shrunk under the 1200 euro, if you subtract the 680 euro monthly house mortgage payment (a contract that i signed in 2008), you can understand the difficulty of supporting my family …. apart of this the capital controls are still active in Greece ….. good luck with your fight and God bless ….
important blog so Money is on the way!
Hello Saker,
>> I get NO help from Russia. ….. I wish I was “a paid Putin’s agent”.
Have you tried to get a contact with Putin?
There is a small electric appliance shop near my native house in a small town in Japan.
When the owner of the shop came there to repair the fridge, he told me that his uncle was a friend of Putin and when Putin visited Japan he called his uncle. Why in the world his uncle is Putin’s friend?? He said that his uncle used to work for the Japanese Embassy in Moscow.
Well, Putin is a guy who seems to keep his friendship.
It is not good time for Russia now though, why don’t you write a letter to him?
I think it’s worth trying. He might respond you.